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Contractualist alternatives to the veil of ignorance 无知面纱的契约主义替代品
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-03-12 DOI: 10.1111/jopp.12292
Andrew Lister

Some of the strongest criticisms of the original position have come from contractualists sympathetic to egalitarianism. In “Contractualism and Utilitarianism,” Thomas Scanlon objected that, without special assumptions, choice under uncertainty justifies maximizing the average rather than the minimum, and is thus compatible with the least advantaged suffering serious avoidable hardship. Yet Scanlon also argued that the difference principle is unreasonably strict in its single-minded focus on raising the least advantaged position without regard to the size of forgone benefits in other parts of the distribution.1

Scanlon went on to develop a contractualist theory of moral obligation, not of social justice.2 More recently, he has discussed the reasons for objecting to economic inequality, defending a “weaker” version of the difference principle.3 Yet, as Jacob Barrett has argued,4 Scanlon is not entirely clear about the content of his alternate principle. Nor has he explained exactly how it is derived from the requirement of invulnerability to reasonable rejection.

Others have worked out what has become known as the “complaint model” of reasonable rejection, building on Scanlon's suggestions about how we might accommodate a limited form of aggregation while preserving the main thrust of contractualism's individualism.5 However, this model has been developed primarily in the context of moral rather than political philosophy, with a focus on problems of rescue, not decisions about the basic structure of a political society. The result is that there still isn't a Scanlonian theory of justice.

Choice from behind a veil of ignorance forces one to imagine what it would be like to be in someone else's disadvantaged position, but it also permits one to gamble—for the sake of a greater expectation—that one is unlikely to end up in that position. The complaint model of reasonable rejection requires not only that I consider your situation, but that I withdraw my own complaint if it is (much) smaller than yours.7 Since everyone in my position should do the same, it won't matter if there are more of us in my position than in yours. The complaint model is subject to a number of objections, but I will argue that most of them do not arise with respect to choices about the design of the basic structure of society, assessed in terms of the lifetime prospects associated with different social positions. As the basis for a theory of distributive justice, however, the complaint model is insufficiently egalitarian. Minimizing the maximum complaint does disallow many relatively trivial gains higher up in the spectrum of advantage from outweighing one serious loss lower down. However, once we relax lexical priority, the complaint model can also prevent many smaller gains lower down from outweighing one larger loss at the top end.

The article develops an egalitarian alternative to the complaint model, based on a competing account of role reversal. I

对最初立场的一些最强烈的批评来自同情平等主义的契约主义者。在《契约主义与功利主义》一书中,托马斯·斯坎伦反对在没有特殊假设的情况下,不确定性下的选择证明了最大化平均值而不是最小值的合理性,因此与最弱势群体遭受严重可避免的困难相兼容。然而,斯坎伦也认为,差异原则过于严格,因为它只专注于提高最不有利的地位,而不考虑分配其他部分放弃的福利的大小。1斯坎伦继续发展了一种道德义务的契约主义理论,而不是社会公义。2最近,他讨论了反对经济不平等的原因,为差异原则的“较弱”版本辩护。3然而,正如雅各布·巴雷特所说,4斯坎伦并不完全清楚他的替代原则的内容。他也没有确切解释它是如何从对合理拒绝的无懈可击的要求中得出的。其他人已经制定出了所谓的合理拒绝的“抱怨模式”,建立在斯坎伦关于我们如何在保留契约主义个人主义主旨的同时容纳有限形式的聚合的建议之上。5然而,这种模式主要是在道德哲学而非政治哲学的背景下发展起来的,关注的是救援问题,而不是关于政治社会基本结构的决策。结果是仍然没有一个斯堪的纳维亚的正义理论。在无知的面纱后面做出的选择迫使人们想象处于他人不利地位会是什么样子,但这也允许人们为了更大的期望而赌博,认为自己不太可能最终处于这种地位。合理拒绝的投诉模式不仅要求我考虑你的情况,而且如果我自己的投诉(比你的小得多),我也会撤回。7既然我这个职位上的每个人都应该这样做,那么我们中处于我这个职位的人比处于你这个职位的多也没关系。投诉模式会受到一些反对意见的影响,但我认为,大多数反对意见并不是针对社会基本结构的设计做出的选择,而是根据与不同社会地位相关的终身前景进行评估的。然而,作为分配正义理论的基础,申诉模式不够平等。最大限度地减少抱怨确实会使许多相对微不足道的收益无法在优势范围的更高层次上超过一个严重的损失。然而,一旦我们放松了词汇优先级,抱怨模型也可以防止底层的许多较小收益超过顶层的一个较大损失。这篇文章基于对角色逆转的竞争性描述,提出了一种平等主义的投诉模式替代方案。当投诉的规模与最大的投诉还不够大时,我们可以问他们是否愿意坚持自己的投诉,而不是要求他们撤回投诉,无论他们在如果他们的投诉被认为是决定性的,他们将在备选方案中占据哪个位置。这种合理拒绝的不变投诉模型产生了类似于差异原则的东西,确切的公式取决于我们允许哪种初步证据确凿的投诉。这并没有削弱该原则赋予最弱势群体的严格性,尽管在关于社会基本结构的集体决策的特殊情况下,这种严格性比看起来更合理。第一节根据斯坎伦早期对罗尔斯的批判,解读了他最近对经济公平的讨论。在这里,我用一个最大的抱怨模型来回应巴雷特的批评,即如果斯坎伦拒绝马克西明,他必须接受更大的总利益可以证明额外的不平等是合理的,而这种不平等并没有惠及所有人。第二节认为,对申诉模式的主要批评与分配正义无关,但这种模式不够平等。第三节发展了不变抱怨模型,并探讨了它是否对聚合的限制性太强。差异原则的一个显著特点是,它严格重视提升最不有利的社会地位,甚至(1)以较小的数量为代价,以其他职位的更大减少为代价,甚至(2)以较少的人为代价,牺牲其他职位的更多损失为代价。关于(1),罗尔斯对正义的一般概念是,不平等应该惠及所有人,但差异原则关注的是最弱势群体。该原则要么允许要么强制不平等,这些不平等必须惠及,要么仅仅不伤害最弱势的群体。 另一方面,如果在拯救一个人免于死亡和许多人免于四肢瘫痪之间做出选择,那么“许多”将有一定的价值,我们应该为此拯救许多人(纳格尔在预防少数严重困难病例与预防其他严重困难病例之间的选择的变体 防止许多困难的情况)。单一最大抱怨模型的一个问题是,当应用于特定个体的分布时,它可以将匿名Pareto优分布排列在匿名劣分布之上。这是一个基于Parfit音乐椅的案例。37 a中个人1的最大缺口为3,因此投诉模型排名为B > A、 即使匿名的B=[0,1,2,3,4],而A=[1,2,3,4,5]。这个问题是由于可行集只涉及许多可能排列中的两个;如果每个人都可以被分配到任何份额,那么每次分配的最大缺口将是相同的(5)。这个问题与我的目的无关,因为我关注的是社会正义,它被理解为对制度计划产生的职位的分配,而不是对指定个人的分配。投诉模式的第二个问题是,它将使我们的选择取决于菜单,因为一个人对分销的投诉的大小取决于他们的短缺程度,相对于他们在最佳选择中的表现,这将取决于可行的其他选择。如果我们用元素交换行,这是最容易看到的,这样集合A:[1,5],B:[3,4],C:[2,8]表示为:这里,不足是通过到列中顶部选项的垂直距离来测量的。当C可行时,投诉模型将A排在B之上,尽管Low的AB差距为2大于High的BA差距为1,因为High对A的投诉是相对于C测量的,为3。因此,将C排除在可行集之外将导致a与B的排名颠倒。竞争不变抱怨模型没有这个结果;Low反对A,并且愿意接受B和C中的任何一个职位,所以C是否可行并不重要。