The main aim of the study is to identify in the Black Sea quasi-homogeneous spatial areas and corresponding relevant features, the climatic statistical characteristics of which will determine these areas. Numerical modeling and discriminant analysis were applied. As a result of modeling an array of wind wave parameters for the period of 45 years (1979–2023) was obtained. The values of the main parameters (significant wave heights, spectrum peak periods, propagation directions) for this period at 92 points uniformly distributed over the Black Sea were analyzed. The main features, by which the zoning of the Black Sea was carried out, were climatic repeatabilities of the following parameters: significant wave heights in the ranges of hs< 1 m, 1 <hs< 3 m, 3 <hs< 5 m, hs> 5 m; and spectrum peak periods in the ranges tp< 3 s, 3 <tp< 6 s, 6 <tp< 9 s, tp> 9 s. According discriminant analysis six quasi-homogeneous areas (clusters) in the Black Sea were identified. The main zoning parameters are wave heights in the ranges 3 <hs< 5 m and hs> 5 m and periods 6 <tp< 9 s. The identified clusters are quite homogeneous in the repeatability of wave action of the north-eastern and north-western directions. The obtained quasi-homogeneous areas of the Black Sea significantly refine the zoning obtained earlier and can be used to study and forecast sea climate change.