Obesity is an alarming worldwide public health issue and is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 or more. It is considered as a risk factor for first thrombotic event and is associated with a significant risk of recurrence. Consequently, obese patients are often treated by anticoagulant therapy but data from randomised control trial are scarce. We will review in this narrative review the state of the art of the prescription of anticoagulant for the prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in obese patients.
Venous leg ulcer refers to chronic wounds, generally difficult to heal and often prone to recurrence. The objective of this research was to assess a double layered compression stocking VenoTrain® ulcertec on a population with mostly severe pathologies. This prospective, multicenter, interventional type II study was conducted between September 2018 and January 2022. Out of 124 patients enrolled, 97.6% had a history of previous leg ulceration, 72.6% were already being followed for leg ulcerations, 30.9% were severely overweight and 24.2% diabetic. Overall, a majority of target ulcers were present for 6 months or more, and the ulcer surface area was larger than 8 cm2 in nearly one in every five cases. The primary endpoint was the rate of closed ulcer after a maximum follow-up of 20 weeks. While most of the treated venous leg ulcerations may be regarded as hard-to-heal wounds, closure rate at 20 weeks ranged between 50.0% (two severity criteria) and 69.0% (no severity criteria) according to baseline wound severity criteria. Besides, VenoTrain® ulcertec device was particularly well accepted and tolerated by patients. In 93.2% of visits, patients stated using it every day. When managing venous ulcerations not requiring strongly thick absorbent dressings, VenoTrain® ulcertec device represents an efficient and more suitable alternative to venous compression bandaging.
Most anatomic features of the internal carotid artery (ICA) are described as a straight course to the skull base free of branches. In some cases, the excessive elongation of the internal carotid artery in a confined space results in a curvature showing a “C” or “S” shape, or in an abnormal vascular shape made of a single or double vessel loop. These anatomic variants are called dolichoarteriopathies of the internal carotid artery. The correlation between dolichoarteriopathy of the ICA and stroke is still questionable, however it is believed that it can be associated with cerebral ischemia with a clinical symptomatology that accompanies ischemic stroke. We report a case of a 41-year-old patient, with a history of hypertension, who was admitted for right hemiparesis with Broca's aphasia. The rest of the clinical examination was normal. Radiological investigations confirmed an acute left sylvian ischemic stroke with an abrupt occlusion of the posterior trunk of the left M2 segment on the CT angiogram, an excessive elongation of the ICA on both sides, describing a shape of coils or loops. Etiologic workup for ischemic stroke was negative.
An accurate diagnosis of lower limb deep vein thrombosis (DVT) recurrence is mandatory. The diagnosis is difficult and has not been well investigated. Our objective was to define the role of clinical probability assessment, D-dimer assay, venous ultrasound and other imaging methods in the diagnosis of this condition based on a review of published data. Our review did not find any clinical prediction rule (CPR) specific to the diagnosis of DVT recurrence. D-dimer assays have not been sufficiently validated or proved effective either alone or when combined with the assessment of clinical probability or with ultrasound. The only validated ultrasound criteria are a new non-compressible vein segment and a ≥ 2 mm or > 4 mm increase in diameter of the common femoral or popliteal vein under compression in the transverse plane between two examinations. Limitations of these criteria include poor inter-observer agreement, non-availability of previous ultrasound reports and measurements, a high percentage of non-diagnostic ultrasound results, lack of power in diagnostic accuracy and diagnostic management studies, and lack of external validation. The analysis of venous obstruction, thrombus appearance, vein diameter and blood flow based on colour Doppler ultrasound criteria has not yet been validated in studies. Magnetic resonance direct thrombus imaging (MRDTI) is a new promising diagnostic imaging method, but is hardly accessible, costly and needs large scale validation studies. Based on this review, an update of the guidance for clinical practice is proposed for the diagnostic management of patients with clinically suspected lower limb DVT recurrence.