Recent literature has increasingly challenged the traditional view of entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) as geographically bounded entities, highlighting how entrepreneurial activities span spatial boundaries through networks, digital platforms, and various forms of collaboration. Building on these insights, this article proposes an analytical framework based on the proximity approach to understand better how EEs function in an increasingly digitalized world. We argue that while geographic proximity remains relevant, other forms of proximity (cognitive, social, organizational, and institutional) are equally crucial in shaping resource interactions and coordination within EEs. We also examine how digitalization transforms these proximity dynamics, creating new possibilities for entrepreneurial activities while potentially reducing the importance of geographic proximity. The key insight of our study is that beyond mere geographic closeness, diverse forms of proximity shape actors’ interactions within EEs, while digitalization reconfigures these dynamics, extending EEs boundaries. This research contributes to the literature by offering a more nuanced theoretical framework for understanding the spatial and non-spatial dimensions of EEs, with implications for both research and policy.