In this paper, k-means algorithm has been used to disaggregate seismic parameters to evaluate their inter-correlations. A goal is to quantify in a disaggregated way the weights and effects of each parameter with respect to other ones. From the database, about 4900.0 data, divided into 22.0 categories, have been collected. The main divisions regard the wave components in horizontal and vertical axis and the soil characteristics. The studied seismic zone is the “Norpirenaica oriental,” placed in the Pyrenees area between Spain and France, classified as a very high seismic hazard. Numerical and analytical analyses have been carried out to implement the algorithm. Preliminary analyses and results would quantify the role of the sand horizontal stratigraphy, the non-linear effects, the elasticity of the soil, and the energy damping phenomenon. Curves are plotted in stochastic distributions and elastic spectra accelerations. Results show good prediction for vertical spectral accelerations and for far and relative strong events. Rigorously, results are valid only for the studied seismogenic zone under predefined constrictions and ranges.