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Life without parole: worse than death? , R. Kleinstuber, J. Coldsmith, M. Leigey & S. JoyAbingdon: Routledge. 2022. 256pp. £120.00 (hbk); £34.99 (pbk) ISBN: 9780367752712; 9780367752699 终身监禁不得假释:比死亡还可怕?柯德史密斯,克莱斯图伯,雷吉,乔亚宾顿:劳特利奇出版社,2022。256页。£120.00 (hbk);34.99英镑(pbk) ISBN: 9780367572712;9780367752699
Q2 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2022-12-12 DOI: 10.1111/hojo.12501
Hannah Gilman

Internationally, whole life sentences are becoming an increasingly common sanction. They are supported by abolitionists of state executions and ‘tough on crime’ conservatives alike and, as a result, have flourished in recent years. The US has the highest number of persons serving whole life sentences anywhere in the world with an unprecedented 55,945 persons serving life without parole sentences in 2020 (p.94). Kleinstuber et al.’s Life without parole: worse than death? considers the purpose, development and impact of life without parole sentences in the US by focusing upon the increased use of life without parole sentences across the previous three decades. The authors examine the US's increasing dependency upon these sentences by considering arguments in support of their continued use and, in so doing, shine a light on the inhumane ‘pains’ suffered by those serving such sentences.

The book starts by considering the legitimacy of life without parole sentences, questioning whether life without parole sentences are humane and subsequently ‘just’ by considering the experiences of death row prisoners who – by most people's standards – are serving a significantly ‘worse’ sentence. The authors focus on ‘death penalty volunteers’ (p.21) (death row prisoners who purposely refuse to pursue any form of appeal so as to accelerate the execution process) in order to demonstrate the inhumane nature of life without parole sentences. The authors subsequently argue that the increasing number of ‘death penalty volunteers’ calls into question the notion that ‘life’ (without parole) is ‘better’ than death.

The second chapter continues to question the legitimacy of life without parole sentences by considering the experiences of life without parole prisoners. This chapter consolidates and builds upon existing literature on the pains of imprisonment (such as Sykes, 1958) and life without parole (e.g., Hartman, 2016; Johnson & McGunigall-Smith, 2008; Leigey, 2015; Zehr, 1996) further emphasising the cruel and ‘inhuman’ (p.61) nature of life without parole sentences.

In the third chapter, the authors draw upon Van Zyl Smit and Appleton's (2019) Life imprisonment: a global human rights analysis to expose the ‘degrading’ (p.61) nature of life and whole life sentences and argue – in the words of Judge Power-Forde (see Vinter and Others v. The UK [2013] ECHR 645) – that prisoners ‘ought not to be deprived entirely of … hope’ (p.54).

These early chapters collectively present a persuasive argument against the increasing use of life without parole sentences. Nevertheless, many of these arguments have been made by various scholars within recent decades but – due to their predominantly theoretical nature – have failed to have any significant consequence; life without parole has continued to increase in popularity among legislators, judiciaries and society,

