Results of comparative assessment of the activities of outpatient health centers and general practitioners' activities in the town of Kemerovo are presented.
Results of comparative assessment of the activities of outpatient health centers and general practitioners' activities in the town of Kemerovo are presented.
Use of a multi-level automated information system has been scientifically validated for the State Sanitary Epidemic Surveillance Service of the Russian Federation in recent years. Such a system ensures rapid collection, processing, and analysis of information on the sanitary and epidemic status of the population, activities of sanitary and epidemiological institutions, prediction and simulation of sanitary epidemic situations, management of the service. It helped automate the routine processes of professional, financial, and managing activities of the service institutions.
A model of the activity of a treatment and prophylactic institution under conditions of marketing economy is proposed. This model helps realize the method of a total-systems approach to assessing the quality of medical care.
Sociological study showed that 67.5% of respondents assessed their health status as satisfactory, 22.7% as poor, and 9.8% as good or quite satisfactory. Men are three times more often satisfied with their health status than women, and women almost three times more often consider their health poor. The characteristics of good health decreased almost twofold (1.9) over the last decade, this value for women is 2.8 times, while the values indicating deterioration of health status notably increased. In general, poor health is 1.7 times more frequent, judging from respondents' estimations. Self-assessment of the health status depends on respondent's age, education, and social status. The respondents consider that medical care should be free of charge and available. Only 4.7% of respondents admit paid care as regards additional specialized service, 92.7% of respondents wish to be free to select their doctor.