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The wrong of mercenarism: a promissory account 雇佣军的错误:期票
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 ETHICS Pub Date : 2023-06-18 DOI: 10.1111/jopp.12305
Chiara Cordelli
<p>Recent history has seen a rapid growth in the involvement of private parties in war conflicts. In 2020, there were almost twice as many private contractors as US soldiers in Afghanistan.1 In the ongoing war in Ukraine, private actors are allegedly deployed by both parties in the conflict.2 Originally hired by states to provide support services from catering to logistics, private military firms (PMFs) have progressively taken on functions, including combat tasks, that were deemed, at least in the last century, inherently governmental.3 The phenomenon amounts to an unprecedented form of corporatized mercenarism.4</p><p>The condemnation of mercenarism has an illustrious history. While Machiavelli famously deprecated mercenaries' lack of loyalty and tendency to corrupt the state,5 Rousseau worried that hiring mercenaries, rather than having citizens fight wars, would lead the latter to value comfort more than republican freedom. Recent critics argue, among other things, that fighting for profit is inherently wrong;6 that the privatization of war leads to an unjust distribution of access to security;7 that it allows both states and private parties to escape democratic accountability;8 and that it provides incentives to escalate conflicts and to increase the use of violence in the battlefield.9 Some contemporary philosophers have, on the other side, shown a friendlier face towards mercenarism. Most prominently, Cécile Fabre argues that, at least under ideal circumstances, private parties have a right to sell their soldiering services to states, for the purpose of just defensive killing, and states are at liberty to buy those services from them.10</p><p>Departing from Fabre's (qualified) defense of mercenarism, my goal is to provide an account of the wrong of privatized war, which neither rests on the controversial claim that fighting for profit is inherently wrong, nor assumes that privatization leads to unjust distributive outcomes, a lack of accountability, or the disproportionate use of force (although it may). I argue that, even in the absence of such problems, the privatization of (at least some) military tasks would amount to a condition of <i>double domination</i>, whereby both those exposed to the mercenary's use of force and, perhaps more surprisingly, the mercenary themself is dominated: that is to say, subject to the arbitrary will of another. This can occur even within the context of a just war.</p><p>To make my case, I will first argue that the state's outsourcing of certain military tasks to private parties, including most combat tasks, consists of a system of contracts between states and such parties that contain either invalid (not binding) or seriously problematic promises. Either the mercenary's promissory offer to perform those tasks entails the <i>alienation</i> of certain rights that cannot be so alienated, in which case the promise is invalid, or, if limited to the mere <i>waiving</i> of those rights, then the state is generall
此外,我的叙述谴责正常运作的国家——也就是说,既有体制和经济能力维持公共军队的政治实体——将军事任务私有化,但不一定是非常软弱或失败的国家。我认为这些资格是论点的优势而不是弱点,因为它们反映了所涉问题和现实的复杂性。尽管这一论点依赖于对当代雇佣军制度的经验假设,其中一些假设可以在不损害实践本身概念完整性的情况下加以改变,但反对意见是强烈的,因为正如我们将看到的那样,做出所需的改变将首先破坏雇佣军制度存在的原因。同样重要的是,雇佣军在一个国家的武装部队中并不占据官方地位。尽管对战争私有化的伦理评估是本文的主要关注点,但这并不是其唯一的野心。这篇文章还提供了一个机会,让我们反思是什么使担任公职在规范上具有特殊性,并对哪些工作(如果有的话)应该完全由公共行为者履行这一更广泛的问题提出了一个看似合理(如果不是决定性的话)的答案。我的论点的一个结果是,我们有理由宣传——保留给公共代理人——工作的表现,这些工作的功能(1)在道德上是允许的,在社会上也是可取的,从某种意义上说,政治社会有充分的理由不取消有问题的工作,(2)只有当员工受到约束,当迫在眉睫的死亡风险出现时留下来。除了作战任务外,消防以及更具争议的是,在致命的流行病期间维持治安和提供紧急护理也是可行的选择。如果雇佣军活动包括政府和私人行为者之间的服务合同交换,那么,雇佣军活动就是一种有希望的现象。因为如果不是可执行的承诺,合同是什么?14这种定义合同的方式,在哲学家中仍然占主导地位,也反映了大多数法律体系理解合同的方式。例如,美国合同法将合同定义为“一种承诺……对违反该承诺的行为,法律给予补救,或者法律在某种程度上承认履行该承诺是一种义务。”15雇佣军合同是具有法律约束力的相互有条件的承诺。