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Mistaken Identities: Negotiating Passing and Replacement in Chinese Records of the Strange 错误的身份:中国奇志中的协商、传递与置换
4区 社会学 Q2 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-09-14 DOI: 10.1080/15299104.2023.2240126
Antje Richter
AbstractThe large corpus of early medieval Chinese narratives now classified as records of the strange includes an abundance of stories of mistaken identity. This essay focuses on stories in which an animal successfully impersonates a human but is eventually found out. The questions I ask of these materials touch on issues of identity, privilege, and narrative: What does it take to pass as and replace a human, and possibly even a particular human? How are personal identity and privilege conceptualized, also across species and gender? How do narratives of initially mistaken and finally revealed “true” identity operate and what literary means do they employ? I propose that the political and social changes that shook early medieval China moved questions about ethnic, social, and personal identity to the center of thought, and that the literary conventions of records of the strange made the genre particularly suited to deliberating and negotiating these matters, especially in terms of access to privileged social spheres. Considering the literary sophistication with which records of the strange were usually composed, I also propose to include them more seriously in discussions of literary practice in early medieval China.Keywords: zhiguaianimalsidentitypassingimpersonation AcknowledgmentsI first presented on this topic in the panel “On the Human / Nonhuman / Posthuman in Medieval China” at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America in March 2022. I would like to thank my co-panelists for their comments, especially Jack Chen, Karl Steel, and Xiaofei Tian. I am also grateful for the invaluable constructive feedback I received from an anonymous reader and from Xiaofei Tian in her role as editor of EMC. Last but not the least I would like to express thanks to the students in my graduate seminar on medieval prose in Spring 2022: I have learnt so much from all twelve of you. Li Sijia, Xinchang Li, Xiaoyue Luo, and Huiyao Yang deserve special mention.Disclosure StatementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 This was famously spelled out for foxes in a fragment of Xuanzhong ji 玄中記, generally ascribed to Guo Pu 郭璞 (276–324), as preserved in Taiping guangji 太平廣記 (comp. 978) (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1961), 447.3652. As we will see below, there are alternative accounts of this particular ageing process. Animals other than foxes that acquire unusual abilities when they reach a high age are mentioned in the “Dui su” 對俗 chapter of the Baopuzi. See Baopuzi neipian jiaoshi 抱樸子內篇校釋, comp. Wang Ming 王明 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1985), 3.41–42. For a typology of transformations, see Robert F. Campany, Strange Writing: Anomaly Accounts in Early Medieval China (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996), 251–55. See also Xiaofei Tian, “The Cultural Politics of Old Things in Mid-Tang China,” JAOS 140 (2020): 317–43.2 For research on animals in traditional China, see Chiara Bocci’s “Bibliographie zur Tierwelt im Alten
故事的中心动物的身份很难确定,因为“狗”这个词被用来形容各种各样的犬科动物和猫科动物,既有家养的,也有野生的。在最近的学术研究中,这种狗通常被认为是一种浣熊狗(nyctereutes procyonoides),尽管它的名字像狐狸而不是狗。也见t.h.巴雷特对“中国猫的宗教归属:一篇比较宗教人类学研究的论文”,《路易斯·乔丹比较宗教论文集》1998年第2期:16-17,25-26.31,辛集,1:18.307 (no. 1)。231)。我所作的修改(中文方括号所示)是根据王少英的《神神记》(1909-1970)版(北京:中华书局,1979),第18.221号)。422)。反过来,它们是根据《发源竹林》,T. 2122: 53.0526和《韩卫留朝笔记》,418收集的故事版本编写的。另见太平广记442.3614版本。在《神神纪》的另一个故事《秦菊波》中,情况发生了逆转,一位祖父被不知道是什么恶魔骗去杀了他的孙子;参见《新辑》,1:19.334-35 (no. 19)。253)收西格蒙德·弗洛伊德1919年的论文《万物之理》(Das Unheimliche)曾多次被翻译成英文,如《离奇》(The Uncanny)。大卫·麦克林托克(纽约:企鹅出版社,2003).33在这方面,值得一提的是卡普格拉妄想,这是一种精神疾病,表现为相信自己的家庭成员或其他人被二重身取代。参见William Hirstein和V. S. Ramachandran,“Capgras综合征:一种理解人的身份和熟悉度的神经表征的新探索”,《生物学进展》。关于张华,见Roger Greatrex《the Bowu zhi: An Annotated Translation》(斯德哥尔摩:Orientalska Studier, 1987)第5-26页的引言;也见公司,奇怪的写作,284-88。关于张华与雷欢的关系,见《金书》(北京:中华书局,1974),36.1075-76。虽然张华的官方传记引用了一些事件,这些事件也被收集起来作为奇事的记录,但斑纹狐狸的故事并不在其中在谈到我们如何应对不同类型的模仿时,戈夫曼指出,虽然模仿“具有神圣地位的人,比如医生或牧师”(这取决于我们对古代中国学术领域的神圣程度,这很可能适用于有毛的狐狸)或“特定的、具体的个人”通常被认为是“不可原谅的罪行”,我们对“模仿类别成员”的感觉不那么强烈,而且经常“对那些只有一个致命缺陷的人有一些同情”,他们试图隐瞒(这也适用于斑纹狐狸)。高夫曼,《日常生活中自我的呈现》(爱丁堡:爱丁堡大学社会科学研究中心,1956年),39.36这句话让人想起了另一位以宇宙学专长和发现非人类存在的能力而闻名的历史学者董仲舒(公元前179-104年)嘲笑一位来访者的故事:“如果你不是狐狸,你一定是老鼠。”参见《李科》。《新辑》,1:18.308-9 (no. 9)。233 .37点新集,1:18.315-18;238)。这个故事的版本保存在各种合集中,其中包括《太平广记》442.3612-13(标题为“张华”)和《韩卫六朝笔记》416-17(标题为“张茂贤”);参见太平玉兰909.7a的更短版本(如下所述)。李建国和王少英编纂的版本对这个故事的重建有很大的不同;我订正在故事的第一部分和最后一段从“乃遣人伐華表”是基于王Shaoying Soushen霁18.219 -10(没有。421) 38关于这一主题,参见Richard B. Mather,“孝顺典范与被宠坏的孩子:从《世说新语》看中世纪中国儿童”,载于《中国儿童观》,Anne Behnke Kinney主编(檀香山:夏威夷大学出版社,1995),第118-22页;《中国早期的童年与青年》(斯坦福:斯坦福大学出版社,2004),第2章,“早熟的孩子”。39田,《迁徙、身份认同与殖民幻想》,126.40例如,参见《道素复》擣《全书》,作者:班介玉(约公元前6年)倢伃,见欧阳勋《全书》(557-641)等人编,王少英整理(上海:上海古记chubanshe, 1965), 85.1546。对男性美的描写在中国古代文学中当然并不少见。例如,参见《诗说新语》第十四章《融志》中的许多轶事。最近关于中国古代同性恋关系的研究指出,许多著名的历史人物都可能是同性伴侣。 虽然张华和雷欢不在其中,但至少据我所知,历史记录显示他们的关系异常紧密。他们通过性别化的魔剑——干江、莫野——的传奇联系,甚至被写进了《金书》张华的传记太平玉兰909.7a.42《史记》(北京:中华书局,1959),34.1558.43虽然这是更常见的情况,但也有一些例外的故事,它们的非人类主角有名字。例如,参见《神人后记》(《新集》,2:6. 31 - 35,第6期)中的“伯丘”。56),在这个故事中,主人公以“伯丘”作为他的文名(字)。这个故事也回答了一个问题,如果斑纹狐狸在遇到张华时幸存下来,会发生什么:当被问到“你是什么生物?”伯丘回答说,他曾经是一只千岁的狐狸,最终变成了一个恶魔,现在正处于变成一个灵魂的边缘。目前尚不清楚他是何时以及如何获得这个名字的,但从它的意思“Pelt大哥”来看,它可能可以追溯到伯丘的“狐狸时期”。猜测那只有斑纹的狐狸在他的名片上选择的名字,我们只能假设它一定更复杂见David R. knnechtges,“南方金属和羽毛扇:陆基的“南方意识”,载于《中世纪中国诗歌中的南方认同和南方隔阂》,王平和Nicholas Morrow Williams主编(香港:香港大学出版社,2015),22 - 31,40 - 41.45。人文学科的暴力研究强调了对某些人合法化暴力的意识形态和修辞应用。继乔治·阿甘本的“人类学机器”之后,卡尔·斯蒂尔提出,“人类对暴力的垄断”构成了欧洲中世纪对动物的“统治的基本工具”,参见他的《如何造就人类:中世纪的动物和暴力》(哥伦布:俄亥俄州立大学出版社,2011),第24页。另见马克·爱德华·刘易斯,《中国古代的制裁暴力》(奥尔巴尼:纽约州立大学,1990),167-74.46《列子纪事》,杨伯君编(1909-1992)(北京:中华书局,1991),1.22.47 Major,“淮南子中的动物与动物隐喻”,亚洲Major 21.1 (2008): 150;Knapp,“高贵的动物:中世纪早期儒家思想中的孝顺和正义的动物”,载于《中国历史上的动物》,Sterckx等人编,第6期。关于将动物简化为机器的笛卡尔断裂,以及这种方法的一些含义,请参阅约翰·伯杰1977年的文章《为什么看动物?》《关于寻找》(New York: Pantheon Books),第1-28页。作者简介:santje Richter,科罗拉多大学博尔德分校中文副教授。她研究中国早期和中世纪文化,研究兴趣包括文学、艺术史、宗教和医学思想。她著有《中国中世纪早期的书信写作与书信文化》(2013)和一本关于中国早期文学中睡眠概念的德文著作。主编《中国书信史与书信文化》(2015)。
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引用次数: 0
Anecdote, Network, Gossip, Performance: Essays on the Shishuo xinyu 轶事、网络、八卦、表演——《诗说新语》随笔
4区 社会学 Q2 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-09-14 DOI: 10.1080/15299104.2023.2240142
Graham Sanders
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes1 Qian, Spirit and Self in Medieval China: The Shih-shuo hsin-yü and Its Legacy (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2001).2 Albert E. Dien, “On the Name Shishuo xinyu,” Early Medieval China 20 (2014): 7–8; Graham Sanders, “A New Note on Shishuo xinyu,” Early Medieval China 20 (2014): 9–22.3 Graham Sanders, Words Well Put: Visions of Poetic Competence in the Chinese Tradition (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2006).4 See Curie Virág, The Emotions in Early Chinese Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), p. viii.5 Xiaofei Tian, “From the Eastern Jin through the Early Tang (317–649),” in The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature, Vol. 1, To 1375, ed. Stephen Owen (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 242.
