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Impartiality and fair play revisited 重新审视公正和公平竞争
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-04-06 DOI: 10.1111/jopp.12300
Brookes Brown

It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.(Eleanor Roosevelt).

Something seems troubling about Miguel's behavior. Yet it is hard to say what he is doing wrong. He did not ask anyone to act for his benefit. He never agreed to any park-walking plan. Given the number of people involved in the watch (imagine it is a town with thousands of volunteers at the ready), he is not meaningfully adding to anyone's burden.

Put more precisely:

Much about this claim is controversial: does the mere receipt of benefits really trigger obligations? Does this hold if beneficiaries do not acquiesce? Must the relevant benefits track objective or subjective good? But my interest lies in a further puzzle, one that arises once we accept that something in this vein explains the wrongness of Miguel's actions.

Many scholars treat Park and Snow as different in kind. While the former is said to involve wrongful free-riding, the latter is viewed as a predatory demand. Consequently, while Miguel is said to have a duty to join in, Neda is thought to do nothing wrong if she refuses to pay the bill.

The problem is that the two scenarios look remarkably similar. In both situations, a group of people provide an unrequested benefit and take their doing so to trigger an obligation for beneficiaries to repay in a manner specified by their benefactors. My goal in this essay is to make sense of these competing intuitions by developing an account of what differentiates predatory demands from practices that properly generate duties of fair play. In fact, I will argue, cases like Snow and Park are even more similar than theories of fair play have acknowledged. Nonetheless, we can distinguish the two by properly situating fair play in the broader moral landscape. Doing so better grounds the duty and, more precisely, illuminates its scope—but it requires profoundly reimagining what fair play asks of us in a way that calls into question long-standing assumptions about civic ethics.

My argument proceeds as follows. In Section I, I detail an account of the moral motivation that underlies the duty of fair play. Building on recent work by Garrett Cullity and others, I argue that such obligations arise from a concern for fairness best understood as a demand for appropriate impartiality. Those who free-ride make unjustified exceptions by granting themselves a privilege that they would deny to others. In Section II, I raise a challenge to recent attempts by Isabella Trifan to flesh out the relevant notion of impartiality. We can, she suggests, distinguish cases of free-riding and predatory demands by looking to participants' attitudes. On her account, people are similarly situated such that non-contributions constitute violations of impartiality so long as they share a preference for receiving the same good without contributing to its production. But this approach, I show, fails to capture widesprea

即使我明天要搬离城镇,我也应该纳税;即使我打算以后经常去另一家沙龙,我也应该给我的理发师小费。相反,即使一种做法的保全得到保证,这种义务仍然存在。事实上,我曾经获得过资助的一个奖学金项目获得了大量捐款,这将确保它的生存,但这并不能减轻我的回报义务。事实上,这种想法令人困惑。毕竟,公平竞争的论点通常是为了解释为什么不采取行动是错误的,即使相关做法的存在是有保障的。因此,互惠方法可以更好地理解我们的直觉。35最后,反对者可能担心互惠方法会忽略人际和集体环境之间的重要区别。但他们将不得不解释这些差异到底是什么。令人惊讶的是,报价很少;这种区别的存在和道德重要性通常被认为是理所当然的。正如我们所看到的,道德上的显著特征当然经常出现在集体背景下——大规模计划的规模和性质往往使同意、承诺或合同成为一种挑战:沟通和谈判太困难,公共产品太具有挑战性,无法仅限于有意愿的参与者。然而,这些问题仅仅是务实的,而不是公平竞争的根本。他们也不支持严格的区分。毕竟,这些特质的版本也可以在人际关系中找到。如果你的朋友在你旅行时注意到你的猫需要照顾,她可能无法联系你请求许可。如果你的邻居修理公寓楼吱吱作响的前门,所有居民都会受益。当然,一些集体生产的商品也避免了这些担忧——公共交通提供了获得同意的机会,集体建造的井构成了私人商品。因此,这些划分义务类型界限的方式使我们没有理由坚持合作计划的要求,而不是采取更微妙的方法。公平竞争的互惠方式还有很多问题有待解决。合格利益是由客观善、主观善还是两者的结合来定义的?什么将一些努力定义为“同等劳动”?能够回报他人的努力?尽管如此,这种方法为公平竞争的经典描述提供了一个丰富的替代方案,它能够更好地捕捉和解释我们对公平的直觉。与传统方法或Cullity和Trifan提供的新的精确尝试不同,这种观点为我们的担忧奠定了基础,并提供了资源来区分产生公平的利益和掠夺性需求,以一种适合指导我们与为我们的利益做出贡献的个人和集体之间的各种关系的方式。无相关。本条不存在潜在的利益冲突。作者宣称这项研究不需要人类伦理的批准。 我认为这种对公正性的关注体现了交易公正性的一些重要内容。要求他人公平对待我们的要求具有重要的可比性。通过这种方式,它与我们得到我们想要的东西甚至其他优点的要求不同。我们担心的是,我们会受到不同的对待,从而对我们不利。当然,并不是所有的差异治疗都不符合这个标准。如果我参加儿童比赛,即使我跑得比我蹒跚学步的对手快,我也不会获得奖牌。问题是,什么能将一种行为定性为实例化了一种不合理的特权?当这些特征出现时,一个不合理地避免贡献的人就不受她将适用于他人的规则的约束。但那些在缺乏这些渴望的情况下这样做的人并没有表现出这样的偏见:他们认为每个人都有充分的理由以同样的方式行事。Cullity认为,这种说法成功地实现了我们的目标:它区分了公平竞争适用的案件和不适用的案件,使我们能够识别错误的要求。他认为,像斯诺这样的情况违反了第三个要求。让Neda不得不支付精灵的费用,“意味着让每个人都有责任支付所有值得他们付出的主动福利。”他认为,这将是破坏性的低效。9问题是这样的。Park可以被解读为与Snow有着相同的形式:一群人主动提供福利,并要求合理的付款(在前者中,Miguel加入巡逻队;在后者中,Neda支付账单)。如果在后一种情况下这种行为违反了泛化要求,为什么在前一种情况中不呢?就像邻里守望一样,科学家们提供了一种良好的(增强的健康),改善了每个人的生活。通过这种方式构建,该案例通过了测试。为这一点和未来任何类似的努力做出贡献都会让每个人都过得更好。与此同时,科学家们所做的正是精灵们正在做的事情——提供免下车福利,并希望获得报酬。据Cullity说,这种行为不合格。因此,该说明未能提供结论性指导:为了概括的目的,我们应该将哪些特征视为突出特征?她认为,只要——而且只有——他们的偏好是有序的,他们都有这种态度:Trifan认为这种观点是为了提供我们所寻求的清晰度。在这篇文章中,如果米格尔和镇上的人拒绝付款,他们的行为都是错误的。每个人都与他们的捐助者分享了正确的观点:希望公园和供水安全,而不必为这一过程做出贡献(就科学家而言,因为——或者Trifan认为——他们有责任保持消费者的健康)。相比之下,精灵们对他们提供的利益不感兴趣(或者我们可以推测)。他们想要的不是铲人行道,而是要付钱。13因此,内达不付账没有违反公正原则。这起案件违反了Trifan所理解的FRP。Mary不希望你给她没有的植物浇水。根据共享偏好账户,因此您没有义务回报她的努力。但这似乎很愚蠢:如果玛丽希望你用坐猫猫、饼干、乘车去机场来回报你,那似乎就没有什么掠夺性的东西。事实上,这里的利害关系恰恰呼应了公平竞争学者的抱怨:如果你对玛丽没有任何好处,你就会享受不公平的利润。你过得更好,她过得更糟,因为她为你做了有益的工作。如果玛丽(例如)让你在她不在的时候去看她的猫,那么“我什么都不欠你,因为你没有花园”的声明听起来几乎是奇怪的无礼。如果Cullity的解释过于模糊,那么Trifan的解释就显得过于狭隘,剔除了似乎产生真正公平考虑的案例。然而,有一种方法可以修正这种观点,从而避免这种错误。我们可以通过重塑FRP来捕捉玛丽的努力值得回报的感觉。根据公式,该方法假设,只有当人们对特定商品——浇水的花园、洗过的汽车——有共同兴趣时,他们的处境才会相似。这极大地限制了公平竞争适用的一系列案例。我们的口味和目标各不相同。你喜欢黑巧克力;我讨厌它。你关心咏叹调;我只喜欢挪威的死亡金属。但我们不必把自己看作是在这样不同的领域中运作。尽管我们对尊巴课程或DIY家居装修有不同的看法,但我们有一些共同点——对一个人们提供丰富我们生活的福利的世界有着更广泛的共同关注。当你想方设法把我丢失的钱包还回来时,我的生活会变得更好;当我把打印纸重新装满或把饼干放在休息室时,你的生活会更好。我们每个人都同样希望别人不要利用我们自己的这种努力。 劳伦的狗需要散步,弗雷德讨厌动物,希望避免与它们接触。作为一个人,我几乎不可能可靠地知道——更不用说寻求满足——这些需求了。然而,我知道有一套商品是每个为我工作过的人都看重的——正是他们自己努力推销的商品。无论他们的其他差异如何,Sam、Jim、Mary、Jenn、Lauren、Fred和数百万其他人都看到了公共安全、健康、环境清洁方面的好处,以及他们遵守法律或在投票箱中努力推广的其他商品。27因此,推广这些商品的努力对每个人来说都是一种好处,因为他们为推广这些商品所做的工作让我负债累累。这本身并不能解释为什么公民有特殊的理由投票或纳税。毕竟,你可以做很多事情来预付相关商品。修复你家门前的坑洞可以促进交通;向当地的免费诊所捐款可以改善公众健康。然而,这些答复没有考虑到相关货物的广度和复杂性。许多好的宣传作品都具有本地化效果。你的坑洞修复可能会让住在你街区的劳伦受益,但对住在城市另一边、从不开车的吉姆毫无帮助。其他行动只有在与其他公民的努力保持适当一致的情况下才有价值。如果没有人实施,你出色的教育计划就没有什么价值。因此,大规模公民产品的受益者只能认为自己在偿还捐助者的债务,只要他们共同努力向他们欠下债务的全体人民提供相关产品
