This case report describes a 10-year-old spayed female domestic medium-hair cat with chronic upper respiratory signs related to a remnant of the left globe in the orbit after incomplete enucleation, causing a draining tract. A CT scan, complete blood (cell) count, biochemical analysis, rhinoscopy, biopsy, culture, histopathologic analysis, and surgical revision of enucleation were done. Complete blood (cell) count was unremarkable. Biochemical analysis showed mild hyperglycemia at 9.38 mmol/L [referral range (RR): 3.95 to 8.84 mmol/L] and hyperglobulinemia at 56 g/L (RR: 28 to 51 g/L). The CT scan showed a soft-tissue opacity consisting of a cyst in the orbit from the previously enucleated eye with a draining tract and a completed destruction of the nasal turbinates. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was cultured from nasal biopsies. Histopathologic analysis of the nasal tissue showed lymphocytic and neutrophilic rhinitis with edema. Revision surgery was carried out to remove the orbital cysts. Histopathologic analysis of the cyst in the left orbit revealed a distorted globe with almost all the ocular structures. Upon recheck a few weeks later, no discharge from the surgical site was observed. However, mild chronic discharge remained present in both nostrils. This is the first report of incomplete enucleation in a cat leading to chronic nasal signs. Removing the entire globe with the conjunctiva and lacrimal glands is important to minimize postsurgical complications. Key clinical message: This is the first case report of chronic nasal signs secondary to an incomplete enucleation in a cat. Key factors of the surgery include removal of the entire globe with the lacrimal gland, conjunctiva, and eyelid margin to prevent secondary complications.