在国际上,终身监禁正成为越来越普遍的制裁。他们得到了国家死刑废除主义者和“严厉打击犯罪”的保守派的支持,因此近年来蓬勃发展。美国是世界上被判终身监禁人数最多的国家,2020年被判终身监禁不得假释的人数达到前所未有的55,945人(p.94)。Kleinstuber等人的《不得假释的终身监禁:比死亡还糟糕?》通过关注在过去三十年中不断增加的无假释终身监禁判决的使用,考虑了美国无假释终身监禁判决的目的、发展和影响。作者通过考虑支持这些刑罚继续使用的论据,研究了美国对这些刑罚的日益依赖,并在这样做的过程中,照亮了那些服刑者所遭受的不人道的“痛苦”。这本书首先考虑了终身监禁不得假释判决的合法性,质疑终身监禁不得假释判决是否人道,然后考虑了死囚的经历——按照大多数人的标准——他们的刑期明显“更糟”。提交人把重点放在"死刑志愿人员"(第21页)(故意拒绝进行任何形式的上诉以加速执行程序的死囚)上,以证明无假释终身监禁判决的非人道性质。作者随后认为,“死刑志愿者”数量的不断增加,对“终身监禁”(不得假释)比死亡“好”的观念提出了质疑。第二章通过对无假释囚犯经历的分析,继续质疑无假释终身监禁判决的合法性。本章巩固并建立在现有的关于监禁之痛(如Sykes, 1958)和无假释终身监禁(如Hartman, 2016;约翰逊,McGunigall-Smith, 2008;Leigey, 2015;Zehr, 1996)进一步强调了无假释终身监禁判决的残酷和“不人道”的性质(第61页)。在第三章中,作者借鉴了Van Zyl Smit和Appleton(2019)的《终身监禁:全球人权分析》(Life prison: a global human rights analysis),以揭露终身监禁和终身监禁的“有辱人格”(第61页)的性质,并用Power-Forde法官的话(见Vinter等人诉英国[2013]ECHR 645)来论证囚犯“不应该完全被剥夺……希望”(第54页)。这些早期章节共同提出了一个有说服力的论点,反对越来越多地使用无假释终身监禁。然而,近几十年来,许多学者提出了许多这样的论点,但由于它们主要是理论性的,没有产生任何重大的后果;无假释终身监禁在立法者、司法机构和社会上的受欢迎程度持续上升,导致美国无假释终身监禁人数创历史新高。随后,第四章承认并讨论了无假释终身监禁(与死刑相比)受到的有限司法审查,尽管死囚和无假释终身监禁被认为是两种刑罚中"较差"的一种,从而有助于对该问题的废除观点。第五章审议了不得假释终身监禁的经济负担,加强了这一论点。传统上认为,国家执行死刑的成本更高,主要是因为一个人在被处决之前必须完成漫长的上诉程序;事实上,这一论点(将一个人监禁到其自然生命的剩余时间更便宜)经常被用来支持废除国家死刑。然而,Kleinstuber等人认为,国家执行死刑与终身监禁判决的成本之比被更多地使用终身监禁判决所抵消,从而确定终身监禁判决的总成本大于国家执行死刑的总成本。虽然作者的结论无可争议地支持了他们的废奴主义观点,但它也有鼓励国家执行死刑作为更具成本效益的制裁的风险。作者在本节最后的论点集中在无假释的生活作为一种形式的种族控制。Kleinstuber等人认为,由于“三振出局”法律的存在,无假释终身监禁针对的是弱势群体(在美国与少数族裔重叠)。第六章最后简要讨论了青少年终身监禁判决的新概念,根据数据显示62%的青少年终身监禁囚犯是非裔美国人(第127页),进一步支持了他们的论点,即终身监禁判决构成了一种种族化的控制形式。在第二部分中,Kleinstuber等人继续考虑终身无假释判决的“严厉打击犯罪”案例。 在国际上,终身监禁正成为越来越普遍的制裁。他们得到了国家死刑废除主义者和“严厉打击犯罪”的保守派的支持,因此近年来蓬勃发展。美国是世界上被判终身监禁人数最多的国家,2020年被判终身监禁不得假释的人数达到前所未有的55,945人(p.94)。Kleinstuber等人的《不得假释的终身监禁:比死亡还糟糕?》通过关注在过去三十年中不断增加的无假释终身监禁判决的使用,考虑了美国无假释终身监禁判决的目的、发展和影响。作者通过考虑支持这些刑罚继续使用的论据,研究了美国对这些刑罚的日益依赖,并在这样做的过程中,照亮了那些服刑者所遭受的不人道的“痛苦”。这本书首先考虑了终身监禁不得假释判决的合法性,质疑终身监禁不得假释判决是否人道,然后考虑了死囚的经历——按照大多数人的标准——他们的刑期明显“更糟”。提交人把重点放在"死刑志愿人员"(第21页)(故意拒绝进行任何形式的上诉以加速执行程序的死囚)上,以证明无假释终身监禁判决的非人道性质。作者随后认为,“死刑志愿者”数量的不断增加,对“终身监禁”(不得假释)比死亡“好”的观念提出了质疑。第二章通过对无假释囚犯经历的分析,继续质疑无假释终身监禁判决的合法性。本章巩固并建立在现有的关于监禁之痛(如Sykes, 1958)和无假释终身监禁(如Hartman, 2016;约翰逊,McGunigall-Smith, 2008;Leigey, 2015;Zehr, 1996)进一步强调了无假释终身监禁判决的残酷和“不人道”的性质(第61页)。在第三章中,作者借鉴了Van Zyl Smit和Appleton(2019)的《终身监禁:全球人权分析》(Life prison: a global human rights analysis),以揭露终身监禁和终身监禁的“有辱人格”(第61页)的性质,并用Power-Forde法官的话(见Vinter等人诉英国[2013]ECHR 645)来论证囚犯“不应该完全被剥夺……希望”(第54页)。这些早期章节共同提出了一个有说服力的论点,反对越来越多地使用无假释终身监禁。然而,近几十年来,许多学者提出了许多这样的论点,但由于它们主要是理论性的,没有产生任何重大的后果;无假释终身监禁在立法者、司法机构和社会上的受欢迎程度持续上升,导致美国无假释终身监禁人数创历史新高。随后,第四章承认并讨论了无假释终身监禁(与死刑相比)受到的有限司法审查,尽管死囚和无假释终身监禁被认为是两种刑罚中"较差"的一种,从而有助于对该问题的废除观点。第五章审议了不得假释终身监禁的经济负担,加强了这一论点。传统上认为,国家执行死刑的成本更高,主要是因为一个人在被处决之前必须完成漫长的上诉程序;事实上,这一论点(将一个人监禁到其自然生命的剩余时间更便宜)经常被用来支持废除国家死刑。然而,Kleinstuber等人认为,国家执行死刑与终身监禁判决的成本之比被更多地使用终身监禁判决所抵消,从而确定终身监禁判决的总成本大于国家执行死刑的总成本。虽然作者的结论无可争议地支持了他们的废奴主义观点,但它也有鼓励国家执行死刑作为更具成本效益的制裁的风险。作者在本节最后的论点集中在无假释的生活作为一种形式的种族控制。Kleinstuber等人认为,由于“三振出局”法律的存在,无假释终身监禁针对的是弱势群体(在美国与少数族裔重叠)。第六章最后简要讨论了青少年终身监禁判决的新概念,根据数据显示62%的青少年终身监禁囚犯是非裔美国人(第127页),进一步支持了他们的论点,即终身监禁判决构成