通过将军事任务(T)外包给雇佣兵(M),政府(G)承诺,如果M代表G执行T,将为M提供一定的利益。同时,如果G向M提供或承诺提供这些利益,M承诺履行T。因此,对战争私有化的道德评估应该解决雇佣军合同是否包含有效承诺的问题,如果是,这种承诺是否是一个国家可以允许其当事人履行的承诺。因为即使合同法不应该完美地追踪承诺的道德性——例如,约瑟夫主要出于金钱原因与鲍勃结婚的婚姻合同可能是不道德的(不道德的),但仍然具有约束力——然而,合同的有效性和可执行性是以基本承诺的有效性为条件的。此外,一个州不应该使用法律规范来强迫人们遵守他们对该州做出的承诺,如果该州本身一开始就不应该接受这些承诺,无论这些承诺多么有效。那么,如果雇佣军合同包含无效的承诺,或者一个国家不应该接受的承诺,我们将有充分的理由质疑这些合同的可执行性。但是,承诺有效意味着什么呢?如果承诺成功地将对受承诺人的新义务强加给承诺人,使得承诺人不履行义务会使受承诺人犯错,则该承诺是有效的。我赞同“权威观点”16,认为产生承诺义务的不是承诺在被承诺人心中产生期望的事实,因为预测也可以做到这一点,而是承诺人将对承诺人的决策权转移给被承诺人的事实,包括“决定是否采取行动、如何采取行动以及基于何种理由的权利。”17在承诺给你买一本书之前,我有权决定是否购买。在我的承诺之后,你有权为我做出决定。如果产生承诺义务的是决策权的转移,那么,要使承诺有效,承诺必须满足可转让条件:承诺人声称转让给受承诺人的权力不能是不可转让的。成为他人奴隶的承诺就是一个未能满足这一条件的承诺的典型例子。为什么?首先,奴隶制承诺试图转移的那种决策权本身就可以说是不可剥夺的。 24现在,奴隶制承诺未能满足可剥夺性条件的同样原因也解释了为什么试图疏远一个人自由裁量的生命权的承诺未能满足同样的条件——决定一个人是生是死的自由裁量权可能是道德能动性的最基本方面,这肯定是我们有权控制的事情,因为如果我们将控制这一更基本决策的权利移交给他人,我们开展有意义的项目和长期规划的能力将严重削弱。因此,要么自由裁量的生命权本质上是不可剥夺的,因为它的可转让性与道德能动性的基础价值相矛盾,要么它在任何情况下都不能通过承诺而被异化,因为这种异化与拥有承诺的规范权力——权威利益——的理由相矛盾。请注意,这并不意味着自愿安乐死的合同一定无效,因为在自愿安乐死的情况下,无论我未来的意愿如何变化,我都不会将决定我是生是死的自由裁量权移交给其他人。只要我能在最后一刻改变主意,我自己就是在行使这一权力。25相比之下,无论我未来的意愿可能发生什么变化,(试图)将决定我是生是死的权利转移给他人,就是(试图)放弃这一权力。因此,如果雇佣军的报价与士兵的承诺一样,被解释为试图疏远雇佣军的自由支配生命权,那么,这样的报价(与Fabre制造商的报价不同)应该被视为无效——即使国家接受了它,也不会产生在迫在眉睫的风险情况下留下来的承诺义务。如果雇佣兵不肯死,他们就不会冤枉国家。然而,有人可能会反对,人们总是签订雇佣合同从事风险很大的职业,而这种合同通常会成功地对雇员施加有约束力的义务。事实上,尽管雇佣军的生命面临严重风险,但伐木或建筑等26种职业的风险总体上更大。那么,为什么雇佣兵合同,而不是伐木合同,是无效的呢?原因是伐木工人的提议并没有试图疏远他们的生命权。记录者同意的——执行一些随机分布的死亡风险所附加的任务——并不等同于一旦死亡风险出现,就将决定他们是否应该留下的权力移交给另一个人。如果伐木工人在合理地担心一棵树掉在他们头上时就离开,他们不会责怪雇主,即使他们按照合同约定同意做雇主决定的任何事情,情况也是如此。正如内德·多博斯所指出的,我们不仅会“认为任何文职雇主要求并强制服从死亡在道德上都是不合理的”,而且员工,包括那些从事非常危险职业的员工,如果他们认为存在“迫在眉睫的危险”,就有道德和法律权利不服从命令,在法律上,这是根据“死亡或严重身体伤害”的合理预期来定义的。27同样,伐木工人承诺做雇主要求的任何事情,包括在伐木工人的生命面临迫在眉睫的危险时留下来,都是无效的,雇佣兵承诺在面临迫在眉睫的死亡风险时做指挥官要求的任何事也应该是无效的。稍后我将解释为什么士兵是这个结论的一个特殊例外。然而,有人可能会反对,在雇佣军的情况下,也只有在这种情况下,服从牺牲是实现职业目标所必需的——这个目标可以说在道德上是可以接受的,也足够有价值。28也许这一事实足以证明在道德上约束雇佣军按照指挥官所说的去做,遭遇了义务论的挑战:异化的预期利益似乎不足以使不可剥夺的东西变得可转让。正如奴役合同制度是无效的,即使在实现社会稳定或经济增长所必需的情况下也是无效的一样,要求转让自由裁量生命权的雇佣军合同制度也是无效的,甚至在实现更好的安全所必需的情况下也是如此。因此,雇佣军的承诺似乎只有在雇佣军被视为放弃而不是疏远其生命权的情况下才是有效和允许的。就像性工作者可以(可以说)在市场上出售性服务一样,只要他们保留一旦改变主意就离开的权利,雇佣兵也可以出售他们的作战服务,假设他们在情况变得太危险时保留离开的权利。 如果他们不提供服务,他们可能有义务退还这笔钱,但没有义务因不履行义务而受到任何制裁,尽管“可执行性有限”。无论现行法律如何理解雇佣军合同的内容,从道德上讲,雇佣军的服务要约只有在被限制为放弃的情况下才能有效。32但这产生了一个新的问题。如果雇佣军的提议只有在私人行为者保留在迫在眉睫的危险情况下退出的权利的
{"title":"The wrong of mercenarism: a promissory account","authors":"Chiara Cordelli","doi":"10.1111/jopp.12305","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1111/jopp.12305","url":null,"abstract":"&lt;p&gt;Recent history has seen a rapid growth in the involvement of private parties in war conflicts. In 2020, there were almost twice as many private contractors as US soldiers in Afghanistan.1 In the ongoing war in Ukraine, private actors are allegedly deployed by both parties in the conflict.2 Originally hired by states to provide support services from catering to logistics, private military firms (PMFs) have progressively taken on functions, including combat tasks, that were deemed, at least in the last century, inherently governmental.3 The phenomenon amounts to an unprecedented form of corporatized mercenarism.4&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The condemnation of mercenarism has an illustrious history. While Machiavelli famously deprecated mercenaries' lack of loyalty and tendency to corrupt the state,5 Rousseau worried that hiring mercenaries, rather than having citizens fight wars, would lead the latter to value comfort more than republican freedom. Recent critics argue, among other things, that fighting for profit is inherently wrong;6 that the privatization of war leads to an unjust distribution of access to security;7 that it allows both states and private parties to escape democratic accountability;8 and that it provides incentives to escalate conflicts and to increase the use of violence in the battlefield.9 Some contemporary philosophers have, on the other side, shown a friendlier face towards mercenarism. Most prominently, Cécile Fabre argues that, at least