This study presents a novel educational intervention, the Sustainable Marketing with Big Data (SMBD) module, grounded in the theory of change. The SMBD module integrated data literacy, sustainability knowledge, and marketing skills through problem-based learning, creative problem solving, computer-based learning, and project-based pedagogical approaches. Employing a mixed-methods research design, this investigation evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed SMBD curriculum through a quasiexperimental design and compared learning outcomes between an experimental group (n = 44) and a control group (n = 39) taught with traditional methods. Pre- and posttests were used to assess students' data literacy, sustainability attitudes and behaviors, and marketing competency. ANCOVA revealed that the experimental group exhibited significantly greater improvements across all dimensions than did the control group. Regression analysis confirmed the positive influence of gains in big data literacy and sustainability knowledge on marketing skill demonstration. Qualitative analysis of focus group data provided further insights into students' learning experiences and engagement with the SMBD curriculum. The results support the efficacy of the theory of change framework and active learning pedagogies in enhancing undergraduate hospitality students' competencies in three critical domains. The SMBD model offers educators a comprehensive, empirically validated curriculum for preparing future hospitality leaders to leverage big data for sustainable marketing in a rapidly evolving industry.