{"title":"Impartiality and fair play revisited","authors":"Brookes Brown","doi":"10.1111/jopp.12300","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1111/jopp.12300","url":null,"abstract":"<p>It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.(Eleanor Roosevelt).</p><p>Something seems troubling about Miguel's behavior. Yet it is hard to say what he is doing wrong. He did not ask anyone to act for his benefit. He never agreed to any park-walking plan. Given the number of people involved in the watch (imagine it is a town with thousands of volunteers at the ready), he is not meaningfully adding to anyone's burden.</p><p>Put more precisely:</p><p>Much about this claim is controversial: does the mere receipt of benefits really trigger obligations? Does this hold if beneficiaries do not acquiesce? Must the relevant benefits track objective or subjective good? But my interest lies in a further puzzle, one that arises once we accept that something in this vein explains the wrongness of Miguel's actions.</p><p>Many scholars treat <i>Park</i> and <i>Snow</i> as different in kind. While the former is said to involve wrongful free-riding, the latter is viewed as a <i>predatory demand</i>. Consequently, while Miguel is said to have a duty to join in, Neda is thought to do nothing wrong if she refuses to pay the bill.</p><p>The problem is that the two scenarios look remarkably similar. In both situations, a group of people provide an unrequested benefit and take their doing so to trigger an obligation for beneficiaries to repay in a manner specified by their benefactors. My goal in this essay is to make sense of these competing intuitions by developing an account of what differentiates predatory demands from practices that properly generate duties of fair play. In fact, I will argue, cases like <i>Snow</i> and <i>Park</i> are even more similar than theories of fair play have acknowledged. Nonetheless, we can distinguish the two by properly situating fair play in the broader moral landscape. Doing so better grounds the duty and, more precisely, illuminates its scope—but it requires profoundly reimagining what fair play asks of us in a way that calls into question long-standing assumptions about civic ethics.</p><p>My argument proceeds as follows. In Section I, I detail an account of the moral motivation that underlies the duty of fair play. Building on recent work by Garrett Cullity and others, I argue that such obligations arise from a concern for fairness best understood as a demand for appropriate impartiality. Those who free-ride make unjustified exceptions by granting themselves a privilege that they would deny to others. In Section II, I raise a challenge to recent attempts by Isabella Trifan to flesh out the relevant notion of impartiality. We can, she suggests, distinguish cases of free-riding and predatory demands by looking to participants' attitudes. On her account, people are similarly situated such that non-contributions constitute violations of impartiality so long as they share a preference for receiving the same good without contributing to its production. But this approach, I show, fails to capture widesprea","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-04-06","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jopp.12300","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"50132631","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Relational egalitarianism and moral unequals 关系平等主义与道德不平等
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-03-29 DOI: 10.1111/jopp.12299
Andreas Bengtson, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen

When discussing theories of justice, most philosophers take the moral equality of human beings as their starting point. As Will Kymlicka says, in all contemporary plausible theories of justice, moral equality constitutes an “egalitarian plateau”.1 Arguably, the most prominent novel theory of justice in recent years is relational egalitarianism—a theory on which justice requires people to relate as equals. Relational egalitarians are no exception to Kymlicka's claim. They too start from the idea of moral equality. As one of us previously put it, “as a matter of fact, we are one another's moral equals and in relating as equals we honour that fact, and this is what grounds the ideal of relational egalitarianism”.2

In this article, we will assume that not all human beings are moral equals. This is an assumption, not an assertion, on our part. It is motivated partly by the challenges mentioned in the previous paragraph, and partly by the nature of the present inquiry: to wit, examining what, if anything, relational egalitarianism implies when it comes to relationships between moral unequals. Must moral unequals relate as moral equals?4 Or as unequals? Or in some third way? We will show that relational egalitarianism has much to say about such relationships. And we will show that what it has to say is plausible.

