This study investigates the interconnectedness between cryptocurrency and the Indian stock market and explores the diversification, hedge, and safe haven potential of cryptocurrency. The study employs the wavelet approach on daily data from October 6, 2017, to October 5, 2022, to execute the empirical analysis. The findings confirm that, in a healthy economic environment, cryptocurrencies are not connected with the Indian stock market. However, during times of financial turmoil, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cardano are positively correlated with the stock market. Additionally, the study identifies Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, and Cardano as competent in providing diversification, or hedge opportunities in normal economic situations. But during periods of financial stress, only Dogecoin may act as a safe haven asset. This is the first study to explore the time-varying correlations and causal dependencies between the stock and cryptocurrency markets in India using the wavelet approach. It extends the literature in finance by examining both normal and economic turmoil periods, providing insights for portfolio managers, policymakers, and investors on how to manage their portfolios during these periods.