Aerial transport of pesticides during and after their application both over medium range distances and long distance may lead to residues on plants and soil far away from agricultural treatments. Therefore, the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety carried out a Germany-wide geographical analysis to identify monitoring sites which could be used for a representative German-wide monitoring. The identified sites reflect climate areas with different meteorological conditions, land coverage and pesticide use. By using a geographical information system, five different areas were identified representing the climatic and agricultural conditions of pesticide use in Germany. Since the required measuring technique needed a certain infrastructure, using already existing measuring sides was considered to be most efficient in order to use them for a German-wide monitoring. In a second step, agro-meteorological weather stations with distances of < 100 m, 100–1000 m and > 1 km in the main wind direction from treated fields were identified within these areas. The identified areas reflect the main different conditions for aerial pesticide transport along with suitable weather stations to monitor pesticide residues in the air and its deposition on plants and soil all over Germany.