Before proceeding, we need to defend our line of inquiry in view of the following skeptical challenge. For its supporters, what grounds relational egalitarianism is the fact—so they claim—that people are moral equals. For instance, this seems to be what the following passage from Kolodny implies: “Insofar as we are to have ongoing social relations with other moral equals, we have reason to relate to them as social equals”.5 Hence, to ask what relational egalitarians are committed to saying about social relations in a—in their view—hypothetical situation, where people are not moral equals, is to ask a moot question. It is like asking what a utilitarian is committed to, as regards the right thing to do, if welfare is not valuable. The question makes no sense, because the notion that welfare has value is built into, and therefore presupposed by, utilitarianism. Similarly, the notion that people are moral equals is presupposed by relational egalitarianism.6

While this challenge makes sense, we think that, ultimately, we are asking a perfectly justifiable question, and one we have the resources to answer. First, Kolodny's remark is most naturally taken to mean that moral equals must relate as social and political equals given that, more generally, the way people relate, socially and politically, should fit the way they relate in terms of moral status. If this is correct, Kolodny's view is underpinned by a general commitment to some kind of fittingness; and this general commitment, surely, has implications for the question of how moral unequals should relate, even if Kolodny thinks that people are not moral u

在讨论正义理论时,大多数哲学家都以人的道德平等为出发点。正如Will Kymlicka所说,在所有当代看似合理的正义理论中,道德平等构成了一个“平等主义平台”。1可以说,近年来最突出的新正义理论是关系平等主义——一种正义要求人们平等相处的理论。关系平等主义者也不例外Kymlicka的主张。他们也从道德平等的理念出发。正如我们中的一个人之前所说,“事实上,我们在道德上是平等的,在平等的关系中,我们尊重这一事实,这就是关系平等主义理想的基础”。2在这篇文章中,我们将假设并非所有人都是道德平等的。这是我们的假设,而不是断言。它的动机部分是上一段提到的挑战,部分是本次调查的性质:也就是说,当涉及到道德不平等之间的关系时,研究关系平等主义意味着什么。道德上的不平等必须与道德上的平等相联系吗?4还是无与伦比?还是以第三种方式?我们将证明,关系平等主义对这种关系有很多话要说。我们将证明它所说的是合理的。在继续之前,鉴于以下质疑,我们需要捍卫我们的调查路线。对于它的支持者来说,关系平等主义的基础是——他们声称——人们在道德上是平等的。例如,这似乎是科洛德尼的以下一段话所暗示的:“只要我们要与其他道德平等的人建立持续的社会关系,我们就有理由将他们视为社会平等者”,就是问一个没有意义的问题。这就像在问一个功利主义者,如果福利没有价值,他们会致力于做什么正确的事情。这个问题毫无意义,因为福利有价值的概念是建立在功利主义中的,因此是以功利主义为前提的。同样,人们在道德上平等的概念是由关系平等主义预设的。6虽然这一挑战是有道理的,但我们认为,最终,我们提出的是一个完全合理的问题,一个我们有资源回答的问题。首先,科洛德尼的话很自然地被认为是指道德平等必须与社会和政治平等相联系,因为更普遍地说,人们在社会和政治上的联系方式应该符合他们在道德地位方面的联系方式。如果这是正确的,那么Kolodny的观点是基于对某种适合性的普遍承诺;当然,这种普遍的承诺对道德不平等应该如何联系的问题有影响,即使科洛德尼认为人们不是道德不平等者,因此即使这些影响在现实世界中没有实现。7诚然,从逻辑上讲,人们可以一致地认为,如果人们在道德上是平等的,这证明了他们应该如何在社会和政治上建立联系的某些说法是合理的,如果他们在道德上是不平等的,那就不能证明他们应该如何与社会和政治建立联系。然而,这种观点似乎是武断的。为什么只有在人们的道德地位平等的情况下,道德地位才会影响我们应该如何联系?因此,这种观点并不特别合理。这种难以置信的态度反映在投诉中:“他们把我们当作动物对待”。投诉准确地假设,人和非人类动物不享有同样高的道德地位,如果人和非动物之间存在的那种作恶者和受害者的道德地位存在差异,那么所投诉的恶劣待遇是合理的(或者至少不那么不合理)。其次,由于我们第一次回应中提出的原因,我们认为与功利主义的类比是误导性的。想想一个功利主义者,他认为道德要求我们做能实现最大价值的事情,并将福利视为唯一的价值,即偏好满足。当然,这类功利主义者致力于一种观点,即如果有价值的不是作为偏好满足的福利,而是人们的福利水平与他们的道德沙漠水平相匹配(康德认为这是理想的),那么道德需要代理人做什么。也就是说,他们致力于这样一种观点,即在道德上,我们应该采取行动,最大限度地实现福利水平和道德沙漠水平之间的整体匹配。同样,鉴于Arneson、McMahan和Singer提出的强有力的挑战,关系平等主义者应该对人们在道德上不平等的可能性持开放态度。 在这篇文章中,我们注意到最近关于道德平等的哲学讨论表明,建立人类道德平等是多么困难,我们以并非所有人都是道德平等的假设为出发点;有些是无与伦比的。然后,我们调查了关系平等主义——一种正义理论,根据该理论,正义需要道德平等者之间的平等关系——对涉及道德不平等的关系有何看法。我们区分了道义主义和意识形态的关系平等主义。然后,我们区分了两种道义理论:广义道义关系平等主义和道义关系正义。广义的道义关系平等主义规定,道德上的不平等必须以平等的方式联系起来。我们认为,如果人们不对基于道德地位的财产或财产负责,那么公平可以解释为什么会出现这种情况。这种策略的问题在于,至少在某种程度上,人们对这些财产负有责任是合理的。道德关系正义通过规定道德上的不平等者,假设他们有足够的道德地位,必须作为道德上的足够者(而不是道德上的平等者)来联系,从而避免了这个问题。采用这一较弱要求的关系平等主义者仍然能够反对涉及道德不平等的关系中的歧视、统治、种族主义和性别歧视案件(只要相关方有足够的道德地位)。关于telic关系平等主义,我们认为关系平等主义者认为不平等关系是坏的,平等关系好的原因与道德地位无关;它们也适用于道德不平等者之间的关系,也许程度较低。因此,即使我们假设一些人在道德上与其他人不平等,道义和意识形态的关系平等主义都会做出合理的判断。我们的论点的主要影响,也是我们认为非常幸运的一个论点,是将我们应该作为道德平等者的观点与所有人实际上都是道德平等的观点分离开来。前者不需要后者。因此,我们应该以道德平等的身份相处,这一观点并不受制于所有人都有平等道德地位这一备受争议的概念的命运。Andreas Bengtson感谢丹麦独立研究基金(1027-00002B),两位作者都感谢丹麦国家研究基金会(DNRF144)对本文工作的财政支持。本条不存在潜在的利益冲突。作者宣称这项研究不需要人类伦理的批准。 他们应该认识到,如果他们错了,而且并非所有人都是道德平等的,那么探索他们的观点对他们的承诺,以及我们应该如何在社会和政治上建立联系的价值。探讨道德不平等如何在关系平等主义框架中相互联系的问题很重要,原因有几个。首先,它有助于将关系平等主义发展为一种正义理论——这一理论仍有许多问题没有得到解答,因为它相对年轻。正如我们将要展示的那样,我们的讨论有助于阐明儿童和非人类动物——可以说在道德上与人不平等的个体——在关系平等主义中的地位。其次,这项探索将表明,即使不是所有人都是道德平等的,也可以构建关系平等主义者对典型关系不平等的反对,如歧视、种族主义和性别歧视。这意味着关系平等主义的合理性与所有人在道德上平等的观点不一致。9鉴于Arneson上述的困境,这一结果很重要。第三,这一探索阐明了一个重要的观点,即关系平等主义是一个庞大的理论家族,在许多不同的维度上存在差异,包括他们对道德不平等应该如何联系的问题的回应。这篇文章的结构如下。在第二节中,我们介绍了关系平等主义,并区分了两种形式:道义主义和特利主义关系平等主义。我们进一步区分了道德关系平等主义的两种说法,并解释说,这两种说法对道德不平等应该如何联系提供了不同的说法。此外,我们还表明,道德关系平等主义这一要求最低的概念为道德不平等应该如何联系的问题提供了合理的答案。10在第三节中,我们转向了道德关系平等论。我们发现,关系平等主义者提出的解释为什么不平等关系不好,平等关系好的原因也适用于道德不平等者之间的关系:这些原因与具有平等道德地位的人无关。我们在第四节中探讨了这些论点对儿童和非人类动物在关系平等主义中的地位的进一步影响——关系平等主义者对此没有太多论述。我们提供了一个关系平等主义的解释,解释为什么成人家长式作风可能被认