under ideal circumstances, private parties have a right to sell their soldiering services to states, for the purpose of just defensive killing, and states are at liberty to buy those services from them.10&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Departing from Fabre's (qualified) defense of mercenarism, my goal is to provide an account of the wrong of privatized war, which neither rests on the controversial claim that fighting for profit is inherently wrong, nor assumes that privatization leads to unjust distributive outcomes, a lack of accountability, or the disproportionate use of force (although it may). I argue that, even in the absence of such problems, the privatization of (at least some) military tasks would amount to a condition of &lt;i&gt;double domination&lt;/i&gt;, whereby both those exposed to the mercenary's use of force and, perhaps more surprisingly, the mercenary themself is dominated: that is to say, subject to the arbitrary will of another. This can occur even within the context of a just war.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;To make my case, I will first argue that the state's outsourcing of certain military tasks to private parties, including most combat tasks, consists of a system of contracts between states and such parties that contain either invalid (not binding) or seriously problematic promises. Either the mercenary's promissory offer to perform those tasks entails the &lt;i&gt;alienation&lt;/i&gt; of certain rights that cannot be so alienated, in which case the promise is invalid, or, if limited to the mere &lt;i&gt;waiving&lt;/i&gt; of those rights, then the state is generall","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":"31 4","pages":"470-493"},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-06-18","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jopp.12305","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"68180665","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 2
In Search of Global Memory: Where Does the Transnational Turn in Memory Studies Lead? 寻找全球记忆:记忆研究的跨国转向将走向何方?
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 ETHICS Pub Date : 2023-06-14 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-166-194
A. F. Pavlovskii
The article is devoted to the transnational turn in the research of collective and cultural memory in the 21st century, reflecting the desire of scientists working within Memory studies to go beyond “methodological nationalism” and explore the formation and circulation of historical memory across borders. Based on the English-language literature of the 2000s—2020s, the author analyzes the emerging field of Transnational Memory studies from the point of view of the categorical apparatus, disciplinary features and research approaches. Having documented that discussions about the transcultural dimension of collective memory are present even in the works of the classics of Memory studies, the author shows that the efforts of their modern critics are driven by the attempts to conceptualize the memory of the Holocaust, World War II, colonialism and other events of the “difficult past”. The abundance of closely related concepts elaborated in recent years creates an illusion of competition in this field, but these concepts are often based on fundamentally different ideological and methodological settings, and if some of the concepts possess a certain empirical potential, others are completely normative. The author identifies six main research lenses within the current state of Transnational Memory studies — international, supranational, diasporic, mediatized, digital and, finally, global, associated with the problem of memory synchrony/simultaneity. At the same time, according to his conclusion, getting rid of the national perspective in understanding transnational memory is still far from complete, and the very fact that scientists look beyond borders indicates that such borders still exist.
