Stress is an increasingly dominating part of our daily lives and higher performance requirements at work or to ourselves influence the physiological reaction of our body. Elevated stress levels can be reliably identified through electroencephalogram (EEG) and heart rate (HR) measurements. In this study, we examined how an arithmetic stress-inducing task impacted EEG and HR, establishing meaningful correlations between behavioral data and physiological recordings. Thirty-one healthy participants (15 females, 16 males, aged 20 to 37) willingly participated. Under time pressure, participants completed arithmetic calculations and filled out stress questionnaires before and after the task. Linear mixed effects (LME) allowed us to generate topographical association maps showing significant relations between EEG features (delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma power) and factors such as task difficulty, error rate, response time, stress scores, and HR. With task difficulty, we observed left centroparietal and parieto-occipital theta power decreases, and alpha power increases. Furthermore, frontal alpha, delta and theta activity increased with error rate and relative response time, while parieto-temporo-occipital alpha power decreased. Practice effects on EEG power included increases in temporal, parietal, and parieto-occipital theta and alpha activity. HR was positively associated with frontal delta, theta and alpha power whereas frontal gamma power decreases. Significant alpha laterality scores were observed for all factors except task difficulty and relative response time, showing overall increases in left parietal regions. Significant frontal alpha asymmetries emerged with increases in error rate, sex, run number, and HR and occipital alpha asymmetries were also found with run number and HR. Additionally we explored practice effects and noted sex-related differences in EEG features, HR, and questionnaire scores. Overall, our study enhances the understanding of EEG/ECG-based mental stress detection, crucial for early interventions, personalized treatment and objective stress assessment towards the development of a neuroadaptive system.