{"title":"Life without parole: worse than death? , R. Kleinstuber, J. Coldsmith, M. Leigey & S. JoyAbingdon: Routledge. 2022. 256pp. £120.00 (hbk); £34.99 (pbk) ISBN: 9780367752712; 9780367752699","authors":"Hannah Gilman","doi":"10.1111/hojo.12501","DOIUrl":"10.1111/hojo.12501","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Internationally, whole life sentences are becoming an increasingly common sanction. They are supported by abolitionists of state executions and ‘tough on crime’ conservatives alike and, as a result, have flourished in recent years. The US has the highest number of persons serving whole life sentences anywhere in the world with an unprecedented 55,945 persons serving life without parole sentences in 2020 (p.94). Kleinstuber et al.’s <i>Life without parole: worse than death</i>? considers the purpose, development and impact of life without parole sentences in the US by focusing upon the increased use of life without parole sentences across the previous three decades. The authors examine the US's increasing dependency upon these sentences by considering arguments in support of their continued use and, in so doing, shine a light on the inhumane ‘pains’ suffered by those serving such sentences.</p><p>The book starts by considering the legitimacy of life without parole sentences, questioning whether life without parole sentences are humane and subsequently ‘just’ by considering the experiences of death row prisoners who – by most people's standards – are serving a significantly ‘worse’ sentence. The authors focus on ‘death penalty volunteers’ (p.21) (death row prisoners who purposely refuse to pursue any form of appeal so as to accelerate the execution process) in order to demonstrate the inhumane nature of life without parole sentences. The authors subsequently argue that the increasing number of ‘death penalty volunteers’ calls into question the notion that ‘life’ (without parole) is ‘better’ than death.</p><p>The second chapter continues to question the legitimacy of life without parole sentences by considering the experiences of life without parole prisoners. This chapter consolidates and builds upon existing literature on the pains of imprisonment (such as Sykes, <span>1958</span>) and life without parole (e.g., Hartman, <span>2016</span>; Johnson &amp; McGunigall-Smith, <span>2008</span>; Leigey, 2015; Zehr, <span>1996</span>) further emphasising the cruel and ‘inhuman’ (p.61) nature of life without parole sentences.</p><p>In the third chapter, the authors draw upon Van Zyl Smit and Appleton's (<span>2019</span>) <i>Life imprisonment: a global human rights analysis</i> to expose the ‘degrading’ (p.61) nature of life and whole life sentences and argue – in the words of Judge Power-Forde (see <i>Vinter and Others</i> v. <i>The UK</i> [2013] ECHR 645) – that prisoners ‘ought not to be deprived entirely of … hope’ (p.54).</p><p>These early chapters collectively present a persuasive argument against the increasing use of life without parole sentences. Nevertheless, many of these arguments have been made by various scholars within recent decades but – due to their predominantly theoretical nature – have failed to have any significant consequence; life without parole has continued to increase in popularity among legislators, judiciaries and society, ","PeriodicalId":37514,"journal":{"name":"Howard Journal of Crime and Justice","volume":"61 4","pages":"558-560"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2022-12-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/hojo.12501","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"41900938","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Can probation be rehabilitated? 缓刑可以恢复吗?
Q2 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2022-12-08 DOI: 10.1111/hojo.12504
Gwen Robinson

