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Vielfalt ordnen. Das föderale Europa der Habsburgermonarchie (Vormärz bis 1918) by Jana Osterkamp (review) 组织多样性。雅娜-奥斯特坎普(Jana Osterkamp)所著的《哈布斯堡君主制的联邦欧洲(伏尔马至 1918 年)》(评论
IF 0.1 0 HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY Pub Date : 2024-06-04 DOI: 10.1353/oas.2024.a929393
Andrei Corbea-Hoisie
<span><span>In lieu of</span> an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:</span><p> <span>Reviewed by:</span> <ul> <li><!-- html_title --> <em>Vielfalt ordnen. Das föderale Europa der Habsburgermonarchie (Vormärz bis 1918)</em> by Jana Osterkamp <!-- /html_title --></li> <li> Andrei Corbea-Hoisie </li> </ul> Jana Osterkamp, <em>Vielfalt ordnen. Das föderale Europa der Habsburgermonarchie (Vormärz bis 1918)</em>. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2. unveränderte Auflage, 2021. 531 S. <p>Der von Jana Osterkamp gewählte Titel ihres Buches, das innerhalb von wenigen Jahren schon zwei Auflagen erreicht hat, kündigt bereits die Thesen an, die im letzten, unmissverständlich benannten kurzen Kapitel “Ausblick: das föderale Haus Europa” ausführlich formuliert und entwickelt werden. Die alte Weisheit <em>Historia magistra vitae</em> könnte als ideales Motto für ein Werk dienen, das in Bezug auf die derzeitigen Herausforderungen des noch längst nicht abgeschlossenen Prozesses der Einigung Europas vorschlägt, die <em>exempla</em> der Vergangenheit gar nicht für obsolet zu halten. Ganz im Gegenteil, wenn man bedenkt, so die Autorin, dass in dem langen 19. Jahrhundert vom Wiener Kongress bis zum Ausbruch des 1. Weltkriegs Föderationen, neben Imperien und aufkeimenden Nationalstaaten, die Formen europäischer Staatlichkeit geprägt haben. Unter jenen stelle die Habsburgermonarchie laut Jana Osterkamp vielleicht das eklatanteste Beispiel einer “gelebten Föderation” dar, denn im Laufe der wechselnden politischen Umstände seit der Vormärz-Epoche, die von dem wachsenden Bewusstsein begleitet wurden, das Überleben des vom Mittelalter geerbten staatlichen Gebildes hänge von seiner Reformierung ab, wurde diese zu einem durchaus “innovativen Ort des Nachdenkens über Föderalismus”. Ähnlich wie das heutige europäische Konstrukt, das eine “föderale Verfasstheit” aufweist, auch ohne über eine föderale Verfassung zu verfügen, erlebte das mitteleuropäische “Altösterreich” eine bewundernswerte organisatorisch-bürokratische Dynamik in dem vielfältig “kooperativen Zusammenwirken” der stufenweise aufgebauten Teile dieser “konföderativen Union, deren Ordnungsleistung oft übersehen” werde. Darum könnte das Nachdenken darüber, wie auch jenes über die zahlreichen Gründe des endgültigen Scheiterns des Modells, auch <strong>[End Page 130]</strong> die gegenwärtigen Debatten über die nächsten Schritte in der Gestaltung eines “einheitlichen” Europas produktiv befruchten. In der Folge einer über 400-seitigen historisch-juristischen Untersuchung aller Facetten jener komplexen Bauart eines Rechts, das das wirtschaftliche, soziale und politische System des Habsburgerreiches in seiner letzten Existenzphase antrieb und funktionsfähig machte, klingt Jana Osterkamps Schlussfolgerung, dass das “Haus Österreich”, wie es Ingeborg Bachmann zu nennen pflegte, als “Baukasten für Reformentwürfe” und damit als ein “wichtiges Erbe für Europa” gilt, keinesfalls plakativ!</p> <p>Als Inhaberin
以下是内容摘录,以代替摘要: 审稿人: Organising diversity: 组织多样性。Das föderale Europa der Habsburgermonarchie (Vormärz bis 1918) by Jana Osterkamp Andrei Corbea-Hoisie Jana Osterkamp, Vielfalt ordnen.哈布斯堡君主制的联邦欧洲(伏尔马至 1918 年)》。哥廷根:531 pp.雅娜-奥斯特坎普(Jana Osterkamp)的这本书在短短几年内已经出版了两版,书名的选择已经宣告了她的论点,这些论点在最后一章 "展望:欧洲联邦大厦 "中得到了详细的阐述和发展。Historia magistra vitae这句古老的格言可以作为这部著作的理想座右铭,这部著作针对当前欧洲统一进程远未完成所面临的挑战,提出不应将过去的典范视为过时。恰恰相反,作者认为,从维也纳会议到第一次世界大战爆发的漫长 19 世纪中,联邦制与帝国制和新兴的民族国家一起,成为欧洲国家形式的特征。亚娜-奥斯特坎普(Jana Osterkamp)认为,哈布斯堡君主国也许是 "活联邦 "的最突出例子,因为自沃尔梅兹时代以来,伴随着政治环境的变化,人们越来越意识到中世纪遗留下来的国家结构的存亡取决于改革,因此哈布斯堡君主国成为一个彻底 "创新联邦制思维的地方"。中欧的 "老奥地利 "与今天的欧洲结构相似,即使没有联邦宪法,也有一部 "联邦宪法",在这个 "邦联的各个部分逐步建立起来的多样化'合作互动'中,经历了令人钦佩的组织和官僚动态,其监管绩效往往被忽视"。因此,反思这一点以及该模式最终失败的众多原因,也可以 [第 130 页完] 有益于当前关于 "统一 "欧洲下一步发展的讨论。亚娜-奥斯特坎普(Jana Osterkamp)用长达 400 页的篇幅从历史和法律角度研究了哈布斯堡帝国最后阶段的经济、社会和政治体制的复杂法律结构的方方面面,并认为 "奥地利之家"(英格博格-巴赫曼(Ingeborg Bachmann)曾这样称呼它)是 "改革设计的基石",因而是 "留给欧洲的重要遗产"!作为奥格斯堡大学 "德国与东欧关系史 "的教授,学法律出身的亚娜-奥斯特坎普(Jana Osterkamp)长期以来一直从宪法角度研究欧洲历史的方方面面;她对波希米亚-摩拉维亚和捷克斯洛伐克历史的熟悉使她更接近整个中欧的问题,从而也唤起了她对哈布斯堡国家特殊法律历史特征的兴趣,这也促成了她(在慕尼黑大学)撰写的适应训练论文,该论文构成了本书的基础。本书全面介绍了中央和地方君主制法律机制的全部法规、机构和参与者,以及其在 "内部 "和 "外部"(即奥地利境内和境外)比较中的所有复杂性和特殊性,并通过丰富的实证文献收集了大量情况,从而在合理的诱惑下,重新审视了关于哈布斯堡王朝崩溃原因这一仍然具有爆炸性的问题的既定答案。该项目标题中明确指出,正是因为相信以前为使不同的异质文化、语言和教派在欧洲中部以宪法形式共同生活而做出的努力具有现实意义,才需要进行这样的审查。本书开头只有两个(互补的)导言,这绝非巧合:第一个导言是对奥古斯特-斯特里克斯特纳 1849 年创作的一幅较为著名的版画的评论,年轻的弗朗茨-约瑟夫皇帝在这幅版画中扮演着一艘在惊涛骇浪中航行的 "驳船 "的最高舵手,所有的王室领地(寓意为女性形象)都在这幅版画中,作者将这幅版画与霍夫曼施塔尔 1917 年创作的同样著名的关于[尾页 131]奥地利作为一个......的......的...
{"title":"Vielfalt ordnen. Das föderale Europa der Habsburgermonarchie (Vormärz bis 1918) by Jana Osterkamp (review)","authors":"Andrei Corbea-Hoisie","doi":"10.1353/oas.2024.a929393","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1353/oas.2024.a929393","url":null,"abstract":"&lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;In lieu of&lt;/span&gt; an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:&lt;/span&gt;\u0000&lt;p&gt; &lt;span&gt;Reviewed by:&lt;/span&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;!-- html_title --&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vielfalt ordnen. Das föderale Europa der Habsburgermonarchie (Vormärz bis 1918)&lt;/em&gt; by Jana Osterkamp &lt;!-- /html_title --&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; Andrei Corbea-Hoisie &lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; Jana Osterkamp, &lt;em&gt;Vielfalt ordnen. Das föderale Europa der Habsburgermonarchie (Vormärz bis 1918)&lt;/em&gt;. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck &amp; Ruprecht, 2. unveränderte Auflage, 2021. 531 S. &lt;p&gt;Der von Jana Osterkamp gewählte Titel ihres Buches, das innerhalb von wenigen Jahren schon zwei Auflagen erreicht hat, kündigt bereits die Thesen an, die im letzten, unmissverständlich benannten kurzen Kapitel “Ausblick: das föderale Haus Europa” ausführlich formuliert und entwickelt werden. Die alte Weisheit &lt;em&gt;Historia magistra vitae&lt;/em&gt; könnte als ideales Motto für ein Werk dienen, das in Bezug auf die derzeitigen Herausforderungen des noch längst nicht abgeschlossenen Prozesses der Einigung Europas vorschlägt, die &lt;em&gt;exempla&lt;/em&gt; der Vergangenheit gar nicht für obsolet zu halten. Ganz im Gegenteil, wenn man bedenkt, so die Autorin, dass in dem langen 19. Jahrhundert vom Wiener Kongress bis zum Ausbruch des 1. Weltkriegs Föderationen, neben Imperien und aufkeimenden Nationalstaaten, die Formen europäischer Staatlichkeit geprägt haben. Unter jenen stelle die Habsburgermonarchie laut Jana Osterkamp vielleicht das eklatanteste Beispiel einer “gelebten Föderation” dar, denn im Laufe der wechselnden politischen Umstände seit der Vormärz-Epoche, die von dem wachsenden Bewusstsein begleitet wurden, das Überleben des vom Mittelalter geerbten staatlichen Gebildes hänge von seiner Reformierung ab, wurde diese zu einem durchaus “innovativen Ort des Nachdenkens über Föderalismus”. Ähnlich wie das heutige europäische Konstrukt, das eine “föderale Verfasstheit” aufweist, auch ohne über eine föderale Verfassung zu verfügen, erlebte das mitteleuropäische “Altösterreich” eine bewundernswerte organisatorisch-bürokratische Dynamik in dem vielfältig “kooperativen Zusammenwirken” der stufenweise aufgebauten Teile dieser “konföderativen Union, deren Ordnungsleistung oft übersehen” werde. Darum könnte das Nachdenken darüber, wie auch jenes über die zahlreichen Gründe des endgültigen Scheiterns des Modells, auch &lt;strong&gt;[End Page 130]&lt;/strong&gt; die gegenwärtigen Debatten über die nächsten Schritte in der Gestaltung eines “einheitlichen” Europas produktiv befruchten. In der Folge einer über 400-seitigen historisch-juristischen Untersuchung aller Facetten jener komplexen Bauart eines Rechts, das das wirtschaftliche, soziale und politische System des Habsburgerreiches in seiner letzten Existenzphase antrieb und funktionsfähig machte, klingt Jana Osterkamps Schlussfolgerung, dass das “Haus Österreich”, wie es Ingeborg Bachmann zu nennen pflegte, als “Baukasten für Reformentwürfe” und damit als ein “wichtiges Erbe für Europa” gilt, keinesfalls plakativ!&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Als Inhaberin","PeriodicalId":40350,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Austrian Studies","volume":"117 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.1,"publicationDate":"2024-06-04","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"141259548","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The Celebrity Monarch: Empress Elisabeth and the Modern Female Portrait by Olivia Gruber Florek (review) 名人君主:奥利维亚-格鲁伯-弗洛雷克(Olivia Gruber Florek)所著的《伊丽莎白女王与现代女性肖像》(评论
IF 0.1 0 HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY Pub Date : 2024-06-04 DOI: 10.1353/oas.2024.a929392
Hansjakob Werlen