相关性阈值的使用也会导致菜单依赖性,即使在原本没有相关性阈值的情况下也是如此,因为它会影响投诉的差距是否低于阈值。考虑案例A:[1,8],B:[5,6],C:[3,9],只有一个人处于低水平,但许多人处于高水平:在这种情况下,C是否可行不会影响谁的缺口最大,因为one的AB缺口大于many的BA缺口和many的AC缺口。然而,假设我们将阈值设置为2,这样,如果差值小于2,我们就进行聚合(最小化短缺的总和),而如果差值等于或大于2,我们不进行聚合(但最小化最大短缺)。当A和B单独可行时,A中的1与B之间的差额为4 B中的多个为2,这是一个2的缺口,所以我们不进行汇总,而是将最大的缺口最小化,结果是B > A.然而,当C可行时,B中许多人的短缺量现在相对于C计算,为3,将短缺量的差异减少到4与 3=1,这低于阈值。现在我们把B(相对于C)中3的许多不足加起来,结果是A > B、 反转。菜单的独立性是否是理性的标准一直存在争议。当在馅饼类型之间进行选择时,就像西德尼·莫根贝瑟的著名轶事一样,这似乎是不合理的。我喜欢苹果还是蓝莓不应该取决于菜单上是否有樱桃。然而,在其他情况下,进行“位置选择”是有意义的,在这种情况下,重要的不仅仅是独立评估每个选项的价值,而是它们相对于其他可能选择的选项的位置。38苹果的味道和营养价值并不取决于碗里还有多少其他苹果,但这个选择说明了我对他人的态度(如果只剩下一个,我应该问别人是否想要,而不仅仅是接受)。菜单依赖并不一定是非理性的。当我们的选择包含不同的伤害时,相关性关系的不妥协性会产生另一个问题,因此存在如何匹配它们的问题。39假设我们可以拯救a和B两组中的一组,并且虽然轻微伤害与中度伤害相关,中度到严重伤害,但轻微伤害与严重伤害无关(因为它们不够“接近”)。进一步假设1严重=10中等,10中等=100轻微(当然,由于阈值的原因,1严重>任何数量的轻微)。如果我们只是考虑一个严重的伤害 10种中度危害,任何一种都可以挽救。 同样的情况也可能出现在多个职位上,每个职位由一个人代表:最大的缺口是B中的Top,为15–8=7,而Bottom、Low、Mid和High中的每个职位都面临a中3的缺口。在这里,抱怨
{"title":"Contractualist alternatives to the veil of ignorance","authors":"Andrew Lister","doi":"10.1111/jopp.12292","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1111/jopp.12292","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Some of the strongest criticisms of the original position have come from contractualists sympathetic to egalitarianism. In “Contractualism and Utilitarianism,” Thomas Scanlon objected that, without special assumptions, choice under uncertainty justifies maximizing the average rather than the minimum, and is thus compatible with the least advantaged suffering serious avoidable hardship. Yet Scanlon also argued that the difference principle is unreasonably strict in its single-minded focus on raising the least advantaged position without regard to the size of forgone benefits in other parts of the distribution.1</p><p>Scanlon went on to develop a contractualist theory of moral obligation, not of social justice.2 More recently, he has discussed the reasons for objecting to economic inequality, defending a “weaker” version of the difference principle.3 Yet, as Jacob Barrett has argued,4 Scanlon is not entirely clear about the content of his alternate principle. Nor has he explained exactly how it is derived from the requirement of invulnerability to reasonable rejection.</p><p>Others have worked out what has become known as the “complaint model” of reasonable rejection, building on Scanlon's suggestions about how we might accommodate a limited form of aggregation while preserving the main thrust of contractualism's individualism.5 However, this model has been developed primarily in the context of moral rather than political philosophy, with a focus on problems of rescue, not decisions about the basic structure of a political society. The result is that there still isn't a Scanlonian theory of justice.</p><p>Choice from behind a veil of ignorance forces one to imagine what it would be like to be in someone else's disadvantaged position, but it also permits one to gamble—for the sake of a greater expectation—that one is unlikely to end up in that position. The complaint model of reasonable rejection requires not only that I consider your situation, but that I withdraw my own complaint if it is (much) smaller than yours.7 Since everyone in my position should do the same, it won't matter if there are more of us in my position than in yours. The complaint model is subject to a number of objections, but I will argue that most of them do not arise with respect to choices about the design of the basic structure of society, assessed in terms of the lifetime prospects associated with different social positions. As the basis for a theory of distributive justice, however, the complaint model is insufficiently egalitarian. Minimizing the maximum complaint does disallow many relatively trivial gains higher up in the spectrum of advantage from outweighing one serious loss lower down. However, once we relax lexical priority, the complaint model can also prevent many smaller gains lower down from outweighing one larger loss at the top end.</p><p>The article develops an egalitarian alternative to the complaint model, based on a competing account of role reversal. I","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-03-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jopp.12292","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"50130160","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Urban–rural justice 城乡司法
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-03-08 DOI: 10.1111/jopp.12297
Lisa Herzog

In the public discourse of Western democracies,1 the axis of “urban” versus “rural” has reappeared.2 Often discussed in the context of right-wing populism and its successes among rural voters, commentators have discussed the “Big Sort,”3 the contrast between “Anywheres” and “Somewheres,”4 and the lifeworlds of “hillbillies.”5 Scholars in the social sciences have attempted to understand what it feels like to live in rural places, using ethnographic methods,6 or how to understand the resentment against urbanites expressed in farmers' protests.7 In studies of electoral politics, the differences between urban and rural voting behavior have long been an issue.8 One political scientist, Jonathan A. Rodden, claims, with regard to the US, that “The Democrats, quite simply, have evolved into a diverse collection of urban interest groups, and the Republicans into an assemblage of exurban and rural interests.”9

