The walktrap algorithm is one of the most popular community-detection methods in psychological research. Several simulation studies have shown that it is often effective at determining the correct number of communities and assigning items to their proper community. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that the walktrap algorithm relies on hierarchical clustering because it was originally developed for networks much larger than those encountered in psychological research. In this paper, we present and demonstrate a computational alternative to the hierarchical algorithm that is conceptually easier to understand. More importantly, we show that better solutions to the sum-of-squares optimization problem that is heuristically tackled by hierarchical clustering in the walktrap algorithm can often be obtained using exact or approximate methods for K-means clustering. Three simulation studies and analyses of empirical networks were completed to assess the impact of better sum-of-squares solutions.
Forced-choice questionnaires involve presenting items in blocks and asking respondents to provide a full or partial ranking of the items within each block. To prevent involuntary or voluntary response distortions, blocks are usually formed of items that possess similar levels of desirability. Assembling forced-choice blocks is not a trivial process, because in addition to desirability, both the direction and magnitude of relationships between items and the traits being measured (i.e., factor loadings) need to be carefully considered. Based on simulations and empirical studies using item pairs, we provide recommendations on how to construct item pairs matched by desirability. When all pairs contain items keyed in the same direction, score reliability is improved by maximizing within-block loading differences. Higher reliability is obtained when even a small number of pairs consist of unequally keyed items.
In a cluster randomized trial clusters of persons, for instance, schools or health centers, are assigned to treatments, and all persons in the same cluster get the same treatment. Although less powerful than individual randomization, cluster randomization is a good alternative if individual randomization is impossible or leads to severe treatment contamination (carry-over). Focusing on cluster randomized trials with a pretest and post-test of a quantitative outcome, this paper shows the equivalence of four methods of analysis: a three-level mixed (multilevel) regression for repeated measures with as levels cluster, person, and time, and allowing for unstructured between-cluster and within-cluster covariance matrices; a two-level mixed regression with as levels cluster and person, using change from baseline as outcome; a two-level mixed regression with as levels cluster and time, using cluster means as data; a one-level analysis of cluster means of change from baseline. Subsequently, similar equivalences are shown between a constrained mixed model and methods using the pretest as covariate. All methods are also compared on a cluster randomized trial on mental health in children. From these equivalences follows a simple method to calculate the sample size for a cluster randomized trial with baseline measurement, which is demonstrated step-by-step.
Single case experimental designs are an important research design in behavioral and medical research. Although there are design standards prescribed by the What Works Clearinghouse for single case experimental designs, these standards do not include statistically derived power computations. Recently we derived the equations for computing power for (AB)k designs. However, these computations and the software code in R may not be accessible to applied researchers who are most likely to want to compute power for their studies. Therefore, we have developed an (AB)k power calculator Shiny App ( that researchers can use with no software training. These power computations assume that the researcher would be interested in fitting multilevel models with autocorrelations or conduct similar analyses. The purpose of this software contribution is to briefly explain how power is derived for balanced (AB)k designs and to elaborate on how to use the Shiny App. The app works well on not just computers but mobile phones without installing the R program. We believe this can be a valuable tool for practitioners and applied researchers who want to plan their single case studies with sufficient power to detect appropriate effect sizes.
Adolescence is a time period characterized by extremes in affect and increasing prevalence of mental health problems. Prior studies have illustrated how affect states of adolescents are related to interactions with parents. However, it remains unclear how affect states among family triads, that is adolescents and their parents, are related in daily life. This study investigated affect state dynamics (happy, sad, relaxed, and irritated) of 60 family triads, including 60 adolescents (Mage = 15.92, 63.3% females), fathers and mothers (Mage = 49.16). The families participated in the RE-PAIR study, where they reported their affect states in four ecological momentary assessments per day for 14 days. First, we used multilevel vector-autoregressive network models to estimate affect dynamics across all families, and for each family individually. Resulting models elucidated how family affect states were related at the same moment, and over time. We identified relations from parents to adolescents and vice versa, while considering family variation in these relations. Second, we evaluated the statistical performance of the network model via a simulation study, varying the percentage missing data, the number of families, and the number of time points. We conclude with substantive and statistical recommendations for future research on family affect dynamics.
The inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) approach is commonly used in propensity score analysis to infer causal effects in regression models. Due to oversized IPTW weights and errors associated with propensity score estimation, the IPTW approach can underestimate the standard error of causal effect. To remediate this, bootstrap standard errors have been recommended to replace the IPTW standard error, but the ordinary bootstrap (OB) procedure might still result in underestimation of the standard error because of its inefficient resampling scheme and untreated oversized weights. In this paper, we develop a generalized bootstrap (GB) procedure for estimating the standard error and confidence intervals of the IPTW approach. Compared with the OB procedure and other three procedures in comparison, the GB procedure has the highest precision and yields conservative standard error estimates. As a result, the GB procedure produces short confidence intervals with highest coverage rates. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the GB procedure via two simulation studies and a dataset from the National Educational Longitudinal Study-1988 (NELS-88).