The study objective is to analyze changes in court practice over a 10-year period (from 2013 to 2022) including the quantitative and qualitative composition of complaints for conducted dental treatment, considering legislative changes in the procedure for the provision of dental service and formalization of the relationship between patient and medical organization. An investigation of 1800 legal cases containing complaints, forensic reports and court decisions allowed to identify tendencies in increasing the number of cases in which patients' demands were fully or partially satisfied, from 54% in 2013-2017 up to 61% in 2018-2022. At the same time, the amounts of payments determined by the courts increased by 14 times. In addition, the percentage of claims against medical organizations providing care under the CHI program increased significantly (from 5% in 2013-2017 to 15% in 2018-2022). A significant impact of changes in normative legal documents regulating the provision of dental care on the qualitative composition of complaints and the issues formed for medical experts by court has been noted.