The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) standard ELISA method for determination of antigen content of hepatitis A vaccines (HAV) requires specific coating and detection Biological Reference Reagents (BRRs). The 4th batch of detection antibodies BRRs was established in 2017 for use in conjunction with the Ph. Eur. General Chapter 2.7.14 Assay of hepatitis A vaccine. Stocks of these BRRs were running low and therefore the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and HealthCare (EDQM) organised a collaborative study to qualify replacement batches. The candidate BRR antibodies batch 5 were prepared under appropriate conditions from starting materials similar to previous batches to ensure continuity. Prior to the study, a low level of detection was obtained with new batches of the HRPO-GAM provided by the established supplier, supposedly due to a manufacturing issue in the conjugation step. Several other batches procured from the same supplier were tested without any success. Consequently HRPO-GAM batches from 3 other suppliers were tested and one batch was chosen to be included as a BRR based on its suitable characteristics. During the collaborative study, the new batches of antibodies were compared to previous batches of BRRs. Results confirmed that they were suitable to be used for the intended purpose, and could be used at the same final concentrations as the previous batch, i.e. 1:500 for the primary antibody and 1:400 for the conjugated secondary antibody. A higher background OD than in previous batches was observed, so it is recommended to subtract the background from the OD values obtained in the test in order to plot the sigmoid curve and calculate the titre of test samples. Moreover it is recommended that the first dilutions used for the IS and BRP2 should be 1:2 and 1:20, respectively, in order to achieve the same ODmax as for the previous BRRs batches. The BRRs were adopted by correspondence in October 2018 by the Ph. Eur. Commission and are presented as a set containing Hepatitis A virus primary detection antibody BRR batch 5 and Conjugated secondary detection antibody BRR batch 5. They are available from the EDQM as Hepatitis A vaccine ELISA detection antibodies set BRR batch 5.