This study aims to determine the relationship between hardiness personality and learning discipline in adolescent students who live in madania Islamic boarding schools. This study uses quantitative methods to analyze using Spearman correlation statistical analysis. Determining the number of samples that the researchers did, using a cluster random sampling technique, namely a cluster sampling technique. The sample in this study was teenage students who lived in the Madania Islamic Boarding School which collected 100 students. The research data was collected using a personality scale of hardiness and a learning discipline scale that was made by the researcher himself. The hardiness personality scale has a valid Cronbach's Alpha 0,918 value and the learning discipline scale has a valid Cronbach's Alpha 0,943 value.Based on the results of statistical tests obtained a positive correlation coefficient (rxy) of 0.772 and a significance level of 0.000 (p <0.01), this indicates that there is a significant positive relationship between personality hardiness and learning discipline. This means that the higher the resilient personality variable will cause the learning discipline variable to increase. The effective contribution given or the contribution of learning hardiness personality with discipline was 59.6%.
Keywords - Hardiness Personality, Learning Discipline, Student Youth
In recent years, the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture has provided a series of reading materials for young readers with segmentation ranging from PAUD to SMA. This procurement is special because this reading material is disseminated on a national scale to improve the literacy skills of the younger generation within the framework of the National Literacy Movement (GLN). This research aims to describe gender roles and relations in this collection of reading materials. This research data is a collection of junior high school level literacy reading materials published in 2016. The data was analyzed using content analysis methods through the stages of categorization, tabulation, interpretation and inference using a feminist literary criticism approach. The results of this research show that the collection of literacy reading materials at junior high school level shows alignment with patriarchal ideology. There is a reproduction of traditional gender roles, which presents a framework of women's domestication, and a depiction of men's roles attached to the public sector. Apart from that, it seems that the depiction of agency polarization is dominant in male characters compared to female characters. The depiction of gender relations in this collection of reading materials generally shows a hierarchical form of relationship, which emphasizes the superiority of male characters. Thus, this collection of reading materials shows that there is no balance that leads to gender equality. This is important to do because this reading material becomes intake for teenagers in forming teenagers' attitudes and perceptions about gender behavior.
Keywords - Feminist Literary Criticism, Gender role, Gender Relation, Literacy
This research discusses the historical context of the Shimabara Rebellion in The Musical Touken Ranbu: “Shizuka no Umi no Paraíso”. The historical story of the Shimabara Rebellion attracted an entertainment company called Nelke Planning to include the story of this rebellion in its musical, The Musical Touken Ranbu with the title The Musical Touken Ranbu: “Shizuka no Umi no Paraíso”. This study aims to analyze the historical context of the musical and find out the differences and similarities between the original history and the musical. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. This research was obtained through a literature study from history books, journals, articles, previous research and The Musical Touken Ranbu itself. The results of this study indicate that the factors causing the Shimabara Rebellion were the high tax burden for the ikkoku ichijo (one castle per province) policy and discrimination against Christians in Japan. This policy made the people impatient, and in the end, they carried out a rebellion to get justice. Therefore, this rebellion became the greatest rebellion that ever happened in the Edo period. Many modifications are made for entertainment purposes but do not forget the historical elements.
Keywords - Shimabara Rebellion, The Historical Story, The Musical Touken Ranbu.
The MBKM programs with the right to study three semesters outside the study program aim to improve the competence of soft skills and hard skills of graduates. However, this MBKM policy raises several new problems at the grassroots level as the executor of the policy, such as problems with conversion and achievement of Intended Learning Outcomes (CPL). The purpose of this study was to find out how the MBKM policy was implemented in the Faculty of Psychology and Education, Al Azhar Indonesia University, the opportunities and problems faced by the Psychology Faculty, Al Azhar University Indonesia, in implementing the MBKM policy. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with the aim of obtaining an overview and perception of the Faculty of Psychology and Education regarding the implementation of MBKM by means of data collection techniques by observation and interviews with all study programs under the auspices of the Faculty of Psychology and Education as well as documents related to MBKM. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that technically all structural officials support MBKM activities, but at the implementation stage they still face several obstacles, that are the need to adapt the curriculum to the MBKM, the difficulty of converting the MBKM program to study program courses, especially subjects that are expertise, as well as the student quota given by The Ministry of Education and Culture which is very low.
Keywords - MBKM Curriculum, Opportunities and Problems, MBKM Program.