This study explores gender differences in motivation, anxiety, and confidence within hackathon environments. It examines whether intrinsic and extrinsic motivations influence the relationship between gender and these psychological states. Data from HackYeah 2023 participants indicate that, while female participants do not report higher anxiety levels, they display marginally lower confidence compared to their male counterparts. Contrary to initial hypotheses, neither intrinsic nor extrinsic motivation significantly influences the gender-anxiety relationship. However, extrinsic motivation does partially mediate the gender-confidence relationship. These results challenge patriarchal structures and highlight the resilience and capabilities of women in competitive technological settings, emphasizing the need for feminist approaches to dismantle systemic biases. The study also discusses its limitations and the implications for future research and hackathon organization, underscoring the critical role of motivational factors in mitigating gender disparities in hackathons. The study underscores the importance of feminist interventions in hackathons to cultivate an environment where all genders can thrive equally.