In this paper, based on the centrifugal force and the coupling of the magnetic linkage effect broadband rotational energy harvester (CM-REH) is proposed. It can operate efficiently over a wide frequency range, especially low-frequency excitation. The structure uses centrifugal force to make the position of the exciter in the turntable change with the change of rotational speed, and is coupled with the magnet at the tip of the piezoelectric sheet, and then realizes broadband through the magnetic linkage effect between the three piezoelectric sheets. It is shown that spring stiffness and magnetic spacing have a significant influence on power generation performance and broadband effect. The optimal structural parameters of the device are determined as the spring wire diameter is 0.5 mm, the magnetic moment is 16 mm, and the peak-to-peak voltage is 61.6 V at 300 rpm. In the frequency range of 0–10 Hz, it can produce up to 4.9 mW of output power, which is 300 % wider than the traditional non-magnetic-linkage effect structure, and the power is increased by 80 %. In summary, CM-REH can effectively collect rotational energy in a wide band, and has broad application prospects in wireless self-power supply and self-sensing.