The three-nucleon transfer (α, p) reaction has been analyzed within the framework of the full finite-range (FFR) distorted-wave Born approximation (DWBA) method at an incident energy of 31 MeV. To investigate the bound states of the 43Sc, 47Sc, and 51Sc nuclei for 8, 4, and 5 transitions, respectively, the four forms of the optical model potentials, such as Woods–Saxon, Michel, shallow non-monotonic (molecular), and deep non-monotonic (DNM) potentials are used. The three-nucleon transfer spectroscopic factors have been extracted for the observed angular distributions of the 40Ca(( alpha ), p)43Sc, 44Ca((alpha ), p)47Sc, and 48Ca((alpha ), p)51Sc reactions for all forms of the optical model potentials. The spectroscopic factors that have been obtained in different states of the 43Sc, 47Sc, and 51Sc nuclei are mostly consistent for all forms of the potentials. The (chi_{N}^{2}) values are computed for the α+ 40, 44, 48Ca elastic scattering and the (α, p) reactions with targets 40Ca, 44Ca, and 48Ca to evaluate the quality of the fits. The two forms of the non-monotonic potentials, namely the molecular and DNM potentials, give an overall satisfactory description of the elastic scattering and reaction data than the Woods–Saxon and Michel potentials. Moreover, in this study, the form factors of the (α, p) reaction on 40Ca have also been calculated for L = 1, 3, and 5 transfers.