Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) involve wireless communication among resource constrained sensors located on the human body, which are used to capture physiological signals. A significant challenge faced by WBANs is their reliability. It is crucial to analyze the outage of the system to ensure improved reliability in the system design. This study focuses on analyzing the outage performance of dual hop WBANs under different fading scenarios, wherein the channel coefficients follow different distributions. Outage performance is evaluated using the CDF of the SNR of different fading scenarios. Furthermore, the outage performance of these fading distributions are compared to each other and a target outage probability of 10% was pre-set to evaluate the performance of the composite channels from worst to best. Results show that the minimum acceptable threshold SNRs at average SNR = 15 dB for Gamma-Weibull, Gamma-Log-Normal, Gamma-Rayleigh, Gamma–Gamma, Gamma-Rician and Gamma-Nakagami-m are - 4 dB, 2 dB, 4 dB, 6 dB, 8 dB and 10 dB respectively. The analytical outcomes for all the results for different cases are validated through Monte Carlo simulations. There is a lack of comprehensive frameworks in the literature that address all scenarios according to the authors’ knowledge.