这篇文章致力于研究21世纪集体和文化记忆研究的跨国转向,反映了从事记忆研究的科学家超越“方法论民族主义”,探索跨国界历史记忆的形成和循环的愿望。本文以2000 - 2020年代的英语文献为基础,从范畴结构、学科特征和研究方法等方面分析了跨国记忆研究的新兴领域。通过记录关于集体记忆的跨文化维度的讨论,甚至在记忆研究的经典作品中也存在,作者表明,他们的现代批评者的努力是由试图概念化大屠杀,第二次世界大战,殖民主义和其他“艰难的过去”事件的记忆所驱动的。近年来阐述的大量密切相关的概念造成了这一领域竞争的假象,但这些概念往往基于根本不同的意识形态和方法设置,如果某些概念具有一定的经验潜力,则其他概念完全是规范的。作者在跨国记忆研究的现状中确定了六个主要的研究视角——国际的、超国家的、散居的、媒介化的、数字化的,最后是全球的,与记忆同步/同时性问题相关。与此同时,根据他的结论,在理解跨国记忆时摆脱国家视角还远远没有完成,而科学家超越国界的事实表明,这种边界仍然存在。
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引用次数: 0
Political Preferences of Young Voters in Contemporary Russia 当代俄罗斯青年选民的政治偏好
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 ETHICS Pub Date : 2023-06-14 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-77-112
Y. Korgunyuk, C. Ross
The article is devoted to the political preferences of young voters in contemporary Russia’s elections. Building on the conclusions of their previous research on the relationship between modernisation and political pluralism in Russian regions, the authors attempt to evaluate the role of the age factor in voting behaviour by means of correlation and regression analysis, using as control variables the factors of modernization tested by them earlier. Their research showed that the perception that young voters are more likely to support liberal and democratic parties than older generations is not entirely true. Voters aged 18 to 24 were indeed more prone to vote for opposition parties, but not necessarily liberal and democratic ones. In the 2016 Duma elections, the caricature neo-Stalinists from Communists of Russia benefited the most from the support of the youngest category of voters; in the elections to regional assemblies in 2016—2021 the radical imperialists from the Liberal Democratic Party did it. In the Duma elections of 2021 the greatest support from the youngest age cohort received, on the one hand, the “systemic opposition” in the face of the Communist Party and the Liberal Democratic Party, and on the other hand, the debutant of the election campaign, the New People Party, that adheres to liberal positions in the economic sphere, but is quite loyal to the existing regime.
{"title":"Political Preferences of Young Voters in Contemporary Russia","authors":"Y. Korgunyuk, C. Ross","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-77-112","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-77-112","url":null,"abstract":"The article is devoted to the political preferences of young voters in contemporary Russia’s elections. Building on the conclusions of their previous research on the relationship between modernisation and political pluralism in Russian regions, the authors attempt to evaluate the role of the age factor in voting behaviour by means of correlation and regression analysis, using as control variables the factors of modernization tested by them earlier. Their research showed that the perception that young voters are more likely to support liberal and democratic parties than older generations is not entirely true. Voters aged 18 to 24 were indeed more prone to vote for opposition parties, but not necessarily liberal and democratic ones. In the 2016 Duma elections, the caricature neo-Stalinists from Communists of Russia benefited the most from the support of the youngest category of voters; in the elections to regional assemblies in 2016—2021 the radical imperialists from the Liberal Democratic Party did it. In the Duma elections of 2021 the greatest support from the youngest age cohort received, on the one hand, the “systemic opposition” in the face of the Communist Party and the Liberal Democratic Party, and on the other hand, the debutant of the election campaign, the New People Party, that adheres to liberal positions in the economic sphere, but is quite loyal to the existing regime.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":"24 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-06-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"79035297","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Political Facts and the Production of Meanings in Discourse 政治事实与话语意义的产生
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 ETHICS Pub Date : 2023-06-14 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-19-36
I. V. Kazakov
The article proposes conceptualization of a political fact as a semiotic sign, based on Peirce’s models, which were reexamined by a number of modern researchers and filled with a discursive content. Facts are defined as statements with illocutionary power that represent a state of affairs to the mind, which interprets that representation as valid. Political facts differ from others in that the process of their interpretation is politically motivated i.e., pragmatically and normatively. Fact is also considered as a special case of a speech act: following John Searle, the author believes that such acts are always illocutionary, although there is not always a direct connection between the structure of an utterance and its intended meaning. On the basis of such understanding of facts and Peirce’s classification of interpretants, the author builds semiotic typology of facts. He distinguishes between eight types of facts depending on the position of an interpretant in relation to a sign. All types of facts are located in a three-dimensional conceptual model, which is presented in the article in three tables. The author reveals possible prerequisites that determine a subject’s choice of this or the other mode of the interpretation of facts. The author finds a connection between certain types of interpretants with behavioral choices of subjects, as well as with the concept of intersubjectivity. According to the author, such conceptualization can work as an intermediary model that connects various scientific traditions via a single apparatus that allows overcoming the differences between individual approaches through an appeal to more general characteristics of the subject. The constructed typology of facts also has practical significance, especially in the study of political discourse, where dispute about facts plays a central role. It gives a researcher an opportunity not only to focus on certain categories of facts, but also, when faced with any facts, to effectively categorize them, identifying their key characteristics.