In philosophical discussions about justice, in contrast, one finds hardly any mention of the urban–rural divide.10 Geography plays a role in discussions about global justice, but not in discussions about justice within societies. Several reasons might explain this gap (apart from a possible sociological explanation: namely, that philosophers tend to be urbanites). One is the assumption that all questions about these geographical differences can be subsumed under other dimensions of justice. For example, if rural populations are poorer, on average, this is a matter of distributive justice; if they do not have good schools, this is a matter of equality of opportunity, and so on. This argument is hard to reject if one operates at a high level of abstraction and discusses the formulation and justification of different principles of justice. However, political philosophy might also want to address issues that are closer to concrete real-life issues, whether one describes this as “non-ideal” theory11 or “problem-driven” political philosophy.12 For such approaches, it seems relevant to ask what considerations of justice might apply to the urban–rural divide that social scientists have diagnosed.

A focus on the concerns of rural communities is also sometimes coupled with nationalist tendencies, even within scholarship.14 It is understandable not to want to be associated with such voices.

Nonetheless, if political philosophy is interested in the matters that mar our societies, it seems at least worth asking whether there might be any issues of justice at all with regard to the urban–rural divide. The aim of this article is to ask what theories of justice might have to say about this topic. I take a relational-egalitarian perspective, which focuses on the relations that should hold between the citizens of a just society,15 but also discuss the applicability of some luck-egalitarian arguments.16 Overall, the article provides a survey of the various dimensions of the question: what (if anything) would a just society, whose citizens re

在西方民主国家的公共话语中,1“城市”与“农村”的轴心再次出现。2评论员经常在右翼民粹主义及其在农村选民中的成功的背景下讨论,他们讨论了“大类”,3“任何地方”与“有点地方”之间的对比,4以及“乡巴佬”的生活世界。“5社会科学学者试图通过民族志方法来理解生活在农村的感觉,6或者如何理解农民抗议活动中表达的对城市居民的不满。7在选举政治研究中,城市和农村投票行为之间的差异长期以来一直是一个问题。8一位政治学家Jonathan A.Rodden声称,关于美国,“很简单,民主党已经演变成了城市利益集团的多元化集合,而共和党则演变成了远郊和农村利益的集合。”9相比之下,在关于正义的哲学讨论中,人们几乎没有提到城市和农村的分歧。10地理在关于全球正义的讨论中发挥着作用,但在社会内部关于正义的讨论中却没有。有几个原因可以解释这种差距(除了一个可能的社会学解释:即哲学家往往是城市人)。一种假设是,所有关于这些地理差异的问题都可以纳入正义的其他层面。例如,如果农村人口平均更穷,这是一个分配公平的问题;如果他们没有好的学校,这是一个机会平等的问题,等等。如果一个人在高度抽象的层面上运作,并讨论不同正义原则的制定和理由,这种论点很难被拒绝。然而,政治哲学也可能希望解决更接近具体现实问题的问题,无论是将其描述为“非理想”理论11还是“问题驱动”的政治哲学。12对于这种方法,似乎有必要问一问社会科学家诊断出的城乡分歧可能适用于什么样的正义考虑。关注农村社区的关切有时也会伴随着民族主义倾向,即使在学校内部也是如此。14不想与这种声音联系在一起是可以理解的。尽管如此,如果政治哲学对破坏我们社会的问题感兴趣,那么至少值得一问的是,在城乡鸿沟方面是否存在任何正义问题。本文的目的是询问正义理论对这个话题可能有什么看法。我从关系平等主义的角度出发,重点关注一个公正社会的公民之间应该保持的关系,15但也讨论了一些运气平等主义论点的适用性。16总的来说,这篇文章对这个问题的各个方面进行了调查:一个公正的社会(如果有的话)会是什么,城市和农村生活之间的差异怎么办?虽然必须在不同社会的具体背景下,甚至在特定地区,对有关城乡差距的具体政策问题给出答案,但有可能确定一些令人关切的关键问题。我首先深入研究了关于城乡差距的实证文献(第二节)。然后,我通过集中讨论三个主题来处理关于这一分歧的正义问题。第一个问题涉及教育机会的分配,一个关键问题是所有来自农村地区的儿童如何在离开和留下时都能获得必要的支持(第三节)。第二个问题是提供公共服务和经济机会。在这里,我还讨论了运气平等主义者的反对意见,即个人为自己选择生活的地方,因此,如果他们在自己的地区获得某些机会的机会较少,他们自己也要负责。我反对这种观点,认为所有地区的公民都应获得某些基本和公民服务,即使这对公众的成本高于城市地区的成本。第三个框架涉及文化承认,这与经济问题有一些重叠,但也提出了不同的问题。17我认为,传统上适用于移民社区的多元文化主义框架,18最后,我总结了这些论点提出的政策建议,并简要反思了在为“落后”地区的个人伸张正义时,时间和地理因素是如何交织在一起的。尽管它最近在公共话语中获得了新的突出地位,但对比城市和农村生活的社会现实和想象绝非新鲜事。 34这些孩子通常来自社会经济地位较高的家庭,或者被认为比其他家庭更“值得”,他们比其他孩子得到更多的关注和支持。35上大学的人中很少有人(Maria J.Kefalas和Parick J.Carr根据爱荷华州的一项扩展民族志研究,将他们描述为“成功者”)36后来回来。成绩较低、支持较少的年轻人通常只能参军才能离开,而且他们回国的可能性更高。37这种情况还与第二个因素有关:在许多农村地区,缺乏工作,尤其是受过大学教育的人,这不仅在美国是一个问题,38在其他地方也是一个问题。在当今的经济体中,第三产业的高薪工作,特别是需要高水平正规教育的知识型工作,39往往集中在更大的城市,丰富的文化场景、公民参与的机会等等。当来自农村地区的年轻人习惯了城市生活方式时,回到家乡意味着放弃许多经济、公民和文化机会。41正如Curren在谈到美国时所说,“对于‘心脏地带’农村小镇的居民来说,向上流动性现在几乎无法与地理流动性区分开来。”42由此产生的“人才外流”导致了“农村人才和税收的枯竭”;43这也意味着能够承担公民和政治领导角色并成为当地儿童榜样的人数正在减少。它也有情感层面,经常导致家庭成员和朋友圈之间的隔阂。离职者可能会“像外人一样看待自己的家乡:狭隘而有点乡巴佬。”44这导致了第三种差异,即文化或生活方式的差异。这里的一个关键方面是多样性,或者说缺乏多样性。人口更稠密的地区通常会聚集更多不同的个人,无论是种族背景、性取向还是世界观,而在农村地区,这种多样性的暴露往往较少45(尽管也存在少数民族人口可被占领的农村地区)。46这一事实经常被用来解释一种在各国都相当稳定的模式,即农村地区——通常与后工业城镇一起——比大都市地区表现出更保守的投票行为。美国显示,人口密度与政治体系各个层面的民主党投票之间存在明显的统计相关性。47在许多(尽管不是所有)农村地区,缺乏多样性的另一面是人们可以称之为“熟悉的生活方式”,人们相互了解和支持。正如Kefalas和Carr所说,“如果你遇到麻烦,你的邻居会团结起来并伸出援助之手,小镇上的人们会为此感到高兴。”48 Wuthnow的描述同样强调了农村社区作为“道德社区”的自我理解,在这种社区中,“人们感到有义务相互帮助,维护当地的生活方式。”。“49他指出,小社区的自愿协会比大社区多,50但他也强调,这些社区在很大程度上是“想象中的”。51小城镇的居民认为没有必要锁门,孩子们可以在无人监督的情况下漫游,因为每个人都认识每个人,或者至少这是感觉。52此外,强烈强调努力工作和毅力,社区成员钦佩那些有强烈工作道德的同胞。53框架表明,不公平待遇的说法,当转化为税收和公众对不同选区的支持时,是不正确的,但她认为,维护农村社区基础设施和公共服务的成本往往更高,这可能证明了人们对不利的看法是合理的。56在这里,区分那些尽管在某些方面处于不利地位,但在可预见的未来是稳定的农村社区和那些不处于不利地位的农村社区是有帮助的,就长期人口趋势而言,农村地区人口正在减少;例如,正如Wuthnow报道的那样,美国农村人口的比例从1810年的95%,到1910年的55%,再到2010年的20%。58全球趋势是城市化,2017年,世界55%的人口已经生活在城市中。59但并非每个地方的人口动态都是一样的。60一些农村地区有足够的当地就业机会,与更大的集团有着富有成效的关系,可以保持稳定。然而,其他人则认为工作岗位在流失,人口在减少。 如果太多的年轻人永远离开,出生的孩子就会减少,这可能导致当地学校关闭,这是衰落的痛苦象征。61换句话说,对一些社区来说,从长远来看,似乎没有办法保持公民和经济的生存能力,他们的居民可能会感到“几乎无法表达的担忧,即他们的生活方式正在被侵蚀,在他们脚下不知不觉地发生变化,并受到外界的诋毁和攻击。”62那么,一个以关系平等理想为指导的社会应该如何应对这种差异呢?在接下来的章节中,我将讨论关系平等主义者如何处理教育机会、公共服
