Predicting the timing of incoming information allows brain to optimize information processing in dynamic environments. However, the effects of temporal predictions on tactile perception are not well established. In this study, two experiments were conducted to determine how temporal predictions interact with conditional probabilities in tactile perceptual processing. In Experiment 1, we explored the range of the interval between preceding ready cues and imperative targets in which temporal prediction effects can be observed. This prediction effect was observed for intervals of 500 and 1,000 ms. In Experiment 2, we investigated the benefits of temporal predictions on tactile perception while manipulating the conditional probability (setting the stimulus onset earlier or later than the predicted moment in short and long intervals). Our results revealed that this effect became stronger as the probability of the stimulus at the predicted time point increased under short-interval conditions. Together, our results show that the difficulty of transferring processing resources increases in temporally dynamic environments, suggesting a greater subjective cost associated with maladaptive responses to temporally uncertain events.
This conceptual paper examines the use of odours and scents in books to enhance storytelling and engage readers. While books often possess a distinctive smell linked to their material production, the intentional use of scents in books is rare. Our study focuses on scratch-and-sniff books, examining their narrative purposes and contributions to young children's literature. We conduct a narrative historical review, supplemented by a systematic search of databases, online catalogues and lists, to identify a collection of these scented books. Through this review, we explore the extent to which these books represent a unique category of children's picture books, investigating how their features align with theoretical understandings of quality characteristics in children's literature and the role of olfactory cues in storytelling. We address why most scented books target younger readers and discuss possible reasons for the absence of scented books for an adult readership. This intriguing asymmetry contrasts the use of scent in other media (such as film, theatre or virtual reality), often directed toward adults. In addition, this review sheds light on the innovative use of scents in books and their impact on reader immersion and narrative experience. Finally, we consider possible future uses of scent in the context of digital books (ebooks).
Numerous studies have consistently demonstrated the presence of the approximate number system (ANS) throughout development. Research has also revealed that visual cues may influence the ANS acuity, which may change with age. However, most studies have drawn conclusions based on performance differences between incongruent and congruent trials, which may be confounded by an individual's ability to inhibit interference. Therefore, to examine the developmental changes of the impact of visual cues on ANS acuity, we utilized congruent trials with varying visual cues. Our sample comprised Chinese children from grade one to grade five. We manipulated the salience of numerical cues (numerical ratio) and visual cues (dot size) in a non-symbolic numerosity comparison task. The results revealed a discernible leap in development from first to third grade and first to fifth grade; however, this upward trajectory did not persist into the transition from third to fifth grade, where no appreciable advancement was observed. Moreover, we observed different effects of visual cues on the dot-comparison task depending on the numerical cues and age. Specifically, visual cues (i.e., dot size) only facilitated ANS acuity in older school-aged children when numerical cues were weakened. The results indicate the presence of two distinct magnitude representational systems-one for the numerical dimension and another for the non-numerical dimension-during development.
Two dots shown in quick succession at one point and a third at a distance on the same linear path creates an illusion of intervening flashes on a visual field, a phenomenon known as the reduced visual rabbit illusion or visual saltation illusion. This study presents this illusion in a novel way by altering the position of the second flash, which has been typically presented only in the same position as the first flash. A series of experiments were conducted to observe whether saltation would occur if the second flash was presented in the same position as the third flash, out of sequential order relative to the first and last flash, or out of linear alignment at the midpoint between the first and the last flash. When all three flashes were presented in quick succession, participants misperceived the second flash to occur close to the midpoint between the first and last flash. Saltation was achieved in all three novel conditions, hinting a particular neurological process may be responsible for shared outcomes.
Reverspectives and hollow masks cause a reversal of perceived depth when observed from a position beyond certain critical distances, even if viewed binocularly. Their 3D structures or images invariably contain a linear perspective, shading, or familiarity cue to depth. Using a concave screen, we demonstrate a novel type of perceived depth reversal in binocular viewing with a variety of depth cues.
We describe a novel size illusion in which targets appear to either shrink or grow when enclosed within a narrow tube. The direction of size change is determined by the contrast step between display elements. We first noticed this effect in the context of the dynamic "rocking line" illusion (RLI), but it can also be easily seen in completely static displays. As with the RLI, the overall scale of the display seems to play an important role. We provide an online, interactive demo, enabling the reader to explore the relevant parameter space.