In this paper, a method is proposed for calculating the bearing capacity of composite reinforced wing box panels under compression after impact, which has improved calculation accuracy and accelerated analysis time. The paper describes a method for two-phase calculation of the bearing capacity of reinforced panels, taking into account defects, based on the transfer of the stress–strain state from the global model to the local one. To implement the method, a discrete finite element mesh of the study area and a local model of the reinforced skin are created. The method of two-phase analysis of the bearing capacity of reinforced skins with applied impact defects consists of two main components. The first phase is a static calculation of the global shell model of the entire structure under critical loading conditions—the design case that takes place during the flight of the aircraft at small positive angles of attack, in which the aircraft realizes the maximum lift and torque for a given aircraft. In the second phase, a detailed local solid model of the studied area of the reinforced skin is prepared and a dynamic impact analysis is performed. Next, compressive force flows or displacements are transferred from the global model to the closed contour of the local zone and a solution is made in a dynamic or static formulation. This article presents the developed method of global–local modeling, which makes it possible to analyze the bearing capacity of reinforced skin after impact with a more detailed grid without sampling the global model, which speeds up and refines the calculation.