This article is based on the 24th annual Bill McWilliams memorial lecture which was delivered at the Institute of Criminology in Cambridge on 9 June 2022. Coinciding with the first anniversary of the unification of probation services in England and Wales, the lecture considered the recent past, present and potential future of the service through the lens of a central concept in probation work: namely, rehabilitation. Three ways of understanding this concept are considered: rehabilitation as restoration; rehabilitation as a process of building back better; and looking-glass rehabilitation. It is argued that each perspective suggests a different orientation to, and a different set of issues and questions about, probation's future and the work that is needed to help the unified service move on from a traumatic recent past.

{"title":"Can probation be rehabilitated?","authors":"Gwen Robinson","doi":"10.1111/hojo.12504","DOIUrl":"10.1111/hojo.12504","url":null,"abstract":"<p>This article is based on the 24th annual Bill McWilliams memorial lecture which was delivered at the Institute of Criminology in Cambridge on 9 June 2022. Coinciding with the first anniversary of the unification of probation services in England and Wales, the lecture considered the recent past, present and potential future of the service through the lens of a central concept in probation work: namely, rehabilitation. Three ways of understanding this concept are considered: rehabilitation as restoration; rehabilitation as a process of building back better; and looking-glass rehabilitation. It is argued that each perspective suggests a different orientation to, and a different set of issues and questions about, probation's future and the work that is needed to help the unified service move on from a traumatic recent past.</p>","PeriodicalId":37514,"journal":{"name":"Howard Journal of Crime and Justice","volume":"62 2","pages":"264-276"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2022-12-08","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/hojo.12504","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"48821213","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 2
Old keys do not open new doors: Twenty years of restorative justice in Northern Ireland prisons: An insight into making it happen 旧钥匙开不开新门:北爱尔兰监狱20年的恢复性司法:实现这一目标的见解
Q2 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2022-11-29 DOI: 10.1111/hojo.12499
David Eagleson

This article outlines how restorative practices (RPs) were introduced into prisons in Northern Ireland (NI) over a period of 20 years. It explains the context of how this change was introduced, using real life case examples underpinned by an approach based on praxis (Freire, 1985; Schön, 1983). Through the synthesis of relevant theory and practice experience it identifies the barriers to bringing about effective and meaningful change to practice and ways of overcoming these at the micro, meso and macro level (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). The RIPPLE model is introduced as a means of successfully implementing and sustaining innovative and creative practice within a complex and potentially hostile environment. It is the success story of an accomplishment that has never been achieved before in any prison service.

本文概述了在过去20年中,恢复性实践(RPs)是如何引入北爱尔兰监狱的。它解释了这种变化是如何引入的背景,使用基于实践的方法支持的现实生活案例(Freire, 1985;肖恩,1983)。通过对相关理论和实践经验的综合,它确定了在微观、中观和宏观层面上实现有效和有意义的实践变革的障碍以及克服这些障碍的方法(Bronfenbrenner, 1979)。RIPPLE模型是作为在复杂和潜在敌对环境中成功实施和维持创新和创造性实践的一种手段而引入的。这是一个成功的故事,取得了前所未有的成就,在任何监狱服务。
{"title":"Old keys do not open new doors: Twenty years of restorative justice in Northern Ireland prisons: An insight into making it happen","authors":"David Eagleson","doi":"10.1111/hojo.12499","DOIUrl":"10.1111/hojo.12499","url":null,"abstract":"<p>This article outlines how restorative practices (RPs) were introduced into prisons in Northern Ireland (NI) over a period of 20 years. It explains the context of how this change was introduced, using real life case examples underpinned by an approach based on praxis (Freire, 1985; Schön, 1983). Through the synthesis of relevant theory and practice experience it identifies the barriers to bringing about effective and meaningful change to practice and ways of overcoming these at the micro, meso and macro level (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). The RIPPLE model is introduced as a means of successfully implementing and sustaining innovative and creative practice within a complex and potentially hostile environment. It is the success story of an accomplishment that has never been achieved before in any prison service.</p>","PeriodicalId":37514,"journal":{"name":"Howard Journal of Crime and Justice","volume":"62 2","pages":"220-241"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2022-11-29","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"47940399","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Anticipating prison face work: Dramaturgical risks anticipated by correctional officer recruits 预期监狱面貌工作:惩教人员招募人员预期的戏剧风险
Q2 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2022-11-28 DOI: 10.1111/hojo.12497
Michael Adorjan, Rosemary Ricciardelli

There is increasing recognition that correctional officers (COs) serve a crucial role in their work in relation to communications underpinning discretion, especially regarding interactions with prisoners. This article examines attitudes and perceptions among Canadian federal correctional officer recruits (CORs) regarding what they anticipate are the greatest challenges they will face as new COs. We examine these discussions through the framework of Goffman's dramaturgical model of face work, especially face work within the ‘total institution’ of prisons. Our findings centre on anticipated challenges of building rapport with prisoners, including the requirements to monitor one's demeanour and ‘face work’. Characterisations of prisoners as inherently manipulative factor into CO anticipations of interactional challenges. We also consider the role that ‘soft power’ has in facilitating CO-prisoner rapport and trust, which, we argue, ultimately undergirds opportunities in prisons to facilitate prisoner social change and successful community reintegration and desistance from crime.

