To investigated the mechanism of flow loss occurs in gas-turbine exhaust volute, comprehensive analysis was conducted based on the traces of parametric optimizations. An original volute was parameterized by depicting the core-part with 6 parameters. Concerning the coefficients of total pressure loss and static pressure recovery, the volute was optimized, as a start of the investigation, by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to generate 56 exhaust volute designs and 8 geometric parameter traces. The geometry evolution history was fully recorded by these traces during the optimization. Based on this, parameter sensitivity analyses were conducted by single, double and K-means-clustering-based comprehensive parameters. Furthermore, partial dependence plot (PDP) and individual conditional expectation plot (ICEP) were applied to enhance the expression of parameter sensitivity. This enables the detailed discussion of the mechanisms of flow loss occurs in exhaust volute. The results demonstrate that the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is highly effective for optimizing the exhaust volute. After six rounds of optimization with eight particles per round, the total pressure loss coefficient at the exhaust volute outlet was reduced by 35%, while the static pressure recovery coefficient increased by 79%. The sensitivity analysis reveals that geometric parameters exhibit varying degrees of influence on aerodynamic performance, with diffuser length being the most critical factor. Notably, a shorter diffuser, constrained by the same external dimensions, tends to result in lower flow losses. Flow loss within the collector accounts for 71.7% of the total loss, which can be attributed to surface friction and turbulent dissipation. The latter is primarily driven by turbulent viscous dissipation, predominantly occurring in the collector section. Additionally, the size of large-scale vortices in the curved parts of the diffuser and collector, which contribute to turbulent dissipation, as well as the ratio of the average flow velocity to circulation speed in the collector, which affects wall friction, are key factors in flow loss generation.