The definition of complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine (CAIM) remains dynamic and complex despite a steady increase in the popularity/usage of CAIM therapies across the globe. A lack of consistency in how these terms are defined remains a challenge for researchers, clinicians, and national and international organizations (e.g., World Health Organization, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health) alike. In the present article, we provide a brief history of the use of these terminologies, and then outline the process we took to develop and create an operational definition of complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine. Our operational definition is the first to be informed by a systematic search of four quality-assessed information resource types, ultimately yielding 604 unique CAIM therapies. We then developed a single search string for the most common bibliographic databases using the finalized operational definition list of CAIM therapies. These CAIM therapies were searched against the Therapeutic Research Center's “Natural Medicines” database for all 604 therapies, whereby each item's scientific name and/or synonym was included as a keyword or phrase in the search string. While the current definition is not without limitations and ongoing debates still surround the field, this work is arguably a steppingstone towards enabling increased collaboration and communication amongst healthcare clinicians, researchers, and the public. This operational definition provides a foundation for developing well-coordinated research efforts that will assist in the acceptance and understanding of this field, while also focusing on adopting knowledge translation techniques and efforts for further research advancement and use.