{"title":"Anticipating prison face work: Dramaturgical risks anticipated by correctional officer recruits","authors":"Michael Adorjan,&nbsp;Rosemary Ricciardelli","doi":"10.1111/hojo.12497","DOIUrl":"10.1111/hojo.12497","url":null,"abstract":"<p>There is increasing recognition that correctional officers (COs) serve a crucial role in their work in relation to communications underpinning discretion, especially regarding interactions with prisoners. This article examines attitudes and perceptions among Canadian federal correctional officer recruits (CORs) regarding what they anticipate are the greatest challenges they will face as new COs. We examine these discussions through the framework of Goffman's dramaturgical model of face work, especially face work within the ‘total institution’ of prisons. Our findings centre on anticipated challenges of building rapport with prisoners, including the requirements to monitor one's demeanour and ‘face work’. Characterisations of prisoners as inherently manipulative factor into CO anticipations of interactional challenges. We also consider the role that ‘soft power’ has in facilitating CO-prisoner rapport and trust, which, we argue, ultimately undergirds opportunities in prisons to facilitate prisoner social change and successful community reintegration and desistance from crime.</p>","PeriodicalId":37514,"journal":{"name":"Howard Journal of Crime and Justice","volume":"62 2","pages":"183-203"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2022-11-28","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"48928455","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 1
Racial and ethnic disparities in sentencing: What do we know, and where should we go? 量刑中的种族和民族差异:我们知道什么,我们应该去哪里?
Q2 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2022-11-25 DOI: 10.1111/hojo.12496
Ana Veiga, Jose Pina-Sánchez, Sam Lewis

Strong evidence of racial and ethnic disparities has been documented in recent government-led reports, suggesting the presence of discrimination in sentencing, with Black and ethnic minority defendants being systematically sentenced more harshly than their white counterparts. However, we still do not know how these disparities come about as most of the sentencing research has relied on quantitative designs focused on documenting the problem, rather than exploring its causes. In this exploratory study we use qualitative interviews with criminal law barristers to explore the different mechanisms that may give rise to these disparities. From our interviews we identified two predominant causal mechanisms: the differential consideration of mitigating and aggravating factors and indirect discrimination arising from defendants’ socio-economic backgrounds and over-policing. Based on these findings, we suggest effective strategies such as explicitly listing social deprivation as a mitigating factor in the sentencing guidelines and increasing judicial diversity for redressing these disparities.

{"title":"Racial and ethnic disparities in sentencing: What do we know, and where should we go?","authors":"Ana Veiga,&nbsp;Jose Pina-Sánchez,&nbsp;Sam Lewis","doi":"10.1111/hojo.12496","DOIUrl":"10.1111/hojo.12496","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Strong evidence of racial and ethnic disparities has been documented in recent government-led reports, suggesting the presence of discrimination in sentencing, with Black and ethnic minority defendants being systematically sentenced more harshly than their white counterparts. However, we still do not know how these disparities come about as most of the sentencing research has relied on quantitative designs focused on documenting the problem, rather than exploring its causes. In this exploratory study we use qualitative interviews with criminal law barristers to explore the different mechanisms that may give rise to these disparities. From our interviews we identified two predominant causal mechanisms: the differential consideration of mitigating and aggravating factors and indirect discrimination arising from defendants’ socio-economic backgrounds and over-policing. Based on these findings, we suggest effective strategies such as explicitly listing social deprivation as a mitigating factor in the sentencing guidelines and increasing judicial diversity for redressing these disparities.</p>","PeriodicalId":37514,"journal":{"name":"Howard Journal of Crime and Justice","volume":"62 2","pages":"167-182"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2022-11-25","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/hojo.12496","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"41330343","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 2
Disrupting ‘healthy prisons’: Exploring the conceptual and experiential overlap between illness and imprisonment 破坏“健康监狱”:探索疾病和监禁之间概念和经验上的重叠
Q2 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2022-11-18 DOI: 10.1111/hojo.12498
Thomas Ugelvik, Rose Elizabeth Boyle, Yvonne Jewkes, Pernille Søderholm Nyvoll

Our aim in this conceptual article is to theoretically reimagine the concept of ‘healthy prisons’ in a way that more thoroughly grounds it in the everyday experiences of prisoners. Our point of departure is the observation that there seems to be an intriguing conceptual and theoretical overlap between first-person oriented empirical studies of two spheres of human experience that are normally seen as separate: serious illness and imprisonment. Our analysis leads us to reimagine the term ‘healthy prisons’ in a way that increases its usefulness for anyone interested in making prisons healthier and more constructive and reinventive institutions.