<span><span>In lieu of</span> an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:</span><p> <span>Reviewed by:</span> <ul> <li><!-- html_title --> <em>The Celebrity Monarch: Empress Elisabeth and the Modern Female Portrait</em> by Olivia Gruber Florek <!-- /html_title --></li> <li> Hansjakob Werlen </li> </ul> Olivia Gruber Florek, <em>The Celebrity Monarch: Empress Elisabeth and the Modern Female Portrait</em>. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2023. 248 pp. <p>In posthumous fame and adulation, no monarchical figure can compete with Empress Elisabeth of Austria. The enduring worldwide fascination with the beautiful Bavarian duchess that began with Ernst Marischka’s 1950s trilogy of <em>Sissi</em> films has only increased since, as various media forms (musical, concert, TV/streaming program, tabloid serial) craft new variations of the empress’s persona for an eager public. Extricating Elisabeth from the carapace of innumerable mythologizing, commercializing, and kitschifying representations is one of the many achievements of Olivia Gruber Florek’s thoroughly researched study, <em>The Celebrity Monarch</em>.</p> <p>As the title indicates, the study demonstrates how Empress Elisabeth transformed the iconographic traditions of royal portraiture into representations of evolving celebrity culture and, through her interventions in and contributions to the creative process of her portraiture, established a visual style that exerted its influence on modern paintings of female portraits.</p> <p>While Elisabeth’s reclusiveness and her controversial eschewal of representational duties are well known, <em>The Celebrity Monarch</em> shows a woman who, although constrained by imperial etiquette, deliberately subverted courtly norms of representation to fashion a novel image: the celebrity monarch. Gruber Florek, in her analysis of the famous Franz Xaver Winterhalter paintings, demonstrates Elisabeth’s creative contributions to the startling changes of monarchical representation and the role of the rapidly evolving medium of photography in this transformation. <strong>[End Page 127]</strong></p> <p>The book is first and foremost an art-historical study, but its findings extend to many other histories, among them of the late Habsburg empire, of psychiatry, of photography, and of emerging celebrity culture. Key works in these fields as well as references to important theorists provide scaffolding for the study’s central contentions. This expansive approach, well documented in the lengthy final bibliography, allows Gruber Florek to engage Winterhalter’s paintings of Elisabeth in a dialogue that not only considers their novel and subversive iconography but also interprets their visual features for messages relevant both to the personality of the empress and the sociopolitical, artistic, and historical developments of Habsburg Austria in the second part of the nineteenth century.</p> <p>The title of Chapter 1, “Staging the State Portrait,” points to the dual n
以下是内容的简要摘录,以代替摘要:评论者: 名人君主:奥利维亚-格鲁伯-弗洛雷克(Olivia Gruber Florek)著,汉斯雅各布-韦伦(Hansjakob Werlen)译 奥利维亚-格鲁伯-弗洛雷克(Olivia Gruber Florek)著,《名人君主:伊丽莎白皇后与现代女性肖像》:伊丽莎白女皇与现代女性肖像》。纽瓦克:特拉华大学出版社,2023 年。248 pp.在死后的名声和崇拜方面,没有任何君主人物能与奥地利的伊丽莎白皇后相提并论。从 20 世纪 50 年代恩斯特-马里希卡(Ernst Marischka)的茜茜电影三部曲开始,全世界对这位美丽的巴伐利亚女公爵的痴迷程度与日俱增,各种媒体形式(音乐剧、音乐会、电视/流媒体节目、小报连载)都在为热切的公众精心塑造这位女皇的新形象。奥利维亚-格鲁伯-弗洛雷克(Olivia Gruber Florek)的研究报告《名人君主》(The Celebrity Monarch)的众多成就之一,就是将伊丽莎白从无数神话化、商业化和媚俗化的表象中解脱出来。正如书名所示,该研究展示了伊丽莎白女皇如何将皇家肖像画的传统转变为不断发展的名人文化的代表,并通过她对肖像画创作过程的干预和贡献,建立了一种对现代女性肖像画产生影响的视觉风格。伊丽莎白的隐居生活和她备受争议的摒弃表现职责的行为众所周知,而《名人君主》则展示了一位虽然受制于帝国礼仪,但却有意颠覆宫廷表现规范,塑造新颖形象的女性:名人君主。格鲁伯-弗洛雷克 (Gruber Florek) 通过对著名的弗朗茨-夏维尔-温特哈尔特 (Franz Xaver Winterhalter) 绘画的分析,展示了伊丽莎白对君主形象的惊人变化所做出的创造性贡献,以及快速发展的摄影媒介在这一转变中所扮演的角色。[该书首先是一部艺术史研究著作,但其研究成果延伸到许多其他历史,其中包括哈布斯堡帝国晚期、精神病学、摄影以及新兴的名人文化。这些领域的重要著作以及重要理论家的参考文献为研究的中心论点提供了支架。格鲁伯-弗洛雷克采用了这种广泛的研究方法,并在最后冗长的参考书目中进行了详尽的记录,这使得格鲁伯-弗洛雷克在与温特哈尔特的伊丽莎白画作进行对话时,不仅考虑到了这些画作新颖而具有颠覆性的图标,而且还解读了这些画作的视觉特征,使之与女皇的个性以及十九世纪下半叶哈布斯堡奥地利的社会政治、艺术和历史发展息息相关。第 1 章的标题 "国家肖像的舞台化 "指出了帝国肖像画的双重性质:个人的展示意味着消失在宫廷角色的背后。正如格鲁伯-弗洛雷克 (Gruber Florek) 所说,温特哈尔特 1864-65 年的肖像画明显偏离了官方肖像画,对女皇进行了新颖的肖像画展示。这一非凡的变化是画家与伊丽莎白合作的结果:伊丽莎白利用她收藏的大量卡特兰照片(其中包括著名女演员和舞蹈家的照片),采用了一种打破贵族规则的表现策略,通过明确使用戏剧性的姿态,将她的肖像与当代名人的形象联系在一起。格鲁伯-弗洛雷克(Gruber Florek)认为,伊丽莎白积极塑造自己的形象,颠覆了传统贵族肖像画的惯例,从而开创了一种视觉风格,其影响将延伸至 20 世纪的女性肖像画。虽然伊丽莎白的姿势让人联想到维也纳著名女演员夏洛特-沃尔特(Charlotte Wolter),但所扮演的角色并非没有政治意图,例如伊丽莎白在加冕礼前几个月的照片中模仿匈牙利女王的角色。在第 2 章 "造型的真实性:在第 2 章 "真实的造型:名流君主的无边秀发 "中,本研究调查了伊丽莎白在形象设计上的选择,这些选择使她成为了一个真实、"自然 "和富有魅力的人。正如本章标题所表明的那样,伊丽莎白那头著名的丰盈秀发在展现真实性和 "自然 "方面发挥了重要作用,而这些基本品质是 18 世纪早期法国女演员阿德里安娜-勒库弗勒(Adrienne Lecouvreur)所追求的,后来萨拉-伯恩哈德(Sarah Bernhard)也模仿了她的发型。格鲁伯-弗洛雷克(Gruber Florek)认为,伯恩哈德后来的照片[第128页完]中展现出的娇柔之美与自信风采的结合,早在伊丽莎白的肖像和照片中就有所预示。在后面的章节中,我们将更全面地探讨这种与后期绘画的联系。第 3 章题为 "想象中的皇后"。
{"title":"The Celebrity Monarch: Empress Elisabeth and the Modern Female Portrait by Olivia Gruber Florek (review)","authors":"Hansjakob Werlen","doi":"10.1353/oas.2024.a929392","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1353/oas.2024.a929392","url":null,"abstract":"&lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;In lieu of&lt;/span&gt; an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:&lt;/span&gt;\u0000&lt;p&gt; &lt;span&gt;Reviewed by:&lt;/span&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;!-- html_title --&gt; &lt;em&gt;The Celebrity Monarch: Empress Elisabeth and the Modern Female Portrait&lt;/em&gt; by Olivia Gruber Florek &lt;!-- /html_title --&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; Hansjakob Werlen &lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; Olivia Gruber Florek, &lt;em&gt;The Celebrity Monarch: Empress Elisabeth and the Modern Female Portrait&lt;/em&gt;. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2023. 248 pp. &lt;p&gt;In posthumous fame and adulation, no monarchical figure can compete with Empress Elisabeth of Austria. The enduring worldwide fascination with the beautiful Bavarian duchess that began with Ernst Marischka’s 1950s trilogy of &lt;em&gt;Sissi&lt;/em&gt; films has only increased since, as various media forms (musical, concert, TV/streaming program, tabloid serial) craft new variations of the empress’s persona for an eager public. Extricating Elisabeth from the carapace of innumerable mythologizing, commercializing, and kitschifying representations is one of the many achievements of Olivia Gruber Florek’s thoroughly researched study, &lt;em&gt;The Celebrity Monarch&lt;/em&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;As the title indicates, the study demonstrates how Empress Elisabeth transformed the iconographic traditions of royal portraiture into representations of evolving celebrity culture and, through her interventions in and contributions to the creative process of her portraiture, established a visual style that exerted its influence on modern paintings of female portraits.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;While Elisabeth’s reclusiveness and her controversial eschewal of representational duties are well known, &lt;em&gt;The Celebrity Monarch&lt;/em&gt; shows a woman who, although constrained by imperial etiquette, deliberately subverted courtly norms of representation to fashion a novel image: the celebrity monarch. Gruber Florek, in her analysis of the famous Franz Xaver Winterhalter paintings, demonstrates Elisabeth’s creative contributions to the startling changes of monarchical representation and the role of the rapidly evolving medium of photography in this transformation. &lt;strong&gt;[End Page 127]&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The book is first and foremost an art-historical study, but its findings extend to many other histories, among them of the late Habsburg empire, of psychiatry, of photography, and of emerging celebrity culture. Key works in these fields as well as references to important theorists provide scaffolding for the study’s central contentions. This expansive approach, well documented in the lengthy final bibliography, allows Gruber Florek to engage Winterhalter’s paintings of Elisabeth in a dialogue that not only considers their novel and subversive iconography but also interprets their visual features for messages relevant both to the personality of the empress and the sociopolitical, artistic, and historical developments of Habsburg Austria in the second part of the nineteenth century.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The title of Chapter 1, “Staging the State Portrait,” points to the dual n","PeriodicalId":40350,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Austrian Studies","volume":"30 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.1,"publicationDate":"2024-06-04","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"141259413","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Rose Ausländers Leben im Wort by Olena Staranchuk, Oleg Gryshchenko und Oxana Matiychuk (review) Rose Ausländers Leben im Wort》,作者:Olena Staranchuk、Oleg Gryshchenko 和 Oxana Matiychuk(评论)
IF 0.1 0 HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY Pub Date : 2024-06-04 DOI: 10.1353/oas.2024.a929397
Martin A. Hainz