注1《钱:中世纪中国的精神与自我:石说hsin-yü及其遗产》(火奴鲁鲁:夏威夷大学出版社,2001)Dien,“论石说新语的名称”,中国早期中世纪20 (2014):7-8;3 .格雷厄姆·桑德斯:《诗说新语新注》,《中世纪早期中国》20 (2014):9-22.3参见居里Virág:《中国早期哲学中的情感》(牛津:牛津大学出版社,2017),第viii.5页田晓飞:《从东晋到初唐(317-649)》,载于《剑桥中国文学史》第1卷至1375卷,斯蒂芬·欧文主编(剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2010),242页。
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引用次数: 0
Bringing Scholarship on The Early Medieval Period to a Broader Audience 将中世纪早期的学术研究带给更广泛的受众
4区 社会学 Q2 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-09-14 DOI: 10.1080/15299104.2023.2240141
Patricia Buckley Ebrey
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Disclosure StatementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Eventually, the set included fifteen “volumes,” but sixteen physical books, as volume 5 came out as two books.2 See Arthur Wright, Buddhism in Chinese History (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press) and Erik Zürcher, The Chinese Conquest of Buddhism (Leiden: Brill), both published in 1959.3 Albert E. Dien, “Yen Chih-t’ui (531-591+): A Buddho-Confucian,” in Confucian Personalities, ed. Arthur F. Wright and Denis Twitchett (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1962), 44–64; Hisayuki Miyakawa, “The Confucianization of South China,” in The Confucian Persuasion, ed. Arthur F. Wright (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1960), 21–46.4 Two notable conference volumes are State and Society in Early Medieval China, ed. Albert E. Dien (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1990), and Culture and Power in the Reconstitution of the Chinese Realm, 200–600, ed. Scott Pearce, Audrey Spiro, and Patricia Ebrey (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2001).5 One could even go back earlier, to the Nan-Pei Ch’ao Studies group, which issued a newsletter beginning in 1977. Its first issue was a directory of scholars who responded to its query in the Association of Asian Studies newsletter asking for their addresses, research interests, and publications, and thus offers a time capsule on the field at that time.6 This is true even of recent volumes, such as CHC 5.2 (2015), which has chapters by Robert Hymes, Charles Hartman, and Joseph McDermott and Shiba Yoshinobu that ranged from 116 to 139 pages in length.7 Readers who would prefer to read a survey of the period in which a single scholar attempts to bring all the strands together can turn to Mark Lewis, China Between Empires: The Northern and Southern Dynasties (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009).8 Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 78.2 (2018): 477–90.9 Journal of Asian Studies 47.2 (1988): 344.10 Journal of Asian Studies 55 (1996): 146–49.11 Journal of Song-Yuan Studies 46 (2016): 225–37.12 Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 77.1 (2017): 175–83.13 To give an example, I was confused by the differences in the discussion of Chen Yinke’s analysis of the relative contribution of the Western Wei/Northern Zhou versus the Eastern Wei/Northern Qi to the Tang on pages 11–12 and 235, so checked the index for Chen Yinke. It lists pages 11–12, 13, and 76, but there is no reference to Chen Yinke on page 76, and the passage on page 235 is not listed in the index. So I did a search of the Cambridge Histories online via my university library. Searching “Yinke,” if the box “search within full text” was checked, I got only two hits, to the introduction and chapter 10. To see the passages required opening the chapter and doing a search of it. By contrast, one could easily search through the e-book and get forty references, almost all in footnotes, but also
点击放大图片点击缩小图片披露声明作者未报告潜在的利益冲突。注1最终,这套丛书包括15卷,但16卷是实体书,因为第五卷是分成两卷出版的见阿瑟·赖特,中国历史上的佛教(斯坦福,加州:斯坦福大学出版社)和埃里克·泽尔切尔,中国征服佛教(莱顿:布瑞尔),两者都在1959年出版。阿尔伯特·e·迪恩,“颜志德(531-591+):一个佛教儒家”,在儒家人格,编辑阿瑟·f·赖特和丹尼斯·特威切特(斯坦福,加州:斯坦福大学出版社,1962),44-64;5 .宫川久之,《华南儒学化》,载于《儒家劝化》,阿瑟·f·赖特主编(加州斯坦福:斯坦福大学出版社,1960年),第21-46.4页。两本著名的会议文集是《中世纪早期中国的国家与社会》,阿尔伯特·e·迪恩主编(加州斯坦福:斯坦福大学出版社,1990年),以及《中国王国重构中的文化与权力》,200-600页,斯科特·皮尔斯、奥德丽·斯皮罗和帕特里夏·埃布雷主编(马萨诸塞州剑桥:哈佛大学亚洲中心,2001年)我们甚至可以追溯到更早的南裴潮研究小组,他们从1977年开始出版一份通讯。它的第一期是一份学者名录,这些学者在亚洲研究协会通讯中询问他们的地址、研究兴趣和出版物,从而提供了当时该领域的一个时间囊即使在最近的几卷书中也是如此,例如CHC 5.2(2015),其中有罗伯特·海姆斯、查尔斯·哈特曼、约瑟夫·麦克德莫特和柴吉信撰写的章节,篇幅从116页到139页不等7 .如果读者更愿意阅读一个学者试图将所有线索结合在一起的时期概览,可以转向马克·刘易斯的《帝国之间的中国:南北朝》(剑桥,马萨诸塞州:哈佛大学出版社,2009)哈佛亚洲研究学报78.2(2018):477-90.9亚洲研究学报47.2(1988):344.10亚洲研究学报55(1996):146-49.11宋元研究学报46(2016):225-37.12哈佛亚洲研究学报77.1 (2017):举个例子,我对陈寅恪对西魏/北周与东魏/北齐对唐朝的相对贡献的分析在11-12页和235页上的差异感到困惑,所以检查了陈寅恪的索引。它列出了11-12页、13页和76页,但76页没有提到陈寅恪,235页的文章也没有列在索引中。所以我通过大学图书馆在网上搜索了一下剑桥历史。搜索“银客”,如果勾选“全文搜索”,我只找到两个结果,即引言和第十章。要想看到这些段落,就需要打开这一章并进行搜索。相比之下,人们可以很容易地在电子书中搜索到40个参考文献,几乎都是脚注,但也可以在217.14页的正文中找到一段,它们也以这样的注释结束:第23-24.15页。关于最近的中国学术,人们也可以转向罗欣,“中国历史编纂中的北朝历史(386-589)的中国和亚洲内部视角”,在欧亚古代晚期的帝国和交流中:《罗马、中国、伊朗和大草原》,约250-750年,Nicola Di Cosmo和Michael Maas主编,(剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2018年),166-75.16。皮尔斯在讨论孝文帝迁至洛阳以及在宫廷中使用中国服饰和语言的新要求时,小心翼翼地避免使用“汉化”或“汉化”等术语。其他作者偶尔也会用它来指代个人、艺术风格等。参见第128、146、154、278、301、409、445、456、654、679、689.17页。我想到的是巴菲尔德、迪·科斯莫、奥尔森、贝克威斯、埃利奥特和克罗斯利的作品。参见托马斯J.巴菲尔德,《危险的边疆:游牧帝国和中国,公元前221年至公元1757年》(剑桥,马萨诸塞州:Wiley-Blackwell, 1989);Nicola Di Cosmo,“亚洲内部历史的国家形成与分期”,《世界史》1999年第10期,第1-40页;Nicola Di Cosmo,“中国与草原的关系:从匈奴到<s:2>帝国”,载于《欧亚古代晚期的帝国与交流:罗马、中国、伊朗和草原》,约250-750年,Nicola Di Cosmo和Michael Maas主编(剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2018),35-53;托马斯T.奥尔森,欧亚历史上的皇家狩猎(费城,宾夕法尼亚州:宾夕法尼亚大学出版社,2006年);克里斯托弗·贝克威斯:《丝绸之路的帝国:从青铜时代到现在的欧亚大陆中部历史》(普林斯顿,新泽西州:普林斯顿大学出版社,2009);马克·艾略特:《虎活:北方他者与汉人的命名》,载于《批判汉人研究:中国多数人的历史、表现与身份》,托马斯·马兰尼等主编。 (加州伯克利和洛杉矶:加州大学出版社,2012),173-90;帕梅拉·凯尔·克罗斯利,《锤子和铁砧:现代世界锻造中的游牧统治者》(马里兰州兰厄姆:罗曼和利特菲尔德出版社,2019年)那些希望更新课堂作业的人也应该看看由温迪·斯沃茨、罗伯特·福特·坎帕尼、杨路和杰西·j·c·周编辑的《中世纪早期中国:资料手册》(纽约:哥伦比亚大学出版社,2014年),这本书充满了生动的历史和文学背景下的原始资料。例如,请参阅杰西·周(jessie Choo)翻译的关于是否在洛阳被桓温收复后搬回洛阳的辩论(第17-31页)和大卫·克内切斯(David Knechtges)翻译的一首关于饺子和面条等小麦面制成的食物的快乐的诗(第447-57页)关于这一时期文学的更长的分析,按时间顺序而不是按体裁划分,见大卫·克内奇斯(David Knechtges)的第二章“从东汉到西晋(公元25-317年)”和田晓飞的第三章“从东晋到初唐(317-649年)”,《剑桥中国文学史》卷一至1375年,Stephen Owen编辑。剑桥大学出版社,2010年),116-285.20那些发现这些考古证据的分析有趣的人可以转向Dien的六朝文明(纽黑文,CT:耶鲁大学出版社,2007年)了解更多那些想在阅读宗教章节后了解更多的人可以转向由约翰·拉格威和Lü彭智编辑的两卷本《早期中国宗教,第二部分:分裂时期(公元220-589年)》(莱顿:Brill, 2010),其中有这组作者以及其他几位作者的章节关于木志明,见Timothy Davis,《中国中世纪早期墓葬铭文与纪念文化:早期木志明简史》(莱顿:Brill, 2015)。Dien确实为《牛津历史写作史》(Oxford History of Historical Writing,牛津:牛津大学出版社,2011年)写了一章关于王朝历史的文章,并在Paul W. Kroll和David R. Knechtges编辑的《魏书史学》中发表了大量关于魏书史学的文章。,《中世纪早期中国文学与文化史研究:纪念理查德·b·马瑟和唐纳德·霍尔兹曼》(唐学学会,2003),399-466.23,其中包括对这一时期进行重要报道的书籍,如瓦莱丽·汉森的《丝绸之路:一段新的历史》(牛津:牛津大学出版社,2012),多萝西·王和古斯塔夫·海尔特的《中世纪时期的中国及其以外:文化交叉和区域间联系》(纽约阿默斯特:尼古拉·迪·科斯莫和迈克尔·马斯的《欧亚古代晚期的帝国与交流:罗马、中国、伊朗和大草原》,约250-750页(剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2018年)《中世纪早期中国移民问题研究》,黄文义、田晓飞主编,载《亚洲研究》80.1(2021):95-165.25,参见第49、179、447、603、6
