Peter Main is remembered.
Peter Main is remembered.
A comment on how easy (or difficult) it is to find a stucture of interest and some suggestions on what could be done to start to address the problem.
The availability of highly accurate protein structure predictions from AlphaFold2 (AF2) and similar tools has hugely expanded the applicability of molecular replacement (MR) for crystal structure solution. Many structures can be solved routinely using raw models, structures processed to remove unreliable parts or models split into distinct structural units. There is therefore an open question around how many and which cases still require experimental phasing methods such as single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD). Here, this question is addressed using a large set of PDB depositions that were solved by SAD. A large majority (87%) could be solved using unedited or minimally edited AF2 predictions. A further 18 (4%) yield straightforwardly to MR after splitting of the AF2 prediction using Slice'N'Dice, although different splitting methods succeeded on slightly different sets of cases. It is also found that further unique targets can be solved by alternative modelling approaches such as ESMFold (four cases), alternative MR approaches such as ARCIMBOLDO and AMPLE (two cases each), and multimeric model building with AlphaFold-Multimer or UniFold (three cases). Ultimately, only 12 cases, or 3% of the SAD-phased set, did not yield to any form of MR tested here, offering valuable hints as to the number and the characteristics of cases where experimental phasing remains essential for macromolecular structure solution.
Two new Co-editors are welcomed to Acta Cryst. D - Structural Biology.
Most scientific facilities produce large amounts of heterogeneous data at a rapid pace. Managing users, instruments, reports and invoices presents additional challenges. To address these challenges, EMhub, a web platform designed to support the daily operations and record-keeping of a scientific facility, has been introduced. EMhub enables the easy management of user information, instruments, bookings and projects. The application was initially developed to meet the needs of a cryoEM facility, but its functionality and adaptability have proven to be broad enough to be extended to other data-generating centers. The expansion of EMHub is enabled by the modular nature of its core functionalities. The application allows external processes to be connected via a REST API, automating tasks such as folder creation, user and password generation, and the execution of real-time data-processing pipelines. EMhub has been used for several years at the Swedish National CryoEM Facility and has been installed in the CryoEM center at the Structural Biology Department at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. A fully automated single-particle pipeline has been implemented for on-the-fly data processing and analysis. At St. Jude, the X-Ray Crystallography Center and the Single-Molecule Imaging Center have already expanded the platform to support their operational and data-management workflows.
β-Glucosidase from the thermophilic bacterium Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus (Bgl1) has been denoted as having an attractive catalytic profile for various industrial applications. Bgl1 catalyses the final step of in the decomposition of cellulose, an unbranched glucose polymer that has attracted the attention of researchers in recent years as it is the most abundant renewable source of reduced carbon in the biosphere. With the aim of enhancing the thermostability of Bgl1 for a broad spectrum of biotechnological processes, it has been subjected to structural studies. Crystal structures of Bgl1 and its complex with glucose were determined at 1.47 and 1.95 Å resolution, respectively. Bgl1 is a member of glycosyl hydrolase family 1 (GH1 superfamily, EC and the results showed that the 3D structure of Bgl1 follows the overall architecture of the GH1 family, with a classical (β/α)8 TIM-barrel fold. Comparisons of Bgl1 with sequence or structural homologues of β-glucosidase reveal quite similar structures but also unique structural features in Bgl1 with plausible functional roles.
A group of three deep-learning tools, referred to collectively as CHiMP (Crystal Hits in My Plate), were created for analysis of micrographs of protein crystallization experiments at the Diamond Light Source (DLS) synchrotron, UK. The first tool, a classification network, assigns images into categories relating to experimental outcomes. The other two tools are networks that perform both object detection and instance segmentation, resulting in masks of individual crystals in the first case and masks of crystallization droplets in addition to crystals in the second case, allowing the positions and sizes of these entities to be recorded. The creation of these tools used transfer learning, where weights from a pre-trained deep-learning network were used as a starting point and repurposed by further training on a relatively small set of data. Two of the tools are now integrated at the VMXi macromolecular crystallography beamline at DLS, where they have the potential to absolve the need for any user input, both for monitoring crystallization experiments and for triggering in situ data collections. The third is being integrated into the XChem fragment-based drug-discovery screening platform, also at DLS, to allow the automatic targeting of acoustic compound dispensing into crystallization droplets.
During the automatic processing of crystallographic diffraction experiments, beamstop shadows are often unaccounted for or only partially masked. As a result of this, outlier reflection intensities are integrated, which is a known issue. Traditional statistical diagnostics have only limited effectiveness in identifying these outliers, here termed Not-Excluded-unMasked-Outliers (NEMOs). The diagnostic tool AUSPEX allows visual inspection of NEMOs, where they form a typical pattern: clusters at the low-resolution end of the AUSPEX plots of intensities or amplitudes versus resolution. To automate NEMO detection, a new algorithm was developed by combining data statistics with a density-based clustering method. This approach demonstrates a promising performance in detecting NEMOs in merged data sets without disrupting existing data-reduction pipelines. Re-refinement results indicate that excluding the identified NEMOs can effectively enhance the quality of subsequent structure-determination steps. This method offers a prospective automated means to assess the efficacy of a beamstop mask, as well as highlighting the potential of modern pattern-recognition techniques for automating outlier exclusion during data processing, facilitating future adaptation to evolving experimental strategies.
A key prerequisite for the successful application of protein crystallography in drug discovery is to establish a robust crystallization system for a new drug-target protein fast enough to deliver crystal structures when the first inhibitors have been identified in the hit-finding campaign or, at the latest, in the subsequent hit-to-lead process. The first crucial step towards generating well folded proteins with a high likelihood of crystallizing is the identification of suitable truncation variants of the target protein. In some cases an optimal length variant alone is not sufficient to support crystallization and additional surface mutations need to be introduced to obtain suitable crystals. In this contribution, four case studies are presented in which rationally designed surface modifications were key to establishing crystallization conditions for the target proteins (the protein kinases Aurora-C, IRAK4 and BUB1, and the KRAS-SOS1 complex). The design process which led to well diffracting crystals is described and the crystal packing is analysed to understand retrospectively how the specific surface mutations promoted successful crystallization. The presented design approaches are routinely used in our team to support the establishment of robust crystallization systems which enable structure-guided inhibitor optimization for hit-to-lead and lead-optimization projects in pharmaceutical research.
Proteins frequently undergo covalent modification at the post-translational level, which involves the covalent attachment of chemical groups onto amino acids. This can entail the singular or multiple addition of small groups, such as phosphorylation; long-chain modifications, such as glycosylation; small proteins, such as ubiquitination; as well as the interconversion of chemical groups, such as the formation of pyroglutamic acid. These post-translational modifications (PTMs) are essential for the normal functioning of cells, as they can alter the physicochemical properties of amino acids and therefore influence enzymatic activity, protein localization, protein-protein interactions and protein stability. Despite their inherent importance, accurately depicting PTMs in experimental studies of protein structures often poses a challenge. This review highlights the role of PTMs in protein structures, as well as the prevalence of PTMs in the Protein Data Bank, directing the reader to accurately built examples suitable for use as a modelling reference.