本文以皮尔斯的模型为基础,提出将政治事实概念化为符号学符号,这一模型被许多现代研究者重新审视,并充满了话语内容。事实被定义为具有言外之力的陈述,它代表了一种事物的状态,它将这种陈述解释为有效的。政治事实不同于其他事实,因为它们的解释过程具有政治动机,即实用主义和规范。事实也被认为是言语行为的一个特例:按照John Searle的观点,作者认为这种行为总是言外行为,尽管话语的结构与其预期意义之间并不总是存在直接联系。在这种对事实的理解和皮尔斯对解释者的分类的基础上,作者构建了事实的符号学类型学。他区分了八种类型的事实,这取决于解释者与符号的关系。所有类型的事实都位于一个三维概念模型中,该模型在文章中以三个表的形式呈现。作者揭示了决定主体选择这种或另一种事实解释模式的可能先决条件。作者发现某些类型的解释者与主体的行为选择以及主体间性的概念之间存在联系。根据作者的说法,这种概念化可以作为一种中介模型,通过一种单一的装置将各种科学传统联系起来,通过对主题的更一般特征的呼吁来克服个人方法之间的差异。事实的建构类型学也具有现实意义,特别是在政治话语的研究中,关于事实的争论起着核心作用。它给研究人员提供了一个机会,不仅关注某些类别的事实,而且,当面对任何事实时,有效地对它们进行分类,识别它们的关键特征。
{"title":"Political Facts and the Production of Meanings in Discourse","authors":"I. V. Kazakov","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-19-36","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-19-36","url":null,"abstract":"The article proposes conceptualization of a political fact as a semiotic sign, based on Peirce’s models, which were reexamined by a number of modern researchers and filled with a discursive content. Facts are defined as statements with illocutionary power that represent a state of affairs to the mind, which interprets that representation as valid. Political facts differ from others in that the process of their interpretation is politically motivated i.e., pragmatically and normatively. Fact is also considered as a special case of a speech act: following John Searle, the author believes that such acts are always illocutionary, although there is not always a direct connection between the structure of an utterance and its intended meaning. On the basis of such understanding of facts and Peirce’s classification of interpretants, the author builds semiotic typology of facts. He distinguishes between eight types of facts depending on the position of an interpretant in relation to a sign. All types of facts are located in a three-dimensional conceptual model, which is presented in the article in three tables. The author reveals possible prerequisites that determine a subject’s choice of this or the other mode of the interpretation of facts. The author finds a connection between certain types of interpretants with behavioral choices of subjects, as well as with the concept of intersubjectivity. According to the author, such conceptualization can work as an intermediary model that connects various scientific traditions via a single apparatus that allows overcoming the differences between individual approaches through an appeal to more general characteristics of the subject. The constructed typology of facts also has practical significance, especially in the study of political discourse, where dispute about facts plays a central role. It gives a researcher an opportunity not only to focus on certain categories of facts, but also, when faced with any facts, to effectively categorize them, identifying their key characteristics.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":"22 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-06-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"76057316","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The Concept of Power and Its Transformation in Political Realism 政治现实主义中的权力概念及其转变
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 ETHICS Pub Date : 2023-06-14 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-6-18
S. Kucherenko
The article is devoted to the analysis of the transformation of the concept of power in political realism. In recent decades, the International Relations Theory has witnessed an emerging consensus about the nature of this transformation. According to an increasingly popular point of view, classical realists, primarily Hans Morgenthau, interpreted power as power relationships between two individuals that have psychological and normative dimensions. The reform of realism by Kenneth Waltz and other structuralists stripped power of these dimensions, turning it into quantifiable material might. Critics of structural realism interpret such a rethinking as impoverishment and erosion of the concept, fraught with dangerous consequences for the International Relations Science. In their eyes structural realism is nothing more than a disguised ideology of power politics, which could and should be overcome by returning to the roots of the realist tradition and using classical concepts, which are supposedly richer and deeper. The study shows that the transformation of the concept of power can be explained by the objective rather than ideological reasons: in the era of quantitative methods, attempts to define power as something immeasurable were perceived as a rejection of “scientific”. At the same time, classical realism itself already contained the prerequisites for such interpretation of power, which was largely viewed as a might. In comparison to the general theory, Morgenthau's approach to the definition of this concept slightly stands out, but is not fundamentally different. At the same time, Morgenthau’s concept of power in its original formulation is poorly applicable as an analytical tool, revealing a number of contradictions and difficulties associated with the ontological dimension of the project of political realism.