{"title":"Bringing Scholarship on The Early Medieval Period to a Broader Audience","authors":"Patricia Buckley Ebrey","doi":"10.1080/15299104.2023.2240141","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/15299104.2023.2240141","url":null,"abstract":"Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Disclosure StatementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Eventually, the set included fifteen “volumes,” but sixteen physical books, as volume 5 came out as two books.2 See Arthur Wright, Buddhism in Chinese History (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press) and Erik Zürcher, The Chinese Conquest of Buddhism (Leiden: Brill), both published in 1959.3 Albert E. Dien, “Yen Chih-t’ui (531-591+): A Buddho-Confucian,” in Confucian Personalities, ed. Arthur F. Wright and Denis Twitchett (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1962), 44–64; Hisayuki Miyakawa, “The Confucianization of South China,” in The Confucian Persuasion, ed. Arthur F. Wright (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1960), 21–46.4 Two notable conference volumes are State and Society in Early Medieval China, ed. Albert E. Dien (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1990), and Culture and Power in the Reconstitution of the Chinese Realm, 200–600, ed. Scott Pearce, Audrey Spiro, and Patricia Ebrey (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2001).5 One could even go back earlier, to the Nan-Pei Ch’ao Studies group, which issued a newsletter beginning in 1977. Its first issue was a directory of scholars who responded to its query in the Association of Asian Studies newsletter asking for their addresses, research interests, and publications, and thus offers a time capsule on the field at that time.6 This is true even of recent volumes, such as CHC 5.2 (2015), which has chapters by Robert Hymes, Charles Hartman, and Joseph McDermott and Shiba Yoshinobu that ranged from 116 to 139 pages in length.7 Readers who would prefer to read a survey of the period in which a single scholar attempts to bring all the strands together can turn to Mark Lewis, China Between Empires: The Northern and Southern Dynasties (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009).8 Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 78.2 (2018): 477–90.9 Journal of Asian Studies 47.2 (1988): 344.10 Journal of Asian Studies 55 (1996): 146–49.11 Journal of Song-Yuan Studies 46 (2016): 225–37.12 Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 77.1 (2017): 175–83.13 To give an example, I was confused by the differences in the discussion of Chen Yinke’s analysis of the relative contribution of the Western Wei/Northern Zhou versus the Eastern Wei/Northern Qi to the Tang on pages 11–12 and 235, so checked the index for Chen Yinke. It lists pages 11–12, 13, and 76, but there is no reference to Chen Yinke on page 76, and the passage on page 235 is not listed in the index. So I did a search of the Cambridge Histories online via my university library. Searching “Yinke,” if the box “search within full text” was checked, I got only two hits, to the introduction and chapter 10. To see the passages required opening the chapter and doing a search of it. By contrast, one could easily search through the e-book and get forty references, almost all in footnotes, but also ","PeriodicalId":41624,"journal":{"name":"Early Medieval China","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"134912154","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Nonhuman Self-cultivators in Early Medieval China: Re-reading a Story Type 中世纪早期中国的非人类修身者:一种故事类型的再解读
4区 社会学 Q2 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-09-14 DOI: 10.1080/15299104.2023.2240127
Robert Ford Campany
AbstractHistorians of literature are well acquainted with early medieval stories of shapeshifting animals and other beings seducing unsuspecting men and women. This paper re-reads such narratives from the shapeshifters’ point of view. This requires escaping the customary disciplinary boundaries and viewing these creatures’ depictions against the backdrop of concurrently circulating “arts of the bedchamber” (fangzhong zhi shu 房中之術), one of several classes of techniques for “nurturing life” (yangsheng 養生). I argue that the shapeshifters’ actions make sense when understood within the framework of this mode of self-cultivation. This in turn implies a view of nonhumans as selves striving to realize aims—among them health, longevity, the acquisition of enhanced capabilities, and, ultimately, metamorphosis into higher species on the ladder of beings. The tales emerged, then, in a culture to some extent shaped by a worldview of the sort often termed “animistic,” one that saw nonhuman beings as co-participants with humans in self-transformational projects grounded in a common cosmology.Keywords: animismshapeshiftersself-cultivationbedchamber artsanecdotal literature AcknowledgmentsMy thanks to participants in the Harvard-Yale symposium “The Margins of the Human in Medieval China” (spring 2022), organized by Lucas Bender and Xiaofei Tian, and the 14th Annual Chinese Medieval Studies Workshop hosted by Wendy Swartz at Rutgers University and sponsored by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation; Xiaofei Tian; and an anonymous reviewer for their comments. This paper represents an early piece of a larger research project.Disclosure StatementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Small Gods (London: Gollancz, 1992), 6.2 How Forests Think: Toward an Anthropology beyond the Human (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013), 73–74.3 Zhuangzi jijie 莊子集解, ed. Wang Xianqian 王先謙 and Liu Wu 劉武 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1987), 41–42, adapting the translations in A. C. Graham, Chuang-tzu: The Inner Chapters (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1981), 72–73, and Burton Watson, The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu (New York: Columbia University Press, 1968), 63–65.4 Xinji Soushen ji xinji Soushen houji 新輯搜神記新輯搜神後記, comp. Li Jianguo 李劍國, 2 vols. (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2007), 2:6.535–36. Space limitations preclude listing all the loci where this and similar tales are attested (often with interesting variant readings) in Tang and Song anthologies. Stories featuring foxes are relatively well known, but other animal species as well as insects, spiders, and even household objects also figure in stories of this type, as we will see. As Roel Sterckx states, “Fox demons and fox possession were known at least as early as the third century B.C.E.” Sterckx, The Animal and the Daemon in Early China (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002], 256n111; see also 35. On early recipes for countering fox possession, see Donald Harper, Early Chinese Medical Litera
