Aims: This study investigated the effect of injection of adipose stem cells (ASCs) on the expression of type VII and VIII collagen in Wistar rat's gingiva. Adipose stem cells can modulate the immune system, angiogenesis, wound healing, and extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling.
Materials and methods: Ten Wistar rats aged three months were divided into two groups: the treatment group and the control group. The Wistar's gingival sulcus between the two incisor teeth was wounded with curettage. In the control group, PBS 1 × 106 was injected, meanwhile, the treatment group was injected with ASCs 1 × 106, then the Wistar rats were terminated on the 14th day and the expression of type VII and VIII collagen was observed, and examined using the immunohistochemical method.
Results: In Wistar rats injected with ASCs, collagen VIII increased more than type VII collagen.
Conclusion: Adipose stem cells can increase the expression of collagen VIII compared to collagen VII.
Clinical significance: Adipose stem cells can influence collagen VII and VIII expression because ASCs release growth factors to restore damaged tissue. Collagen VIII increased more than type VII collagen because type VIII collagen contains integrin receptors, which aid in extracellular protein matrix interactions. Adipose stem cells have multiple signal recognition molecules on the cell membrane, which can be used as potential carriers for drug delivery. So ASCs can be used as an effective and promising method for periodontal treatment. How to cite this article: Hale YA, Sobrina N, Aljunaid MA, et al. Effect of Adipose Stem Cells Injection on Type VII and VIII Collagen Expression of Wistar Rat's Gingiva. J Contemp Dent Pract 2024;25(9):809-813.