Zinc (Zn) is an essential micronutrient in organisms and an abundant element in the Earth's crust. Trace amounts of Zn released from natural sources can enter aquatic ecosystems through weathering and erosion. Zn accumulates in organisms, and when its intracellular concentration exceeds a certain level, it can induce oxidative stress and trigger oxidative stress-mediated heat shock protein (HSP) modulation. HSP70 is the most evolutionarily conserved among the HSP families. Despite extensive research on HSP70 genes in bivalves, the HSP70 gene family of Tegillarca granosa is still poorly characterized. We identified 65 HSP70 genes belonging to 6 families in the T. granosa genome, with 50 HSPa12 and 11 HSPa B2 genes highly expanded. On chromosome 11, 39 HSP70 (60%) genes were identified, and the HSPa12A genes were highly duplicated. A total of 527 and 538 differentially expressed genes were identified in the gills and mantle based on Zn exposure, respectively. The Gene Ontology of cellular anatomical entities was significantly enriched with upregulated differentially expressed genes in the gills and mantle. Eight of the 11 HSPa B2 genes were upregulated in both tissues. Most of the genes identified in both tissues were involved in “protein homeostasis” and “inhibition of apoptosis,” which are associated with the HSP70 family's resistance to extrinsic and intrinsic stress. Hence, this study identified that the HSP70 gene family plays a vital role in the adaptation of aquatic organisms to heavy metal (e.g., Zn) stress in contaminated environments by compiling the different physiological responses to preserve homeostasis.