<span><span>In lieu of</span> an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:</span><p> <span>Reviewed by:</span> <ul> <li><!-- html_title --> <em>Rose Ausländers Leben im Wort</em> by Olena Staranchuk, Oleg Gryshchenko und Oxana Matiychuk <!-- /html_title --></li> <li> Martin A. Hainz </li> </ul> Olena Staranchuk, Oleg Gryshchenko und Oxana Matiychuk, <em>Rose Ausländers Leben im Wort</em>. Graphic Novel. Übersetzt von Kati Brunner. Ulm: danube books, 2021. 56 S. <p>Das Leben Rose Ausländers ist eines im Wort, schon, ehe sie es in einem Gedicht so umschreibt. Es beginnt mit den Geschichten des Vaters und den Gedichten, die ihre Mutter ihr vorliest. Ihre Geschichte und das Lyrische trotz der dunklen Zeiten fängt der vorliegende Band ein, worin Oxana Matiychuk das Leben der Lyrikerin erzählt, die Illustrationen von Olena Staranchuk und Oleg Gryshchenko setzen alles in Szene und bieten dabei expressive Bilder in eindrücklichen Farben. Dabei wird natürlich manches ausgespart—aus Platzgründen, aber vielleicht auch, um Leser:innen manches zu ersparen.</p> <p>Denn ein Ereignis kurz vor der Geburt der Dichterin wäre beispielsweise durchaus relevant, welches die Idylle stört, mit der dramaturgisch alles beginnt: “An einem Februarnachmittag des Jahres 1901 kommt es in Czernowitz zu einem schrecklichen Unfall. Das Kindermädchen der Familie Scherzer und der von ihr betreute erste Sohn des Ehepaares, der damals 18 Monate alt ist, werden beim Verlassen des Volksgartens von einem durchgehenden Pferdegespann niedergerannt und von dem schweren Fuhrwagen überrollt”, wie man bei Helmut Braun <em>(“Ich bin fünftausend Jahre jung.” Rose Ausländer. Zu ihrer Biographie</em>. Stuttgart: Radius 1999) erführe: “Das Kindermädchen überlebt schwer verletzt; der kleine Junge stirbt noch an der Unfallstelle. Die Mutter des Jungen ist damals im sechsten Monat schwanger”. Helmut Braun nennt in der Folge Rose Ausländer das vielgeliebte “Ersatzkind”, das vielleicht auch darum ein Spannungsverhältnis zu den Eltern erlebt.</p> <p>Jedenfalls folgt der Band Rose Ausländer auf der Flucht von Czernowitz nach Wien und nach der Rückkehr und dem frühen Tod des Vaters in die USA. Die Ehe mit Ignaz Ausländer, dem Rosalie Scherzer ihren Namen—kein eigentliches Pseudonym—verdankt, wird realistisch geschildert, ebenso die große Liebe zu Helios Hecht. Außerdem wird sehr liebevoll das Milieu eingefangen: Karl Kraus, Stefan George, Else Lasker-Schüler, Constantin Brunner und, “allen voran, Rainer Maria Rilke”, wie man Rose Ausländer hier zitieren könnte. Man könnte übrigens auch Heine anführen, den sie in Czernowitz gegen Karl Kraus’ <em>Heine und die Folgen</em> verteidigte. Seine “Schlußfolgerungen überzeugten mich nicht”, schreibt sie, nachzulesen im Band <em>Die Nacht hat zahllose Augen</em>, sie “focht” für Heine trotz “aussichtslose[r] <strong>[End Page 143]</strong> Kampfposition: Hatte Heine nicht frischen Wind, einen neuen, rebellischsarkastischen Ton in die deutsche Dichtung gebra
以下是内容的简要摘录,以代替摘要: 评论者:Rose Ausländers Rose Ausländers Leben im Wort 作者:Olena Staranchuk、Oleg Gryshchenko 和 Oxana Matiychuk 马丁-A.Hainz Olena Staranchuk、Oleg Gryshchenko 和 Oxana Matiychuk 著,Rose Ausländers Leben im Wort。图画小说。卡蒂-布鲁纳译。乌尔姆:多瑙河图书,2021 年。56 页。罗丝-奥斯兰德的一生是文字的一生,甚至在她用诗歌描述之前。她的生活从父亲的故事和母亲读给她听的诗歌开始。奥克萨娜-马蒂丘克(Oxana Matiychuk)在这本书中讲述了诗人的一生,而奥莱娜-斯塔兰丘克(Olena Staranchuk)和奥列格-格里申科(Oleg Gryshchenko)的插图则为这本书营造了场景,并以令人印象深刻的色彩展现了富有表现力的画面。当然,出于篇幅的考虑,也可能是为了让读者少走一些弯路,有些内容被省略了。例如,诗人出生前不久发生的一件事肯定与此有关,因为它扰乱了一切戏剧性开端的田园风光:"1901 年 2 月的一个下午,切尔诺维茨发生了一起可怕的事故。赫尔穆特-布劳恩(Helmut Braun,"Ich bin fünftausend Jahre jung。罗斯-奥斯兰德。关于她的传记。斯图加特:Radius,1999 年):"保姆重伤未死,小男孩在事故现场死亡。男孩的母亲当时已怀孕六个月"。赫尔穆特-布劳恩后来称罗丝-奥斯兰德为备受宠爱的 "代孕孩子",也许正因如此,她与父母的关系也很紧张。无论如何,这本书讲述了罗斯-奥斯兰德从采尔诺维茨逃往维也纳,以及父亲返回美国并早逝后的故事。她与伊格纳茨-奥斯兰德的婚姻(罗莎莉-舍尔泽的名字就来源于奥斯兰德-奥斯兰德--罗莎莉-舍尔泽并非真实的笔名),以及她对赫利俄斯-赫希特的深爱,都得到了真实的描写。她对赫利俄斯-赫希特(Helios Hecht)的挚爱也得到了真实的描绘:卡尔-克劳斯(Karl Kraus)、斯特凡-乔治(Stefan George)、埃尔斯-拉斯克-舒勒(Else Lasker-Schüler)、康斯坦丁-布鲁纳(Constantin Brunner),以及 "最重要的是赖纳-玛丽亚-里尔克(Rainer Maria Rilke)"。顺便提一下,我们还可以引用海涅,她在切尔诺维茨为海涅辩护,反对卡尔-克劳斯(Karl Kraus)的《海涅与命运》(Heine und die Folgen)一书。她写道,海涅的 "结论并没有说服我"(见《Die Nacht hat zahllose Augen》一书),尽管海涅 "毫无希望[第143页完],但她还是为海涅 "辩护:难道海涅没有给德国诗歌带来一股新鲜空气,一种新的、反叛的讽刺语调吗?例如,他对我们伟大的意第绪切尔诺夫策诗人伊茨格-芒格的影响难道不是意第绪诗歌的幸运之举吗?无论如何,在与情人决裂之前,那是一段幸福的时光。正如赫尔穆特-布劳恩(Helmut Braun)所写的那样,他滥用信任,未经她的许可就发表她的诗作,并附有 "对罗斯-奥斯兰德的性格分析",这让她感到震惊,"正如她无情而绝对地爱着,在这一行为之后,她也无情而绝对地与他分开了"。接下来是布科维纳被占领的更糟糕的时期,包括她被苏联当局逮捕,出于可以理解的原因,作者给了她大量的篇幅,就像《切尔诺夫策》中的彼得罗-雷奇洛(Petro Rychlo)一样,尽管这也是罪有应得。最后,在罗马尼亚化和希特勒入侵之后,切尔诺夫策成为了苏联的领土。1946 年,诗人第二次前往美国,在那里她得知母亲去世的消息,精神崩溃。她在美国一呆就是二十年,现在用英语写诗。旅行把她带回了欧洲,包括令她失望的反犹维也纳,但随后又回到了杜塞尔多夫,回到了德语世界。正如 Neffe 报道的那样,此时此刻,她很容易被行李箱(以及行李箱的数量)所吸引。杜塞尔多夫也是她的最后一站:住在一家养老院里,她遇到了赫尔穆特-布劳恩(Helmut Braun)。1975 年夏末,他们相遇了,当时还只是勉强认识,"六...
{"title":"Rose Ausländers Leben im Wort by Olena Staranchuk, Oleg Gryshchenko und Oxana Matiychuk (review)","authors":"Martin A. Hainz","doi":"10.1353/oas.2024.a929397","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1353/oas.2024.a929397","url":null,"abstract":"&lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;In lieu of&lt;/span&gt; an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:&lt;/span&gt;\u0000&lt;p&gt; &lt;span&gt;Reviewed by:&lt;/span&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;!-- html_title --&gt; &lt;em&gt;Rose Ausländers Leben im Wort&lt;/em&gt; by Olena Staranchuk, Oleg Gryshchenko und Oxana Matiychuk &lt;!-- /html_title --&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; Martin A. Hainz &lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; Olena Staranchuk, Oleg Gryshchenko und Oxana Matiychuk, &lt;em&gt;Rose Ausländers Leben im Wort&lt;/em&gt;. Graphic Novel. Übersetzt von Kati Brunner. Ulm: danube books, 2021. 56 S. &lt;p&gt;Das Leben Rose Ausländers ist eines im Wort, schon, ehe sie es in einem Gedicht so umschreibt. Es beginnt mit den Geschichten des Vaters und den Gedichten, die ihre Mutter ihr vorliest. Ihre Geschichte und das Lyrische trotz der dunklen Zeiten fängt der vorliegende Band ein, worin Oxana Matiychuk das Leben der Lyrikerin erzählt, die Illustrationen von Olena Staranchuk und Oleg Gryshchenko setzen alles in Szene und bieten dabei expressive Bilder in eindrücklichen Farben. Dabei wird natürlich manches ausgespart—aus Platzgründen, aber vielleicht auch, um Leser:innen manches zu ersparen.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Denn ein Ereignis kurz vor der Geburt der Dichterin wäre beispielsweise durchaus relevant, welches die Idylle stört, mit der dramaturgisch alles beginnt: “An einem Februarnachmittag des Jahres 1901 kommt es in Czernowitz zu einem schrecklichen Unfall. Das Kindermädchen der Familie Scherzer und der von ihr betreute erste Sohn des Ehepaares, der damals 18 Monate alt ist, werden beim Verlassen des Volksgartens von einem durchgehenden Pferdegespann niedergerannt und von dem schweren Fuhrwagen überrollt”, wie man bei Helmut Braun &lt;em&gt;(“Ich bin fünftausend Jahre jung.” Rose Ausländer. Zu ihrer Biographie&lt;/em&gt;. Stuttgart: Radius 1999) erführe: “Das Kindermädchen überlebt schwer verletzt; der kleine Junge stirbt noch an der Unfallstelle. Die Mutter des Jungen ist damals im sechsten Monat schwanger”. Helmut Braun nennt in der Folge Rose Ausländer das vielgeliebte “Ersatzkind”, das vielleicht auch darum ein Spannungsverhältnis zu den Eltern erlebt.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Jedenfalls folgt der Band Rose Ausländer auf der Flucht von Czernowitz nach Wien und nach der Rückkehr und dem frühen Tod des Vaters in die USA. Die Ehe mit Ignaz Ausländer, dem Rosalie Scherzer ihren Namen—kein eigentliches Pseudonym—verdankt, wird realistisch geschildert, ebenso die große Liebe zu Helios Hecht. Außerdem wird sehr liebevoll das Milieu eingefangen: Karl Kraus, Stefan George, Else Lasker-Schüler, Constantin Brunner und, “allen voran, Rainer Maria Rilke”, wie man Rose Ausländer hier zitieren könnte. Man könnte übrigens auch Heine anführen, den sie in Czernowitz gegen Karl Kraus’ &lt;em&gt;Heine und die Folgen&lt;/em&gt; verteidigte. Seine “Schlußfolgerungen überzeugten mich nicht”, schreibt sie, nachzulesen im Band &lt;em&gt;Die Nacht hat zahllose Augen&lt;/em&gt;, sie “focht” für Heine trotz “aussichtslose[r] &lt;strong&gt;[End Page 143]&lt;/strong&gt; Kampfposition: Hatte Heine nicht frischen Wind, einen neuen, rebellischsarkastischen Ton in die deutsche Dichtung gebra","PeriodicalId":40350,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Austrian Studies","volume":"37 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.1,"publicationDate":"2024-06-04","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"141258538","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
"Wouldn't It Be Smarter to Let the Malay Colonize Europe?": Postcolonial Critique, Antiglobalism, and Racism in the Travel Books of the Bohemian- German Author Richard Katz (1888–1968) "让马来人殖民欧洲不是更明智吗?波希米亚裔德国作家理查德-卡茨(1888-1968 年)游记中的后殖民主义批判、反全球主义和种族主义
IF 0.1 0 HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY Pub Date : 2024-03-08 DOI: 10.1353/oas.2024.a921898
Jeroen Dewulf


The travel books of the Bohemian-German author Richard Katz (1888–1968) were once among the most popular publications in German literature but have since been forgotten. This essay intends to reread, from a postcolonial perspective, Katz’s work from the interwar period. It focuses on his book about the Dutch East Indies, today’s Indonesia, Heitere Tage mit braunen Menschen (1930), in order to explain how and why the early form of postcolonial and antiglobalist critique we find in Katz’s writings could coexist with other ideas that reiterated nineteenth-century colonialist and racist conceptions about the indigenous Other and people of mixed race. The latter is all the more intriguing considering that Katz himself, being Jewish, was soon to become the victim of a political ideology marked by ideas similar to some of the ones he defended when writing about Southeast Asia.