{"title":"Relational egalitarianism and moral unequals","authors":"Andreas Bengtson,&nbsp;Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen","doi":"10.1111/jopp.12299","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1111/jopp.12299","url":null,"abstract":"<p>When discussing theories of justice, most philosophers take the moral equality of human beings as their starting point. As Will Kymlicka says, in all contemporary plausible theories of justice, moral equality constitutes an “egalitarian plateau”.1 Arguably, the most prominent novel theory of justice in recent years is relational egalitarianism—a theory on which justice requires people to relate as equals. Relational egalitarians are no exception to Kymlicka's claim. They too start from the idea of moral equality. As one of us previously put it, “as a matter of fact, we are one another's moral equals and in relating as equals we honour that fact, and this is what grounds the ideal of relational egalitarianism”.2</p><p>In this article, we will assume that not all human beings are moral equals. This is an assumption, not an assertion, on our part. It is motivated partly by the challenges mentioned in the previous paragraph, and partly by the nature of the present inquiry: to wit, examining what, if anything, relational egalitarianism implies when it comes to relationships between moral unequals. Must moral unequals relate as moral equals?4 Or as unequals? Or in some third way? We will show that relational egalitarianism has much to say about such relationships. And we will show that what it has to say is plausible.</p><p>Before proceeding, we need to defend our line of inquiry in view of the following skeptical challenge. For its supporters, what grounds relational egalitarianism is the fact—so they claim—that people <i>are</i> moral equals. For instance, this seems to be what the following passage from Kolodny implies: “Insofar as we are to have ongoing social relations with other moral equals, we have reason to relate to them as social equals”.5 Hence, to ask what relational egalitarians are committed to saying about social relations in a—in their view—hypothetical situation, where people are not moral equals, is to ask a moot question. It is like asking what a utilitarian is committed to, as regards the right thing to do, if welfare is not valuable. The question makes no sense, because the notion that welfare <i>has</i> value is built into, and therefore presupposed by, utilitarianism. Similarly, the notion that people are moral equals is presupposed by relational egalitarianism.6</p><p>While this challenge makes sense, we think that, ultimately, we are asking a perfectly justifiable question, and one we have the resources to answer. First, Kolodny's remark is most naturally taken to mean that moral equals must relate as social and political equals given that, more generally, the way people relate, socially and politically, should fit the way they relate in terms of moral status. If this is correct, Kolodny's view is underpinned by a general commitment to some kind of <i>fittingness</i>; and this general commitment, surely, has implications for the question of how moral unequals should relate, even if Kolodny thinks that people are not moral u","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-03-29","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jopp.12299","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"68181361","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 3
Economic Origins of Revolutions: the Link between GDP and the Risk of Revolutionary Events 革命的经济起源:GDP与革命事件风险之间的联系
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-03-20 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-64-87
V. Ustyuzhanin, V. A. Mikheeva, I. A. Sumernikov, Andrey Korotayev
The recent years have witnessed numerous studies that analyze the influence of different factors on the probability of revolutionary events. At the same time, an important set of modernization variables (GDP, urbanization, education, democratization) still remains understudied. Moreover, the results of the contemporary quantitative studies show significant discrepancies in how wealth (operationalized through GDP per capita) affects the risks of revolutionary events. Herewith scholars usually consider such events in the aggregate, without dividing them into armed and non-armed rebellions. This paper attempts to shed light on the impact of wealth on revolutionary instability, taking into account the distinguishing features of its armed and non-armed versions. On the basis of the analysis of 425 revolutionary episodes of various types over the period of 1900—2019, the authors document a strong linear negative relationship between armed revolutions and the level of GDP per capita, while the relationship between unarmed revolutions and wealth has a curvilinear nature. At first, as GDP per capita increases, the risks of unarmed revolutions increase, but after reaching a certain threshold they begin to fall. The inflection point, when the risk of unarmed revolutionary instability is the greatest, corresponds to the level of GDP per capita in the middle-income countries, which currently face the middle-income trap. In other words, their wealth stagnates at the level that is most risky for the emergence of unarmed revolutions. According to the authors’ conclusion, in addition to the obvious economic problems associated with the middle-income trap, the latter also leads to the increased probability of unarmed revolutionary instability.