{"title":"Urban–rural justice","authors":"Lisa Herzog","doi":"10.1111/jopp.12297","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1111/jopp.12297","url":null,"abstract":"<p>In the public discourse of Western democracies,1 the axis of “urban” versus “rural” has reappeared.2 Often discussed in the context of right-wing populism and its successes among rural voters, commentators have discussed the “Big Sort,”3 the contrast between “Anywheres” and “Somewheres,”4 and the lifeworlds of “hillbillies.”5 Scholars in the social sciences have attempted to understand what it feels like to live in rural places, using ethnographic methods,6 or how to understand the resentment against urbanites expressed in farmers' protests.7 In studies of electoral politics, the differences between urban and rural voting behavior have long been an issue.8 One political scientist, Jonathan A. Rodden, claims, with regard to the US, that “The Democrats, quite simply, have evolved into a diverse collection of urban interest groups, and the Republicans into an assemblage of exurban and rural interests.”9</p><p>In philosophical discussions about justice, in contrast, one finds hardly any mention of the urban–rural divide.10 Geography plays a role in discussions about global justice, but not in discussions about justice within societies. Several reasons might explain this gap (apart from a possible sociological explanation: namely, that philosophers tend to be urbanites). One is the assumption that all questions about these geographical differences can be subsumed under other dimensions of justice. For example, if rural populations are poorer, on average, this is a matter of distributive justice; if they do not have good schools, this is a matter of equality of opportunity, and so on. This argument is hard to reject if one operates at a high level of abstraction and discusses the formulation and justification of different principles of justice. However, political philosophy might also want to address issues that are closer to concrete real-life issues, whether one describes this as “non-ideal” theory11 or “problem-driven” political philosophy.12 For such approaches, it seems relevant to ask what considerations of justice might apply to the urban–rural divide that social scientists have diagnosed.</p><p>A focus on the concerns of rural communities is also sometimes coupled with nationalist tendencies, even within scholarship.14 It is understandable not to want to be associated with such voices.</p><p>Nonetheless, if political philosophy is interested in the matters that mar our societies, it seems at least worth asking <i>whether there might be any issues of justice at all</i> with regard to the urban–rural divide. The aim of this article is to ask what theories of justice might have to say about this topic. I take a relational-egalitarian perspective, which focuses on the relations that should hold between the citizens of a just society,15 but also discuss the applicability of some luck-egalitarian arguments.16 Overall, the article provides a survey of the various dimensions of the question: what (if anything) would a just society, whose citizens re","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-03-08","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jopp.12297","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"50135393","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 1
Big decisions: “Opting,” psychological richness, and public policy 重大决策:“选择”、心理丰富性和公共政策
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-03-04 DOI: 10.1111/jopp.12296
Cass R. Sunstein
{"title":"Big decisions: “Opting,” psychological richness, and public policy","authors":"Cass R. Sunstein","doi":"10.1111/jopp.12296","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1111/jopp.12296","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-03-04","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"50128216","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Virtues against Communism Fishman. L.G. The Age of Virtues: After Soviet Morality. Moscow: New Literary Observer, 2022 反对共产主义的美德。《美德时代:后苏联道德》莫斯科:《新文学观察》,2022年
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2022-12-23 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-186-196
D. Davydov
The article is dedicated to comprehending the ideas set forth in the monograph by Leonid Fishman The Age of Virtues: After Soviet Morality, which raises the question of the reasons for the rapid destruction of “high” communist morality in the USSR, as well as the sliding of the Russian society in the 1990s into a state of “war of all against all”. Setting himself the task of tracing how “evil” is born from “good”, Fishman draws attention to the fact that the communist morality of the Soviet Union contained an internal contradiction due to the combination of what can be called virtue ethics and the ethics of principles. Virtues consist of values that are relevant to certain communities. At the same time, virtue ethics has a dual nature. Under certain social circumstances, it contributes to nurturing a harmonious