摘要:波希米亚裔德国作家理查德-卡茨(1888-1968 年)的游记曾是德国文学中最受欢迎的出版物之一,但后来却被人们遗忘了。本文旨在从后殖民主义的视角重新解读卡茨战时的作品。文章以他描写荷属东印度群岛(即今天的印度尼西亚)的著作《Heitere Tage mit braunen Menschen》(1930 年)为重点,旨在解释我们在卡茨著作中发现的后殖民主义和反全球主义批判的早期形式如何以及为何能够与重申十九世纪殖民主义和种族主义对土著他者和混血儿的观念的其他思想共存。考虑到身为犹太人的卡茨本人很快就会成为一种政治意识形态的牺牲品,而这种意识形态的特点与他在撰写东南亚问题时所捍卫的某些观点相似,后者就更加耐人寻味了。
{"title":"\"Wouldn't It Be Smarter to Let the Malay Colonize Europe?\": Postcolonial Critique, Antiglobalism, and Racism in the Travel Books of the Bohemian- German Author Richard Katz (1888–1968)","authors":"Jeroen Dewulf","doi":"10.1353/oas.2024.a921898","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1353/oas.2024.a921898","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>Abstract:</p><p>The travel books of the Bohemian-German author Richard Katz (1888–1968) were once among the most popular publications in German literature but have since been forgotten. This essay intends to reread, from a postcolonial perspective, Katz’s work from the interwar period. It focuses on his book about the Dutch East Indies, today’s Indonesia, <i>Heitere Tage mit braunen Menschen</i> (1930), in order to explain how and why the early form of postcolonial and antiglobalist critique we find in Katz’s writings could coexist with other ideas that reiterated nineteenth-century colonialist and racist conceptions about the indigenous Other and people of mixed race. The latter is all the more intriguing considering that Katz himself, being Jewish, was soon to become the victim of a political ideology marked by ideas similar to some of the ones he defended when writing about Southeast Asia.</p></p>","PeriodicalId":40350,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Austrian Studies","volume":"28 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.1,"publicationDate":"2024-03-08","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140076673","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Die Zerstörung der Demokratie: Österreich März 1933 bis Februar 1934 ed. by Bernhard Hachleitner et al (review) 民主的毁灭:奥地利 1933 年 3 月至 1934 年 2 月》,Bernhard Hachleitner 等编(评论)
IF 0.1 0 HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY Pub Date : 2024-03-08 DOI: 10.1353/oas.2024.a921913
Vincent Kling
<span><span>In lieu of</span> an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:</span><p> <span>Reviewed by:</span> <ul> <li><!-- html_title --> <em>Die Zerstörung der Demokratie: Österreich März 1933 bis Februar 1934</em> ed. by Bernhard Hachleitner et al <!-- /html_title --></li> <li> Vincent Kling </li> </ul> Bernhard Hachleitner, Alfred Pfoser, Katharina Prager, and Werner Michael Schwarz, eds., <em>Die Zerstörung der Demokratie: Österreich März 1933 bis Februar 1934</em>. Wienbibliothek im Rathaus and Wien Museum. Vienna: Residenz Verlag, 2023. 328 pp. <p>If each generation gravitates toward the history enacting the closest parallels to its present, it is no wonder that the erosion—nay, the destruction of democracy by small stages—occupies the mind of present-day historians. The short Austrian Civil War of February 1934 has always intrigued commentators, and there is no dearth of literary and journalistic records about those few ominous days. Anthologies like Februar 1934: Schriftsteller erzählen, edited by Ulrich Weinzierl or Im Kältefieber: Februargeschichten 1934, edited by Erich Hackl and Evelyne Polt-Heinzl, offer vivid and harrowing accounts of the days that solidified Fascist rule in Austria. And while historians working from a more discipline-specific approach have written illuminating accounts of the civil war and the time leading up to it, the edited volume Die Zerstörung der Demokratie, the catalogue of a large-scale exhibition, will for a long time serve as the indispensable source covering every aspect of the topic, thanks to its slow, steady, all-encompassing and chronological datelining of events; its painstaking source documentation; its inclusion of every aspect from popular culture to the arts to legislation to personalities; its lively and mercifully jargon-free writing; and its unprecedented wealth of graphics—photographs, posters, drawings, graphs, reproductions of newspaper pages, many seemingly published here for the first time.</p> <p>From the very first, parallels with the world of 2023 are made explicit. In their foreword (11), Matti Bunzl, director of the Wien Museum, and Anita Eichinger, director of the Wienbibliothek im Rathaus, note that ninety years after the event “berichten Gymnasial- und Universitätslehrer*innen, dass die meisten ihrer Schüler*innen und Student*innen mit dem Namen Engelbert Dollfuß wenig bis gar nichts anfangen können [. . .].” If this statement implies that those who do not remember history are bound to repeat it, the point is made very clear in the next paragraph: “Denn die autoritäre Versuchung ist in unserer politischen Gegenwart angekommen. Auf nahezu allen Kontinenten greifen Regierungen zwecks Machterhalts in die Gelenkstellen der Demokratie ein”—what American reader would fail to connect these words with events in the United States since 2016? <strong>[End Page 131]</strong></p> <p>The end of the volume as well, in the short fifth section, “Debatte” (313–21), specifically links t
以下是内容的简要摘录,以代替摘要:评论者 Die Zerstörung der Demokratie:Österreich März 1933 bis Februar 1934 ed. by Bernhard Hachleitner et al Vincent Kling Bernhard Hachleitner, Alfred Pfoser, Katharina Prager, and Werner Michael Schwarz, eds., Die Zerstörung der Demokratie:Österreich März 1933 bis Februar 1934.Wienbibliothek im Rathaus and Wien Museum.维也纳:Residenz Verlag, 2023.328 pp.如果说每一代人都倾向于与当代人最相似的历史,那么民主的侵蚀--或者说分阶段的毁灭--就难怪会占据当今历史学家的头脑。1934 年 2 月短暂的奥地利内战一直吸引着评论家的目光,有关那几天不祥的文学和新闻记录并不缺乏。1934 年 2 月》等文集:Ulrich Weinzierl 编辑的《Schriftsteller erzählen 》或《Im Kältefieber:Erich Hackl 和 Evelyne Polt-Heinzl 编辑的《1934 年 2 月:作家回忆》等文集,生动而令人痛心地描述了巩固奥地利法西斯统治的那段日子。尽管历史学家们从更具体的学科角度出发,对内战和内战前的时间进行了富有启发性的描述,但作为大型展览目录的《民主的崩溃》(Die Zerstörung der Demokratie)一书,由于其缓慢、稳定、全面和按时间顺序排列的事件,将在很长一段时间内成为涵盖该主题各个方面的不可或缺的资料来源;煞费苦心的资料整理;从大众文化到艺术,从立法到人物的方方面面;生动活泼而又不失专业术语的写作;以及前所未有的大量图表--照片、海报、图画、图表、报纸版面复制品,其中许多似乎是首次在此出版。从一开始,该书就明确提出了与 2023 年世界的相似之处。维也纳博物馆馆长 Matti Bunzl 和 Wienbibliothek im Rathaus 馆长 Anita Eichinger 在他们的前言 (11) 中指出,事件发生九十年后,"Gymnasial- und Universitätslehrer*innen, dass die meisten ihrer Schüler*innen und Student*innen mit dem dem Namen Engelbert Dollfuß wenig bis gar nichts anfangen können [. . ]"。如果这句话的意思是说,不牢记历史的人必然会重蹈覆辙,那么下一段话就非常清楚地说明了这一点:"Denn die autoritäre Versuchung ist in unserer politischen Gegenwart angekommen.Auf nahezu allen Kontinenten greifen Regierungen zwecks Machterhalts in die Gelenkstellen der Demokratie ein"--哪个美国读者会不把这些话与 2016 年以来美国发生的事件联系起来呢?[第 131 页末]在卷末短短的第五部分 "辩论"(313-21)中,题为 "自决主义游戏手册 "的讨论特别将 1933-1934 年的事件与当今联系起来。其中提到了匈牙利和波兰,但危险更为广泛。Stefan Benedik 写道:"欧洲时代的所有革命和法西斯主义运动都将极端革命性的家庭视为'民族的基石'[......]",他暂时只谈一个话题,即涉及妇女权利的性别和性问题。(316).只在欧洲?当现在和过去以如此可怕的一致性融合在一起时,我们讨论的是哪个时期?Veronika Helfert 的章节 "Der Kampf um die Moderne: wider die Säkularisierung und Demokratisierung von Sexualmoral, Familienverhältnissen und Erziehung"(50-65)可以取材于今天的辩论,包括呼吁妇女团结起来反对 1933 年非法堕胎新尝试的有力海报(60)。同样,Gabriella Hauch 的 "Frauen unter Druck:Rekatholisierung-(Re)Maskulinisierung-Frauendiskriminerung"(66-71)展示了当今福音派在性与性别角色、个人自主权和生育权方面的整体动态。这一个方面是分为五个部分的完整叙述的一部分。在前言和导言(12-17)之后,五大部分依次讲述了有关年份的情况。第一部分 "Die Demokratie unter Druck"(19-71)是一种预示,描写了最初的严重但尚未致命的攻击。内容广泛的第二部分 "Die Schritte der Zerstörung"(72-245)追溯了议会解散后恢复审查制度的进程、多尔福斯颁布的紧急法令、对新闻界的镇压、死刑的恢复、逮捕和...