{"title":"Economic Origins of Revolutions: the Link between GDP and the Risk of Revolutionary Events","authors":"V. Ustyuzhanin, V. A. Mikheeva, I. A. Sumernikov, Andrey Korotayev","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-64-87","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-64-87","url":null,"abstract":"The recent years have witnessed numerous studies that analyze the influence of different factors on the probability of revolutionary events. At the same time, an important set of modernization variables (GDP, urbanization, education, democratization) still remains understudied. Moreover, the results of the contemporary quantitative studies show significant discrepancies in how wealth (operationalized through GDP per capita) affects the risks of revolutionary events. Herewith scholars usually consider such events in the aggregate, without dividing them into armed and non-armed rebellions. This paper attempts to shed light on the impact of wealth on revolutionary instability, taking into account the distinguishing features of its armed and non-armed versions. On the basis of the analysis of 425 revolutionary episodes of various types over the period of 1900—2019, the authors document a strong linear negative relationship between armed revolutions and the level of GDP per capita, while the relationship between unarmed revolutions and wealth has a curvilinear nature. At first, as GDP per capita increases, the risks of unarmed revolutions increase, but after reaching a certain threshold they begin to fall. The inflection point, when the risk of unarmed revolutionary instability is the greatest, corresponds to the level of GDP per capita in the middle-income countries, which currently face the middle-income trap. In other words, their wealth stagnates at the level that is most risky for the emergence of unarmed revolutions. According to the authors’ conclusion, in addition to the obvious economic problems associated with the middle-income trap, the latter also leads to the increased probability of unarmed revolutionary instability.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-03-20","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"83248467","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Agonistic Pluralism and Competitive Model of Democracy: Problems of Normative Justification 竞争的多元主义与民主的竞争模式:规范正当化的问题
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-03-20 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-6-24
N. A. Shaveko
The article is devoted to the analysis of the main tenets of the theory of competitive democracy and its underlying principle of agonistic pluralism, which have become quite widespread among the Western political philosophers in the recent years. The author identifies two main approaches to the normative substantiation of the value of democratic competition. The first approach is based on the postulate about the importance of maintaining the diversity of public discourses and, therefore, inadmissibility of giving one of them the status of dominant or preferred. The second approach emphasizes the importance of constantly challenging the established power relations. Having demonstrated serious flaws in these approaches, one of which, in fact, promotes diversity for the sake of diversity, and the other — variability for the sake of variability, the author turns to the strategy of justifying competitive democracy that focuses on providing all stakeholders with an equal opportunity to change the existing power relations. In his estimation, this strategy, which largely overcomes the shortcomings of the above mentioned approaches, also has its weaknesses related to (1) the difficulty of disentangling between unequal opportunities for transforming power mechanisms and other social inequalities, (2) the unattainability of the complete equality of opportunities, and (3) the ambiguous relationship between the value of the opportunity to define and abolish social restrictions (political equality) and other values (in particular, the so-called intrinsic equality). A special attention in the article is paid to the identification of the deep value foundations of agonistic pluralism. The author notices that advocates of agonism want to evade clarification of these foundations and states that agonistic pluralism as the highest moral basis of politics is highly doubtful, while the part of the concept that is acceptable does not represent anything fundamentally new. According to his conclusion, all this speaks of the purely instrumental nature of this principle, and thus of its relative importance in comparison with those ideals that it intends to achieve.
{"title":"Agonistic Pluralism and Competitive Model of Democracy: Problems of Normative Justification","authors":"N. A. Shaveko","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-6-24","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-6-24","url":null,"abstract":"The article is devoted to the analysis of the main tenets of the theory of competitive democracy and its underlying principle of agonistic pluralism, which have become quite widespread among the Western political philosophers in the recent years. The author identifies two main approaches to the normative substantiation of the value of democratic competition. The first approach is based on the postulate about the importance of maintaining the diversity of public discourses and, therefore, inadmissibility of giving one of them the status of dominant or preferred. The second approach emphasizes the importance of constantly challenging the established power relations. Having demonstrated serious flaws in these approaches, one of which, in fact, promotes diversity for the sake of diversity, and the other — variability for the sake of variability, the author turns to the strategy of justifying competitive democracy that focuses on providing all stakeholders with an equal opportunity to change the existing power relations. In his estimation, this strategy, which largely overcomes the shortcomings of the above mentioned approaches, also has its weaknesses related to (1) the difficulty of disentangling between unequal opportunities for transforming power mechanisms and other social inequalities, (2) the unattainability of the complete equality of opportunities, and (3) the ambiguous relationship between the value of the opportunity to define and abolish social restrictions (political equality) and other values (in particular, the so-called intrinsic equality). A special attention in the article is paid to the identification of the deep value foundations of agonistic pluralism. The author notices that advocates of agonism want to evade clarification of these foundations and states that agonistic pluralism as the highest moral basis of politics is highly doubtful, while the part of the concept that is acceptable does not represent anything fundamentally new. According to his conclusion, all this speaks of the purely instrumental nature of this principle, and thus of its relative importance in comparison with those ideals that it intends to achieve.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-03-20","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"76183365","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
“The Greens” in Germany: Political Dilemmas and Compromises 德国的“绿党”:政治困境与妥协
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-03-20 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-182-203
T. Rovinskaya
The article analyzes the political path of the environmental party the Union 90/The Greens from the moment of the birth of the green movement in Germany to the present day. The author focuses on the transformation of the ideological platform of The Greens. Having thoroughly analyzed the stages of the party’s development and its policy documents, the author records the transition of the German Greens from conservative to liberal values, and then from the idealism and nonconformism of the 1970s—1980s to the realism and pragmatism of the 1990s—2000s, from an out-of-system radical position to the in-system centre-left position. The author also discusses the cost of their political success. Does the party manage to hew to the principles it stated? How does it deal with the political dilemmas it inevitably faces when it has to function in a real political environment in coalition with other parties? How far are The Greens willing to go in making political and ideological compromises? And does all this, in fact, correspond to the green ideology? Based on the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion that the dominance of the realist wing in the party, who rely on assuming power at any cost and sideline the idealists-(eco)fundamentalists who stood at the origins of the movement, leads to the erosion of the very essence of the alternative green ideology and, ultimately, to the loss of the party’s originality and attractiveness for voters. According to the author, the 2022 international crisis is a turning point in the history of the Union 90/The Greens, which will have a decisive impact on the political fate of the party in the near future.