{"title":"Disrupting ‘healthy prisons’: Exploring the conceptual and experiential overlap between illness and imprisonment","authors":"Thomas Ugelvik,&nbsp;Rose Elizabeth Boyle,&nbsp;Yvonne Jewkes,&nbsp;Pernille Søderholm Nyvoll","doi":"10.1111/hojo.12498","DOIUrl":"10.1111/hojo.12498","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Our aim in this conceptual article is to theoretically reimagine the concept of ‘healthy prisons’ in a way that more thoroughly grounds it in the everyday experiences of prisoners. Our point of departure is the observation that there seems to be an intriguing conceptual and theoretical overlap between first-person oriented empirical studies of two spheres of human experience that are normally seen as separate: serious illness and imprisonment. Our analysis leads us to reimagine the term ‘healthy prisons’ in a way that increases its usefulness for anyone interested in making prisons healthier and more constructive and reinventive institutions.</p>","PeriodicalId":37514,"journal":{"name":"Howard Journal of Crime and Justice","volume":"62 2","pages":"204-219"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2022-11-18","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/hojo.12498","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"44171767","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Do the reasons why people desist from crime vary by age, length of offending career or lifestyle factors? 人们停止犯罪的原因是否因年龄、犯罪时间长短、职业或生活方式等因素而异?
Q2 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2022-11-02 DOI: 10.1111/hojo.12494
Stephen Farrall, Joanna Shapland

Research into desistance from crime has progressed enormously in the past three decades. Despite this tremendous growth, some issues remain unexplored. Among these is the extent to which the reasons why people stop offending might vary by the age at which they stop, and their previous lifestyles. Herein we explore the extent to which the reasons why people desist are associated with their age, and the length and nature of their criminal career. We find that there are no particular associations between the reasons for their desistance and any of these variables, though social context is important. So particular social contexts are seen by those desisting as key to their wish to desist, but they may occur at different ages and it is when they are salient to that individual that they promote action. We close by discussing why this might be the case and the ramifications for theories of desistance.

{"title":"Do the reasons why people desist from crime vary by age, length of offending career or lifestyle factors?","authors":"Stephen Farrall,&nbsp;Joanna Shapland","doi":"10.1111/hojo.12494","DOIUrl":"10.1111/hojo.12494","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Research into desistance from crime has progressed enormously in the past three decades. Despite this tremendous growth, some issues remain unexplored. Among these is the extent to which the reasons why people stop offending might vary by the age at which they stop, and their previous lifestyles. Herein we explore the extent to which the reasons why people desist are associated with their age, and the length and nature of their criminal career. We find that there are no particular associations between the reasons for their desistance and any of these variables, though social context is important. So particular social contexts are seen by those desisting as key to their wish to desist, but they may occur at different ages and it is when they are salient to that individual that they promote action. We close by discussing why this might be the case and the ramifications for theories of desistance.</p>","PeriodicalId":37514,"journal":{"name":"Howard Journal of Crime and Justice","volume":"61 4","pages":"519-539"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2022-11-02","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/hojo.12494","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"41471495","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Women who die in custody: What Australian coroners’ reports tell us 在拘留期间死亡的女性:澳大利亚验尸官的报告告诉我们的
Q2 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2022-10-13 DOI: 10.1111/hojo.12495
Tamara Walsh

Women's deaths in custody remain under-researched around the world. This article reports on a large-scale study on deaths in custody conducted in Australia that involved an analysis of 736 coroners’ inquest reports dated between 1991 and 2020. Women were substantially under-represented among this sample, comprising less than 5% of all deaths, but half of the women were Indigenous. While most of the women had a range of individual risk factors in common – such as a history of victimisation, mental illness and drug and alcohol use – the Indigenous women also experienced systemic racism from their custodians and the medical personnel to whom they were referred for treatment. While most coroners focused primarily on the cause of death, some made recommendations directed at addressing unconscious bias. This research supports calls for alternatives to detention for women and the decriminalisation of racialised offences such as public intoxication.

