Greening, or Huanglongbing (HLB), poses a severe threat to global citrus cultivation, affecting various citrus species and compromising fruit production. Primarily transmitted by psyllids during phloem feeding, the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter induces detrimental symptoms, including leaf yellowing and reduced fruit quality. Given the limitations of conventional control strategies, the search for innovative approaches, such as resistant genotypes and early diagnostic methods, becomes essential for the sustainability of citrus cultivation. The development of predictive models, such as the one proposed in this study, is essential as it enables the estimation of the bacterium's concentration and the vulnerability of healthy plants to infection, which will be instrumental in determining the risk of HLB. This study proposes a prediction model utilizing environmental factors, including temperature, humidity, and precipitation, which play a decisive role in greening epidemiology, influencing the complex interaction among the pathogen, vector, and host plant. In the proposed modeling, it addresses non-linear relationships through cubic smoothing splines applications and tackles imbalanced categorical predictor variables, requiring the use of a random-effects regression model, incorporating a random intercept to account for variability across different groups and mitigate the risk of biased predictions. The model's ability to predict HLB incidence under varying climatic conditions provides a significant contribution to disease management, offering a strategic tool for early intervention and potentially reducing the spread of HLB. Using climatological and environmental data, the research aims to develop a predictive model, assessing the influence of these variables on the spread of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, essential for effective disease management. The proposed flexible model demonstrates robust predictions for both training and test data, identifying climatological and environmental predictors influencing the dissemination of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, the vascular bacterium associated with Huanglongbing (HLB) or greening.
In classical mumps models, individuals are generally assumed to be uniformly mixed (homogeneous), ignoring population heterogeneity (preference, activity, etc.). Age is the key to catching mixed patterns in developing mathematical models for mumps. A continuous heterogeneous age-structured model for mumps with vaccines has been developed in this paper. The stability of age-structured models is a difficult question. An explicit formula of R0 was defined for the various mixing modes (isolation, proportional and heterogeneous mixing) with or without the vaccine. The results show that the endemic steady state is unique and locally stable if R0 > 1 without any additional conditions. A number of numerical examples are given to support the theory.
Disease severity through an immunized population ensconced on a physical network topology is a key technique for preventing epidemic spreading. Its influence can be quantified by adjusting the common (basic) methodology for analyzing the percolation and connectivity of contact networks. Stochastic spreading properties are difficult to express, and physical networks significantly influence them. Visualizing physical networks is crucial for studying and intervening in disease transmission. The multi-agent simulation method is useful for measuring randomness, and this study explores stochastic characteristics of epidemic transmission in various homogeneous and heterogeneous networks. This work thoroughly explores stochastic characteristics of epidemic propagation in homogeneous and heterogeneous networks through extensive theoretical analysis (positivity and boundedness of solutions, disease-free equilibrium point, basic reproduction number, endemic equilibrium point, stability analysis) and multi-agent simulation approach using the Gilespie algorithm. Results show that Ring and Lattice networks have small stochastic variations in the ultimate epidemic size, while BA-SF networks have disease transmission starting before the threshold value. The theoretical and deterministic aftermaths strongly agree with multi-agent simulations (MAS) and could shed light on various multi-dynamic spreading process applications. The study also proposes a novel concept of void nodes, Empty nodes and disease severity, which reduces the incidence of contagious diseases through immunization and topologies.
Scrub typhus is a significant public health issue with a wide distribution and is influenced by various determinants. However, in order to effectively eradicate scrub typhus, it is crucial to identify the specific factors that contribute to its incidence at a detailed level. Therefore, the objective of our study is to identify these influencing factors, examine the spatial variations in incidence, and analyze the interplay of two factors on scrub typhus incidence, so as to provide valuable experience for the prevention and treatment of scrub typhus in Gannan and to alleviate the economic burden of the local population.This study employed spatial autocorrelation analyses to examine the dependent variable and ordinary least squares model residuals. Additionally, spatial regression modelling and geographical detector were used to analyze the factors influencing the annual mean 14-year incidence of scrub typhus in the streets/townships of Gannan region from 2008 to 2021. The results of spatial1 autocorrelation analyses indicated the presence of spatial correlation. Among the global spatial regression models, the spatial lag model was found to be the best fitting model (log likelihood ratio = −319.3029, AIC = 666.6059). The results from the SLM analysis indicated that DEM, mean temperature, and mean wind speed were the primary factors influencing the occurrence of scrub typhus. For the local spatial regression models, the multiscale geographically weighted regression was determined to be the best fitting model (adjusted R2 = 0.443, AICc = 726.489). Further analysis using the MGWR model revealed that DEM had a greater impact in Xinfeng and Longnan, while the southern region was found to be more susceptible to scrub typhus due to mean wind speed. The geographical detector results revealed that the incidence of scrub typhus was primarily influenced by annual average normalized difference vegetation index. Additionally, the interaction between GDP and the percentage of grassland area had a significant impact on the incidence of scrub typhus (q = 0.357). This study illustrated the individual and interactive effects of natural environmental factors and socio-economic factors on the incidence of scrub typhus; and elucidated the specific factors affecting the incidence of scrub typhus in various streets/townships. The findings of this study can be used to develop effective interventions for the prevention and control of scrub typhus.
The field of software engineering is advancing at astonishing speed, with packages now available to support many stages of data science pipelines. These packages can support infectious disease modelling to be more robust, efficient and transparent, which has been particularly important during the COVID-19 pandemic. We developed a package for the construction of infectious disease models, integrated it with several open-source libraries and applied this composite pipeline to multiple data sources that provided insights into Australia's 2022 COVID-19 epidemic. We aimed to identify the key processes relevant to COVID-19 transmission dynamics and thereby develop a model that could quantify relevant epidemiological parameters.
The pipeline's advantages include markedly increased speed, an expressive application programming interface, the transparency of open-source development, easy access to a broad range of calibration and optimisation tools and consideration of the full workflow from input manipulation through to algorithmic generation of the publication materials. Extending the base model to include mobility effects slightly improved model fit to data, with this approach selected as the model configuration for further epidemiological inference. Under our assumption of widespread immunity against severe outcomes from recent vaccination, incorporating an additional effect of the main vaccination programs rolled out during 2022 on transmission did not further improve model fit. Our simulations suggested that one in every two to six COVID-19 episodes were detected, subsequently emerging Omicron subvariants escaped 30–60% of recently acquired natural immunity and that natural immunity lasted only one to eight months on average. We documented our analyses algorithmically and present our methods in conjunction with interactive online code notebooks and plots.
We demonstrate the feasibility of integrating a flexible domain-specific syntax library with state-of-the-art packages in high performance computing, calibration, optimisation and visualisation to create an end-to-end pipeline for infectious disease modelling. We used the resulting platform to demonstrate key epidemiological characteristics of the transition from the emergency to the endemic phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.