本文分析了德国环保政党联盟绿党从绿色运动诞生之日起至今的政治路径。笔者着重分析了绿党思想平台的转型。通过对德国绿党发展的各个阶段及其政策文件的深入分析,作者记录了德国绿党从保守价值观到自由价值观,再从20世纪70 - 80年代的理想主义和不墨守成规到20世纪90 - 21世纪的现实主义和实用主义,从体制外激进立场到体制内中左翼立场的转变过程。作者还讨论了他们政治成功的代价。该党是否设法遵守它所声明的原则?当它必须在现实的政治环境中与其他政党联合运作时,它如何处理不可避免地面临的政治困境?绿党愿意在政治和意识形态上妥协到什么程度?事实上,所有这些都符合绿色意识形态吗?根据所进行的研究,作者得出结论,现实主义派在党内的主导地位,他们不惜一切代价夺取权力,并将理想主义者-(生态)原教旨主义者边缘化,这些人站在运动的起源,导致替代绿色意识形态的本质受到侵蚀,最终导致该党的独创性和对选民的吸引力的丧失。作者认为,2022年的国际危机是绿党历史上的一个转折点,它将在不久的将来对该党的政治命运产生决定性的影响。
{"title":"“The Greens” in Germany: Political Dilemmas and Compromises","authors":"T. Rovinskaya","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-182-203","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-182-203","url":null,"abstract":"The article analyzes the political path of the environmental party the Union 90/The Greens from the moment of the birth of the green movement in Germany to the present day. The author focuses on the transformation of the ideological platform of The Greens. Having thoroughly analyzed the stages of the party’s development and its policy documents, the author records the transition of the German Greens from conservative to liberal values, and then from the idealism and nonconformism of the 1970s—1980s to the realism and pragmatism of the 1990s—2000s, from an out-of-system radical position to the in-system centre-left position. The author also discusses the cost of their political success. Does the party manage to hew to the principles it stated? How does it deal with the political dilemmas it inevitably faces when it has to function in a real political environment in coalition with other parties? How far are The Greens willing to go in making political and ideological compromises? And does all this, in fact, correspond to the green ideology? Based on the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion that the dominance of the realist wing in the party, who rely on assuming power at any cost and sideline the idealists-(eco)fundamentalists who stood at the origins of the movement, leads to the erosion of the very essence of the alternative green ideology and, ultimately, to the loss of the party’s originality and attractiveness for voters. According to the author, the 2022 international crisis is a turning point in the history of the Union 90/The Greens, which will have a decisive impact on the political fate of the party in the near future.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-03-20","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"76760982","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Orthodoxy and Conservatism: Political Attitudes of Religious Russians 正统与保守:俄国宗教的政治态度
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-03-20 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-141-160
Yuliya Karpich
The article is devoted to the study of the influence of religiosity on the individual political choice of Orthodox Russians. Based on the analysis of in-depth interviews with believers who actively attend religious services, the author identifies a relationship between certain aspects of religiosity (beliefs, religious practices) and conservative attitudes of parishioners. The author reveals the logic of a conservative choice and shows how conservative attitudes associated with shifts in values are combined with conservative attitudes based on religion. The results of the study allow the author to document three types of political positioning arising from a conservative worldview. In the case of loyalty to the current government the conservative logic manifests itself in the desire to maintain stability and avoid political changes. Opposition voting takes the form of a moral protest when voters want to punish the authorities for the actions that are inconsistent with their moral ideals. Non-participation in elections is conservative in the sense that believers avoid politics, which seems to them immoral and corrupt. Employing the qualitative methodology and analyzing individual-level data, the author comes to the conclusion that believers make their decisions about voting largely on the basis of their political attitudes. Religious voters evaluate politicians’ actions and assess the potential ability to influence the political situation. The impact of practices is limited to political participation. The conservative logic of voting is closely related to secular attitudes; religious beliefs and practices of church cooperation can only adjust the choice that was already made.
{"title":"Orthodoxy and Conservatism: Political Attitudes of Religious Russians","authors":"Yuliya Karpich","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-141-160","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-141-160","url":null,"abstract":"The article is devoted to the study of the influence of religiosity on the individual political choice of Orthodox Russians. Based on the analysis of in-depth interviews with believers who actively attend religious services, the author identifies a relationship between certain aspects of religiosity (beliefs, religious practices) and conservative attitudes of parishioners. The author reveals the logic of a conservative choice and shows how conservative attitudes associated with shifts in values are combined with conservative attitudes based on religion. The results of the study allow the author to document three types of political positioning arising from a conservative worldview. In the case of loyalty to the current government the conservative logic manifests itself in the desire to maintain stability and avoid political changes. Opposition voting takes the form of a moral protest when voters want to punish the authorities for the actions that are inconsistent with their moral ideals. Non-participation in elections is conservative in the sense that believers avoid politics, which seems to them immoral and corrupt. Employing the qualitative methodology and analyzing individual-level data, the author comes to the conclusion that believers make their decisions about voting largely on the basis of their political attitudes. Religious voters evaluate politicians’ actions and assess the potential ability to influence the political situation. The impact of practices is limited to political participation. The conservative logic of voting is closely related to secular attitudes; religious beliefs and practices of church cooperation can only adjust the choice that was already made.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-03-20","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"86157234","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The Ontological Nature of Politics 政治的本体论本质
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-03-20 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-25-39
V. Levytskyy
The article is devoted to clarifying the understanding of the nature of politics. Having documented the lack of consensus in the scientific discourse even regarding the very concept of politics, the author proposes an approach that, from his point of view, allows to obtain the most consistent conceptualization of the political. In his study of the nature of politics, the author relies primarily on the analysis of the phenomenon of polis, because, despite serious disagreements in the scientific circles about what politics is, its origin is generally associated with polis. Based on the works of Plato and Aristotle and drawing on the works of modern historians and political philosophers, he demonstrates the inadequacy of the interpretation of polis as a city, state or society, and proposes to consider polis as a sphere of “supra-physical” and “supra-economic” activity of citizens in external and internal harmonization of public space. In the development of the transcendentalist tradition, the article shows that polis is primarily an ontological reality, a place where (in the eyes of the Greeks) the existence of being was manifested. Taking into account the connection between polis and politics in the ancient world, the author comes to the conclusion that politics as a practice of organizing life in polis is an activity for the formation and maintenance of ontological reality. Such an understanding of politics, in his opinion, is valid not only in relation to antiquity. Therefore, he defines politics as an ontological action, in which a struggle for the fate of being unfolds every time. In this respect, the nature of ancient politics differs little from the nature of medieval and modern politics. Despite all the differences between modern and pre-modern political discourse, this definition quite adequately characterizes the nature of the political per se.
