Cellular and subcellular metabolic activities are crucial processes involved in the regulation of intracellular homeostasis, including cellular and subcellular signaling pathways. Dysregulation of intracellular regulation mechanisms is catastrophic and cumulates into cell death. To overcome the issue of dysregulation of intracellular regulation mechanisms, the preservation of subcellular and extracellular components is essential to maintain healthy cells with increased longevity. Several physiopathological changes occur during cell ageing, one of which is the dysregulation of intracellular physiology of the oxidative phosphorylation process. Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) remains in the debut of anti-aging therapeutic effect. Aged myocardiocyte characterized by disrupted NMN and or its precursors or signaling pathways. Simultaneously, several other pathophysiological occur that collectively impair intracellular homeostasis. The NMN role in the antiaging effect remains unclear and several hypotheses have been introduced into describing the mechanism and the potential outcomes from NMN exogenous supply. Correction of the impaired intracellular homeostasis includes correction to the NMN metabolism. Additionally, autophagy correction, which is the key element in the regulation of intracellular intoxication, including oxidative stress, unfolding protein response, and other degradation of intracellular metabolites. Several signaling pathways are involved in the regulation mechanism of NMN effects on myocardiocyte health and further longevity. NMN protects myocardiocytes from ischemic injury by reducing anabolism and, increasing catabolism and further passing the myocardiocytes into dormant status. NMN applications include ischemic heart, disease, and failed heart, as well as dilated cardiomyopathies. Cytosolic and mitochondrial NADPH are independently functioning and regulating. Each of these plays a role in the determination of the longevity of the myocardiocytes. NMN has a cornerstone in the functionality of Sirtuins, which are an essential anti-senescent intrinsic molecule. The study aims to assess the role of NMN in the longevity and antisenescent of myocardiocytes.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) has a high incidence and fatality rate worldwide. It ranks second concerning death worldwide. Cancer patients are diagnosed with the disease at a later stage due to the absence of early diagnostic methods, which leads to increased death. With the help of recent advancements in the fields of diagnosis and therapy, the development of novel methods using new targets could be helpful for the long-term survival of CRC patients when CRC is detected early. However, the prognosis for the advanced stage of CRC is abysmal. New biomarkers are emerging as promising alternatives since they can be utilized for early detection of CRC, are simple to use, and non-invasive. Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have been seen to have an aberrant expression in the development of many malignancies, including CRC. In the past two decades, much research has been done on non-coding RNAs, which may be valuable as biomarkers and targets for antitumor therapy. Non-coding RNAs can be employed in detecting and treating CRC. Non-coding RNAs play an essential role in regulating gene expression. This article reviews ncRNAs and their expression levels in CRC patients that could be used as potential biomarkers. Various ncRNAs have been associated with CRC, such as microRNAs, long non-coding RNAs, circular RNAs, etc. The expression of these non-coding RNAs may provide insights into the stages of cancer and the prognosis of cancer patients and therefore proper precautionary measures can be taken to decrease cancer-related deaths.
Autophagy plays a crucial role in maintaining endothelial cell homeostasis through the turnover of intracellular components during stress conditions in a lysosomal-dependent manner. The regeneration strategy involves several aspects, including autophagy. Autophagy is a catabolic degenerative lysosomal-dependent degradation of intracellular components. Autophagy modifies cellular and subcellular endothelial cell functions, including mitochondria stress, lysosomal stress, and endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response. Activation of common signaling pathways of autophagy and regeneration and enhancement of intracellular endothelial cell metabolism serve as the bases for the induction of endothelial regeneration. Endothelial progenitor cells include induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), embryonic stem cells, and somatic cells, such as fibroblasts. Future strategies of endothelial cell regeneration involve the induction of autophagy to minimize the metabolic degeneration of the endothelial cells and optimize the regeneration outcomes.
Background: Chlorpyrifos (CPF) is an organophosphate pesticide that inhibits acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. Investigations have also focused on its neurotoxicity, which is independent of AChE inhibition. Here, we evaluated the effect of CPF on oxidative indices in the brain tissue and explored the protective effect of curcumin (Cur) against its toxicity.
Methods: Forty male Wistar rats were divided into five groups, each consisting of eight rats (n = 8) per group. Animals were administrated by oral gavage for 90 days with the following treatments: control (C), CPF, CPF + CUR 25 mg/kg, CPF + CUR50, and CPF + cur 100 received olive oil, CPF, CPF plus 25 mg/kg of CUR, CPF plus 50 mg/kg of CUR, and CPF plus 100 mg/kg of CUR, respectively. After anesthetization, animal brain tissues were obtained for assessment of oxidative stress indices.
Results: The concentration of MDA significantly increased in the brains of the CPF group as compared to the control group (p < 0.01). Also, a significant decrease in MDA concentrations was observed in the brains of rats in the CPF + Cur 100 group compared to the CPF group (p < 0.05). A significant decrease was noted in the GSH concentration in the brains of the CPF group compared to the control group (p < 0.05). Treatment with Cur at 100 mg/kg exhibited a significant increase in GSH concentrations in the brains of the CPF-exposed group compared to the CPF group without Cur administration (p < 0.05). The concentration of NO exhibited a significant increase in the brains of the CPF group when compared to the control group (p < 0.05). Also, a significant decrease in NO concentration was observed in the brain tissue of the CPF + Cur 100 group compared to the CPF group (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Our data establish that chronic exposure to CPF induced oxidative stress in brain tissue, which was reversed by CUR administration. Additional experimental and clinical investigations are needed to validate the efficacy of CUR as a potential antidote for CPF poisoning.
