<p>Sugarcane is the world's important sugar crop, serving as the primary feedstock for the production of sugar and biofuels. Modern sugarcane cultivar resulting from deliberate interspecific hybridization between <i>Saccharum officinarum</i> and <i>Saccharum spontaneum</i>. The utilization of wild resources is essential for the development of high-quality sugarcane varieties, and the genomic and omics analyses of these materials provide valuable insights into their molecular mechanisms. However, the complexity of the sugarcane genome has historically presented challenges for researchers. In our previous studies, we led the efforts to assemble the genome of a haploid <i>S. spontaneum</i> AP85-441 (Zhang <i>et al</i>., <span>2018</span>) and pioneered the approach to tackle a complex autopolyploid at allele-level resolution. We then traced the origins of <i>Saccharum</i> and mapped the chromosomal evolution in <i>S. spontaneum</i> Np-X (Zhang <i>et al</i>., <span>2022</span>). Additionally, we successfully assembled a complete, gap-free diploid <i>Erianthus rufipilus</i> YN2009-3 genome, shedding light on the genomic footprints of evolution in the highly polyploid <i>Saccharum</i> (Wang <i>et al</i>., <span>2023</span>). Meanwhile, we are proud to present the genome of <i>Saccharum</i> hybrid XTT22, considered the most significant achievement in sugarcane research. Our work is currently accepted and will soon be online (Zhang <i>et al</i>., <i>Nature Genetics</i>). In addition, other teams have similarly worked on genome research in the Sugarcane. This year, the genomes of modern sugarcane R570 and ZZ1 were published by A. D'Hont's team and Muqing Zhang's team, respectively (Bao <i>et al</i>., <span>2024</span>; Healey <i>et al</i>., <span>2024</span>).</p>