{"title":"The Ontological Nature of Politics","authors":"V. Levytskyy","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-25-39","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-25-39","url":null,"abstract":"The article is devoted to clarifying the understanding of the nature of politics. Having documented the lack of consensus in the scientific discourse even regarding the very concept of politics, the author proposes an approach that, from his point of view, allows to obtain the most consistent conceptualization of the political. In his study of the nature of politics, the author relies primarily on the analysis of the phenomenon of polis, because, despite serious disagreements in the scientific circles about what politics is, its origin is generally associated with polis. Based on the works of Plato and Aristotle and drawing on the works of modern historians and political philosophers, he demonstrates the inadequacy of the interpretation of polis as a city, state or society, and proposes to consider polis as a sphere of “supra-physical” and “supra-economic” activity of citizens in external and internal harmonization of public space. In the development of the transcendentalist tradition, the article shows that polis is primarily an ontological reality, a place where (in the eyes of the Greeks) the existence of being was manifested. Taking into account the connection between polis and politics in the ancient world, the author comes to the conclusion that politics as a practice of organizing life in polis is an activity for the formation and maintenance of ontological reality. Such an understanding of politics, in his opinion, is valid not only in relation to antiquity. Therefore, he defines politics as an ontological action, in which a struggle for the fate of being unfolds every time. In this respect, the nature of ancient politics differs little from the nature of medieval and modern politics. Despite all the differences between modern and pre-modern political discourse, this definition quite adequately characterizes the nature of the political per se.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-03-20","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"74463498","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Polarization of American Elites (Evidence from the Analysis of the Candidates' Policy Statements during the 2020 Presidential Election) 美国精英的两极分化(来自2020年总统大选候选人政策声明分析的证据)
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-03-20 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-161-181
A. Zhdanov, K. V. Kosolapov
The article is devoted to the study of political polarization in the United States through the prism of the influence of various groups of American elites on this process. Empirically analyzing the campaign messages of Joseph Biden, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, which were spread by their electoral staff during the 2020 presidential campaign, and using the methods of network and LDA analysis, the authors attempt to determine to what extent the Democratic and Republican leaders tend to use tools that polarize society and whether the nature of the influence of these parties on the American society differs. Having documented the presence of all types of political polarization in the United States, the authors show that both Republicans and Democrats significantly add to polarization because, on the one hand, they fuel emotional tension in the society, and on the other hand, they deny legitimacy to the principles of their opponents. The analysis carried out in the article clearly demonstrates that all groups of the American political elites, regardless of party affiliation, are nearly equally susceptible to affective and positional polarization, including those whose political activity is usually assessed as depolarizing. All this refutes the widespread notion that the Republican Party, which exploits the Us vs. Them dichotomy for narrow political purposes, is primarily responsible for the polarization in the country, indicating that something bigger, rather than the rise of right-wing populism or the increased popularity of nativist movements, explains the crisis processes that have been unfolding in the recent years in the United States, as well as in other old democracies.
{"title":"Polarization of American Elites (Evidence from the Analysis of the Candidates' Policy Statements during the 2020 Presidential Election)","authors":"A. Zhdanov, K. V. Kosolapov","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-161-181","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-161-181","url":null,"abstract":"The article is devoted to the study of political polarization in the United States through the prism of the influence of various groups of American elites on this process. Empirically analyzing the campaign messages of Joseph Biden, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, which were spread by their electoral staff during the 2020 presidential campaign, and using the methods of network and LDA analysis, the authors attempt to determine to what extent the Democratic and Republican leaders tend to use tools that polarize society and whether the nature of the influence of these parties on the American society differs. Having documented the presence of all types of political polarization in the United States, the authors show that both Republicans and Democrats significantly add to polarization because, on the one hand, they fuel emotional tension in the society, and on the other hand, they deny legitimacy to the principles of their opponents. The analysis carried out in the article clearly demonstrates that all groups of the American political elites, regardless of party affiliation, are nearly equally susceptible to affective and positional polarization, including those whose political activity is usually assessed as depolarizing. All this refutes the widespread notion that the Republican Party, which exploits the Us vs. Them dichotomy for narrow political purposes, is primarily responsible for the polarization in the country, indicating that something bigger, rather than the rise of right-wing populism or the increased popularity of nativist movements, explains the crisis processes that have been unfolding in the recent years in the United States, as well as in other old democracies.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-03-20","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"85744631","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The Soviet Past Theme in the Electoral Campaigns in Post-Soviet Russia 后苏联时期俄罗斯选举运动中的“前苏联”主题
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-03-20 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-88-125
Y. Korgunyuk
The article is devoted to the analysis of the place of the Soviet past in the inter-party discussion and the influence of this theme on the choice of the Russian electorate in the electoral campaigns of 1993—2021. According to the author’s conclusion, despite the moderate number of issues related to this topic, and their rather modest share in the general agenda of the campaigns, they formed confrontations that strongly correlated with the divisions within the major political dimensions and issue domain divisions and resonated in the mass political consciousness. The 1993—2011 campaigns were about one confrontation — “communists vs. anti-communists (liberals)”. In 2016—2021 this confrontation was supplemented by a cleavage along the “conservatives — liberals” line, which manifested in the special position of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, that adjoined the liberals on some aspects of the Soviet past theme, and communists — on other aspects. In 1993 and 1995 the confrontation between communists and anti-communists (liberals) on the issues of the Soviet past successfully competed with political dimensions and issue domain divisions for the role of the “political face” of the first, or the main, electoral cleavage. In 1999, this confrontation moved from the first electoral cleavage to the second, within which it continued to successfully contend with the cleavage between Soviet traditionalists and modernists in the systemic issue domain. In 2003, it also withstood competition with the divisions between adherents of market and supporters of planned economy in the socio-economic issue domain and Soviet traditionalists and modernists in the systemic one, but in 2007— 2016 it lost such ability, although it retained a background presence in the political space. In 2021, the theme of the Soviet past experienced some sort of renaissance, with not only communists and liberals, but also other political forces, including the “party of power”, starting to actively appeal to this topic. The influence of the confrontations around the theme of the Soviet past on electoral divisions also increased, however, only when regions with a voter turnout of more than 60% were excluded from the analysis. In this case, the confrontation between communists and liberals on the subject of the Soviet past determined “the face” of the second electoral cleavage, and the special position of the Liberal Democratic Party — of the third one.
