This paper aims to analyse if there is a positive relationship between resilience and spirituality in its three dimensions (intrapersonal, interpersonal, and transpersonal) as shown in previous studies. At the same time, it explores if there is a relationship with sociodemographic variables.
A descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional study in hospitalised palliative patients was carried out. Resilience (BRCS) and Spirituality (GES) were used as variables. A sample of 105 hospitalised palliative patients was chosen, of which the average age was 65.88 and 53.3% were women. Oncologic diagnosis = 86.7%, low cultural level = 59%; single = 56.2%, and average PPS = 54.2. Concerninn the relationship between resilience and spirituality, GES total and GES intra was 57.7%, GES inter 36.3%, and GES trans 37.3% (Pearson's correlation). As a conclusion, there is a positive correlation between resilience and spirituality, as it was proved in previous studies. However, the intrapersonal dimension has the strongest relationship with resilience.
The objective of this work is to analyze the scientific literature production on borderline personality disorder in Spain over the 2010-2015 period, making a comparative study of articles collected from scientific journals in the field of psychology from several perspectives: year of publication, type of journal (indexing), type of study, clinical sample, and main topic. After the analysis of 80 articles obtained in WOS, Scopus, Psicodoc, Dialnet, and ISOC databases, it was found that most analysis units appear in type C and D publications in adult population and in theoretical studies, being the prevailing subject different psychotherapeutic strategies, especially Dialectic-Behavioral and Transference-Focused Therapy, although with increasing trends of new procedures applied to BPD population. The scarcity of publications on topics such as psychopharmacological and etiological studies, design of new measuring instruments, or differential diagnosis deserves special attention.
This paper studied the relationship between stressful life events (SLE) and psychological symptoms (externalizing and internalizing symptomatology) and school and family adaptation in childhood. Participants were 552, 53.4% boys and 46.6% girls, aged between 10-12 years. Patients receiving treatment in mental health services and a community group were compared. At least one SLE in the past two years is experienced by 88.2% of children. SLE were significantly higher in the clinical group than in the community group. SLE are related to the increased presence of symptoms and lower levels of adaptation. The association between family SLE and hyperactivity symptoms is stronger in the clinical group than in the community group. Having experienced SLE and being a patient predict both symptomatology and adaptation.
Dissociation is defined as the separation of those processes that should be accessible, considering that both somatoform and conversion symptoms may be understood as dissociative. In recent decades, psychological variables have been related to dissociation, such as suggestibility, fantasy, alexithymia, abnormal emotional processes, and also a particular personality profile. The aim of this paper is to study the profile associated with psychoform and somatoform dissociation. The sample consisted of 355 participants. University students employed the snowball sampling. The following instruments were used: the Dissociative Experiences Scale-II (DES-II), the Questionnaire Somatoform Dissociation (SDQ-20), the Inventory Suggestibility (IS), the Alexithymia Scale Toronto (TAS-20), the Scale Difficulties in Emotion Regulation (DERS), the revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI), and some ad hoc questions to evaluate sleep-related experiences. The results indicated that high dissociators showed higher scores on suggestibility, alexithymia, sleep- related experiences, neuroticism, openness to experience, and lower conscientiousness than low dissociators, the results being similar to those obtained by high somatizers. As a conclusion, the profile found in both types of dissociation indicated their existing relationship, and pointed out possible lines of future research and treatment.
The frequent co-occurrence of affective and personality disorders (PD) is associated with poor prognosis. We examined the role of dysfunctional attitudes (DA) in this interaction, analysing different self-reporting variables in people with a diagnosis of PD (n = 262) with and without depression. We found no differences by age, sex, or therapeutic adherence; DA are associated with depressive symptoms, general and PD severity, pathological traits (especially borderline and self-destructive, with d > 0.80) and, in the opposite way, with self-efficacy, self-esteem, and social competence. Those who manage to reverse DA after 6 months’ intervention (37.4%) also obtained a better outcome. A non-linear perspective may help explain the complex interaction between the increased sense of personal and interpersonal agency (preparing behavioural change), DA (cognitive schemata), and the preservation of well-being (emotional homeostasis).
The case of a thirty-eight-year-old man with an adjustment disorder together with anxiety is described. The perception of his work overload led to consequences such as symptoms of anxiety, perception of inability to solve problems, difficulty disconnecting, and continuing in the present situation. Another consequence was a deterioration in his daily routine, in addition to excessive drinking. Cognitive behavioral therapy, a multicomponent treatment for anxiety (psycho-education, cognitive techniques, and physiological techniques deactivation), was applied, together with controlling his drinking program as to reduce alcohol consumption, and training in problem solving and time management to reduce his work overload and eliminate stress. At the end of the treatment, there was an improvement with his physiological arousal, especially in the decrease of anxiety regarding working environment and resolved drinking behavior. Intervention results which confirm the effectiveness of treatment are discussed.
Chronic pain is considered one that persists for more than three months. The treatment of pain is complicated even more when the health professional has a second thought about a possible malingering. This is a deliberate attempt to simulate a disease or disability, exaggerating the symptomatology, with the aim of obtaining a benefit, which is usually of an economic type. This paper depicts the case of a patient treated for chronic pain in a pain unit, which is suspected of obtaining an economic benefit due to permanent disability. After the evaluation, a malingering process is ruled out and a cognitive-behavioral treatment is started. We describe the evaluation that allows to rule out the suspicion of malingering, the cognitive-behavioral treatment with the choice of scientifically endorsed techniques for the treatment of chronic pain, and the results obtained.
Currently, smell is considered one of the most complex and unknown sensory system that exist. A recent research concluded that there is a possible relationship between the loss of smell and neurodegenerative diseases, focusing on its importance like an early indicator. The present study focuses on the relationship between the variable Recognition Time (RCT) of the Valoración de Estímulos Olfativos Cotidianos Abreviado (V.E.O.C.A.) test, age, and type of anosmia. A sample of 64 subjects with anosmia derived from the Alcorcón Foundation University Hospital was used for the study. The results indicated TRC significant differences in the variables analyzed. These findings suggested a possible influence of cognitive aspects, according with previous studies. Higher scores were found on TRC in the cases of the traumatic anosmia and young people compared to the rest of groups.