Solid waste management is a critical issue in India as the country continues to develop. Accurately estimating the types, quantities, and distribution of solid waste is essential for effective waste management. The methods and processes for managing waste in any city, including collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal, rely heavily on accurate estimations of waste quantities. These estimates are in turn influenced by various factors, including socio-cultural, economic, environmental, political, and technological factors. The research aims to identify specific social and spatial factors that influence solid waste generation in municipal cities of the present times through a literature study. It then undertakes the study of a selected area in the city of Cuttack, Orissa, India, as a case study and formulates a model for quantifying solid waste based on the measurements of derived indicators. The research utilizes both primary and secondary data to achieve its objectives. The analysis revealed that factors such as monthly family income, house occupancy, and occupation have a strong positive correlation with the quantity of solid waste. Conversely, factors such as educational qualification and the incentive system provided to citizens exhibit a negative correlation with the amount of solid waste generated. Based on these factors, the model derived will facilitate the accurate estimation of solid waste generated in similar contexts, thereby aiding efficient waste management. By conducting this case study in Cuttack City, we aim to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on solid waste management in India and provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors affecting waste quantity.