{"title":"The Concept of Power and Its Transformation in Political Realism","authors":"S. Kucherenko","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-6-18","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-6-18","url":null,"abstract":"The article is devoted to the analysis of the transformation of the concept of power in political realism. In recent decades, the International Relations Theory has witnessed an emerging consensus about the nature of this transformation. According to an increasingly popular point of view, classical realists, primarily Hans Morgenthau, interpreted power as power relationships between two individuals that have psychological and normative dimensions. The reform of realism by Kenneth Waltz and other structuralists stripped power of these dimensions, turning it into quantifiable material might. Critics of structural realism interpret such a rethinking as impoverishment and erosion of the concept, fraught with dangerous consequences for the International Relations Science. In their eyes structural realism is nothing more than a disguised ideology of power politics, which could and should be overcome by returning to the roots of the realist tradition and using classical concepts, which are supposedly richer and deeper. The study shows that the transformation of the concept of power can be explained by the objective rather than ideological reasons: in the era of quantitative methods, attempts to define power as something immeasurable were perceived as a rejection of “scientific”. At the same time, classical realism itself already contained the prerequisites for such interpretation of power, which was largely viewed as a might. In comparison to the general theory, Morgenthau's approach to the definition of this concept slightly stands out, but is not fundamentally different. At the same time, Morgenthau’s concept of power in its original formulation is poorly applicable as an analytical tool, revealing a number of contradictions and difficulties associated with the ontological dimension of the project of political realism.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":"2 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-06-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"77643503","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Subnational State Capacity and Pro-Government Voting in Russia 俄罗斯的地方政府能力和亲政府投票
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 ETHICS Pub Date : 2023-06-14 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-113-129
M. Sukhova
This paper examines how the level of subnational administrative state capacity, measured as the success of the implementation of the May 2012 presidential decrees in the regions, affects the electoral support for the government. The research study focuses on the indicators that reflect the dynamics of the salaries of public sector workers (doctors, teachers etc.), which are considered one of the electoral groups that the authorities count on. The results of the study show that in regions with higher salaries, public sector workers tend to vote more actively for the government. According to the author’s conclusion, these findings not only demonstrate that a high level of subnational administrative state capacity has a positive effect on the loyalty of citizens, but also confirm the efficiency of a strategy of distributing material wealth for maintaining and strengthening stability of authoritarian states. At the same time, the study shows that salary manipulation as a tool to increase loyalty does not work in all cases, even when it comes to public sector workers. The same applies to such indicators of socio-economic development as the level of urbanization and the value of GRP per capita, which are negatively correlated with pro-government voting. All this indicates that, along with economic considerations, other factors also influence electoral behavior, which requires further research.
{"title":"Subnational State Capacity and Pro-Government Voting in Russia","authors":"M. Sukhova","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-113-129","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-113-129","url":null,"abstract":"This paper examines how the level of subnational administrative state capacity, measured as the success of the implementation of the May 2012 presidential decrees in the regions, affects the electoral support for the government. The research study focuses on the indicators that reflect the dynamics of the salaries of public sector workers (doctors, teachers etc.), which are considered one of the electoral groups that the authorities count on. The results of the study show that in regions with higher salaries, public sector workers tend to vote more actively for the government. According to the author’s conclusion, these findings not only demonstrate that a high level of subnational administrative state capacity has a positive effect on the loyalty of citizens, but also confirm the efficiency of a strategy of distributing material wealth for maintaining and strengthening stability of authoritarian states. At the same time, the study shows that salary manipulation as a tool to increase loyalty does not work in all cases, even when it comes to public sector workers. The same applies to such indicators of socio-economic development as the level of urbanization and the value of GRP per capita, which are negatively correlated with pro-government voting. All this indicates that, along with economic considerations, other factors also influence electoral behavior, which requires further research.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":"81 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-06-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"79980003","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Search Engines as Mechanism for Constructing Boundaries of “Imagined Communities” (Case of Internal Migrant Image in Siberian Regional Digital Media) 搜索引擎作为构建“想象共同体”边界的机制(以西伯利亚地区数字媒体中的内部移民形象为例)
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 ETHICS Pub Date : 2023-06-14 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-55-76
D. Timoshkin, F. A. Smetanin, Iu. O. Koreshkova, N. N. Zborovitskaya, A. Voloshin, D. Bryazgina
The article analyzes the process of constructing boundaries of imagined communities by search engines, using the case of the image of internal migrants arriving in Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, and Irkutsk. Combining quantitative and qualitative content analysis, the authors analyzed the image of internal migrants created by the texts that make up the first pages of search results of Google, Yandex, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and Mail.ru. They found that in most texts, an internal migrant is presented as a poor, low-skilled man who constantly finds himself in extreme situations, more often — crimes, in which he is either a victim or an offender. At the same time, some essential details of the image may differ depending on the chosen ethnohoronym and the name of the host city in the search query. According to the authors’ hypothesis, the fact that all the search engines under question modify the image of a migrant depending on the host city indicates the presence of regional specifics in the agenda formation. At the same time, the similarity in social actions, spaces and actors that make up the image of an internal migrant in the search results with the same components in the image of a cross-border migrant indicates that crossing regional borders becomes a sufficient condition for classifying a person who crossed borders into a separate, stigmatized category. Search engines fragment the “imagined community” in the agenda by putting first texts that draw regional groups as outsiders who are dangerous to each other. This finding allows to hypothesize that algorithms construct/reproduce perceptions of local communities about themselves, which falls out of the political myth of a unified Russian community defined by national borders. If the hypothesis is true, it could mean that search engines are beginning to function as an actor (or its representative) that defies contemporary political mythology.