{"title":"Die Zerstörung der Demokratie: Österreich März 1933 bis Februar 1934 ed. by Bernhard Hachleitner et al (review)","authors":"Vincent Kling","doi":"10.1353/oas.2024.a921913","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1353/oas.2024.a921913","url":null,"abstract":"&lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;In lieu of&lt;/span&gt; an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:&lt;/span&gt;\u0000&lt;p&gt; &lt;span&gt;Reviewed by:&lt;/span&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;!-- html_title --&gt; &lt;em&gt;Die Zerstörung der Demokratie: Österreich März 1933 bis Februar 1934&lt;/em&gt; ed. by Bernhard Hachleitner et al &lt;!-- /html_title --&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; Vincent Kling &lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; Bernhard Hachleitner, Alfred Pfoser, Katharina Prager, and Werner Michael Schwarz, eds., &lt;em&gt;Die Zerstörung der Demokratie: Österreich März 1933 bis Februar 1934&lt;/em&gt;. Wienbibliothek im Rathaus and Wien Museum. Vienna: Residenz Verlag, 2023. 328 pp. &lt;p&gt;If each generation gravitates toward the history enacting the closest parallels to its present, it is no wonder that the erosion—nay, the destruction of democracy by small stages—occupies the mind of present-day historians. The short Austrian Civil War of February 1934 has always intrigued commentators, and there is no dearth of literary and journalistic records about those few ominous days. Anthologies like Februar 1934: Schriftsteller erzählen, edited by Ulrich Weinzierl or Im Kältefieber: Februargeschichten 1934, edited by Erich Hackl and Evelyne Polt-Heinzl, offer vivid and harrowing accounts of the days that solidified Fascist rule in Austria. And while historians working from a more discipline-specific approach have written illuminating accounts of the civil war and the time leading up to it, the edited volume Die Zerstörung der Demokratie, the catalogue of a large-scale exhibition, will for a long time serve as the indispensable source covering every aspect of the topic, thanks to its slow, steady, all-encompassing and chronological datelining of events; its painstaking source documentation; its inclusion of every aspect from popular culture to the arts to legislation to personalities; its lively and mercifully jargon-free writing; and its unprecedented wealth of graphics—photographs, posters, drawings, graphs, reproductions of newspaper pages, many seemingly published here for the first time.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;From the very first, parallels with the world of 2023 are made explicit. In their foreword (11), Matti Bunzl, director of the Wien Museum, and Anita Eichinger, director of the Wienbibliothek im Rathaus, note that ninety years after the event “berichten Gymnasial- und Universitätslehrer*innen, dass die meisten ihrer Schüler*innen und Student*innen mit dem Namen Engelbert Dollfuß wenig bis gar nichts anfangen können [. . .].” If this statement implies that those who do not remember history are bound to repeat it, the point is made very clear in the next paragraph: “Denn die autoritäre Versuchung ist in unserer politischen Gegenwart angekommen. Auf nahezu allen Kontinenten greifen Regierungen zwecks Machterhalts in die Gelenkstellen der Demokratie ein”—what American reader would fail to connect these words with events in the United States since 2016? &lt;strong&gt;[End Page 131]&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The end of the volume as well, in the short fifth section, “Debatte” (313–21), specifically links t","PeriodicalId":40350,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Austrian Studies","volume":"83 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.1,"publicationDate":"2024-03-08","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140070155","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Kafkas Zeiten ed. by Alexander Kling and Johannes F. Lehmann (review) Alexander Kling 和 Johannes F. Lehmann 编著的《卡夫卡的时代》(评论)
IF 0.1 0 HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY Pub Date : 2024-03-08 DOI: 10.1353/oas.2024.a921909
Ruth V. Gross
<span><span>In lieu of</span> an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:</span><p> <span>Reviewed by:</span> <ul> <li><!-- html_title --> <em>Kafkas Zeiten</em> ed. by Alexander Kling and Johannes F. Lehmann <!-- /html_title --></li> <li> Ruth V. Gross </li> </ul> Alexander Kling and Johannes F. Lehmann, eds., <em>Kafkas Zeiten</em>. Forschungen der Deutschen Kafka-Gesellschaft 7. Edited by Agnes Bidmon und Harald Neumeyer. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2023. 378 pp. <p>The edited volume <em>Kafkas Zeiten</em>, a compilation of the papers presented at the eighth meeting of the Deutsche Kafka-Gesellschaft that took place, partially at the University of Bonn and partially on Zoom, from September 30 to October 2, 2021, joins the vast number of anthologized studies dealing with Kafka’s texts. It includes seventeen papers and ends with reviews of eight books dealing with Kafka that appeared between 2020 and 2022. The subject of the conference, and thus the title of the volume, points in two distinct directions: (1) to the times in which Kafka lived and wrote; and (2) to the way we experience time as an irregular and imprecise concept in many of Kafka’s texts. In other words, the subject of this book conjoins examinations of time in Kafka’s texts with the culture of modernism and its perspectives on time. The powerful new technologies that transformed the way people thought <strong>[End Page 121]</strong> about time and space and created much of the disorientation in modernism and its art forms have been a recurring subject in Kafka studies. This volume foregrounds that theme.</p> <p>Alexander Kling and Johannes F. Lehmann, the co-editors, co-authored the first chapter explaining their intention for the volume. Titled “Aus den Fugen,” it reminds us that time in Kafka’s texts is not a reliable measurement but is instead often an impediment to action. Comparing the concepts of space and time as mutually relevant conditions of modernist texts, especially Kafkan texts, the authors present examples to demonstrate how they work together, how accelerated time necessarily brings about a shrinkage in space. They also point out that in Kafka’s world structural elements that we associate with time, like routine or repetition, are often brought to a “standstill” by an important but often ordinary event, like Gregor’s awakening out of “restless” dreams in <em>Die Verwandlung</em>.</p> <p>A volume like this offers commentary on various texts, and readers will most likely not read the book from cover to cover but rather approach the volume by selecting certain essays that might appeal to their own interests in one or several particular works of Kafka. In my own case, I was drawn to the essays on works that I often teach or have written about, such as Anne Fuchs on “Posthumane Figurationen von Beschleunigung: Tempo und Bewegungseuphorie in Kafkas ‘Betrachtung’”; Rolf J. Goebel’s “Zeit und Klang: Kafkas auditive Atmosphären”; Lea Liese’s “Philiströse
以下是内容的简要摘录,以代替摘要:评论者 Kafkas Zeiten ed. by Alexander Kling and Johannes F. Lehmann Ruth V. Gross Alexander Kling and Johannes F. Lehmann, eds.Forschungen der Deutschen Kafka-Gesellschaft 7.Agnes Bidmon 和 Harald Neumeyer 编辑。维尔茨堡:Königshausen & Neumann, 2023。378 pp.2021 年 9 月 30 日至 10 月 2 日,德国卡夫卡协会召开了第八次会议(部分在波恩大学举行,部分在 Zoom 举行),《卡夫卡时代》汇编了会议上提交的论文。会议包括17篇论文,并对2020年至2022年期间出版的8本有关卡夫卡的书籍进行了评论。本次会议的主题,也就是本卷的标题,指向两个不同的方向:(1)卡夫卡生活和写作的时代;(2)在卡夫卡的许多文本中,时间是一个不规则、不精确的概念,我们是如何体验时间的。换句话说,本书的主题是将对卡夫卡文本中时间的研究与现代主义文化及其对时间的看法结合起来。强大的新技术改变了人们对时间和空间的思考方式,并在现代主义及其艺术形式中造成了许多迷失,这一直是卡夫卡研究中反复出现的主题。本卷突出了这一主题。亚历山大-克林(Alexander Kling)和约翰内斯-F-莱曼(Johannes F. Lehmann)是这本书的共同编辑,他们共同撰写了第一章,阐述了编写这本书的意图。该章以 "Aus den Fugen "为题,提醒我们时间在卡夫卡的文本中并不是一种可靠的衡量标准,相反,它往往是行动的障碍。作者通过比较现代主义文本,尤其是卡夫卡文本中相互关联的空间和时间概念,举例说明了它们是如何共同作用的,时间的加速如何必然带来空间的缩小。他们还指出,在卡夫卡的世界里,我们与时间相关联的结构性元素,如例行公事或重复,往往会因为一个重要但往往普通的事件而 "停滞",如《蝶恋花》中格里高尔从 "躁动不安 "的梦境中醒来。这样的一卷书提供了对各种文本的评论,读者很可能不会从头到尾读完这本书,而是会根据自己对卡夫卡某部或某几部作品的兴趣,选择其中的某些文章来阅读。就我自己而言,我被那些关于我经常教授或撰写过的作品的文章所吸引,比如安妮-福克斯(Anne Fuchs)的 "Posthumane Figurationen von Beschleunigung:Tempo und Bewegungseuphorie in Kafkas 'Betrachtung'"; Rolf J. Goebel的 "Zeit und Klang:Kafkas auditive Atmosphären";Lea Liese 的 "Philiströses Zeitempfinden und Raubtier-Kapitalismus:Kafkas Arbeitstiere ('Ein Bericht für eine Akademie,' 'Der Bau')";David Fuchs on "Hungerkunst als Zeitkunst:Zur Darstellungsproblematik ästhetischer Performanz in Franz Kafkas 'Ein Hungerkünstler'";以及 Kyung-Ho Cha 的 "Die Zeit als medialer Aktant in Franz Kafkas 'Eine alltägliche Verwirrung'"。只有最后一篇令人失望,未能提供新的见解。作者缺乏对卡夫卡遗作的重要研究--其中包括我自己的研究--这可能有助于他扩展而非重复论述。我刚刚读完罗尔夫-戈贝尔(Rolf Goebel)撰写的文章,其中除其他卡夫坎文本外,他还讨论了 "Bericht für eine Akademie",这时我碰巧读到了大卫-布鲁克斯(David Brooks)2023 年 7 月 14 日发表在《纽约时报》上的专栏,他在专栏中表达了自己对人工智能的进步和对人类的威胁的看法。机器拥有 "比我们快得多、优越得多 "的智能,这种想法让布鲁克斯感到不安。这种想法让我想起了戈贝尔的文章,其中有一处,他着重[第 122 页完]描写了猿猴罗特彼得违背自己的天性,喝下一瓶烈酒的瞬间,结果最终能够模仿他从周围水手那里听了好几个星期的声音,说出一个人类的单词:"Hallo!"。戈贝尔让我们想起了卡夫卡对电话等声学媒体出现的看法......
