Sustainable development of agriculture is associated with innovative strategies, including use of non-agricultural materials for the biostimulants production. The aim of the study was identification of the Trifolium pratense and Equisteum arvense biostimulant potential in the cultivation of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Phytochemical characterization (elemental composition, quantitative and qualitive analysis of phenolic compounds, carbohydrates, phytohormones) was performed for the tested extracts. The research proved, that application of the bioproducts significantly improved yield (by an average of 18 %) and positively modified its biochemical traits (increased protein content, antioxidant compounds, fiber fraction in seeds). The synergistic phenomenon in the extracts mixture was observed. One of the novelties of the conducted research was the determination of the effect of the tested biostimulants on the structure of the seed coat. The seed coat from the crops in which the extracts were applied was characterized by increased dimensions of pallisade, parenchema and hypoderma cells. In order to quantitatively analyze the effect of the extracts used on the characteristics of Phaseolus vulgaris mathematical and computer models were also developed based on the collected experimental data and currently known knowledge about the bioproducts used. It was shown that the created algorithms and optimization procedure can be used as a predictive tool in prototyping candidates for biostimulants. One of the key achievements is the ability to analyze virtual scenarios of extract use for the purpose of improving crop yield and quality. The highest degree of synergistic effect of both extracts used was the effect of using mixtures with the participation of Trifolium pratense extract in the range of 40 to 62 % (respectively from 38 to 60 % of Equisteum arvense extract).