(密歇根州安娜堡:密歇根大学中国研究中心,1989),225-61;罗薇薇安,《黄帝哈马经》,《亚洲Major》14.2 (2001):61-100;ECML, 310 - 27;而TL, 82、173-75、178、182-83、283、333.22 Gu在这些语境中很少狭义地表示“谷物”,而是加工食品的喻意。参见尤特·恩格尔哈特,“中国唐代的饮食学和现存的第一部饮食材料著作”,载于《中医创新》,徐伊丽莎白主编(剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2001),173-91;和罗伯特•福特灵魂,使超验:禁欲主义者和社会记忆在中世纪早期中国(火奴鲁鲁:夏威夷大学出版社,2009),62 - 87.23见并行通道从这两个手册,内容都保存在28章Tamba Yasuyori的Ishinpō醫心方李林(984)和被选编在李零,中国fangshu花王中國方術考,启。(北京:东方chubanshe, 2000年;以下简称ZGFSK), 502;《卧房艺术:中国性瑜伽经典包括女性单独冥想文本》译自《卧房艺术》道格拉斯·怀尔(奥尔巴尼:纽约州立大学出版社,1992年),85.24 .除了怀尔的《床上艺术》,其他研究还包括唐纳德·哈珀的《公元前二世纪手稿中描述的古代中国的性艺术》,《哈佛亚洲研究杂志》47.2 (1987):539-93;(1)陈志明,《老子五世与战国长寿卫生的风箱类比》,《中国早期》20 (1995):381-91;中华医学杂志,135 - 40,412 - 22;地球物理学报,382-433,469-540;[李玲,中国防病学学报,北京:东方图书馆,2000),350-93 .]李玲、基思·麦克马洪:《马王堆关于卧房艺术的文本内容与术语》,《中国早期》17 (1992):145-85;阎善昭(台北:学生书局,2007);顾大山,顾大山,顾大山,顾大山,顾大山,顾大山,顾大山,顾大山。朱月丽,《马王堆的数学方法学》,载于《道家花丛》,李卓音,李卓音,陈文声,《道教花丛》(香港:商物经管,2002),8-51;保罗·戈尔丁:《中国古代吸血鬼的文化与宗教背景》,《神学与性》,2006年第12.3期,第286-308页;多米尼克·斯特乌,“佛教、医学与心的事务:Āyurvedic中国中世纪文献中药力疗法与春药的再评价”,《东亚科技与医学》45 (2017):9-48;和TL, 30-31, 81, 172-86, 416-21。TL 172-86和416-21翻译和分析了四世纪的《神贤传》《彭祖传》,其中有很多关于床上艺术的指导。另一个这样的人物是荣成大师,他是《列宪传》中与性艺术有关的圣徒传记的主题(见TL, 358-59),他出现在马王堆手稿中,作为这种方法的老师(ECML, 393-99),他的名字附在《汉书书目目录》(ECML, 393n1)中一本现已丢失的卧房手册上这在ishinpku保存的文本中变得很明显;例如,参见《卧室的艺术》,102。但在马王堆手稿中已经隐含了同样的想法(见ECML, 140,333)《卧房的艺术》,7.27 ECML, 137.28参见,例如,由ZGFSK, 510选录的《玉芳娘子》中的段落,并翻译为《卧房的艺术》,102.29 ZGFSK, 501和《卧房的艺术》,85.30参见,例如,由ishinpki保存的Sunü jing的段落,选录于ZGFSK, 501 - 2,并翻译为《卧房的艺术》,85.31参见,例如,《卧房的艺术》,103和252n17中的段落。顺便说一句,尽管本文假设所讨论的性关系是异性恋的,除非另有说明,但肯定存在性别流动性的可能性,特别是在变形者方面见《玉芳·米爵》选集(ZGFSK, 515)。《卧房艺术》(102)和戈尔丁的《性吸血鬼》(287)都没有提到太阳的热力,这表明他们是由于失去气和精而得病的《战警通报》,DZ 294, 2.14a-b;Kaltenmark, liesien touan, 180-83。超越性将她的实践特征化为“刀”。参见Kaltenmark, 182-83n3关于这个词的多价然而,葛洪也提到了口头指导来补充书面文本的必要性。哈珀强调,在马王堆和张家山手抄本流传的社会圈子里,养生技术,包括性技术,被认为是“正常的”(《早期中医文献》,147)看到唐纳德·哈珀“La litterature苏尔La sexualite敦煌”,在医学院学习,宗教等法国在中国medievale,艾德。Despeux, 871 - 98,和Sumiyo Umekawa,“天地阴阳jiaohuang dalefu卧房的艺术,“在中世纪的中药:敦煌医学手稿。 Vivienne Lo和Christopher Cullen(伦敦:Routledge Curzon出版社,2005),252-77.37参见TL 81、95、178-79、183-85、205、244、355、358-59、390、400和534-35.38参见Stephen R. Bokenkamp,早期道教经文(伯克利:加州大学出版社,1997),43-46、284-85、330-31;吉尔·拉兹:《道教的出现:传统的创造》(伦敦:劳特利奇出版社,2012),177-209;黄红道之道:重新审视道教天师的性启蒙仪式,《南》Nü 10 (2008): 90,98 - 99,119;特里·f·克里曼:《天师:早期道教团体的历史与仪式》(剑桥,马萨诸塞州:哈佛大学亚洲中心,2016),101-4,171-74;贾金华:《唐道女的身份》,载《中国宗教的性别化:主体、身份与身体》,贾金华、康晓飞、姚萍主编(奥尔巴尼:纽约州立大学出版社,2014),104-12.39 XJSSJ, 325-26.40单是最早的两本超贤神传《列仙传》和《神仙传》,就有几十个例子。有两个特别引人注目的案例,见TL, 170-71和279-86。几位佛教僧人的故事被收录在梁僧徽教的《高僧传》(www.高僧传)皎(497-554)的“奇工”部分,他们也被认为具有类似的能力。在一个例子中,甚至有一个时刻,一个变形的和尚,释保之,为“一个家庭的信徒”展示了他的真实形象;“在它的光辉和标记中,它就像一个菩萨的标志”。参见高僧传,载《大成新书》daizōkyō《大成新书》(东京:大成新书Kankōkai, 1924-1935;报告。台北:新文风,1983),v. 50, 394c.41布朗,<物论>,第4页。比较格雷厄姆·哈维的说法:“祖先不是没有社会背景的个体。他们本质上是有关系的人。”哈维:《万物有灵论:尊重生命世界》(伦敦:赫斯特出版社,2017),58页。关于“万物有灵论”作为一种“关系认识论”的煽动性处理,见Nurit Bird-David,“‘万物有灵论’重访:人格、环境和关系认识论”,《当代人类学》40,增刊1(1999年2月):67-79.42 LX, 287;反式。在花园,118页。还有另一种不太常被证实的故事类型,其中非人类和人类建立了持续的关系或婚姻,甚至有了后代例如,《搜神记》的故事涉及王周男和一只穿衣服、会说话的老鼠(《新编》1:250-53),以及《花园》19版的《论义传》(其中主人公被认错了
{"title":"Nonhuman Self-cultivators in Early Medieval China: Re-reading a Story Type","authors":"Robert Ford Campany","doi":"10.1080/15299104.2023.2240127","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/15299104.2023.2240127","url":null,"abstract":"AbstractHistorians of literature are well acquainted with early medieval stories of shapeshifting animals and other beings seducing unsuspecting men and women. This paper re-reads such narratives from the shapeshifters’ point of view. This requires escaping the customary disciplinary boundaries and viewing these creatures’ depictions against the backdrop of concurrently circulating “arts of the bedchamber” (fangzhong zhi shu 房中之術), one of several classes of techniques for “nurturing life” (yangsheng 養生). I argue that the shapeshifters’ actions make sense when understood within the framework of this mode of self-cultivation. This in turn implies a view of nonhumans as selves striving to realize aims—among them health, longevity, the acquisition of enhanced capabilities, and, ultimately, metamorphosis into higher species on the ladder of beings. The tales emerged, then, in a culture to some extent shaped by a worldview of the sort often termed “animistic,” one that saw nonhuman beings as co-participants with humans in self-transformational projects grounded in a common cosmology.Keywords: animismshapeshiftersself-cultivationbedchamber artsanecdotal literature AcknowledgmentsMy thanks to participants in the Harvard-Yale symposium “The Margins of the Human in Medieval China” (spring 2022), organized by Lucas Bender and Xiaofei Tian, and the 14th Annual Chinese Medieval Studies Workshop hosted by Wendy Swartz at Rutgers University and sponsored by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation; Xiaofei Tian; and an anonymous reviewer for their comments. This paper represents an early piece of a larger research project.Disclosure StatementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Small Gods (London: Gollancz, 1992), 6.2 How Forests Think: Toward an Anthropology beyond the Human (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013), 73–74.3 Zhuangzi jijie 莊子集解, ed. Wang Xianqian 王先謙 and Liu Wu 劉武 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1987), 41–42, adapting the translations in A. C. Graham, Chuang-tzu: The Inner Chapters (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1981), 72–73, and Burton Watson, The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu (New York: Columbia University Press, 1968), 63–65.4 Xinji Soushen ji xinji Soushen houji 新輯搜神記新輯搜神後記, comp. Li Jianguo 李劍國, 2 vols. (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2007), 2:6.535–36. Space limitations preclude listing all the loci where this and similar tales are attested (often with interesting variant readings) in Tang and Song anthologies. Stories featuring foxes are relatively well known, but other animal species as well as insects, spiders, and even household objects also figure in stories of this type, as we will see. As Roel Sterckx states, “Fox demons and fox possession were known at least as early as the third century B.C.E.” Sterckx, The Animal and the Daemon in Early China (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002], 256n111; see also 35. On early recipes for countering fox possession, see Donald Harper, Early Chinese Medical Litera","PeriodicalId":41624,"journal":{"name":"Early Medieval China","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"134911783","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Fu Poetry along the Silk Roads: Third-Century Chinese Writings on Exotica 丝绸之路上的赋诗:三世纪中国的异国情调写作
4区 社会学 Q2 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-09-14 DOI: 10.1080/15299104.2023.2240143
Qiulei Hu
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes1 For Milburn’s article, see Early Medieval China 22 (2016): 26–44.