{"title":"Kafkas Zeiten ed. by Alexander Kling and Johannes F. Lehmann (review)","authors":"Ruth V. Gross","doi":"10.1353/oas.2024.a921909","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1353/oas.2024.a921909","url":null,"abstract":"&lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;In lieu of&lt;/span&gt; an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:&lt;/span&gt;\u0000&lt;p&gt; &lt;span&gt;Reviewed by:&lt;/span&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;!-- html_title --&gt; &lt;em&gt;Kafkas Zeiten&lt;/em&gt; ed. by Alexander Kling and Johannes F. Lehmann &lt;!-- /html_title --&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; Ruth V. Gross &lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; Alexander Kling and Johannes F. Lehmann, eds., &lt;em&gt;Kafkas Zeiten&lt;/em&gt;. Forschungen der Deutschen Kafka-Gesellschaft 7. Edited by Agnes Bidmon und Harald Neumeyer. Würzburg: Königshausen &amp; Neumann, 2023. 378 pp. &lt;p&gt;The edited volume &lt;em&gt;Kafkas Zeiten&lt;/em&gt;, a compilation of the papers presented at the eighth meeting of the Deutsche Kafka-Gesellschaft that took place, partially at the University of Bonn and partially on Zoom, from September 30 to October 2, 2021, joins the vast number of anthologized studies dealing with Kafka’s texts. It includes seventeen papers and ends with reviews of eight books dealing with Kafka that appeared between 2020 and 2022. The subject of the conference, and thus the title of the volume, points in two distinct directions: (1) to the times in which Kafka lived and wrote; and (2) to the way we experience time as an irregular and imprecise concept in many of Kafka’s texts. In other words, the subject of this book conjoins examinations of time in Kafka’s texts with the culture of modernism and its perspectives on time. The powerful new technologies that transformed the way people thought &lt;strong&gt;[End Page 121]&lt;/strong&gt; about time and space and created much of the disorientation in modernism and its art forms have been a recurring subject in Kafka studies. This volume foregrounds that theme.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Alexander Kling and Johannes F. Lehmann, the co-editors, co-authored the first chapter explaining their intention for the volume. Titled “Aus den Fugen,” it reminds us that time in Kafka’s texts is not a reliable measurement but is instead often an impediment to action. Comparing the concepts of space and time as mutually relevant conditions of modernist texts, especially Kafkan texts, the authors present examples to demonstrate how they work together, how accelerated time necessarily brings about a shrinkage in space. They also point out that in Kafka’s world structural elements that we associate with time, like routine or repetition, are often brought to a “standstill” by an important but often ordinary event, like Gregor’s awakening out of “restless” dreams in &lt;em&gt;Die Verwandlung&lt;/em&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;A volume like this offers commentary on various texts, and readers will most likely not read the book from cover to cover but rather approach the volume by selecting certain essays that might appeal to their own interests in one or several particular works of Kafka. In my own case, I was drawn to the essays on works that I often teach or have written about, such as Anne Fuchs on “Posthumane Figurationen von Beschleunigung: Tempo und Bewegungseuphorie in Kafkas ‘Betrachtung’”; Rolf J. Goebel’s “Zeit und Klang: Kafkas auditive Atmosphären”; Lea Liese’s “Philiströse","PeriodicalId":40350,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Austrian Studies","volume":"66 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.1,"publicationDate":"2024-03-08","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140076704","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Neocolonial Echoes in the Heart of Darkness: Peter Kubelka, Ulrich Seidl, and the Distrust of Sound 黑暗之心》中的新殖民主义回声:彼得-库贝尔卡、乌尔里希-塞德尔和对声音的不信任
IF 0.1 0 HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY Pub Date : 2024-03-08 DOI: 10.1353/oas.2024.a921899
Arne Koch


The fascination with gaining insight into the motivation of European participants for the private and secretive world of hunting safaris in Africa informs both the avant-garde short film Unsere Afrikareise (1966) by Peter Kubelka and the more recent documentary Safari (2016) by . Both films provoke audiences with an interpretive openness that nonetheless must be understood as unveiled critiques of hunting practices and neocolonial attitudes. By drawing out formal and thematic similarities and differences, this comparative film analysis of Kubelka and Seidl illuminates the function and centrality of hunting via three interconnected aspects of their films: human and nonhuman bodies of otherness as central to understanding how both filmmakers view and instrumentalize the proximity of hunting and neocolonialism; the tension between word (sound) and image, with a focus on how the whitewashing of the hunting industry and conservation practices is exposed and challenged by images; and the key role of controversial images of slayed animals, dissected carcasses, and almost completely voiceless Africans in both films, which prove paradoxically indispensable for both Kubelka and Seidl in producing works that leave viewers with more interpretive specificity than is sometimes acknowledged.

摘要:彼得-库贝尔卡(Peter Kubelka)的前卫短片《Unsere Afrikareise》(1966 年)和彼得-库贝尔卡(Peter Kubelka)最近拍摄的纪录片《Safari》(2016 年)都对深入了解欧洲人参与非洲狩猎这一私密世界的动机产生了浓厚兴趣。这两部影片都以一种开放的阐释方式激起了观众的兴趣,但必须将其理解为对狩猎行为和新殖民主义态度的公开批判。通过分析库贝尔卡和塞德尔在形式和主题上的异同,这篇关于库贝尔卡和塞德尔的电影比较分析通过他们电影中相互关联的三个方面,阐明了狩猎的功能和中心地位:人类和非人类的 "他者 "身体是理解两位电影制作人如何看待和利用狩猎与新殖民主义的接近性的核心;文字(声音)与影像之间的张力,重点关注影像如何揭露和挑战对狩猎业和保护实践的粉饰;在这两部影片中,被杀死的动物、被解剖的尸体以及几乎完全失声的非洲人等颇具争议性的画面都扮演着关键角色,而这些画面对于库贝尔卡和塞德尔来说都是不可或缺的。
{"title":"Neocolonial Echoes in the Heart of Darkness: Peter Kubelka, Ulrich Seidl, and the Distrust of Sound","authors":"Arne Koch","doi":"10.1353/oas.2024.a921899","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1353/oas.2024.a921899","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>Abstract:</p><p>The fascination with gaining insight into the motivation of European participants for the private and secretive world of hunting safaris in Africa informs both the avant-garde short film <i>Unsere Afrikareise</i> (1966) by Peter Kubelka and the more recent documentary <i>Safari</i> (2016) by . Both films provoke audiences with an interpretive openness that nonetheless must be understood as unveiled critiques of hunting practices and neocolonial attitudes. By drawing out formal and thematic similarities and differences, this comparative film analysis of Kubelka and Seidl illuminates the function and centrality of hunting via three interconnected aspects of their films: human and nonhuman bodies of otherness as central to understanding how both filmmakers view and instrumentalize the proximity of hunting and neocolonialism; the tension between word (sound) and image, with a focus on how the whitewashing of the hunting industry and conservation practices is exposed and challenged by images; and the key role of controversial images of slayed animals, dissected carcasses, and almost completely voiceless Africans in both films, which prove paradoxically indispensable for both Kubelka and Seidl in producing works that leave viewers with more interpretive specificity than is sometimes acknowledged.</p></p>","PeriodicalId":40350,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Austrian Studies","volume":"127 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.1,"publicationDate":"2024-03-08","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140070253","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Die Macht der Kunstkritik: Ludwig Hevesi und die Wiener Moderne by Ilona Sármány-Parsons (review) 艺术批评的力量:路德维希-赫维西与维也纳现代主义》,作者 Ilona Sármány-Parsons (评论)
IF 0.1 0 HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY Pub Date : 2024-03-08 DOI: 10.1353/oas.2024.a921907
Patrick Werkner
<span><span>In lieu of</span> an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:</span><p> <span>Reviewed by:</span> <ul> <li><!-- html_title --> <em>Die Macht der Kunstkritik: Ludwig Hevesi und die Wiener Moderne</em> by Ilona Sármány-Parsons <!-- /html_title --></li> <li> Patrick Werkner </li> </ul> Ilona Sármány-Parsons, <em>Die Macht der Kunstkritik: Ludwig Hevesi und die Wiener Moderne</em>. Vienna: Böhlau, 2022. 488 pp. <p>Ilona Sármány-Parsons is a Hungarian-born art historian who taught for many years at the Central European University in Prague and Budapest. She published extensively on the fine arts in Central Europe, especially on nineteenth-and twentieth-century art, including a book on Gustav Klimt, which has been translated into five languages. Now her <em>opus magnum</em> has appeared, originally published in Hungarian and then recently in a (very good) German translation. The work represents the fruits of a lifelong preoccupation with Ludwig Hevesi (1843–1910), who might be described as the “critical Pope” of Viennese Jugendstil. <em>Die Macht der Kunstkritik: Ludwig Hevesi und die Wiener Moderne</em> runs to almost five hundred pages and has more than three hundred illustrations. The book is much more than an eulogy to Hevesi, who has gone down in history as an insightful critic of the pioneering <strong>[End Page 116]</strong> exhibitions of Vienna’s Secession. Hevesi devised the motto inscribed over the portal of the Secession Building, with which every devotee of turn-of-the-century Vienna is familiar: <em>“To the age its art. To art its freedom</em>.”</p> <p>Based on a detailed reading of Hevesi’s exhibition reviews and commentary on the contemporary art scene, Sármány-Parsons unfolds a panorama of cultural developments from 1867 to 1909. The European art criticism of the day is the background against which the author highlights the burgeoning art of the fin-de-siècle: first in Budapest, then moving the focus to the crucible of Viennese Modernism. The author adopts a cultural-historical perspective on events in the tradition of Carl Schorske, an approach that is highly appropriate to the <em>feuilleton</em> genre written for the educated public in which Hevesi so excelled. His exhibition critiques dazzle, providing the best introduction for anyone interested in the Wiener Moderne. Hevesi’s writings and interpretations about Klimt’s ceiling paintings for the Vienna University (destroyed during World War II) represent even today a most inspiring analysis of these central works of Symbolism, notwithstanding the avalanche of commentary that has subsequently been published.</p> <p>The author, however, departs from the usual chorus of panegyrics. She gives plenty of space to the decidedly unfazed conservative art criticism in marked contrast to the more “heroic” narrative of the Wiener Moderne. That victory lap was reflected in the creation of new institutions such as the Wiener Secession and the Kunstgewerbeschule, both of whic
