Biological invasions are a main threat to biodiversity. Seebens et al. find that Indigenous Peoples' lands host 30% fewer alien species than other lands. This finding calls for additional examination of the drivers of such difference, from Indigenous Peoples' land management practices to the values that guide relations with nature.
Nutrient dilution (ND) - the decrease in the concentration of nutritional elements in plant tissue - arises from an increase in the mass of carbohydrates and/or a decrease in the 20+ essential elements. Increasing CO2 levels and its promotion of biomass are linked to nutrient dilution. We build a case for nutrient dilution as a key driver in global declines in herbivore abundance. Herbivores must build element-rich animal tissue from nutrient-poor plant tissue, and their abundance commonly increases with fertilization of both macro- and micronutrients. We predict the global impacts of nutrient dilution will be magnified in some of Earth's most biodiverse, highly productive, and/or nutrient-poor ecosystems and should favor specific traits of herbivores, including sap-feeding and ruminant microbiomes.
Many perennial plants show mast seeding, characterized by synchronous and highly variable reproduction across years. We propose a general model of masting, integrating proximate factors (environmental variation, weather cues, and resource budgets) with ultimate drivers (predator satiation and pollination efficiency). This general model shows how the relationships between masting and weather shape the diverse responses of species to climate warming, ranging from no change to lower interannual variation or reproductive failure. The role of environmental prediction as a masting driver is being reassessed; future studies need to estimate prediction accuracy and the benefits acquired. Since reproduction is central to plant adaptation to climate change, understanding how masting adapts to shifting environmental conditions is now a central question.
Host-associated organisms (i.e., symbionts) commonly interact within their shared hosts to form complex ecological communities. Here we suggest that within-host facilitation, where the presence of one symbiont group promotes establishment, growth, or reproduction of another, is prevalent, can arise from six fundamental mechanisms, and has broad implications for ecosystem dynamics.
Earth is facing simultaneous biodiversity and climate crises. Climate-change refugia - areas that are relatively buffered from climate change - can help address both of these problems by maintaining biodiversity components when the surrounding landscape no longer can. However, this capacity to support biodiversity is often vulnerable to severe climate change and other stressors. Thus, management actions need to consider the complex and multidimensional nature of refugia. We outline an approach to understand refugia-promoting processes and to evaluate refugial capacity to determine suitable management actions. Our framework applies climate-change refugia as tools to facilitate resistance in modern conservation planning. Such refugia-focused management can reduce extinctions and maintain biodiversity under climate change.
Life history strategies, which combine schedules of survival, development, and reproduction, shape how natural selection acts on species' heritable traits and organismal fitness. Comparative analyses have historically ranked life histories along a fast-slow continuum, describing a negative association between time allocation to reproduction and development versus survival. However, higher-quality, more representative data and analyses have revealed that life history variation cannot be fully accounted for by this single continuum. Moreover, studies often do not test predictions from existing theories and instead operate as exploratory exercises. To move forward, we offer three recommendations for future investigations: standardizing life history traits, overcoming taxonomic siloes, and using theory to move from describing to understanding life history variation across the Tree of Life.
Large herbivores are important components of rewilding. However, populations can grow fast: we predict that, where top-down control is insufficient, herbivores could undermine long-term rewilding goals. To avoid this, nature-mimicking interventions are required to achieve the right amount of herbivory, in the right place, at the right time through the rewilding process.
We develop a conceptual framework for geo-evolutionary feedbacks which describes the mutual interplay between landscape change and the evolution of traits of organisms residing on the landscape, with an emphasis on contemporary timeframes. Geo-evolutionary feedbacks can be realized via the direct evolution of geomorphic engineering traits or can be mediated by the evolution of trait variation that affects the population size and distribution of the specific geomorphic engineering organisms involved. Organisms that modify their local environments provide the basis for patch-scale geo-evolutionary feedbacks, whereas spatial self-organization provides a mechanism for geo-evolutionary feedbacks at the landscape scale. Understanding these likely prevalent geo-evolutionary feedbacks, that occur at timescales similar to anthropogenic climate change, will be essential to better predict landscape adaptive capacity and change.