Introduction: Much primary prevention in public health dentistry depends on parents' having accurate knowledge about pediatric oral health. In areas with minimal education levels and few oral health professionals, information on this topic is available from the widespread use of the social medial resource YouTube. This study assessed the quality and viewer engagement of YouTube Arabic videos on pediatric oral health practices.
Methods: Using standard procedures to search YouTube, we identified Arabic-language pediatric oral health videos. A social media content analysis was conducted and videos analyzed for viewer engagement metrics, country of origin, and creator occupation. The DISCERN instrument was used to evaluate video quality, reliability, and information quality; statistical correlations were examined between these parameters and video statistics.
Results: A majority of the 47 videos that were identified originated from Egypt and were created by pediatric dentists, attracting an average of 13,328.7 views and 218.7 likes. Quality assessment found 61.7% of videos with moderate quality; 63.8% had only medium levels of reliability (63.8%) and 63.8% medium information quality (63.8%); only a minor segment achieving high reliability and information quality. Correlation analysis revealed a positive but weak association between DISCERN scores and viewer engagement metrics (e.g., likes, comments, views), suggesting that while better quality videos tend to engage more viewers, other factors also contribute to engagement. Additionally, a stronger correlation was noted between the overall quality of videos and both information quality and reliability, indicating that videos with higher-quality content were perceived as more reliable and informative by viewers.
Conclusion: While a significant volume of pediatric oral health content is available online, variability in quality highlights the need for stringent evidence-based standards to ensure the provision of reliable, quality educational materials.