Purpose: The study assessed the caries risk in infants and children with and without early childhood caries (ECC) using American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Caries Risk Assessment Tool (AAPD CRAT) and identified the association between caries risk and mode of birth delivery.
Methods: This cross-sectional study included 96 infants and children with all maxillary and mandibular primary anterior teeth and at least two primary molars erupted clinically in the oral cavity. The details on the mode of birth delivery were noted in a preformed template along with the demographic details, followed by caries risk assessment (CRA) to assess the caries risk of an individual. The outcome assessment for overall caries risk was performed for the ECC and non-ECC group and compared against the mode of birth delivery. Descriptive statistics were performed for all the study variables (gender, overall caries risk, mode of birth delivery, and term of delivery). The Chi-square test was used to compare the categorical variables between the two groups (ECC and non-ECC groups).
Results: The high caries risk category contributed to 52.1% and 68.8% in the ECC and non-ECC groups, respectively. The prevalence of vaginal mode of delivery was 41.7% and 52.1% in the ECC and non-ECC groups, respectively. Caries risk increases with increasing age and the non-ECC group shows more risk (68.8%) than the ECC group. In comparison with the variables against the groups (ECC and non-ECC), Chi-square test revealed that only the term of delivery (p value = 0.035) and overall caries risk (p = 0.045) showed statistically significant difference.
Conclusion: The proportion of high caries risk subjects was significantly more in the non-ECC groups. Children delivered by the C-section mode showed high caries risk (66.7%) when compared with the vaginal mode of delivery (53.3%). A validated CRAT for predicting caries risk is required.