本文致力于分析苏联过去在党际讨论中的地位,以及这一主题对俄罗斯选民在1993-2021年竞选活动中的选择的影响。根据作者的结论,尽管与这一主题有关的问题数量不多,在竞选活动的总议程中所占的份额也不大,但它们形成的对抗与主要政治层面和问题领域的分歧密切相关,并在群众政治意识中引起共鸣。1993年至2011年的竞选活动围绕着一种对抗——“共产主义者与反共主义者(自由派)”。在2016年至2021年期间,这种对抗被“保守派-自由派”路线上的分裂所补充,这表现在俄罗斯自由民主党的特殊立场上,它在苏联历史主题的某些方面与自由派为辅,而在其他方面则与共产党为辅。1993年和1995年,共产主义者和反共产主义者(自由主义者)在苏联历史问题上的对抗,成功地与政治维度和问题领域划分相抗衡,成为第一个或主要的选举分裂的“政治面孔”。1999年,这种对抗从第一次选举分裂转移到第二次,在第二次选举分裂中,它继续成功地应对苏联传统主义者和现代主义者在系统问题领域的分裂。2003年,它还经受住了社会经济问题领域的市场支持者和计划经济支持者与苏联传统主义者和现代主义者之间的分歧的竞争,但在2007 - 2016年,它失去了这种能力,尽管它在政治空间中保留了背景存在。2021年,关于苏联历史的主题经历了某种复兴,不仅是共产主义者和自由主义者,包括“执政党”在内的其他政治力量也开始积极诉诸这一主题。然而,只有当选民投票率超过60%的地区被排除在分析之外时,围绕苏联过去这一主题的对抗对选举分歧的影响才会增加。在这种情况下,共产主义者和自由主义者在苏联历史问题上的对抗决定了第二次选举分裂的“面貌”,以及自由民主党的特殊地位——第三次分裂。
{"title":"The Soviet Past Theme in the Electoral Campaigns in Post-Soviet Russia","authors":"Y. Korgunyuk","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-88-125","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-88-125","url":null,"abstract":"The article is devoted to the analysis of the place of the Soviet past in the inter-party discussion and the influence of this theme on the choice of the Russian electorate in the electoral campaigns of 1993—2021. According to the author’s conclusion, despite the moderate number of issues related to this topic, and their rather modest share in the general agenda of the campaigns, they formed confrontations that strongly correlated with the divisions within the major political dimensions and issue domain divisions and resonated in the mass political consciousness. The 1993—2011 campaigns were about one confrontation — “communists vs. anti-communists (liberals)”. In 2016—2021 this confrontation was supplemented by a cleavage along the “conservatives — liberals” line, which manifested in the special position of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, that adjoined the liberals on some aspects of the Soviet past theme, and communists — on other aspects. In 1993 and 1995 the confrontation between communists and anti-communists (liberals) on the issues of the Soviet past successfully competed with political dimensions and issue domain divisions for the role of the “political face” of the first, or the main, electoral cleavage. In 1999, this confrontation moved from the first electoral cleavage to the second, within which it continued to successfully contend with the cleavage between Soviet traditionalists and modernists in the systemic issue domain. In 2003, it also withstood competition with the divisions between adherents of market and supporters of planned economy in the socio-economic issue domain and Soviet traditionalists and modernists in the systemic one, but in 2007— 2016 it lost such ability, although it retained a background presence in the political space. In 2021, the theme of the Soviet past experienced some sort of renaissance, with not only communists and liberals, but also other political forces, including the “party of power”, starting to actively appeal to this topic. The influence of the confrontations around the theme of the Soviet past on electoral divisions also increased, however, only when regions with a voter turnout of more than 60% were excluded from the analysis. In this case, the confrontation between communists and liberals on the subject of the Soviet past determined “the face” of the second electoral cleavage, and the special position of the Liberal Democratic Party — of the third one.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-03-20","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"84914377","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
National Pride as Mediator of Trust in President (Case of Russia) 民族自豪感对总统信任的中介作用(以俄罗斯为例)
IF 1.8 1区 哲学 Q1 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-03-20 DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-126-140
N. S. Zubarev
How do leaders of non-democratic states retain support of the population? One of the most popular explanations in the modern Political Science suggests that people in non-democratic countries vote for incumbents and generally have a positive attitude towards them, because the latter possess maximum access to resources that can potentially be directed to improve the lives of the people. However, such an explanatory model leaves out the expressive component of political behavior. Meanwhile, citizens of authoritarian countries can sincerely express solidarity with the current rulers. The theory of social identity reveals this side of the problem, offering alternative explanations for the mechanisms of political support. National identity as one of the forms of social identity shapes expectations, norms and patterns of behavior that are associated with the idea of a perfect representative of the nation. The specific characteristics of authoritarian states nudge citizens towards behavior and attitudes that contribute to maintaining the status quo. Moreover, since it is often difficult for an average person to rationally assess the actual performance of government and correctly attribute responsibility for social, political, and economic outcomes when deciding which politician to support, voters tend to use cognitive “shortcuts” based on their own satisfaction with life. The article proposes a hypothesis that national pride plays the role of a mediator between subjective well-being and the level of political support (operationalized via trust in president). The author tested this hypothesis using survey data and reveled that the mediation effect of pride for the nation is indeed present, however, it is partial. The results of the analysis indicate that subjective well-being has a positive effect on the support of the incumbent, both directly and through an increased national pride.
{"title":"National Pride as Mediator of Trust in President (Case of Russia)","authors":"N. S. Zubarev","doi":"10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-126-140","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.30570/2078-5089-2023-108-1-126-140","url":null,"abstract":"How do leaders of non-democratic states retain support of the population? One of the most popular explanations in the modern Political Science suggests that people in non-democratic countries vote for incumbents and generally have a positive attitude towards them, because the latter possess maximum access to resources that can potentially be directed to improve the lives of the people. However, such an explanatory model leaves out the expressive component of political behavior. Meanwhile, citizens of authoritarian countries can sincerely express solidarity with the current rulers. The theory of social identity reveals this side of the problem, offering alternative explanations for the mechanisms of political support. National identity as one of the forms of social identity shapes expectations, norms and patterns of behavior that are associated with the idea of a perfect representative of the nation. The specific characteristics of authoritarian states nudge citizens towards behavior and attitudes that contribute to maintaining the status quo. Moreover, since it is often difficult for an average person to rationally assess the actual performance of government and correctly attribute responsibility for social, political, and economic outcomes when deciding which politician to support, voters tend to use cognitive “shortcuts” based on their own satisfaction with life. The article proposes a hypothesis that national pride plays the role of a mediator between subjective well-being and the level of political support (operationalized via trust in president). The author tested this hypothesis using survey data and reveled that the mediation effect of pride for the nation is indeed present, however, it is partial. The results of the analysis indicate that subjective well-being has a positive effect on the support of the incumbent, both directly and through an increased national pride.","PeriodicalId":47624,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Political Philosophy","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.8,"publicationDate":"2023-03-20","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"86941537","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
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Journal of Political Philosophy
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