individual who strives for high social goals. This happens if the ethics of principles rises above it, setting higher goals and general ideas about how to treat other members of society. But if the ethics of principles ceases to function, nothing prevents the virtues from serving pure evil, for even members of mafia clans are not strangers to heroism, devotion, and honor. Fishman demonstrates how the virtue ethics gradually replaced the ethics of principles, bringing closer the collapse of the great communist project. According to Dmitry Davydov’s conclusion, the value of Fishman’s research is greater than just historical. No communist project can exclude either its humanistic core, with the focus on the liberation of the individual, or its emphasis on the socialization of the individual in these or other communities. But any “harmonious” personality and any community that serves “the good” risk transforming into their opposites: into a selfish individual and an association of “friends”, for whom everyone “who is not with us” is an enemy.
{"title":"Virtues against Communism Fishman. L.G. The Age of Virtues: After Soviet Morality. Moscow: New Literary Observer, 2022","authors":"D. Davydov","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-186-196","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-186-196","url":null,"abstract":"The article is dedicated to comprehending the ideas set forth in the monograph by Leonid Fishman The Age of Virtues: After Soviet Morality, which raises the question of the reasons for the rapid destruction of “high” communist morality in the USSR, as well as the sliding of the Russian society in the 1990s into a state of “war of all against all”. Setting himself the task of tracing how “evil” is born from “good”, Fishman draws attention to the fact that the communist morality of the Soviet Union contained an internal contradiction due to the combination of what can be called virtue ethics and the ethics of principles. Virtues consist of values that are relevant to certain communities. At the same time, virtue ethics has a dual nature. Under certain social circumstances, it contributes to nurturing a harmonious individual who strives for high social goals. This happens if the ethics of principles rises above it, setting higher goals and general ideas about how to treat other members of society. But if the ethics of principles ceases to function, nothing prevents the virtues from serving pure evil, for even members of mafia clans are not strangers to heroism, devotion, and honor. Fishman demonstrates how the virtue ethics gradually replaced the ethics of principles, bringing closer the collapse of the great communist project. According to Dmitry Davydov’s conclusion, the value of Fishman’s research is greater than just historical. No communist project can exclude either its humanistic core, with the focus on the liberation of the individual, or its emphasis on the socialization of the individual in these or other communities. But any “harmonious” personality and any community that serves “the good” risk transforming into their opposites: into a selfish individual and an association of “friends”, for whom everyone “who is not with us” is an enemy.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2022-12-23","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"89005567","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Precariat in Russia: from “Dangerous Class” to Normalizing Discourse 俄罗斯的无产者:从“危险阶级”到话语正常化
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2022-12-23 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-104-122
L. Fishman
The article is devoted to the problematique of using the concept of precariat in the Russian scientific literature. Having fixed the lack of consensus about the criteria of the precariat, its social composition and even its very existence as a class, the author suggests one should proceed from the fact that precariat is part of an ideological rather than a scientific discourse, similar to the discourse of the middle class, with which it has a clear continuity. These discourses are functional for the reproduction of the existing social relations. Therefore, the article attempts to study discourse that is used to describe precariat in Russia, and to comprehend for the reproduction of what relations it is functional. The research conducted by the author shows that the Russian interpretation of the precariat differs markedly from the Western one. This applies to both the composition of the precariat and its place in the social structure. The Russian authors draw a picture of a specific Russian precariat, which includes almost half of the society. This precariat bears little resemblance to the Western one, but almost completely coincides with the Russian middle class, as the Russian ruling circles view it. Since the state is able to conduct a dialogue with this kind of precariat, which is a passively suffering and no longer dangerous class that does not undermine the foundations of the system, the discourse about precariat and precarization is turning into the same potentially legitimate kind of normalizing discourse as the one about the middle class.