{"title":"Fu Poetry along the Silk Roads: Third-Century Chinese Writings on Exotica","authors":"Qiulei Hu","doi":"10.1080/15299104.2023.2240143","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/15299104.2023.2240143","url":null,"abstract":"Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes1 For Milburn’s article, see Early Medieval China 22 (2016): 26–44.","PeriodicalId":41624,"journal":{"name":"Early Medieval China","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"134912149","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 1
Animality, Humanity, and Divine Power: Exploring Implicit Cannibalism in Medieval Weretiger Stories 动物、人性和神力:探索中世纪狼虎故事中的隐性同类相食
4区 社会学 Q2 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-09-14 DOI: 10.1080/15299104.2023.2240136
Manling Luo
AbstractThis paper examines representations of implicit cannibalism, in terms of a man in tiger form preying on human(s), in three stories from medieval China. The descriptions of the circumstances of the protagonist’s transformations into a tiger and back, and what he faces after his return to human society, show overlaps and divergences in the visions of the relationships among weretigers, human victims, and divine forces. Each story in its own way explores the fluid boundaries between animality and humanity and the limits of human agency and power vis-à-vis divine forces. Such thematizations reveal the development of a communal discourse on the place of humans in a cosmos imagined as hierarchical. The social identities of the featured characters and other details further reveal ways in which the stories convey the interests and concerns of low-level scholar-officials in medieval China.Keywords: human-tiger transformationimplicit cannibalismanimalityhumanitydivine power AcknowledgmentsThis essay has benefited from insightful comments and suggestions from Heather Blair, Robert F. Campany, Robert E. Hegel, Michelle Moyd, Anya Peterson Royce, Lynn Struve, Xiaofei Tian, and Sarah Van der Laan, as well as an anonymous reviewer. I presented different versions at the symposium on “Margins of the Human in Medieval China” organized by Lucas Bender and Xiaofei Tian, the Global Medieval Studies colloquium at Rutgers University hosted by Jessey Choo and Sarah Novacich, and at an Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference panel organized by Xiaofei Tian. I thank the organizers and participants for their valuable feedback.Disclosure StatementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 For overviews, see Cary Wolfe, “Human, All Too Human: ‘Animal Studies’ and the Humanities,” PMLA 124.2 (2009): 564–75; Anna Peterson, “Review: Religious Studies and the Animal Turn,” History of Religions 56.2 (2016): 232–45.2 For a few examples, see Roel Sterckx, Martina Siebert, and Dagmar Schäfer eds., Animals through Chinese History: Earliest Times to 1911 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019); Huaiyu Chen, In the Land of Tigers and Snakes: Living with Animals in Medieval Chinese Religions (New York: Columbia University Press, 2023); Madeline K. Spring, Animal Allegories in T’ang China (New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society, 1993).3 Fox is a good example. See Rania Huntington, Alien Kind: Foxes and Late Imperial Chinese Narrative (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2003); Xiaofei Kang, The Cult of the Fox: Power, Gender, and Popular Religion in Late Imperial and Modern China (New York: Columbia University Press, 2006).4 K. C. Chang, “The Animal in Shang and Chou Bronze Art,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 41.2 (1981): 527–54; Hou-mei Sung, Decoded Messages: The Symbolic Language of Chinese Animal Painting (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009), 137–70; Charles E. Hammond, “An Excursion in Tiger Lore,” Asia Major 4.
摘要本文考察了中国中世纪三个故事中隐晦的同类相食的表现形式,即一个虎形人捕食人。主人公变虎变回老虎的过程,以及回归人类社会后所面临的处境,在老虎、人类受害者、神的力量之间的关系上,呈现出重叠和分歧的视角。每个故事都以自己的方式探索了动物和人类之间的流动界限,以及人类代理和权力对-à-vis神的力量的限制。这种主题化揭示了一种关于人类在一个被想象为等级森严的宇宙中的地位的公共话语的发展。书中人物的社会身份和其他细节进一步揭示了这些故事如何传达中世纪中国底层士大夫的兴趣和关注点。本文得益于Heather Blair、Robert F. Campany、Robert E. Hegel、Michelle Moyd、Anya Peterson Royce、Lynn Struve、Tian Xiaofei和Sarah Van der Laan以及一位匿名评论家的深刻评论和建议。在卢卡斯·本德和田晓飞组织的“中世纪中国人类的边缘”研讨会上,在杰西·周和萨拉·诺瓦奇奇主持的罗格斯大学全球中世纪研究研讨会上,以及在田晓飞组织的亚洲研究协会年会小组会议上,我提出了不同的版本。我感谢组织者和与会者提供的宝贵反馈。披露声明作者未报告潜在的利益冲突。注1概述见Cary Wolfe,“人类,太人类:‘动物研究’与人文科学”,PMLA 124.2 (2009): 564-75;Anna Peterson,“回顾:宗教研究和动物转向”,宗教史56.2(2016):232-45.2。举几个例子,参见Roel Sterckx, Martina Siebert和Dagmar Schäfer eds。《中国动物史:最早到1911年》(剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2019);陈怀玉:《虎蛇之地:与中世纪中国宗教中的动物共存》(纽约:哥伦比亚大学出版社,2023);2 .马德琳·k·斯普林:《中国唐代动物寓言》(美国东方学会,1993)狐狸就是一个很好的例子。参见拉尼娅·亨廷顿,《异类:狐狸与晚期中国帝国叙事》(剑桥,马萨诸塞州:哈佛大学亚洲中心,2003);3 .康晓飞:《狐狸崇拜:帝国晚期和近代中国的权力、性别与民间宗教》(纽约:哥伦比亚大学出版社,2006)K。张志明,“商周青铜艺术中的动物”,《哈佛亚洲研究杂志》1981年第41.2期,第527-54页;宋厚梅:《解码的讯息:中国动物绘画的象征语言》(纽黑文:耶鲁大学出版社,2009),137-70;查尔斯·e·哈蒙德,《老虎之旅》,《亚洲月刊》4.1(1991):87-100页;魏伯克·波达尔,“猎人虎:从中国传统中的‘武松斗虎’看”,亚洲民俗研究66(2007):141-63.6陈,《在土地上》,35-124.7 . J. J. M.德·格罗特,《中国宗教制度:古代形式、演变、历史与现状:与之相关的礼仪、习俗和社会制度》,6卷。(莱顿:布里尔出版社,1901),4:163-81;9 .陈怀玉,《亚洲人传说之文华氏比教论》,《成学学报》58(2020):21-55.8。理论见A. C. Graham,阴阳与关联思维的本质(新加坡:东亚哲学研究所,1986)例如,洪瑞英,《中国人民日报》,《中国人民日报》,《中国日报》(台北:花木兰社,2011);Charles E. Hammond,“神圣的变形:狼虎和萨满”,《匈牙利科学东方学院学报》46 (1992-93):235-55;“他者的妖魔化:妇女和少数民族是弱者”,《中国宗教杂志》1995年第23期,第59-80页;王敖:“情感怪物:《李征》作为流放文学的解读”,《中国文学研究前沿》9.1(2015):1-16.10任昉比其他两位编者更出名。关于他的传记,见姚查(533-606)和姚思廉(557-637),梁书(北京:中华书局,1973),14.251-58。有关文集的讨论,见艾林·l·布莱特威尔:《话语飞行:书义记中的故事结构》,《中世纪早期中国》18 (2012):48-68;李建国李劍國,唐唐末zhiguai chuanqi xulu唐五代志怪傳奇敍錄(北京:中华shuju, 2017), 911 - 40.11罗开张,文人叙事在中世纪晚期中国(西雅图:华盛顿大学出版社,2015),12 - 15.12马克·p·唐纳利和丹尼尔·迪吃你的邻舍:同类相食的历史(粗呢衣服:萨顿出版,2006年)。有关案例研究,请参见Francis B。
{"title":"Animality, Humanity, and Divine Power: Exploring Implicit Cannibalism in Medieval Weretiger Stories","authors":"Manling Luo","doi":"10.1080/15299104.2023.2240136","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/15299104.2023.2240136","url":null,"abstract":"AbstractThis paper examines representations of implicit cannibalism, in terms of a man in tiger form preying on human(s), in three stories from medieval China. The descriptions of the circumstances of the protagonist’s transformations into a tiger and back, and what he faces after his return to human society, show overlaps and divergences in the visions of the relationships among weretigers, human victims, and divine forces. Each story in its own way explores the fluid boundaries between animality and humanity and the limits of human agency and power vis-à-vis divine forces. Such thematizations reveal the development of a communal discourse on the place of humans in a cosmos imagined as hierarchical. The social identities of the featured characters and other details further reveal ways in which the stories convey the interests and concerns of low-level scholar-officials in medieval China.Keywords: human-tiger transformationimplicit cannibalismanimalityhumanitydivine power AcknowledgmentsThis essay has benefited from insightful comments and suggestions from Heather Blair, Robert F. Campany, Robert E. Hegel, Michelle Moyd, Anya Peterson Royce, Lynn Struve, Xiaofei Tian, and Sarah Van der Laan, as well as an anonymous reviewer. I presented different versions at the symposium on “Margins of the Human in Medieval China” organized by Lucas Bender and Xiaofei Tian, the Global Medieval Studies colloquium at Rutgers University hosted by Jessey Choo and Sarah Novacich, and at an Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference panel organized by Xiaofei Tian. I thank the organizers and participants for their valuable feedback.Disclosure StatementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 For overviews, see Cary Wolfe, “Human, All Too Human: ‘Animal Studies’ and the Humanities,” PMLA 124.2 (2009): 564–75; Anna Peterson, “Review: Religious Studies and the Animal Turn,” History of Religions 56.2 (2016): 232–45.2 For a few examples, see Roel Sterckx, Martina Siebert, and Dagmar Schäfer eds., Animals through Chinese History: Earliest Times to 1911 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019); Huaiyu Chen, In the Land of Tigers and Snakes: Living with Animals in Medieval Chinese Religions (New York: Columbia University Press, 2023); Madeline K. Spring, Animal Allegories in T’ang China (New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society, 1993).3 Fox is a good example. See Rania Huntington, Alien Kind: Foxes and Late Imperial Chinese Narrative (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2003); Xiaofei Kang, The Cult of the Fox: Power, Gender, and Popular Religion in Late Imperial and Modern China (New York: Columbia University Press, 2006).4 K. C. Chang, “The Animal in Shang and Chou Bronze Art,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 41.2 (1981): 527–54; Hou-mei Sung, Decoded Messages: The Symbolic Language of Chinese Animal Painting (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009), 137–70; Charles E. Hammond, “An Excursion in Tiger Lore,” Asia Major 4.","PeriodicalId":41624,"journal":{"name":"Early Medieval China","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"134911781","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Lore and Verse: Poems on History in Early Medieval China 爱与诗:中国中世纪早期历史诗歌
4区 社会学 Q2 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-09-14 DOI: 10.1080/15299104.2023.2240144
Fusheng Wu
without a critical discussion of primary sources. There is, unfortunately, a remarkable lack of editorial work throughout the book. When a text is quoted more than once, the translation is often inconsistent, sometimes at crucial points. The decision to italicize terms in pinyin romanization seems rather random and causes confusion in many places. For instance, on p. 105, the book title Han shu is not italicized, whereas in the next sentence Hou Han shu is. Careless errors abound, damaging the scholarly credibility of the book. Just to cite a few examples: Ehuang娥皇 and Nüying女英 are described as “the daughters of Shun舜 and also the wives of Yao堯” (p. 63); the journal Early Medieval China, in which the author’s own article is published, is given as “Journal of EarlyMedieval Chinese” in the Bibliography (p. 150); the writer Xiahou Zhan’s夏侯湛 surname is spelled as Xiaohou twice (p. 59). This book is a reminder that much remains to be done about literary representations of objects, ideas, and cultures that were deemed “foreign” in early medieval China. One question is why such writings reached great popularity in the third century, when the Han and Roman empires on both ends of the Silk Roads were in fragmentation or decline. Contrary to the common assumption that diplomatic activities along the Silk Road were in hiatus after the fall of Tang, Xin Wen’s The King’s Road: Diplomacy and the Remaking of the Silk Road (Princeton University Press, 2023) argues that the fragmentation of empire incentivized, rather than prevented, diplomatic activities. Does this theory apply to the third century? Was there an increased need for competing courts and regimes to glorify and amplify the symbolic meaning of foreign tributes as claim for legitimacy? Kong observes in thirdcentury writings on exotica a general tendency to downplay the foreign roots of the objects to integrate them into Chinese culture. If it is true, how did these efforts of “Sinicization” reflect the writers’ attitudes toward foreign kingdoms and foreign peoples? Are there more nuanced views of objects from different regions and with different cultural and religious associations than those vaguely citing the importance of “truth, beauty, and goodness”? Kong’s book offers a starting point for more thorough and in-depth investigations.
{"title":"Lore and Verse: Poems on History in Early Medieval China","authors":"Fusheng Wu","doi":"10.1080/15299104.2023.2240144","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/15299104.2023.2240144","url":null,"abstract":"without a critical discussion of primary sources. There is, unfortunately, a remarkable lack of editorial work throughout the book. When a text is quoted more than once, the translation is often inconsistent, sometimes at crucial points. The decision to italicize terms in pinyin romanization seems rather random and causes confusion in many places. For instance, on p. 105, the book title Han shu is not italicized, whereas in the next sentence Hou Han shu is. Careless errors abound, damaging the scholarly credibility of the book. Just to cite a few examples: Ehuang娥皇 and Nüying女英 are described as “the daughters of Shun舜 and also the wives of Yao堯” (p. 63); the journal Early Medieval China, in which the author’s own article is published, is given as “Journal of EarlyMedieval Chinese” in the Bibliography (p. 150); the writer Xiahou Zhan’s夏侯湛 surname is spelled as Xiaohou twice (p. 59). This book is a reminder that much remains to be done about literary representations of objects, ideas, and cultures that were deemed “foreign” in early medieval China. One question is why such writings reached great popularity in the third century, when the Han and Roman empires on both ends of the Silk Roads were in fragmentation or decline. Contrary to the common assumption that diplomatic activities along the Silk Road were in hiatus after the fall of Tang, Xin Wen’s The King’s Road: Diplomacy and the Remaking of the Silk Road (Princeton University Press, 2023) argues that the fragmentation of empire incentivized, rather than prevented, diplomatic activities. Does this theory apply to the third century? Was there an increased need for competing courts and regimes to glorify and amplify the symbolic meaning of foreign tributes as claim for legitimacy? Kong observes in thirdcentury writings on exotica a general tendency to downplay the foreign roots of the objects to integrate them into Chinese culture. If it is true, how did these efforts of “Sinicization” reflect the writers’ attitudes toward foreign kingdoms and foreign peoples? Are there more nuanced views of objects from different regions and with different cultural and religious associations than those vaguely citing the importance of “truth, beauty, and goodness”? Kong’s book offers a starting point for more thorough and in-depth investigations.","PeriodicalId":41624,"journal":{"name":"Early Medieval China","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"134911951","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Diverging Conceptions of Apotheosis in Fourth-Century CE Upper Purity Daoism 公元四世纪上清道家神化观念的分歧
4区 社会学 Q2 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-09-14 DOI: 10.1080/15299104.2023.2240128
J. E. E. Pettit
