The DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory (ARL) electric field “cage” generates a uniform E-field over a large working volume, along the lines of the IEEE-Std 1308–1994. The end plates are spaced farther apart than the IEEE standard field source, and the fringing fields are controlled by the addition of “guard tubes.” This chamber was originally constructed to calibrate and characterize electric field sensors, and it has been redesigned to support quasi-static electric field imaging applications. A planar array of sensors forms a grounded end plate of the cage and is used to measure distortions in the uniform field generated by the cage due to objects placed inside. However, the array itself distorts this field and introduces significant errors. Several modifications were made to mitigate the errors, including adding nonfunctional “dummy” elements, a border around the array, and a back plane behind it. The parameter space for these additions is very large, since the number of nonfunctional elements, the width of the border, and the size and placement of the back plane can all be tuned independently. Extensive computer modeling was used to explore this parameter space and test thousands of possible designs. The design chosen yields modeled absolute field errors over a 1.2-m × 0.8-m sensing plane that are less than 0.5 % for a uniform ambient field (empty cage), and less than 1 % for a sphere with a 0.5-m radius in an ambient field.