<p>Among young adults who frequently use cannabis, drinking alcohol is linked to intensified cannabis cravings in men and reduced cannabis cravings in women, a novel study suggests. The findings potentially illuminate mechanisms driving the combined use of the two substances and could inform sex-specific approaches to preventing or addressing the resulting harms. Young adults commonly use alcohol and cannabis together (i.e., co-use), and people who use both substances experience more negative consequences—including worse outcomes for alcohol use disorder treatment—than those who use one or the other. Co-use may be partially driven “cross-substance-induced” craving, in which the repeated co-use of two substances prompts one to become a trigger for the other. Research on this effect involving alcohol and cannabis—previously limited to laboratory testing and remote monitoring—has hinted at sex differences in these effects. For the study in <i>Alcohol: Clinical Experimental Research</i>, investigators explored cross-substance craving in daily life contexts, the first study of its kind.</p><p>Researchers worked with 63 young adults (aged 18–21, predominantly White) who used cannabis frequently. Across two weeks, participants reported their alcohol use and cannabis cravings multiple times each day, a method known as ecological momentary assessment, which yielded more than 3400 reports. Using statistical analysis, the researchers explored whether drinking was associated with stronger cannabis cravings. They also examined the influence of sex and the amount of drinks consumed on this effect.</p><p>Overall, participants used cannabis about 6 days a week and alcohol 2 days a week. Co-use occurred on 27% of days, with similar rates reported by men and women. Among men, drinking alcohol was linked to higher cannabis cravings, implying that the use of alcohol enhanced their desire for cannabis. When women drank, however, they reported somewhat reduced cannabis cravings (this effect was not significant). Levels of alcohol use did not affect men's cannabis cravings, although higher alcohol consumption was linked to more significant reductions in the desire for cannabis among women.</p><p>These findings may reflect differing motives for co-use based on sex. Young men often use substances for social reasons and to enhance positive feelings. In these cases, using one substance may amplify the desire for another to intensify the “high.” In contrast, young women are more likely than men to use substances to cope with negative emotions. For them, one substance may suffice to fulfill this function, reducing the need for additional substance use. Alternatively, young women may consciously seek to avoid the negative consequences of combining substances, which can include sexual assault.</p><p>Alcohol and cannabis co-use are likely to continue to increase as cannabis laws become more permissive, and young men may be especially vulnerable to negative outcomes due to heigh
