Language brokering refers to the informal interpreting performed by children and young people, typically in migrant families. Hearing heritage signers are typically individuals who grow up using a sign language at home with deaf parents. As most of them are hearing, they often broker between their signing deaf parent(s) and hearing non-signers. Brokering has been found to occur in varied contexts, including healthcare settings. Using semi-structured interviews, this study aimed specifically to explore the experiences of hearing heritage signers brokering between their parents and healthcare professionals using British Sign Language. Hearing heritage signers' experiences of brokering in healthcare settings were found to be varied, as were their attitudes, feelings and views towards brokering. Key themes were identified: pride and pressure; insider and outsider status; conflicting roles; autonomy, dependence and independence; choice and expectation; and perceptions of high- or low-stakes brokering. Based on these findings, recommendations for healthcare providers include increasing awareness of deaf people's rights and access, recognition of children's developmental needs in these contexts and the ability to signpost hearing heritage signers to appropriate support networks.