A recent formulation describing supersonic-plume impingement on a granular bed has been shown to have the desirable property of being hyperbolic, thus permitting the physical propagation of pressure waves. This property stemmed from the inclusion of a model for the added mass and a model for the fluid-mediated particle pressure. These models are semi-empirical, and thus the present study is devoted to exploring the sensitivity of the results to the pivotal model of the added mass contributing to hyperbolicity of the equations. Several added-mass models are explored and are first evaluated with available shock tube experimental data that reports the global pressure evolution as function of time. The results show that this type of data cannot discriminate among the different models investigated. Therefore, the remaining of the study is dedicated to exploring the type of data that would allow to differentiate among models. To this end, because the situation of supersonic jet-induced cratering in particle beds is complex and its multifacets are well suited to a variety of measurements, the effect of added-mass models on the spatial multidimensional dynamics of crater formation and evolution is then investigated. Particularly, cratering dynamics, ejecta formation and dispersion, and other aspects crucial to avoiding potential disasters during spacecraft controlled landing on planetary bodies are comparatively assessed to understand the range of predictions corresponding to the added-mass models. The analysis of the results crucially focusses on the identification of experimental results that would discriminate among models for the purpose of only retaining the model encapsulating the correct physics. For the selected initial conditions that are in the range of Earth or Mars atmospheres, it is found that the choice of the added-mass model only slightly affects the crater topography, primarily modifying the shape of the crater floor, the crater depth at which same macroscopic features are found and the shape of the crater walls. The models influence the predictions of the ejecta only at intermediary crater depths, with no influence in other spatial regions.