{"title":"Search Engines as Mechanism for Constructing Boundaries of “Imagined Communities” (Case of Internal Migrant Image in Siberian Regional Digital Media)","authors":"D. Timoshkin, F. A. Smetanin, Iu. O. Koreshkova, N. N. Zborovitskaya, A. Voloshin, D. Bryazgina","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-55-76","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-55-76","url":null,"abstract":"The article analyzes the process of constructing boundaries of imagined communities by search engines, using the case of the image of internal migrants arriving in Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, and Irkutsk. Combining quantitative and qualitative content analysis, the authors analyzed the image of internal migrants created by the texts that make up the first pages of search results of Google, Yandex, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and Mail.ru. They found that in most texts, an internal migrant is presented as a poor, low-skilled man who constantly finds himself in extreme situations, more often — crimes, in which he is either a victim or an offender. At the same time, some essential details of the image may differ depending on the chosen ethnohoronym and the name of the host city in the search query. According to the authors’ hypothesis, the fact that all the search engines under question modify the image of a migrant depending on the host city indicates the presence of regional specifics in the agenda formation. At the same time, the similarity in social actions, spaces and actors that make up the image of an internal migrant in the search results with the same components in the image of a cross-border migrant indicates that crossing regional borders becomes a sufficient condition for classifying a person who crossed borders into a separate, stigmatized category. Search engines fragment the “imagined community” in the agenda by putting first texts that draw regional groups as outsiders who are dangerous to each other. This finding allows to hypothesize that algorithms construct/reproduce perceptions of local communities about themselves, which falls out of the political myth of a unified Russian community defined by national borders. If the hypothesis is true, it could mean that search engines are beginning to function as an actor (or its representative) that defies contemporary political mythology.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":"13 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-06-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"88053070","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Military Experience of State Leaders and Conflict Potential of Authoritarian Regimes (Case of Africa) 国家领导人的军事经验与专制政权的冲突潜力(以非洲为例)
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 ETHICS Pub Date : 2023-06-14 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-37-54
M. Nikitin
In the last decade, the International Political Science has witnessed an emergent trend to put an individual back to the focus of research. A growing number of researchers acknowledge that in order to understand the behavior of the state, it is necessary to take into account attitudes and behavior of state leaders. They assume that such a view angle will help to defy a cliché perception, according to which conflict situations arise solely due to the influence of exogenous factors, and if a certain event occurred, it only happened because it was determined by the external environment. The article attempts to analyze the influence of the military experience of state leaders on their countries’ participation in armed conflicts using the case of the authoritarian regimes in Africa. Employing the method of regression analysis, the author traces how the past military experience is reflected in the proneness of a state leader to conflict actions in the foreign policy sphere. He focuses on three types of such experience: (1) military service without participation in military actions (mainly staff work); (2) personal participation in military actions; (3) participation in rebel formations. The conducted research proves that military experience has a significant and robust influence on the subsequent behavior of leaders. If a state leader used to serve in the military as a staff group member, the probability that he will initiate an armed conflict is 2.7 times higher than in the absence of such experience. Participation in rebel groups increases the likelihood of initiating military actions as well. In contrast, combat experience in the military has the opposite effect: leaders with combat experience are only half as likely to initiate military conflicts as leaders who have not been to the battlefield.