{"title":"Women who die in custody: What Australian coroners’ reports tell us","authors":"Tamara Walsh","doi":"10.1111/hojo.12495","DOIUrl":"10.1111/hojo.12495","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Women's deaths in custody remain under-researched around the world. This article reports on a large-scale study on deaths in custody conducted in Australia that involved an analysis of 736 coroners’ inquest reports dated between 1991 and 2020. Women were substantially under-represented among this sample, comprising less than 5% of all deaths, but half of the women were Indigenous. While most of the women had a range of individual risk factors in common – such as a history of victimisation, mental illness and drug and alcohol use – the Indigenous women also experienced systemic racism from their custodians and the medical personnel to whom they were referred for treatment. While most coroners focused primarily on the cause of death, some made recommendations directed at addressing unconscious bias. This research supports calls for alternatives to detention for women and the decriminalisation of racialised offences such as public intoxication.</p>","PeriodicalId":37514,"journal":{"name":"Howard Journal of Crime and Justice","volume":"61 4","pages":"540-555"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2022-10-13","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/hojo.12495","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"43424402","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Using techniques of neutralisation to maintain contact: The experiences of loved ones supporting remand prisoners 使用中立技术保持联系:亲人支持还押囚犯的经历
Q2 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2022-10-12 DOI: 10.1111/hojo.12489
Isla Masson, Natalie Booth

This article proposes that loved ones supporting prisoners with experience of remand in England and Wales may use Sykes & Matza's (1957) ‘techniques of neutralization’ by proxy. Adopting neutralisations may enable those in prison to be viewed not as those who have harmed, or bad people, but as those who themselves have been harmed. Potential benefits of these techniques are twofold: they help to reject stigma; and explain and enable continued contact. This framework may be a useful basis for work exploring familial contact and support for those affected by imprisonment.

本文提出,在英格兰和威尔士,支持有还押经验的囚犯的亲属可以使用Sykes &Matza(1957)代理的“中和技术”。采取中立的做法可能会使监狱中的人不被视为伤害他人的人或坏人,而是被视为自己受到伤害的人。这些技术的潜在好处是双重的:它们有助于消除耻辱;并解释并允许继续接触。这一框架可作为探索家庭联系和为受监禁影响者提供支持的工作的有益基础。
{"title":"Using techniques of neutralisation to maintain contact: The experiences of loved ones supporting remand prisoners","authors":"Isla Masson,&nbsp;Natalie Booth","doi":"10.1111/hojo.12489","DOIUrl":"10.1111/hojo.12489","url":null,"abstract":"<p>This article proposes that loved ones supporting prisoners with experience of remand in England and Wales may use Sykes &amp; Matza's (1957) ‘techniques of neutralization’ by proxy. Adopting neutralisations may enable those in prison to be viewed not as those who have harmed, or bad people, but as those who themselves have been harmed. Potential benefits of these techniques are twofold: they help to reject stigma; and explain and enable continued contact. This framework may be a useful basis for work exploring familial contact and support for those affected by imprisonment.</p>","PeriodicalId":37514,"journal":{"name":"Howard Journal of Crime and Justice","volume":"61 4","pages":"463-483"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2022-10-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/hojo.12489","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"47390023","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Improving interagency collaboration, innovation and learning in criminal justice systems: supporting offender rehabilitation. S. Hean, B. Johnsen, A. Kajamaa & L. Kloetzer (Eds.) Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2021. 475pp. €53.49 (hbk); €42.79 (pbk) ISBN: 978-3-030-70660-9; 978-3-030-70663-0; open access ISBN: 978-3-030-70661-6 (ebk) 改进刑事司法系统中的机构间协作、创新和学习:支持罪犯改造。S. Hean, B. Johnsen, A. Kajamaa和L. Kloetzer(编)瑞士Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/施普林格Nature Switzerland AG。2021. 475页。€53.49 (hbk);€42.79 (pbk) ISBN: 978-3-030-70660-9;978-3-030-70663-0;开放获取ISBN: 978-3-030-70661-6 (ebk)
Q2 Social Sciences Pub Date : 2022-09-11 DOI: 10.1111/hojo.12491
Vivian Geiran

Although by no means a ‘given’, in terms of implementation in practice, good multidisciplinary working and interagency co-operation have always been critically important as goals to be achieved by criminal justice organisations and the other systems with which they interact. Such co-operation is especially important if positive client outcomes are to be maximised. In more recent times, such themes and issues have achieved more prominence, as governments, their ministries and agencies have striven to ensure more ‘joined-up’ working between the criminal justice system and the health and social service sectors, to drive greater effectiveness and efficiency. Consideration of interagency co-operation though, is often set against a backdrop of frustration expressed by various players and stakeholders regarding the perceived and real barriers to productive collaboration.