{"title":"Precariat in Russia: from “Dangerous Class” to Normalizing Discourse","authors":"L. Fishman","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-104-122","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-104-122","url":null,"abstract":"The article is devoted to the problematique of using the concept of precariat in the Russian scientific literature. Having fixed the lack of consensus about the criteria of the precariat, its social composition and even its very existence as a class, the author suggests one should proceed from the fact that precariat is part of an ideological rather than a scientific discourse, similar to the discourse of the middle class, with which it has a clear continuity. These discourses are functional for the reproduction of the existing social relations. Therefore, the article attempts to study discourse that is used to describe precariat in Russia, and to comprehend for the reproduction of what relations it is functional. The research conducted by the author shows that the Russian interpretation of the precariat differs markedly from the Western one. This applies to both the composition of the precariat and its place in the social structure. The Russian authors draw a picture of a specific Russian precariat, which includes almost half of the society. This precariat bears little resemblance to the Western one, but almost completely coincides with the Russian middle class, as the Russian ruling circles view it. Since the state is able to conduct a dialogue with this kind of precariat, which is a passively suffering and no longer dangerous class that does not undermine the foundations of the system, the discourse about precariat and precarization is turning into the same potentially legitimate kind of normalizing discourse as the one about the middle class.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2022-12-23","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"72375652","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
About Contradictions and Historical Forks of the Transition to a Digital Society 数字社会转型的矛盾与历史分叉
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2022-12-23 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-23-39
A. Ryabov
The article is devoted to the review of the main economic, social, political and cultural problems and contradictions that arise in the process of the transition to a digital society. According to the author, this transition is civilizational in nature, affecting not only economy and social relations, but also the way of life, the system of values and the worldview of most inhabitants of the planet. The article shows that, as in any other transitional era, in the modern terms, new problems are intertwined with the old ones, strengthening conflicts in the society and engendering uncertainty about the future. The economy of the “capitalism of digital platforms” is much more monopolized than the capitalist economy of the 20th century. Digital monopolies are becoming real competitors of governments, and it is highly plausible that the struggle for power between them will ultimately result in the merge of the power of the state with the economic and intellectual potential of digital giants and the formation of a new version of the state-monopoly capitalism. Coupled with the increasing income gap, digital inequality expands the abyss between the rich and the poor and contributes to the formation of the pyramidal structure of society, where the place in the social hierarchy is determined by the possibility of creating, using and commercializing modern information and communication technologies. The fundamental changes in the labor market due to robotization and the expanding use of artificial intelligence carry the threat of the appearance of a huge layer of “non-demanded people”. This means that, unlike most societal models that existed in the 20th century, the digital society will not be inclusive, which, in turn, will affect its stability. The looming transformation of the consumption society into the entertainment society will also have serious implications. The processes associated with this transformation are fraught with the cultural retrogression of mankind and jeopardize the foundations of the human civilization in the form that took several millennia to develop.
{"title":"About Contradictions and Historical Forks of the Transition to a Digital Society","authors":"A. Ryabov","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-23-39","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-23-39","url":null,"abstract":"The article is devoted to the review of the main economic, social, political and cultural problems and contradictions that arise in the process of the transition to a digital society. According to the author, this transition is civilizational in nature, affecting not only economy and social relations, but also the way of life, the system of values and the worldview of most inhabitants of the planet. The article shows that, as in any other transitional era, in the modern terms, new problems are intertwined with the old ones, strengthening conflicts in the society and engendering uncertainty about the future. The economy of the “capitalism of digital platforms” is much more monopolized than the capitalist economy of the 20th century. Digital monopolies are becoming real competitors of governments, and it is highly plausible that the struggle for power between them will ultimately result in the merge of the power of the state with the economic and intellectual potential of digital giants and the formation of a new version of the state-monopoly capitalism. Coupled with the increasing income gap, digital inequality expands the abyss between the rich and the poor and contributes to the formation of the pyramidal structure of society, where the place in the social hierarchy is determined by the possibility of creating, using and commercializing modern information and communication technologies. The fundamental changes in the labor market due to robotization and the expanding use of artificial intelligence carry the threat of the appearance of a huge layer of “non-demanded people”. This means that, unlike most societal models that existed in the 20th century, the digital society will not be inclusive, which, in turn, will affect its stability. The looming transformation of the consumption society into the entertainment society will also have serious implications. The processes associated with this transformation are fraught with the cultural retrogression of mankind and jeopardize the foundations of the human civilization in the form that took several millennia to develop.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2022-12-23","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"72385426","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The Phenomenon of Social Apathy and Its Relevance in Modern Russia 现代俄罗斯社会冷漠现象及其现实意义
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2022-12-23 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-123-145
M. Y. Vinogradov, A. Suslova
The article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of social apathy in the modern Russian realities. Despite the prevalence of the term “social apathy” in the assessment of the current state of the Russian society, there is still no consensus as to whether apathy boils down to rejection of the socio-political sphere or implies broader interpretations — the dominance in the society of an orientation towards minimizing activities, or even loss of faith in the value of the present day (except family and immediate relatives and friends). The key problems in using the concept of social apathy are the lack of a proven scientific methodology for applying the concepts of individual psychology to the collective, mass states, as well as the historically unambiguously negative attitude towards apathy as a vice, deviation, laziness, which makes it difficult to fully comprehend this phenomenon. The article outlines key approaches to explaining social apathy in the modern Russia, revealed in the course of the research project “The Phenomenon of Social Mobilization as the Antipode of Social Apathy”, carried out by the Petersburg Politics Foundation jointly with the “Insomar”, the Institute for Social Marketing, in the second half of 2021. Possible reasons for social apathy include purposeful actions of the authorities, spontaneous reaction of citizens to the activities of politicians, anxiety about the future against the backdrop of the weak attractiveness of the present, the collapse of paternalism in the face of a shortage of tools and skills for living without the help of the state, and the unresolved internal conflicts. The authors reconstruct the main interpretations of the triggers of the current cycle of apathy, such as the economic changes of the 1990s, the failure of the “Medvedev thaw” and the pension reform of 2018, the consequences of which were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the results of an expert survey and focus groups, the authors delineate hypothetical scenarios for overcoming social apathy and possible directions for the development of the public sentiments, and formulate a number of recommendations for managing political risks, taking into account possible social dynamics.