以下是内容的简要摘录,以代替摘要:评论者: Die Macht der Kunstkritik:Ilona Sármány-Parsons Patrick Werkner Ilona Sármány-Parsons, Die Macht der Kunstkritik:Ludwig Hevesi und die Wiener Moderne.维也纳:Böhlau,2022 年。488 pp.伊洛娜-萨尔马尼-帕森斯(Ilona Sármány-Parsons)是匈牙利出生的艺术史学家,曾在布拉格和布达佩斯的中欧大学任教多年。她出版了大量关于中欧美术,尤其是十九世纪和二十世纪艺术的著作,包括一本关于古斯塔夫-克里姆特的书,该书已被翻译成五种语言。现在,她的巨著问世了,该书最初以匈牙利文出版,最近又有了德文译本(非常好)。这部作品是她毕生关注路德维希-赫维西(1843-1910 年)的成果,赫维西可谓维也纳青年艺术的 "批判教皇"。Die Macht der Kunstkritik:Ludwig Hevesi und die Wiener Moderne》长达近五百页,配有三百多幅插图。该书不仅仅是对赫维西的悼词,赫维西作为维也纳分离派先驱 [完 116 页] 展览的精辟评论家而名垂青史。赫维西设计了刻在分离派大楼入口处的座右铭,每一位世纪之交维也纳的信徒都对它耳熟能详:"给时代以艺术,给艺术以自由"。艺术之自由"。萨马尼-帕森斯详细解读了赫韦西的展览评论和对当代艺术场景的评论,在此基础上展开了 1867 年至 1909 年文化发展的全景图。作者以当时的欧洲艺术评论为背景,重点描绘了末世时期蓬勃发展的艺术:首先是布达佩斯,然后将焦点转移到维也纳现代主义的熔炉。作者采用了卡尔-朔尔斯克(Carl Schorske)传统的文化历史视角来看待事件,这种方法非常适合海维西擅长的为受过教育的公众撰写的长篇小说体裁。他的展览评论令人眼花缭乱,为任何对维也纳现代艺术感兴趣的人提供了最好的入门读物。海维西关于克里姆特为维也纳大学创作的天花板绘画(二战期间被毁)的著作和诠释,即使在今天看来,也是对这些象征主义核心作品最有启发性的分析,尽管随后出版的评论文章如雨后春笋般涌现。然而,作者并没有一如既往地一味颂扬。她用大量篇幅介绍了明显不为所动的保守派艺术评论,与维也纳现代派的 "英雄 "叙事形成鲜明对比。维纳现代派的胜利体现在维纳分离派(Wiener Secession)和艺术学院(Kunstgewerbeschule)等新机构的建立上,这两个机构都得到了文化官僚机构的支持。作者的这种态度也体现在插图的选择上。选取的插图中既没有科洛-莫泽(Kolo Moser)作品中狂野的 "青年风格"(vegetative Jugendstil)形式实验,也没有约瑟夫-霍夫曼(Joseph Hoffmann)喜欢的几何设计(其中一幅插图出现在赫韦西的开创性著作《Acht Jahre Sezession》(1906 年)的封面上)。这些都与本研究无关,因为本研究排除了应用艺术这一庞大领域,而专注于绘画。书中所选插图以现实主义、自然主义和历史主义的大量作品为主,这些作品在赫维西撰写这些作品时绝对是 "当代 "作品。本书的封面是一幅鲁道夫-冯-阿尔特(Rudolf von Alt)1872 年创作的水彩画--鉴于海维西对这位画家的钦佩之情,这样做也是恰如其分的。迄今为止,赫维西主要与现代主义联系在一起,而在这里,他的定位却有所不同,他是一名艺术记者,以饱满的热情为公众撰写十九世纪最后 [完 117 页] 三十年艺术发展的复杂场景。他这样做的目的绝不是为了震撼或挑衅,而是对富有创造力的艺术家怀有最强烈的同情,并肩负着向更广泛的公众解释其作品的使命。他还用左手撰写戏剧评论和书评,以及自己的一些文学作品(Endre Hárs 最近在一本书中讨论了这些作品)。
{"title":"Die Macht der Kunstkritik: Ludwig Hevesi und die Wiener Moderne by Ilona Sármány-Parsons (review)","authors":"Patrick Werkner","doi":"10.1353/oas.2024.a921907","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1353/oas.2024.a921907","url":null,"abstract":"&lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;In lieu of&lt;/span&gt; an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:&lt;/span&gt;\u0000&lt;p&gt; &lt;span&gt;Reviewed by:&lt;/span&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;!-- html_title --&gt; &lt;em&gt;Die Macht der Kunstkritik: Ludwig Hevesi und die Wiener Moderne&lt;/em&gt; by Ilona Sármány-Parsons &lt;!-- /html_title --&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; Patrick Werkner &lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; Ilona Sármány-Parsons, &lt;em&gt;Die Macht der Kunstkritik: Ludwig Hevesi und die Wiener Moderne&lt;/em&gt;. Vienna: Böhlau, 2022. 488 pp. &lt;p&gt;Ilona Sármány-Parsons is a Hungarian-born art historian who taught for many years at the Central European University in Prague and Budapest. She published extensively on the fine arts in Central Europe, especially on nineteenth-and twentieth-century art, including a book on Gustav Klimt, which has been translated into five languages. Now her &lt;em&gt;opus magnum&lt;/em&gt; has appeared, originally published in Hungarian and then recently in a (very good) German translation. The work represents the fruits of a lifelong preoccupation with Ludwig Hevesi (1843–1910), who might be described as the “critical Pope” of Viennese Jugendstil. &lt;em&gt;Die Macht der Kunstkritik: Ludwig Hevesi und die Wiener Moderne&lt;/em&gt; runs to almost five hundred pages and has more than three hundred illustrations. The book is much more than an eulogy to Hevesi, who has gone down in history as an insightful critic of the pioneering &lt;strong&gt;[End Page 116]&lt;/strong&gt; exhibitions of Vienna’s Secession. Hevesi devised the motto inscribed over the portal of the Secession Building, with which every devotee of turn-of-the-century Vienna is familiar: &lt;em&gt;“To the age its art. To art its freedom&lt;/em&gt;.”&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Based on a detailed reading of Hevesi’s exhibition reviews and commentary on the contemporary art scene, Sármány-Parsons unfolds a panorama of cultural developments from 1867 to 1909. The European art criticism of the day is the background against which the author highlights the burgeoning art of the fin-de-siècle: first in Budapest, then moving the focus to the crucible of Viennese Modernism. The author adopts a cultural-historical perspective on events in the tradition of Carl Schorske, an approach that is highly appropriate to the &lt;em&gt;feuilleton&lt;/em&gt; genre written for the educated public in which Hevesi so excelled. His exhibition critiques dazzle, providing the best introduction for anyone interested in the Wiener Moderne. Hevesi’s writings and interpretations about Klimt’s ceiling paintings for the Vienna University (destroyed during World War II) represent even today a most inspiring analysis of these central works of Symbolism, notwithstanding the avalanche of commentary that has subsequently been published.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The author, however, departs from the usual chorus of panegyrics. She gives plenty of space to the decidedly unfazed conservative art criticism in marked contrast to the more “heroic” narrative of the Wiener Moderne. That victory lap was reflected in the creation of new institutions such as the Wiener Secession and the Kunstgewerbeschule, both of whic","PeriodicalId":40350,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Austrian Studies","volume":"86 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.1,"publicationDate":"2024-03-08","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140070246","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Sigurd Paul Scheichl: Literatur in Österreich und Südtirol. Ein Panorama in 30 Aufsätzen ed. by Michael Pilz and Dirk Rose (review) Sigurd Paul Scheichl:奥地利和南蒂罗尔文学。Michael Pilz 和 Dirk Rose 编著的《30 篇文章中的全景图》(评论)
IF 0.1 0 HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY Pub Date : 2024-03-08 DOI: 10.1353/oas.2024.a921917
Raymond L. Burt
<span><span>In lieu of</span> an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:</span><p> <span>Reviewed by:</span> <ul> <li><!-- html_title --> <em>Sigurd Paul Scheichl: Literatur in Österreich und Südtirol. Ein Panorama in 30 Aufsätzen</em> ed. by Michael Pilz and Dirk Rose <!-- /html_title --></li> <li> Raymond L. Burt </li> </ul> Michael Pilz and Dirk Rose, eds., <em>Sigurd Paul Scheichl: Literatur in Österreich und Südtirol. Ein Panorama in 30 Aufsätzen</em>. Innsbruck: Innsbruck UP, 2022. 497 pp. <p>Esteemed literary scholars approaching the end of their careers may be honored by a Festschrift, in which colleagues, mentees, and former students publish their own scholarly contributions as a sign of their gratitude and appreciation. Prompted by the eightieth birthday of Sigurd Paul Scheichl, Emeritus Professor of Austrian Literary History and General Literary Studies at the University of Innsbruck, the editors of this volume have chosen to take a different path by publishing, in their “Panorama,” thirty essays selected from his more than three hundred. This choice highlights Scheichl’s long and productive career, while providing a valuable contribution to current and future scholars of Austrian literary studies. Scheichl specialized in the genre of the essay and, according to the editors, understood it as a medium of “sprachlichen Widerstands” that challenges the reader through thought-provoking questions. For example, the title of the first essay begins with the question “Konnte Grillparzer Deutsch?” This approach, together with his close readings of the literary texts, contribute to the continued relevance of these essays, whose publication dates span four decades. Schleichl not only focused his attention on “canonical” authors, such as Franz Grillparzer, Johann Nestroy, Adalbert Stifter, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Elias Canetti, and Karl Kraus, but also detailed the contributions of writers rarely covered in <strong>[End Page 141]</strong> academic circles, thus providing a richer understanding of the complexity of literary history and its diverse scope. One striking example is the essay “Vergessene Träger des Großen Österreichischen Staatspreise in den 50er Jahren,” in which he delves into the reasons that most of the awardees enjoyed relatively little success. This volume also includes topics representing his research interests: the complex question of the canon and literary history in Austrian literature, the role of dialect and language in this history, antisemitism, Austrian national identity, and Tyrolian literary development. The essays are divided into four sections, the first six falling under the heading “Kanon—Tradition—Literaturgeschichtsschreibung.” A short review cannot discuss all essays but mentioning a few provides a glimpse into the richness of this collection. “Österreichische Literaturgeschichten—Konstrukte as ‘vaterländischer Notwendigkeit’? Der Beitrag der Literaturhistoriker zur Nationswerdung der Österreicher” was f
