Substantial seafloor morphological changes are rapidly occurring along the Canadian Arctic shelf edge. Five multibeam bathymetric mapping surveys, each partially covering a 15 km2 study area between 120- and 200-m water depth, were conducted over a 12-year time period. These surveys reveal that 65 new craters have developed between 2010 and 2022, averaging 6.5 m and reaching up to 30 m deep. Remotely operated vehicle investigations revealed massive ice outcrops exposed on two newly formed crater flanks. This ice is not relict subaerially formed Pleistocene permafrost because it is hosted in sediments which were deposited in a submarine setting post-deglaciation. Low salinity porewater and sediment core ice samples with depleted oxygen isotopic compositions indicate waters with a meteoric signature are discharging and freezing in this area. These ascending brackish groundwaters are likely derived in part from thawed relict permafrost hundreds of meters under the continental shelf. They refreeze as they approach the −1.4°C seafloor, leading to the development of widespread, near seafloor, sub-bottom ice layers. Conditions appropriate for ice melting also exist nearby where ice is exposed to seawater or warmed by ascending groundwater. Small variations in temperature and salinity lead to shifts between freezing of ascending brackish groundwater or melting of near seafloor ice layers. These conditions have produced a dramatic submarine thermokarst morphology riddled with multi-aged depressions. Thermokarst geohazards may exist, unmapped, on other Arctic margins with groundwater channeled toward the shelf edge by a relict permafrost cap, and sufficiently cold shelf edge bottom water temperatures.