{"title":"The Phenomenon of Social Apathy and Its Relevance in Modern Russia","authors":"M. Y. Vinogradov, A. Suslova","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-123-145","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-123-145","url":null,"abstract":"The article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of social apathy in the modern Russian realities. Despite the prevalence of the term “social apathy” in the assessment of the current state of the Russian society, there is still no consensus as to whether apathy boils down to rejection of the socio-political sphere or implies broader interpretations — the dominance in the society of an orientation towards minimizing activities, or even loss of faith in the value of the present day (except family and immediate relatives and friends). The key problems in using the concept of social apathy are the lack of a proven scientific methodology for applying the concepts of individual psychology to the collective, mass states, as well as the historically unambiguously negative attitude towards apathy as a vice, deviation, laziness, which makes it difficult to fully comprehend this phenomenon. The article outlines key approaches to explaining social apathy in the modern Russia, revealed in the course of the research project “The Phenomenon of Social Mobilization as the Antipode of Social Apathy”, carried out by the Petersburg Politics Foundation jointly with the “Insomar”, the Institute for Social Marketing, in the second half of 2021. Possible reasons for social apathy include purposeful actions of the authorities, spontaneous reaction of citizens to the activities of politicians, anxiety about the future against the backdrop of the weak attractiveness of the present, the collapse of paternalism in the face of a shortage of tools and skills for living without the help of the state, and the unresolved internal conflicts. The authors reconstruct the main interpretations of the triggers of the current cycle of apathy, such as the economic changes of the 1990s, the failure of the “Medvedev thaw” and the pension reform of 2018, the consequences of which were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the results of an expert survey and focus groups, the authors delineate hypothetical scenarios for overcoming social apathy and possible directions for the development of the public sentiments, and formulate a number of recommendations for managing political risks, taking into account possible social dynamics.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2022-12-23","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"75147565","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The Invisible Political Officer: How Personalization Algorithms Shape Public Opinion 看不见的政治官员:个性化算法如何塑造公众舆论
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2022-12-23 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-63-82
K. Toloknev
Social media have been firmly entrenched in the modern everyday life. Still, their influence on the formation of public opinion is not well understood. An important feature of social media is that they are not neutral. Not only do people interact with each other on social media platforms, but social media themselves actively interact with people, selecting personalized content for them based on the information about their interests and behavior. In 2011, Eli Pariser hypothesized that content personalization should lead to the formation of a kind of “information cocoons”, or “filter bubbles” — homogeneous groups of users who hold similar views. However, the fragmentation of the Internet community into “filter bubbles” is not the only threat posed by the use of personalization algorithms. Even more dangerously, social media possess the ability to manipulate content selection algorithms in order to influence users’ views. The article attempts to test the reality of these threats through computational modeling. To solve this task, the author employs a simple agent-based model that simulates the impact of personalization algorithms on communication in social media. The article demonstrates that, contrary to Pariser’s hypothesis, algorithms that select content as close as possible to user preferences result in the emergence of “filter bubbles” rather rarely. The author also finds that manipulation of personalization algorithms makes it possible to influence the formation of public opinion on a stable basis only under two conditions: (1) when all users are manipulated and at the same time they are open to external influence; (2) when manipulation aims at the so called “centrists” who do not possess a clear-cut opinion on some issue.
社交媒体已经在现代日常生活中根深蒂固。然而,他们对公众舆论形成的影响还没有得到很好的理解。社交媒体的一个重要特征是它们不是中立的。人们不仅在社交媒体平台上相互互动,而且社交媒体本身也积极地与人们互动,根据人们的兴趣和行为信息为他们选择个性化的内容。2011年,Eli Pariser假设,内容个性化会导致一种“信息茧”或“过滤气泡”的形成,即持有相似观点的同质用户群体。然而,互联网社区分裂成“过滤泡沫”并不是使用个性化算法所带来的唯一威胁。更危险的是,社交媒体拥有操纵内容选择算法的能力,以影响用户的观点。本文试图通过计算建模来测试这些威胁的真实性。为了解决这个问题,作者使用了一个简单的基于agent的模型来模拟个性化算法对社交媒体传播的影响。这篇文章表明,与Pariser的假设相反,选择尽可能接近用户偏好的内容的算法很少会导致“过滤气泡”的出现。作者还发现,只有在两种条件下,操纵个性化算法才有可能在稳定的基础上影响舆论的形成:(1)当所有用户都被操纵,同时他们对外部影响持开放态度;(2)当操纵的对象是在某些问题上意见不明确的所谓“中间派”时。
{"title":"The Invisible Political Officer: How Personalization Algorithms Shape Public Opinion","authors":"K. Toloknev","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-63-82","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-63-82","url":null,"abstract":"Social media have been firmly entrenched in the modern everyday life. Still, their influence on the formation of public opinion is not well understood. An important feature of social media is that they are not neutral. Not only do people interact with each other on social media platforms, but social media themselves actively interact with people, selecting personalized content for them based on the information about their interests and behavior. In 2011, Eli Pariser hypothesized that content personalization should lead to the formation of a kind of “information cocoons”, or “filter bubbles” — homogeneous groups of users who hold similar views. However, the fragmentation of the Internet community into “filter bubbles” is not the only threat posed by the use of personalization algorithms. Even more dangerously, social media possess the ability to manipulate content selection algorithms in order to influence users’ views. The article attempts to test the reality of these threats through computational modeling. To solve this task, the author employs a simple agent-based model that simulates the impact of personalization algorithms on communication in social media. The article demonstrates that, contrary to Pariser’s hypothesis, algorithms that select content as close as possible to user preferences result in the emergence of “filter bubbles” rather rarely. The author also finds that manipulation of personalization algorithms makes it possible to influence the formation of public opinion on a stable basis only under two conditions: (1) when all users are manipulated and at the same time they are open to external influence; (2) when manipulation aims at the so called “centrists” who do not possess a clear-cut opinion on some issue.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2022-12-23","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"79838229","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Civil Freedoms or Political Competition: What Is the Advantage of Democracy for the Development of Technological Innovations? 公民自由或政治竞争:民主对技术创新发展的优势是什么?