一项新的研究表明,在经常使用大麻的年轻人中,饮酒与男性对大麻的渴望增强和女性对大麻的渴望减少有关。这些发现可能阐明了促使这两种物质联合使用的机制,并可能为预防或解决由此产生的危害提供针对性别的方法。年轻人通常同时使用酒精和大麻(即共同使用),使用这两种物质的人比使用其中一种物质的人经历了更多的负面后果,包括酒精使用障碍治疗的结果更差。共同使用可能部分驱动“交叉物质诱导”的渴望,其中两种物质的重复共同使用促使其中一种成为另一种的触发因素。对酒精和大麻的影响的研究——以前仅限于实验室测试和远程监测——暗示了这些影响的性别差异。在《酒精:临床实验研究》的研究中,研究人员探索了日常生活中对跨物质的渴望,这是同类研究中的第一项。研究人员对63名经常使用大麻的年轻人(年龄在18-21岁之间,主要是白人)进行了研究。在两周的时间里,参与者每天多次报告他们的酒精使用和大麻渴望,这种方法被称为生态瞬间评估,产生了3400多份报告。通过统计分析,研究人员探索了饮酒是否与更强烈的大麻渴望有关。他们还研究了性别和饮酒量对这种影响的影响。总体而言,参与者每周使用大麻约6天,每周使用酒精约2天。共同使用的天数占27%,男性和女性报告的比例相似。在男性中,饮酒与更强烈的大麻渴望有关,这意味着酒精的使用增强了他们对大麻的渴望。然而,当女性喝酒时,她们对大麻的渴望有所减少(这种影响并不显著)。酒精的使用水平不影响男性对大麻的渴望,尽管较高的酒精消费量与女性对大麻的渴望更显着减少有关。这些发现可能反映了基于性别的共同使用动机的不同。年轻人经常出于社会原因和增强积极情绪而使用药物。在这些情况下,使用一种物质可能会放大对另一种物质的渴望,从而增强“快感”。相比之下,年轻女性比男性更有可能使用药物来应对负面情绪。对他们来说,一种物质可能足以满足这一功能,减少了对其他物质使用的需求。另外,年轻女性可能会有意识地寻求避免混合药物的负面后果,其中可能包括性侵犯。随着大麻法律变得更加宽松,酒精和大麻的同时使用可能会继续增加,年轻男子可能特别容易受到负面后果的影响,因为他们更容易对多种物质产生渴望。相比之下,年轻妇女可能更多地是在替代而不是补充的基础上使用药物。因此,限制吸食大麻可能会导致女性转而更多地使用酒精。这凸显了政策面临的一个挑战:减少一个群体风险的努力可能会在不经意间增加对另一个群体的伤害。这些发现可能不适用于其他人口统计数据或使用酒精和大麻频率较低的年轻人。需要对具有不同药物使用政策的不同人群和社区进行进一步研究。日常生活中的酒精使用和大麻渴望:年轻人之间的性别差异和关联。C. Davis, N.E. Ramer, L. Squeglia, K. Gex, A. McRae, S. McKee, W. Roberts, K.M. Gray, N.L. Baker, R. Tomko。(https://doi.org/10.1111/acer.15461)Moderate一项新的研究表明,饮酒不会降低欧洲、非洲或西班牙裔退伍军人患心血管代谢疾病的风险。越来越多的证据表明,传统的研究方法应用于饮酒水平和某些疾病的后果,产生了虚幻和误导性的结果,这些发现进一步证明了这一点。大量饮酒与冠心病(CHD)和2型糖尿病(T2D)有关。然而,传统的观察性研究将适度饮酒与最低风险联系起来,而戒酒与中等风险联系起来(u型曲线或j型曲线效应)。近年来,u型曲线越来越多地归因于混杂误差——当研究结果被其他因素扭曲时。在这种情况下,戒酒类别是有牵连的,因为它在具有广泛不同风险因素的研究参与者(终身不饮酒者,因健康或其他酒精相关问题而停止饮酒的人,以及谎称不饮酒的人)之间建立了虚假的等同。科学家们已经能够使用孟德尔随机化(MR)来控制这些和其他混杂因素,孟德尔随机化利用遗传数据来探索疾病风险。 大多数磁共振研究——主要局限于亚洲和欧洲人——没有发现适度饮酒与冠心病或T2D之间的联系,尽管有些研究表明风险增加。对酒精的研究:临床&;实验研究,调查人员将新旧分析方法应用于美国退伍军人的大量不同数据池。研究人员与百万退伍军人计划(MVP)的参与者合作,该计划包含遗传信息、酒精暴露数据和电子健康记录。研究人员确定了33,000多名被诊断为冠心病的患者,并将其与165,000名没有冠心病的对照组进行了匹配,这些患者的中位年龄为61%,其中97%为男性。74%是欧洲裔美国人,18%是非洲裔美国人,6%是西班牙裔美国人。超过28,000例T2D患者,141,000例无T2D对照,中位年龄为59岁,93%为男性,65%为欧洲裔美国人,25%为非洲裔美国人,8%为西班牙裔美国人。他们进行了观察性和磁共振分析,探讨了饮酒、冠心病和糖尿病之间的关系。这些模型考虑了人口因素、血压、吸烟和其他因素。对于足够大的祖先群体,纳入了与饮酒、血压和吸烟相关的遗传风险评分。观察性分析在欧洲和非洲裔美国人中得出了熟悉的u型曲线,将饮酒与冠心病和T2D联系起来,但在西班牙裔美国人中没有,这是一个小得多的样本。对全部样本的核磁共振分析发现,没有证据表明饮酒水平是冠心病或糖尿病的因果风险因素。在研究ADH1B的变体时就是这种情况,ADH1B是一种与饮酒有明确联系的基因,在使用基于其他相关变体的遗传风险评分时(针对欧裔美国人)。对血压和吸烟的影响进行调整后,同样显示酒精使用与心脏代谢疾病风险之间没有联系。这项研究提供了有说服力的额外证据,证明适度饮酒对心脏代谢疾病没有保护作用,u形曲线是混杂误差的产物。该研究为非裔美国人和西班牙裔美国人的饮酒水平与冠心病和T2D之间的关系提供了迄今为止最广泛的探索。需要对非欧洲人群进行更大样本的核磁共振分析。一项来自VA百万退伍军人计划的多祖先人群中酒精使用和心脏代谢疾病风险的孟德尔随机研究R. Kember, C. Rentsch, J. Lynch, M. Vujkovic, B. Voight, A. Justice, T. L. Assimes, H. Kranzler。(https://doi.org/10.1111/acer.15445)An早期研究发现,一种通常用于治疗糖尿病的药物可能有助于治疗酒精使用障碍患者。这项发表在《酒精:临床与实验研究》上的研究发现,治疗糖尿病的药物二甲双胍减少了小鼠的酒精摄入量。虽然需要更多的研究来确定二甲双胍是否能有效治疗人类酒精使用障碍,但研究结果表明,通过重新利用现有药物,有可能改善可负担得起的有效治疗方案。研究人员利用选择性饲养的高血液酒精水平小鼠,进行了一系列实验,以检验二甲双胍对急性和慢性酗酒水平的影响。研究发现,二甲双胍可以减少小鼠急性和慢性酗酒。在一项实验中,老鼠被给予酒精、水和糖精。在接触酒精之前接受二甲双胍治疗的小鼠比没有接受二甲双胍治疗的小鼠消耗的酒精少。二甲双胍对小鼠摄入其他液体没有影响。另一项实验表明,酒精摄入量的减少并不是因为血液中乙醇清除量的增加;二甲双胍对人体分解酒精的方式没有影响。基于先前的研究,研究人员假设一种特殊的酶受到乙醇和二甲双胍的影响,并负责减少酒精消费量。他们检测了腺苷单磷酸活化蛋白激酶(AMPK)的水平和活性,AMPK是一种对酒精敏感的酶,被认为与神经过程有关,包
{"title":"Articles of Public Interest","authors":"","doi":"10.1111/acer.15506","DOIUrl":"10.1111/acer.15506","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Among young adults who frequently use cannabis, drinking alcohol is linked to intensified cannabis cravings in men and reduced cannabis cravings in women, a novel study suggests. The findings potentially illuminate mechanisms driving the combined use of the two substances and could inform sex-specific approaches to preventing or addressing the resulting