以下是内容的简要摘录,以代替摘要:评论者 Sigurd Paul Scheichl:Literatur in Österreich und Südtirol.Ein Panorama in 30 Aufsätzen ed. by Michael Pilz and Dirk Rose Raymond L. Burt Michael Pilz and Dirk Rose, eds:Literatur in Österreich und Südtirol.Ein Panorama in 30 Aufsätzen.Innsbruck:因斯布鲁克大学,2022 年。497 pp.著名的文学学者在其职业生涯即将结束时,可能会收到一份 "纪念文集"(Festschrift),同事、被指导者和昔日的学生会在其中发表自己的学术贡献,以表达他们的感激和赞赏之情。在因斯布鲁克大学奥地利文学史和文学通论荣誉教授西格德-保罗-舍希尔八十寿辰之际,本卷的编辑们选择了一条不同的道路,在 "全景 "中发表了从他的三百多篇文章中精选出来的三十篇。这一选择彰显了舍希尔漫长而富有成效的职业生涯,同时也为当前和未来的奥地利文学研究学者提供了宝贵的资料。据编者介绍,舍希尔擅长散文这一体裁,他将散文理解为 "语言的广阔天地",通过发人深省的问题向读者提出挑战。例如,第一篇文章的标题就以 "Konnte Grillparzer Deutsch?" 这个问题开头。这种方法加上他对文学文本的细读,使得这些出版日期跨越四十年的文章一直具有现实意义。施莱彻尔不仅关注 "经典 "作家,如弗朗茨-格里尔帕泽、约翰-奈斯特罗伊、阿达尔贝特-斯蒂夫特、雨果-冯-霍夫曼斯塔尔、埃利亚斯-卡内蒂和卡尔-克劳斯,还详细介绍了学术界 [完 141 页] 鲜有涉及的作家的贡献,从而使人们对文学史的复杂性及其多样性有了更丰富的理解。其中一个突出的例子是《50 年来Österreichischen Staatspreise 的辉煌成就》一文,他在文中深入探讨了大多数获奖者成就相对较低的原因。本卷还收录了代表他研究兴趣的主题:奥地利文学中复杂的正典和文学史问题、方言和语言在这一历史中的作用、反犹太主义、奥地利民族认同以及蒂罗尔文学发展。文章分为四个部分,前六篇属于 "Kanon-Tradition-Literaturgeschichtsschreibung "标题下。一篇简短的评论不可能对所有文章都进行讨论,但提及其中几篇,便可一窥这本文集的丰富内涵。"Österreichische Literaturgeschichten-Konstrukte as 'vaterländischer Notwendigkeit'?Der Beitrag der Literaturhistoriker zur Nationswerdung der Österreicher》根据 2002 年的一次演讲于 2009 年首次出版,是对构建奥地利文学史的主要尝试的指导和评论,从纳格尔/蔡德勒/卡斯尔的 1899 年《德奥文学史》开始,一直延续到 2008 年。Scheichl 指出:"《奥地利文学史》本身就是一个整体"(39),他的分析贯穿了几十年的困难和动机。Scheichl 认为,对奥地利文学进行适当描述的主要问题在于无法整合德国学者创作的文学史。他的结论是,我们需要的是从奥地利的角度撰写一部文学史,向奥地利的文学典籍致敬,并承认奥地利在宗教、政治、社会和语言方面的发展。Scheichl 也许是眨了眨眼睛,总结道"Eine solche Literaturgeschichte würde ich gerne benützen; schreiben möchte ich sie freilich nicht" (56)。第二部分 "Epochen-Daten-Zusammenhänge "提供了关于第一次世界大战文学和 1945 年至 1966 年奥地利文学的文章,以及两篇关于南蒂罗尔文学发展的文章。他的论文 "Judentum, Antisemitismus und Literatur in Österreich 1918-1938 "详细论述了 "Hexenkessel des Judenhasses "如何在第一共和国的小说、戏剧、长篇小说和报纸中得到反映。这一时期文学作品和作家中的反犹太主义痕迹出人意料地难以发现,即使是在阅读当时的通俗文学作品时也是如此。文章从持反犹太主义观点的作家入手,研究了罗伯特-霍尔鲍姆(Robert Hohlbaum)、米尔科-耶卢希奇(Mirko Jelusich)和卡尔-保姆加滕(Karl Paumgartten)的作品,发现他们对犹太人的态度往往是模棱两可、自相矛盾的。接下来,在著名奥地利犹太作家的作品中,如赫尔曼-布罗赫、约瑟夫-罗斯、卡尔-楚皮克和安东-安东尼奥的作品。
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引用次数: 0
Investigating Franz Kafka's "Der Bau": Towards an Understanding of His Late Narrative in a Jewish Context by Andrea Newsom Ebarb (review) 调查弗朗茨-卡夫卡的《Der Bau》:Andrea Newsom Ebarb 著《在犹太背景下理解卡夫卡的晚期叙事》(评论)
IF 0.1 0 HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY Pub Date : 2024-03-08 DOI: 10.1353/oas.2024.a921908
Pamela S. Saur
<span><span>In lieu of</span> an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:</span><p> <span>Reviewed by:</span> <ul> <li><!-- html_title --> <em>Investigating Franz Kafka’s “Der Bau”: Towards an Understanding of His Late Narrative in a Jewish Context</em> by Andrea Newsom Ebarb <!-- /html_title --></li> <li> Pamela S. Saur </li> </ul> Andrea Newsom Ebarb, <em>Investigating Franz Kafka’s “Der Bau”: Towards an Understanding of His Late Narrative in a Jewish Context</em>. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2023. 266 pp. <p>Franz Kafka’s unfinished thirty-nine-page story “<em>Der Bau”</em> (published post-humously in 1931), is one of his “lesser-known” works, but it has elicited a wealth of diverse and illuminating scholarly studies, including the 2023 book at hand, <em>Investigating Franz Kafka’s “Der Bau,”</em> an insightful, thoughtful, and well-researched volume based on a dissertation by Andrea Newsom Ebarb. While focused on a single short story, her volume also includes some background information on Kafka’s life, <em>oeuvre</em>, and significance. The story’s protagonist is a creature of unnamed species, perhaps a badger or mole. Critics have advanced many interpretations of the story; the most common avenue of approach is to see the animal as representing Kafka himself and its lifelong task of building and maintaining a burrow as Kafka’s laborious processes of writing, revising, and editing.</p> <p>The story belongs to Kafka’s group of literary works featuring fictional animals, most of which challenge critics by displaying varied blends of human and animal attributes. The hero of “Der Bau” is a furry mammal with claws, but he possesses cognitive, emotional, and possibly spiritual abilities that enable his story to be told. He also develops relationships (chiefly involving his assumptions of enmity toward him on the part of other creatures). He builds, repairs, organizes, and decorates his burrow home and its storage areas, conducts hunting expeditions, and manages his food supply. His actions <strong>[End Page 119]</strong> and reflections display more understanding than the mere instinctual behavior expected of all members of his species.</p> <p>In a sense “<em>Der Bau”</em> is the simple story of one creature, his home, and his work struggling for food and shelter. Yet as Ebarb’s book and other commentaries tell us, his life, particularly his inner life of emotion and thought, is quite complex. Moreover, Ebarb indicates that her explication does not offer the final word on the story, as we glean from the word “Investigating” in the book’s title, and the phrase “Towards an Understanding of” in its subtitle. Both wordings indicate that study and analysis of the story should and will continue. In the last sentence of the book, Ebarb concludes, “Although I offer a primarily Jewish reading of Kafka’s late narrative, my hope for this work is that it will serve as the passage of something beyond by creating a starting point for future interpretive analy
以下是内容的简要摘录,以代替摘要:评论者 调查弗朗茨-卡夫卡的《Der Bau》:Pamela S. Saur Andrea Newsom Ebarb 著,《调查弗朗茨-卡夫卡的 "Der Bau":在犹太背景下理解他的晚期叙事》:研究弗朗茨-卡夫卡的 "Der Bau":在犹太语境中理解他的晚期叙事》。柏林:德格鲁特出版社,2023 年。266 pp.弗朗茨-卡夫卡(Franz Kafka)未完成的长达 39 页的短篇小说《Der Bau》(1931 年在死后出版)是他 "鲜为人知 "的作品之一,但却引发了大量不同的、富有启发性的学术研究,其中包括 2023 年出版的这本《弗朗茨-卡夫卡的 "Der Bau "研究》。这本论文集以一篇短篇小说为重点,同时也包含了一些有关卡夫卡生平、作品和意义的背景资料。故事的主人公是一种不知名的生物,可能是獾或鼹鼠。评论家们对这个故事提出了许多解释;最常见的方法是将这只动物视为卡夫卡本人,将它终生建造和维护洞穴的任务视为卡夫卡写作、修改和编辑的艰辛过程。这个故事属于卡夫卡以虚构的动物为主角的文学作品,其中大多数作品都展现了人类和动物的不同属性,对评论家提出了挑战。Der Bau》的主人公是一只长着爪子的毛茸茸的哺乳动物,但他拥有认知能力、情感能力以及可能的精神能力,这使他的故事得以讲述。他还发展了人际关系(主要涉及他对其他生物敌意的假设)。它建造、修理、组织和装饰自己的洞穴和储藏室,进行狩猎活动,管理食物供应。它的行为 [第 119 页完] 和思考显示了它的理解力,而不仅仅是它的同类应有的本能行为。从某种意义上说,《Der Bau》讲述的是一个生物、它的家和它的工作为食物和住所而奋斗的简单故事。然而,正如埃巴布的书和其他评论所告诉我们的那样,它的生活,尤其是它内心的情感和思想生活,是相当复杂的。此外,埃巴布还指出,她的阐释并不是对故事的最后定论,这一点我们可以从该书标题中的 "调查 "一词和副标题中的 "走向理解 "一语中看出。这两个词都表明,对这个故事的研究和分析应该而且将会继续下去。在本书的最后一句话中,埃巴布总结道:"虽然我对卡夫卡的晚期叙事进行了主要是犹太式的解读,但我对这部作品的希望是,它将通过为未来对卡夫卡传记和文学作品的解释性分析创造一个起点而成为超越的通道,其中也可能包括对'Der Bau'进行犹太复国主义解读的可能性"(248)。五个主要章节的标题都指向对洞穴的感知,无论是我们读者、作者卡夫卡,还是动物及其对洞穴的痴迷;这些章节的标题分别是 "看到洞穴"、"听到洞穴"、"体验洞穴"、"典型化洞穴 "和 "理解洞穴"。每一章都有六到十二个具体而耐人寻味的小标题。关于视觉的一章将洞穴的结构与迷宫、"看守所 "和监狱联系起来。关于听觉的一章讨论了动物对寂静的热爱,以及对识别和寻找它在洞穴中听到的威胁性声音来源的痴迷。其中还包括关于 "声音的本质 "的科学信息。在 "体验洞穴 "这一有趣的部分中,有几段文字表达了动物对拥有洞穴家园并从中获益的浓厚兴趣,以及对失去洞穴家园的恐惧(去领地化)。该书最后两章的主要内容是 "主要是犹太主义(而非犹太复国主义)解读""Der Bau"。Ebarb 对卡夫卡本人对犹太教的混合态度和信仰进行了一些阐释,并引出了故事中支持这种解读的相关段落。她提供了一些有关卡夫卡犹太身份的事实,以及他的家庭和社区与犹太教的联系和对犹太教教义的了解,同时也指出许多学者称卡夫卡为 "虚无主义者"、"消极的 "或 "不情愿的"。
{"title":"Investigating Franz Kafka's \"Der Bau\": Towards an Understanding of His Late Narrative in a Jewish Context by Andrea Newsom Ebarb (review)","authors":"Pamela S. Saur","doi":"10.1353/oas.2024.a921908","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1353/oas.2024.a921908","url":null,"abstract":"&lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;In lieu of&lt;/span&gt; an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:&lt;/span&gt;\u0000&lt;p&gt; &lt;span&gt;Reviewed by:&lt;/span&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;!-- html_title --&gt; &lt;em&gt;Investigating Franz Kafka’s “Der Bau”: Towards an Understanding of His Late Narrative in a Jewish Context&lt;/em&gt; by Andrea Newsom Ebarb &lt;!-- /html_title --&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt; Pamela S. Saur &lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; Andrea Newsom Ebarb, &lt;em&gt;Investigating Franz Kafka’s “Der Bau”: Towards an Understanding of His Late Narrative in a Jewish Context&lt;/em&gt;. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2023. 266 pp. &lt;p&gt;Franz Kafka’s unfinished thirty-nine-page story “&lt;em&gt;Der Bau”&lt;/em&gt; (published post-humously in 1931), is one of his “lesser-known” works, but it has elicited a wealth of diverse and illuminating scholarly studies, including the 2023 book at hand, &lt;em&gt;Investigating Franz Kafka’s “Der Bau,”&lt;/em&gt; an insightful, thoughtful, and well-researched volume based on a dissertation by Andrea Newsom Ebarb. While focused on a single short story, her volume also includes some background information on Kafka’s life, &lt;em&gt;oeuvre&lt;/em&gt;, and significance. The story’s protagonist is a creature of unnamed species, perhaps a badger or mole. Critics have advanced many interpretations of the story; the most common avenue of approach is to see the animal as representing Kafka himself and its lifelong task of building and maintaining a burrow as Kafka’s laborious processes of writing, revising, and editing.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The story belongs to Kafka’s group of literary works featuring fictional animals, most of which challenge critics by displaying varied blends of human and animal attributes. The hero of “Der Bau” is a furry mammal with claws, but he possesses cognitive, emotional, and possibly spiritual abilities that enable his story to be told. He also develops relationships (chiefly involving his assumptions of enmity toward him on the part of other creatures). He builds, repairs, organizes, and decorates his burrow home and its storage areas, conducts hunting expeditions, and manages his food supply. His actions &lt;strong&gt;[End Page 119]&lt;/strong&gt; and reflections display more understanding than the mere instinctual behavior expected of all members of his species.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;In a sense “&lt;em&gt;Der Bau”&lt;/em&gt; is the simple story of one creature, his home, and his work struggling for food and shelter. Yet as Ebarb’s book and other commentaries tell us, his life, particularly his inner life of emotion and thought, is quite complex. Moreover, Ebarb indicates that her explication does not offer the final word on the story, as we glean from the word “Investigating” in the book’s title, and the phrase “Towards an Understanding of” in its subtitle. Both wordings indicate that study and analysis of the story should and will continue. In the last sentence of the book, Ebarb concludes, “Although I offer a primarily Jewish reading of Kafka’s late narrative, my hope for this work is that it will serve as the passage of something beyond by creating a starting point for future interpretive analy","PeriodicalId":40350,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Austrian Studies","volume":"294 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.1,"publicationDate":"2024-03-08","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140070146","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
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Journal of Austrian Studies
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