AbstractThis article examines evidence from hagiographies that emerged from the Upper Purity (Shangqing) Daoist lineage in the late fourth century CE to investigate the attitudes of early medieval writers towards human beings gaining status as gods and goddesses. Whereas previous scholars tend to treat these texts as part of a single movement, this article demonstrates that there are complex and conflicting accounts of how humans attain divine status. Most notably, these authors hold different views concerning whether Daoist adepts acquire celestial titles when they are initiated or if they must first finish their cultivation. By comparing and contrasting the hagiographies of three Daoist saints (Pei Xuanren 裴玄仁, Wang Zideng 王子登, Wei Huacun 魏華存), this article asks how such stories might have informed and influenced the mental worlds of the readers who encountered and perhaps even lived out these narratives.Keywords: Daoismhagiographygodhoodapotheosis Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Henri Maspero, Taoism and Chinese Religion, trans. Frank A. Kierman Jr. (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1981), 364–65; Yoshioka Yoshitoyo 吉岡義豐, Dōkyō kyōten shiron 道教経典史論 (Tokyo: Dōkyō kankōkai, 1955), 61–63.2 Jurong was a town halfway between Mt. Mao and the Eastern Jin 東晉 (318–420) capital Jiankang 建康 (present-day Nanjing).3 The texts of this tradition are also called the Upper Clarity or Shangqing texts. See Stephen R. Bokenkamp, Early Daoist Scriptures (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997), 275–302.4 Matthew Wells, “The Revelation of Hagiographies in Early Daoism: A Case Study of the Traditions of Lord Pei,” Asia Major 33.2 (2020): 1–24.5 Michel Strickmann, “Saintly Fools and Chinese Masters,” Asia Major 7.1 (1994): 42.6 Stephen R. Bokenkamp, Ancestors and Anxiety (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007), 144.7 Chao-jan Chang 張超然, “Chuanshou yu jiaocai: Qingling zhenren Peijun zhuan” 傳授與教材: 清靈真人裴君傳中的五靈法, Huaren zongjiao yanjiu 華人宗教研究 1 (2013): 113–15.8 Robert F. Campany, Making Transcendents: Ascetics and Social Memory in Early Medieval China (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2009), 223.9 John Kieschnick, Buddhist Historiography in China (New York: Columbia University Press, 2022), 10.10 White Water (Baishui 白水) is a mythical river flowing from the Kunlun Mountains. According to Wang Yi’s 王逸 (fl. 2nd c.) commentary to the Li sao 離騷, the Huainanzi 淮南子 states that drinking from Whitewater will impart immortality. See Qu Yuan ji jiao zhu 屈原集校注, ed. Jin Kaicheng 金開誠 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1999), 201. Zhengtong daozang 正統道藏 1016, 1.3b. Hereafter texts from Zhengtong daozang will be cited as DZ according to their number in Kristofer Schipper and Franciscus Verellen, eds. The Taoist Canon: A Historical Companion to the Daozang (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004), 1393–440. Thomas E. Smith, Declarations of the Perfected, Part One: Setting Scripts and Images into Mot
它很可能与标题中提到的DZ 1333 (1a)或DZ 1334中所描述的完美护身符相对应。罗比内认为DZ 1333可能与护身符关系更密切。参见Robinet,《上青史上的升迁与升迁》Taoïsme(巴黎:法国高等教育学院'Extrême-Orient, 1984), 2251。火铃(火铃)是道教神灵的常见装备,他们用这种仪式工具来抵御恶魔和其他邪恶势力。见DZ 1016, 5.4a;Dz 421, 1.7;佩蒂特和张,《云库》,167.16DZ 1032, 105.10a.18DZ 1032, 106.3a。在高清净修行中,经常会看到“八光”,有时是指太阳、月亮、五颗行星和北斗七星,但在其他时候,则是八种“先天性死亡细菌”的对应物,一个熟练的人必须在他们的冥想练习中恢复。“四光”是一个不太常见的术语。它出现在DZ 1389 (12b)中,一个熟练的人乘坐一个磷光体,两个磷光体,等等的战车进入八个方向。在那篇文章中,这四种荧光粉与五种苏素(荧光粉的阴相对应)的蔚蓝色云配对。参见伊莎贝尔·罗贝内,“乐大同陈经:真性之子”,载于《密宗与道教研究》第二卷,米歇尔·斯崔克曼主编(布鲁塞尔:比利时高等研究院Études Chinoises, 1983),第416页;Schipper和Verellen,《道家正典》,140页。这段话在《道经》的各种经文中都有重复,但似乎没有一段与这段话产生共鸣DZ 1032, 106.3a-b.20DZ 1032、106.3b.21DZ 1032, 106.3b.22三热指的是胸部和躯干上部与呼吸有关的其他空间。陈飞龙,保朴子内片金珠金仪(台北:台湾《尚武文献》,2001),621.23易饭(xunfan䭀)是一种秘传秘方,由致力于长寿艺术的专家制作。在高纯度文本之外,它不是一个常见的术语。参见Michael Stanley-Baker,“道教与医生:医学在六朝上清道教中的作用”,博士论文。,伦敦大学学院,2013),193-94。丹青通常指用于油画和建筑的朱砂和孔雀石颜料,因此可以在更一般的意义上表示“绘画”。然而,在这里,这个词可能被用作舞蹈的同义词,这是吉祥的文字,有时是神奇的动物给人类的。这很可能是参考关于内在冥想的经文的另一种方式DZ 1032, 106.4a。1千张等于1万尺,即约3300米DZ 1032, 106.4b.27“至尊长老”出现在许多早期道教经典中。他经常和“太上老君”并列,这使得一些评论家认为他们是同一位神的别称。然而,在六世纪早期的一篇论文中,陶弘景(456-536)(DZ 167,7a)写道,最高长老是一个单独的神,统治神秘大陆(玄州)。他没有出现在其他地方的高纯度圣徒传记在《上清学》中,人类的大脑中有九座宫殿,住着九个完美的人。熟练者可以打开他们大脑这部分的入口来接触这些生物。佩蒂特和张,云图书馆,81。随着这些实践的发展,九臻(九真)与九个月的妊娠有关,当一个熟练的人通过内在炼金术的方法在他们的身体里创造了一个神圣的胚胎。见詹姆斯·米勒,《最高清晰度之路:中世纪中国的自然、视觉和启示》(马格达莱纳,NM:三松出版社,2008年),27.29吴:这里一定是抄写错误,因为它与其余的诗句不押韵。有可能这个字曾经是遥(遥远)或孝(苍天)dz1032, 106.4b-5a。“西妃”(西妃)出现在早期的《上清经》(DZ 56, 2a)中,是一位与天女(tiannü)一起演奏音乐的女神,在原始时代,当文本第一次出现在天上在《庄子》中,“宁”是用来形容一种专注的状态。见陈谷英。(北京:中华书居,1994),21.32“圆黎明”或“绝对黎明”在早期的高纯度文本中并不常见。然而,从上下文来看,它似乎是“圆花”(圆华)或“圆光”(圆光)的近义词,这是在成为神(道教)或获得启蒙(佛教)的人身后出现的光晕。“六磷光”很可能与上面提到的“八磷光车”的顺序有关DZ 1032, 106.5a。读《魏娇》时,把它当作抄写错误来读。
{"title":"Diverging Conceptions of Apotheosis in Fourth-Century CE Upper Purity Daoism","authors":"J. E. E. Pettit","doi":"10.1080/15299104.2023.2240128","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/15299104.2023.2240128","url":null,"abstract":"AbstractThis article examines evidence from hagiographies that emerged from the Upper Purity (Shangqing) Daoist lineage in the late fourth century CE to investigate the attitudes of early medieval writers towards human beings gaining status as gods and goddesses. Whereas previous scholars tend to treat these texts as part of a single movement, this article demonstrates that there are complex and conflicting accounts of how humans attain divine status. Most notably, these authors hold different views concerning whether Daoist adepts acquire celestial titles when they are initiated or if they must first finish their cultivation. By comparing and contrasting the hagiographies of three Daoist saints (Pei Xuanren 裴玄仁, Wang Zideng 王子登, Wei Huacun 魏華存), this article asks how such stories might have informed and influenced the mental worlds of the readers who encountered and perhaps even lived out these narratives.Keywords: Daoismhagiographygodhoodapotheosis Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Henri Maspero, Taoism and Chinese Religion, trans. Frank A. Kierman Jr. (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1981), 364–65; Yoshioka Yoshitoyo 吉岡義豐, Dōkyō kyōten shiron 道教経典史論 (Tokyo: Dōkyō kankōkai, 1955), 61–63.2 Jurong was a town halfway between Mt. Mao and the Eastern Jin 東晉 (318–420) capital Jiankang 建康 (present-day Nanjing).3 The texts of this tradition are also called the Upper Clarity or Shangqing texts. See Stephen R. Bokenkamp, Early Daoist Scriptures (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997), 275–302.4 Matthew Wells, “The Revelation of Hagiographies in Early Daoism: A Case Study of the Traditions of Lord Pei,” Asia Major 33.2 (2020): 1–24.5 Michel Strickmann, “Saintly Fools and Chinese Masters,” Asia Major 7.1 (1994): 42.6 Stephen R. Bokenkamp, Ancestors and Anxiety (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007), 144.7 Chao-jan Chang 張超然, “Chuanshou yu jiaocai: Qingling zhenren Peijun zhuan” 傳授與教材: 清靈真人裴君傳中的五靈法, Huaren zongjiao yanjiu 華人宗教研究 1 (2013): 113–15.8 Robert F. Campany, Making Transcendents: Ascetics and Social Memory in Early Medieval China (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2009), 223.9 John Kieschnick, Buddhist Historiography in China (New York: Columbia University Press, 2022), 10.10 White Water (Baishui 白水) is a mythical river flowing from the Kunlun Mountains. According to Wang Yi’s 王逸 (fl. 2nd c.) commentary to the Li sao 離騷, the Huainanzi 淮南子 states that drinking from Whitewater will impart immortality. See Qu Yuan ji jiao zhu 屈原集校注, ed. Jin Kaicheng 金開誠 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1999), 201. Zhengtong daozang 正統道藏 1016, 1.3b. Hereafter texts from Zhengtong daozang will be cited as DZ according to their number in Kristofer Schipper and Franciscus Verellen, eds. The Taoist Canon: A Historical Companion to the Daozang (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004), 1393–440. Thomas E. Smith, Declarations of the Perfected, Part One: Setting Scripts and Images into Mot","PeriodicalId":41624,"journal":{"name":"Early Medieval China","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"134911949","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Editor’s Note Editor’s音符
4区 社会学 Q2 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2023-09-14 DOI: 10.1080/15299104.2023.2240125
Xiaofei Tian
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引用次数: 0