harms. Young adults commonly use alcohol and cannabis together (i.e., co-use), and people who use both substances experience more negative consequences—including worse outcomes for alcohol use disorder treatment—than those who use one or the other. Co-use may be partially driven “cross-substance-induced” craving, in which the repeated co-use of two substances prompts one to become a trigger for the other. Research on this effect involving alcohol and cannabis—previously limited to laboratory testing and remote monitoring—has hinted at sex differences in these effects. For the study in <i>Alcohol: Clinical Experimental Research</i>, investigators explored cross-substance craving in daily life contexts, the first study of its kind.</p><p>Researchers worked with 63 young adults (aged 18–21, predominantly White) who used cannabis frequently. Across two weeks, participants reported their alcohol use and cannabis cravings multiple times each day, a method known as ecological momentary assessment, which yielded more than 3400 reports. Using statistical analysis, the researchers explored whether drinking was associated with stronger cannabis cravings. They also examined the influence of sex and the amount of drinks consumed on this effect.</p><p>Overall, participants used cannabis about 6 days a week and alcohol 2 days a week. Co-use occurred on 27% of days, with similar rates reported by men and women. Among men, drinking alcohol was linked to higher cannabis cravings, implying that the use of alcohol enhanced their desire for cannabis. When women drank, however, they reported somewhat reduced cannabis cravings (this effect was not significant). Levels of alcohol use did not affect men's cannabis cravings, although higher alcohol consumption was linked to more significant reductions in the desire for cannabis among women.</p><p>These findings may reflect differing motives for co-use based on sex. Young men often use substances for social reasons and to enhance positive feelings. In these cases, using one substance may amplify the desire for another to intensify the “high.” In contrast, young women are more likely than men to use substances to cope with negative emotions. For them, one substance may suffice to fulfill this function, reducing the need for additional substance use. Alternatively, young women may consciously seek to avoid the negative consequences of combining substances, which can include sexual assault.</p><p>Alcohol and cannabis co-use are likely to continue to increase as cannabis laws become more permissive, and young men may be especially vulnerable to negative outcomes due to heigh","PeriodicalId":72145,"journal":{"name":"Alcohol (Hanover, York County, Pa.)","volume":"48 12","pages":"2206"},"PeriodicalIF":3.0,"publicationDate":"2024-12-10","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/acer.15506","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"142803179","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
Jeremy W. Luk, Nghiem B. Ha, Amy M. Shui, Hannah R. Snyder, Steven L. Batki, Michael J. Ostacher, Alexander Monto, Robert J. Wong, Ramsey Cheung, Priti Parekh, William Hua, D. Andrew Tompkins, Taylor Fakadej, Christina G. Haight, Meimei Liao, Mandana Khalili, Derek D. Satre