These barriers are frequently evidenced in so-called ‘siloed’ working and thinking, where individual organisations and agencies – and those working in them – can sometimes appear to be more concerned with preserving and protecting their own interests and resources, as opposed to ‘putting the person/client at the centre of concerns’. To begin with, interagency co-operation can be a challenge even within and among the various criminal justice agencies themselves; however such challenges are often magnified and more difficult to resolve in relation to how the penal system, for example, collaborates with health and social services more widely. And just to add to these challenges, it can be difficult, if not impossible, for those involved to ‘get under the bonnet’ of interagency relationships, so as to better understand and thereby improve them. The present publication goes some way to exploring and explaining these challenges and demystifying many of the issues involved.

As referenced in one of the papers in this book, interagency and multidisciplinary collaboration is ‘a fuzzy concept’ (p.258), which can lead to lack of mutual understanding, language and goals, not to mention a lack of shared analysis of appropriate processes and ways to improve them. This general lack of understanding in common can militate, in conjunction with a range of other factors, against the ready or easy application of such co-operation in practice, even with the best intentions of those involved.

Fieldwork for the studies in question was undertaken in Norway, Finland and the United Kingdom. The 17 chapters are each written by between two and seven co-authors, drawn mostly from a range of academic and research backgrounds, as well as a number of individuals who might describe themselves as ‘practitioners’, representing a total of 35 distinct contributors. In that context, the editors and contributors have achieved a consistency of approach and presentation throughout the volume, which is to be applauded. Following an introductory ‘setting the scene’ chapter by the editors, the substanti

{"title":"Improving interagency collaboration, innovation and learning in criminal justice systems: supporting offender rehabilitation. S. Hean, B. Johnsen, A. Kajamaa & L. Kloetzer (Eds.) Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2021. 475pp. €53.49 (hbk); €42.79 (pbk) ISBN: 978-3-030-70660-9; 978-3-030-70663-0; open access ISBN: 978-3-030-70661-6 (ebk)","authors":"Vivian Geiran","doi":"10.1111/hojo.12491","DOIUrl":"10.1111/hojo.12491","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Although by no means a ‘given’, in terms of implementation in practice, good multidisciplinary working and interagency co-operation have always been critically important as goals to be achieved by criminal justice organisations and the other systems with which they interact. Such co-operation is especially important if positive client outcomes are to be maximised. In more recent times, such themes and issues have achieved more prominence, as governments, their ministries and agencies have striven to ensure more ‘joined-up’ working between the criminal justice system and the health and social service sectors, to drive greater effectiveness and efficiency. Consideration of interagency co-operation though, is often set against a backdrop of frustration expressed by various players and stakeholders regarding the perceived and real barriers to productive collaboration.</p><p>These barriers are frequently evidenced in so-called ‘siloed’ working and thinking, where individual organisations and agencies – and those working in them – can sometimes appear to be more concerned with preserving and protecting their own interests and resources, as opposed to ‘putting the person/client at the centre of concerns’. To begin with, interagency co-operation can be a challenge even within and among the various criminal justice agencies themselves; however such challenges are often magnified and more difficult to resolve in relation to how the penal system, for example, collaborates with health and social services more widely. And just to add to these challenges, it can be difficult, if not impossible, for those involved to ‘get under the bonnet’ of interagency relationships, so as to better understand and thereby improve them. The present publication goes some way to exploring and explaining these challenges and demystifying many of the issues involved.</p><p>As referenced in one of the papers in this book, interagency and multidisciplinary collaboration is ‘a fuzzy concept’ (p.258), which can lead to lack of mutual understanding, language and goals, not to mention a lack of shared analysis of appropriate processes and ways to improve them. This general lack of understanding in common can militate, in conjunction with a range of other factors, against the ready or easy application of such co-operation in practice, even <i>with</i> the best intentions of those involved.</p><p>Fieldwork for the studies in question was undertaken in Norway, Finland and the United Kingdom. The 17 chapters are each written by between two and seven co-authors, drawn mostly from a range of academic and research backgrounds, as well as a number of individuals who might describe themselves as ‘practitioners’, representing a total of 35 distinct contributors. In that context, the editors and contributors have achieved a consistency of approach and presentation throughout the volume, which is to be applauded. Following an introductory ‘setting the scene’ chapter by the editors, the substanti","PeriodicalId":37514,"journal":{"name":"Howard Journal of Crime and Justice","volume":"61 3","pages":"399-401"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2022-09-11","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/hojo.12491","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"42354024","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Howard Journal of Crime and Justice
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