Editor's Note 编者按
IF 0.1 4区 社会学 Q2 Arts and Humanities Pub Date : 2022-09-21 DOI: 10.1080/15299104.2022.2101764
Xiaofei Tian
This issue marks the formal transition in the editorship of Early Medieval China. In keeping with the tradition, I as the new editor wish to pay tribute to the former editors of the journal: Victor Cunrui Xiong (Vols. 1–5, 1994–1999), Cynthia Chennault (Vols. 6–16, 2000–2010), and J. Michael Farmer (Vols. 17– 26, 2011–2019), as well as Matthew Wells who served as Assistant Editor in the last few years of Michael Farmer’s tenure. They made great efforts and did excellent work to nurture and guide this journal, which today still remains the only journal in the English language dedicated to the study of the historical period known as early medieval China. It is a privilege and honor for me to take up the torch. In 1994 Dennis Grafflin, then President of the Early Medieval China Group, wrote the “Foreword” for the inaugural issue of Early Medieval China. It was spelled as “Forward” in the issue, and the pun turned out to be prophetic, as the field has indeed moved forward enormously since three decades ago. In archeology, art, history, literature, and religious studies, we have seen manymonographs, edited volumes, articles, doctoral dissertations, master’s theses, translations, conferences, workshops, and exhibitions. We also witness a much-improved gender balance, as there are more woman scholars who are active and visible in the field. All these developments have contributed to the vibrancy, diversity, and richness of the larger field of medieval China studies. This issue, featuring articles and book reviews by veterans of the field, mid-career scholars, and scholars of the younger generation, showcases the continuing growth of the field. Meow Hui Goh addresses the concerns about deception, sincerity, voice, and affect in literary writings by examining three cases of fabricating letters as a war strategy; Qiaomei Tang explores the high political stakes of a thorny legal and ritual problem of “two principal wives” under shifting geopolitical conditions; Charles Holcombe analyzes group identity formation and perception in the interactions of Chinese and non-Chinese peoples in the borderland; and Lu Kou discusses the politics of court music and the creation of an “audible empire” in the early years of the Sui dynasty. Together, the articles consider questions of ethnicity, identity, legitimacy, and the meaning and significance of wen in dynastic transition and empire building. They attest to the importance of paying close attention to primary sources that cut across modern disciplinary divisions and envisioning history in its totality of contemporary beliefs and social conditions beyond its textual traces. I came from an editor’s family; my father had edited a literature journal for many years. Yet, only after working as an editor myself did I realize the amount of work and care going into a journal issue. It is also teamwork: I thank our new social media editor, the Editorial Board, and the EMCG President, Treasurer, and Board of Directors for their
这一期标志着《中古早期中国》编辑的正式转变。按照传统,我作为新主编希望向杂志的前任编辑致敬:Victor Cunrui Xiong (vol . 1, 1994-1999), Cynthia Chennault (vol . 6, 2000-2010)和J. Michael Farmer (vol . 17 - 26, 2011-2019),以及Matthew Wells,他在Michael Farmer任期的最后几年担任助理编辑。他们付出了巨大的努力,做了出色的工作来培育和指导这本杂志,今天它仍然是唯一一本致力于研究中世纪早期中国历史时期的英文杂志。对我来说,拿起火炬是一种荣幸。1994年,时任中世纪早期中国小组主席的丹尼斯·格拉夫林为《中世纪早期中国》创刊号撰写了“前言”。在这期杂志中,它被拼写为“Forward”,这个双关语被证明是预言性的,因为自30年前以来,这个领域确实取得了巨大的进步。在考古、艺术、历史、文学和宗教研究领域,我们看到了许多专著、编辑卷、文章、博士论文、硕士论文、翻译、会议、研讨会和展览。我们也见证了性别平衡的大大改善,因为有更多的女性学者在这个领域活跃和引人注目。所有这些发展都促进了中世纪中国研究领域的活力、多样性和丰富性。这一期的文章和书评由该领域的资深学者、处于职业生涯中期的学者和年轻一代的学者撰写,展示了该领域的持续发展。《猫慧高》通过对三起伪造信件作为战争策略的案例,探讨了文学作品中对欺骗、真诚、声音和情感的关注;唐乔梅探讨了地缘政治条件变化下“两个主要妻子”这一棘手的法律和仪式问题的高度政治风险;Charles Holcombe分析了边境地区华人与非华人互动中的群体认同形成与感知;吕寇则讨论了隋朝早期宫廷音乐的政治和“听觉帝国”的建立。这些文章一起考虑了种族、身份、合法性以及在王朝过渡和帝国建设中的意义和重要性等问题。它们证明了密切关注跨越现代学科划分的原始资料的重要性,以及超越文本痕迹以当代信仰和社会条件的整体来设想历史。我来自一个编辑的家庭;我父亲曾编辑一本文学杂志多年。然而,只有当我自己成为一名编辑之后,我才意识到期刊发行的工作量和细心程度。这也是团队合作的结果:我感谢我们新的社交媒体编辑、编辑委员会以及EMCG总裁、财务主管和董事会的支持;我要感谢担任手稿审稿人的学者,以及泰勒和弗朗西斯集团的杰拉尔丁·理查兹和梅勒妮·波特的帮助。最后是给你的,《中世纪早期的中国》,2022年第28期,1-2期
{"title":"Editor's Note","authors":"Xiaofei Tian","doi":"10.1080/15299104.2022.2101764","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1080/15299104.2022.2101764","url":null,"abstract":"This issue marks the formal transition in the editorship of Early Medieval China. In keeping with the tradition, I as the new editor wish to pay tribute to the former editors of the journal: Victor Cunrui Xiong (Vols. 1–5, 1994–1999), Cynthia Chennault (Vols. 6–16, 2000–2010), and J. Michael Farmer (Vols. 17– 26, 2011–2019), as well as Matthew Wells who served as Assistant Editor in the last few years of Michael Farmer’s tenure. They made great efforts and did excellent work to nurture and guide this journal, which today still remains the only journal in the English language dedicated to the study of the historical period known as early medieval China. It is a privilege and honor for me to take up the torch. In 1994 Dennis Grafflin, then President of the Early Medieval China Group, wrote the “Foreword” for the inaugural issue of Early Medieval China. It was spelled as “Forward” in the issue, and the pun turned out to be prophetic, as the field has indeed moved forward enormously since three decades ago. In archeology, art, history, literature, and religious studies, we have seen manymonographs, edited volumes, articles, doctoral dissertations, master’s theses, translations, conferences, workshops, and exhibitions. We also witness a much-improved gender balance, as there are more woman scholars who are active and visible in the field. All these developments have contributed to the vibrancy, diversity, and richness of the larger field of medieval China studies. This issue, featuring articles and book reviews by veterans of the field, mid-career scholars, and scholars of the younger generation, showcases the continuing growth of the field. Meow Hui Goh addresses the concerns about deception, sincerity, voice, and affect in literary writings by examining three cases of fabricating letters as a war strategy; Qiaomei Tang explores the high political stakes of a thorny legal and ritual problem of “two principal wives” under shifting geopolitical conditions; Charles Holcombe analyzes group identity formation and perception in the interactions of Chinese and non-Chinese peoples in the borderland; and Lu Kou discusses the politics of court music and the creation of an “audible empire” in the early years of the Sui dynasty. Together, the articles consider questions of ethnicity, identity, legitimacy, and the meaning and significance of wen in dynastic transition and empire building. They attest to the importance of paying close attention to primary sources that cut across modern disciplinary divisions and envisioning history in its totality of contemporary beliefs and social conditions beyond its textual traces. I came from an editor’s family; my father had edited a literature journal for many years. Yet, only after working as an editor myself did I realize the amount of work and care going into a journal issue. It is also teamwork: I thank our new social media editor, the Editorial Board, and the EMCG President, Treasurer, and Board of Directors for their ","PeriodicalId":41624,"journal":{"name":"Early Medieval China","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.1,"publicationDate":"2022-09-21","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"42508056","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Early Medieval China
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