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2022-12-23 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-40-62
A. A. Serova
Today most researchers agree that democratic regimes are superior in producing technological innovations to authoritarian regimes, despite the fact that the question of the influence of the type of political regime on economic growth and its most important component, such as innovative activity, remains debatable. At the same time, there are several alternative, although not mutually exclusive, hypotheses about what causes this superiority. One hypothesis suggests institutions that ensure political competition, and above all, competitive elections, are of key importance. According to another hypothesis, the main prerequisite for innovative development lies in the provision for rights and freedoms of citizens. The article attempts to test these hypotheses empirically in order to determine which one of them possesses a greater explanatory power. To perform this task, the author employed a method of multi-level regression, which allows taking into account factors at the level of countries, as well as that of individual firms. The research conducted by the author shows that the presence of competitive elections is not a sufficient condition for innovative development. In contrast, the provision of civil freedoms is a statistically significant predictor. Thus, the liberal aspect of democracy is more important than its electoral aspect for producing technological innovations.
{"title":"Civil Freedoms or Political Competition: What Is the Advantage of Democracy for the Development of Technological Innovations?","authors":"A. A. Serova","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-40-62","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-40-62","url":null,"abstract":"Today most researchers agree that democratic regimes are superior in producing technological innovations to authoritarian regimes, despite the fact that the question of the influence of the type of political regime on economic growth and its most important component, such as innovative activity, remains debatable. At the same time, there are several alternative, although not mutually exclusive, hypotheses about what causes this superiority. One hypothesis suggests institutions that ensure political competition, and above all, competitive elections, are of key importance. According to another hypothesis, the main prerequisite for innovative development lies in the provision for rights and freedoms of citizens. The article attempts to test these hypotheses empirically in order to determine which one of them possesses a greater explanatory power. To perform this task, the author employed a method of multi-level regression, which allows taking into account factors at the level of countries, as well as that of individual firms. The research conducted by the author shows that the presence of competitive elections is not a sufficient condition for innovative development. In contrast, the provision of civil freedoms is a statistically significant predictor. Thus, the liberal aspect of democracy is more important than its electoral aspect for producing technological innovations.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2022-12-23","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"72870841","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Recruitment of the Governor’s Corps in Contemporary Russia: Evolution of Patronal Networks (2017—2021) 当代俄罗斯总督部队的招募:保护人网络的演变(2017-2021)
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2022-12-23 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-146-167
Yu.O. Gaivoronsky, Yu. A. Balandin
The article presents an attempt to study the structural dynamics of federal-regional political networks in the process of recruiting heads of the regions. The authors focus their attention on the current stage of the evolution of the federal center’s approach towards the formation of the governor’s corps, which began with the change of the team in the presidential administration in the second half of 2016. The theoretical framework of the study is the concepts of patron-client relations and patronal politics. For the empirical testing, the authors employ the apparatus of the Social Network Analysis (SNA), which makes it possible to assess both the political elite itself and the specific influence of individual figures. The conducted research documents a distinct tendency towards the growing structural complexity of the federal-regional patronal network, when an increasing number of federal actors are directly or indirectly involved in the process of recruiting regional leaders, which entails the formation of new intra-elite connections. However, despite the intensive personnel rotation, the tectonic shifts in the structure of patronage are not visible. The backbone of the network remains unchanged and contains on the stable basis a part of the federal political and economic elite, who looks to the leader of the state and enjoys his support. At the same time, the process of the growing complexity of the patronal network is accompanied by an increase in the importance of the President of the Russian Federation, primarily from the point of view of intra-network coordination, which, according to the authors, indicates a rising demand for such coordination in the modern Russia.
{"title":"Recruitment of the Governor’s Corps in Contemporary Russia: Evolution of Patronal Networks (2017—2021)","authors":"Yu.O. Gaivoronsky, Yu. A. Balandin","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-146-167","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2022-107-4-146-167","url":null,"abstract":"The article presents an attempt to study the structural dynamics of federal-regional political networks in the process of recruiting heads of the regions. The authors focus their attention on the current stage of the evolution of the federal center’s approach towards the formation of the governor’s corps, which began with the change of the team in the presidential administration in the second half of 2016. The theoretical framework of the study is the concepts of patron-client relations and patronal politics. For the empirical testing, the authors employ the apparatus of the Social Network Analysis (SNA), which makes it possible to assess both the political elite itself and the specific influence of individual figures. The conducted research documents a distinct tendency towards the growing structural complexity of the federal-regional patronal network, when an increasing number of federal actors are directly or indirectly involved in the process of recruiting regional leaders, which entails the formation of new intra-elite connections. However, despite the intensive personnel rotation, the tectonic shifts in the structure of patronage are not visible. The backbone of the network remains unchanged and contains on the stable basis a part of the federal political and economic elite, who looks to the leader of the state and enjoys his support. At the same time, the process of the growing complexity of the patronal network is accompanied by an increase in the importance of the President of the Russian Federation, primarily from the point of view of intra-network coordination, which, according to the authors, indicates a rising demand for such coordination in the modern Russia.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2022-12-23","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"74233517","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Journal of Political Philosophy
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