Environmental factors like UV radiation and epigenetic changes are significant factors for skin cancer that trigger early aging. This review provides essential information on cancer development concerning aging, the receptors involved, and the therapeutic targets. Biopolymers like polysaccharide, polyphenols, proteins, and nucleic acid plays a vital role in the regulation of normal cell homeostasis. Therefore, it is pertinent to explore the role of biopolymers as antiaging formulations and the possibility of these formulations being used against cancer via topical administrations. As UV radiation is one of the predominant factors in causing skin cancer, the association of receptors between aging and cancer indicated that insulin receptor, melatonin receptor, toll-like receptor, SIRT 1 receptor, tumor-specific T cell receptor and mitochondria-based targeting could be used to direct therapeutics for suppression of cancer and prevent aging. Biopolymer-based nanoformulations have tremendously progressed by entrapment of drugs like curcumin and resveratrol which can prevent cancer and aging simultaneously. Certain protein signaling or calcium and ROS signaling pathways are different for cancer and aging. The involvement of mitochondrial DNA mutation along with telomere shortening with a change in cellular energetics leading to genomic instability in the aging process can also induce mitochondrial dysfunction and epigenetic alterations leading to skin cancer. Therefore, the use of biopolymers as a topical supplement during the aging process can result in the prevention of cancer.
Background: Aging and gender are risk factors for urine incontinence, which can lead to psychological, physical, and social complications.
Objective: This community-based study investigates the effectiveness of pelvic floor muscle training on the severity and quality of urine incontinence and social participation of older women.
Methods: This quasi-experimental community-based study was performed with the participation of 60 older women referring to the Public Health Center in Kerman City, southern Iran. The experiment group was trained with pelvic floor muscle training in 7 training sessions with distance health education in the second half of 2021. Before and after the intervention, data were collected based on: demographic, severity and quality of urine incontinence, and social participation inventories. Data were analyzed using a t-test and ANOVA (P ≤ 0.05).
Results: The mean scores of severity and quality of urine incontinence and social participation in the experiment and control groups before receiving the intervention were not statistically significant (P ≥ 0.05). But after that, a statistically significant difference was observed between the groups (P <0.05), which showed an improvement in the severity and quality of urine incontinence scores as well as SP in the experiment group.
Conclusions: Tele-training of the Kegel exercise, even during the pandemic, can play an important role in improving incontinence and social participation in older women. Therefore, this training can be used to prevent and improve urine incontinence in public health centers in the community.
.Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and prion disease, are characterized by the conversion of normally soluble proteins or peptides into aggregated amyloidal fibrils. These diseases result in the permanent loss of specific types of neurons, making them incurable and devastating. Research on animal models of memory problems mentioned in this article contributes to our knowledge of brain health and functionality. Neurodegenerative disorders, which often lead to cognitive impairment and dementia, are becoming more prevalent as global life expectancy increases. These diseases cause severe neurological impairment and neuronal death, making them highly debilitating. Exploring and understanding these complex diseases offer significant insights into the fundamental processes essential for maintaining brain health. Exploring the intricate mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases not only holds promise for potential treatments but also enhances our understanding of fundamental brain health and functionality. By unraveling the complexities of these disorders, researchers can pave the way for advancements in diagnosis, treatment, and ultimately, improving the lives of individuals affected by neurodegenerative diseases.
Background: The incidence of elderly people experiencing falls is currently increasing, which results in serious medical issues, such as fear of falling, limited physical activity, disability, and bone fractures, especially hip fractures. This study aimed to investigate balancing ability using a multi-directional reach test (MDRT) in older adults with and without diabetes mellitus.
Methods: 72 older adults with and without diabetes mellitus were recruited, and divided into two groups, including older adults without diabetes mellitus (n = 36) and older adults with diabetes mellitus (n = 36). All subjects completed all directions of the MDRT.
Results: There were no significant differences in MDRT scores in all directions between the two groups (p>0.05). Both groups achieved the highest MDRT scores in the forward direction. In contrast, the two groups had the lowest scores of MDRT in a backward direction. Furthermore, older adults with diabetes mellitus had lower MDRT scores in all directions than older adults without diabetes mellitus.
Conclusion: The current study indicated that MDRT could be used to investigate the ability of balance in individuals with diabetes mellitus.
Background: Elderly people have multiple comorbidities that often require treatment with multiple medications. Having strategies to lessen the risks associated with pharmacological interactions and potentially inadequate prescribing (PIP) is of major importance. The STOPP- START criteria are useful in identifying PIP along with other tools, such as LASA (look alike/sound alike) drugs and high-risk medications (HRM).
Objective: We aimed to clinically and sociodemographically characterize the population with PIP according to the STOPP-START criteria in hospitalized elderly patients over 6 months in a third-level hospital in Colombia, South America. We also aimed to calculate the prevalence of PIP, LASA drugs and HRM and to identify other problems related with medication. Finally, we proposed an algorithm for the identification of PIP in this population.
Methods and materials: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study in hospitalized patients older than 60 years during the first semester of 2021 to identify PIP according to STOPP- START criteria. An analysis of clinical and sociodemographic variables was conducted, as well as the construction of an algorithm to identify PIP in the elderly in a semiautomated way. Data were collected and analyzed using the software SPSS 2021, using descriptive statistics and measures of central tendency.
Results: The prevalence of PIP in the study population was 25%. Furthermore, 60% of patients had one problem related to medication, and 27% used at least one LASA drug or HRM.
Conclusion: This study allows one to characterize, for the first time, the Colombian population prone to PIP, as well as the construction of an algorithm that identifies PIP in a semiautomated way.