Social cognition is a crucial capacity for social functioning. The last decades have seen a plethora of social cognition research in neurodevelopmental conditions, foremost autism and, to a lesser extent, ADHD, both characterized by social challenges. Social cognition is a multifaceted construct comprising various overlapping subdomains, such as Theory of Mind/mentalizing, emotion recognition, and social perception. Mechanisms underpinning social cognition are complex, including implicit and explicit, cognitive and affective, and hyper- and hypo-social information processing. This review explores the intricacies of social cognition in the context of autism and ADHD. Research indicates altered performance on social cognition tests in autism, compared to neurotypical groups, with social cognition alterations having a small but robust effect on the defining features of autism. The nature of such alterations in autism appears primarily in relation to implicit processing. ADHD groups show intermediate social cognition performance, appearing to be influenced by executive function difficulties. Social cognition varies with intellectual and verbal abilities and seems to improve with age in autism and ADHD. Social skills interventions in autism, and stimulant medication in ADHD have been shown to improve social cognition test performance, while mentalizing training effects in autism are less conclusive. A limitation of the field is that social cognition constructs and tests are not well delineated. Further, most research has been embedded in a nativist approach rather than a constructivist approach. The former has been questioned for ignoring environmental contributions, especially the dimension of mutual miscommunication between neurodivergent and neurotypical individuals.