{"title":"Military Experience of State Leaders and Conflict Potential of Authoritarian Regimes (Case of Africa)","authors":"M. Nikitin","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-37-54","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-37-54","url":null,"abstract":"In the last decade, the International Political Science has witnessed an emergent trend to put an individual back to the focus of research. A growing number of researchers acknowledge that in order to understand the behavior of the state, it is necessary to take into account attitudes and behavior of state leaders. They assume that such a view angle will help to defy a cliché perception, according to which conflict situations arise solely due to the influence of exogenous factors, and if a certain event occurred, it only happened because it was determined by the external environment. The article attempts to analyze the influence of the military experience of state leaders on their countries’ participation in armed conflicts using the case of the authoritarian regimes in Africa. Employing the method of regression analysis, the author traces how the past military experience is reflected in the proneness of a state leader to conflict actions in the foreign policy sphere. He focuses on three types of such experience: (1) military service without participation in military actions (mainly staff work); (2) personal participation in military actions; (3) participation in rebel formations. The conducted research proves that military experience has a significant and robust influence on the subsequent behavior of leaders. If a state leader used to serve in the military as a staff group member, the probability that he will initiate an armed conflict is 2.7 times higher than in the absence of such experience. Participation in rebel groups increases the likelihood of initiating military actions as well. In contrast, combat experience in the military has the opposite effect: leaders with combat experience are only half as likely to initiate military conflicts as leaders who have not been to the battlefield.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":"2 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-06-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"81792704","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Ankara’s Activation in the Western Balkans (Approaches, Tools, and Components) 安卡拉在西巴尔干半岛的行动(方法、工具和组成部分)
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 ETHICS Pub Date : 2023-06-14 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-130-150
E. Arlyapova, E. Ponomareva
In recent years, Turkey has increasingly moved away from the affiliation with the powers of the transatlantic bloc and seeks to play its own game. There are several reasons why Ankara has a special interest in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, and the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo): historical, socio-cultural, religious and geographical proximity; the absence of strict institutional restrictions due to the stalling of the process of the inclusion of the Western Balkans into the EU; the complex history of the relations between Turkey itself and Brussels, as well as Turkey’s political ambitions and claims for regional leadership. All these factors increase the chances of the Republic of Turkey to gain a foothold in the Balkans as a serious player. The fact that the region is formally outside the EU expands the opportunities for political maneuvering both for Ankara and for the Western Balkan capitals. The article focuses on four analytical blocks: the evolution of Turkey’s foreign policy strategy; its integration proposals for the countries in the region as an attempt to replace Brussels’ initiatives; ethno-religious and migration components of the Turkish influence; tools of socio-cultural penetration. The analysis carried out by the authors shows that, despite Turkey’s well-thoughtout strategy, the resources involved, the political will and perseverance, in the medium term the country is unlikely to become an alternative to the EU for the Western Balkan countries, or even an influential economic player in the region. Ankara will have to continue to weight its goals against the actions of the geopolitical grandees. At the same time, since the struggle for influence in southern Europe is only going to intensify in the face of the deepening international conflict, the corridor of opportunities for Ankara remains open.
{"title":"Ankara’s Activation in the Western Balkans (Approaches, Tools, and Components)","authors":"E. Arlyapova, E. Ponomareva","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-130-150","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-130-150","url":null,"abstract":"In recent years, Turkey has increasingly moved away from the affiliation with the powers of the transatlantic bloc and seeks to play its own game. There are several reasons why Ankara has a special interest in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, and the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo): historical, socio-cultural, religious and geographical proximity; the absence of strict institutional restrictions due to the stalling of the process of the inclusion of the Western Balkans into the EU; the complex history of the relations between Turkey itself and Brussels, as well as Turkey’s political ambitions and claims for regional leadership. All these factors increase the chances of the Republic of Turkey to gain a foothold in the Balkans as a serious player. The fact that the region is formally outside the EU expands the opportunities for political maneuvering both for Ankara and for the Western Balkan capitals. The article focuses on four analytical blocks: the evolution of Turkey’s foreign policy strategy; its integration proposals for the countries in the region as an attempt to replace Brussels’ initiatives; ethno-religious and migration components of the Turkish influence; tools of socio-cultural penetration. The analysis carried out by the authors shows that, despite Turkey’s well-thoughtout strategy, the resources involved, the political will and perseverance, in the medium term the country is unlikely to become an alternative to the EU for the Western Balkan countries, or even an influential economic player in the region. Ankara will have to continue to weight its goals against the actions of the geopolitical grandees. At the same time, since the struggle for influence in southern Europe is only going to intensify in the face of the deepening international conflict, the corridor of opportunities for Ankara remains open.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":"146 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-06-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"91069010","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Post-Soviet Eurasia in the Mirror of Global Processes (Key Development Trends and Dilemmas of Russian Politics) 全球进程镜像中的后苏联欧亚(俄罗斯政治的主要发展趋势与困境)
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 ETHICS Pub Date : 2023-06-14 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-109-2-151-165
V. Avatkov, D. G. Evstafyev
The peculiarity of the current moment in the development of post-Soviet Eurasia is its ever-increasing involvement in the processes of redrawing the previously relatively stable field of world politics and economics. In a changing global political environment, the region is facing a number of new challenges. At the same time, the situation is unique in that the region exists in the “post-economy” mode, when the problem of self-identification becomes fundamental, from the point of view of both formulating internal development goals and determining one’s place in the world. The increase in external pressure on post-Soviet Eurasia gives birth to two contradictory tendencies: towards the weakening of internal ties, which is fraught with the destruction of its integrity, and towards the consolidation of space in response to expansion from outside. The transformations taking place in the region largely reflect global trends, including the increasing role of ideological aspects that sideline economic considerations, the global search for ideological and value orientations, and the growing importance of ethnic and religious affiliation. Having analyzed in detail the processes unfolding in the Eurasian space, the authors come to the conclusion that the confrontation of various civilizational identities will be the most important factor in its further development. According to the authors, post-Soviet Eurasia might face either a complete loss of subjectivity, or a partial loss of economic sovereignty and preservation of subjectivity through its political affiliation with Russia. However, the implementation of the second scenario requires from Russia not only its readiness, but also its ability to assume the functions of the core of the region.
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引用次数: 0
Journal of Political Philosophy
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