Amenity refers to health and well-being benefits that attract recreationists to protected areas. However, few studies have explored the specific components and characteristics of the recreational amenity experience from the perspective of Chinese recreationists. This concept is crucial for promoting protected areas as contributors to health and well-being and for advancing the well-planned development of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. The study used semi-structured interviews and grounded theory to establish the recreational amenity experience model, through analysis of 25 qualitative interviews. The recreational amenity experience model was constructed, including four dimensions of physiological, psychological, spiritual, and social amenity. The recreational amenity experience model developed in this study is based not only on the recreationists’ perceived health and well-being but also on the leisure and aesthetic aspects of traditional Chinese culture. Moreover, this study expands on the theory of cultural ecosystem services and promotes the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature.
Management implications
- •The Recreational Amenity Experience Model (RAE) provides a framework for understanding how amenity elements within protected areas contribute to visitors' health and well-being.
- •By recognizing the multifaceted dimensions of recreational amenity experience, managers of protected areas can design and implement programs that cater to a wide range of visitor needs.
- •Managers of protected areas can refer to the RAE to comprehend the full spectrum of visitors' expectations and identify intervention points to enhance the quality of recreation.
- •Understanding the critical role of recreational amenity experience in delivering cultural ecosystem services can inform resource allocation decisions.