Electromyography (EMG) signals are biomedical signals that measure electrical currents generated by the activity of muscles when they contract. EMG is essential for optimizing the control of various prosthetic devices, particularly for transfemoral amputees, where the complexity of muscle signal integration presents significant challenges. The proposed study aims to develop a prosthetic knee that actuates in real-time using the EMG signals from the amputee’s residual limb. Pre-processing techniques are employed to obtain EMG signals from the femoris and vastus muscle targets in the transfemoral region. Moving average filters and Butterworth bandpass filters are implemented to process the raw signals. Sliding windows of various widths were applied for feature extraction. The window size of 200 ms is determined for our study based on the outcomes of the t-SNE plots and the corresponding silhouette scores. After the extraction of the pertinent features, several supervised classifier algorithms are put into practice to classify the knee flexion and extension motion. The k-nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm, with an accuracy rating of 80 %, proved to be suitable for motor control. Real-time control is implemented using the Raspberry Pi board to power the prosthesis allowing above-the-knee amputees to voluntarily move the leg back and forth. The EMG signals are then extracted and used to drive the DC motor. The prosthesis would therefore be able to move more precisely since the EMG readings are being gathered in real-time. Thus, this work can enhance the patient’s comfort with the ease of carrying out knee movements.