Depending on the characteristics of signals to be recorded and tasks to be solved, many specific technical and operational requirements are imposed on recording devices, which are best met by modern digital recording devices. However, despite the wide usage of modern digital recorders, many seismic stations in parallel with digital recorders still also use visible analog recorders for simultaneous analog visible continues or standby recording to obtain express visible records, provide operative manual express analysis of seismograms, and so on.
Among various types of analog continuous visible recorders, light-beam photo galvanometric recording devices were one of the most widely used in seismology for continuous helical recording of seismic signals. However, the high cost and scarcity of photo media, their chemical processing, additional errors in seismograms due to the shrinkage of photo papers after chemical processing, inability to obtain express visible information, absence of intermediate memory, and other disadvantages create several inconveniences in their operation in current seismic stations.
On the other hand, pen drum helicorders or direct recorders were most convenient for directly visible recording and its observation, obtaining and analysis of express visible information, etc. However, they have limited frequency and dynamic ranges, record mainly with friction in curvilinear coordinates, etc.
Created and suggested electrophotographic (EPG) light-beam oscillographs with intermediate electrostatic memory and continuous electrostatic hidden recording of analog signals on EPG media with their helical or stepped electronic scanning, and automatic periodic or triggered issuing of visible records - seismograms on a simple paper, combine all the advantages of light-beam oscillographs and pen recorders, are free from their specific disadvantages and can be used in seismic stations in parallel with digital recorders for the simultaneous continuous or standby analog visible recording and analyses of seismic signals.