Background: The rapidly emerging integration of both technological applications and environmental factors in physical activity (PA) interventions among older adults highlights the need for an overarching investigation.
Objective: This scoping review compiled the current literature and aimed to provide an overview of the role of physical, social, socioeconomic, and systemic environmental factors in technology-assisted PA interventions for older adults.
Methods: We systematically searched 6 common databases up to September 16, 2024, for original longitudinal studies (with at least one preintervention measurement and one postintervention measurement) that reported on the role of environmental factors in technology-assisted PA interventions for independently living, community-dwelling older adults. In a stepwise process, data on study characteristics (step 1), environmental factors and their role in the included studies (step 2), and intervention outcomes and effects by type of environmental factor (step 3) were summarized.
Results: A total of 8020 articles were screened, and 25 (0.31%) were included. Most studies were conducted in Europe (11/25, 44%), followed by North America (5/25, 20%), Asia (5/25, 20%), and Oceania (4/25, 16%). Social environmental factors were most often considered (19/25, 76%), followed by factors from the physical (8/25, 32%), socioeconomic (1/25, 4%), and systemic environment (1/25, 4%). Environmental factors were used as the outcome (8/25, 32%), setting variable (7/25, 28%), moderator or facilitator (8/25, 32%), and intervention component (3/25, 12%). In most studies (19/25, 76%), the intervention had a beneficial effect on the outcome of interest, and the included environmental factor played a supportive role in achieving this effect. In some studies, no effect (3/25, 12%), mixed effects (2/25, 8%), or adverse effects (1/25, 4%) of the interventions were reported.
Conclusions: This is the first comprehensive description of how environmental factors interact with technology-assisted interventions to increase or optimize PA in older adults. It was found that the investigation of environmental factors in this field is at an early stage. Environmental factors were found to play a supportive role in achieving beneficial effects of technology-assisted PA interventions, but the findings were based on a heterogeneous empirical platform. Still, certain aspects such as the application of virtual reality environments and social (or peer) comparison have shown significant potential that remains to be leveraged. A better understanding of intervention results and support in tailoring intervention programs can be provided through the inclusion of environmental aspects in technology-assisted PA interventions for older adults.
Background: Little is known about women's decisions around toileting for urination and how those decisions influence moment-to-moment behaviors to manage bladder needs. The new smartphone app "Where I Go" captures such nuanced and granular data in real-world environments.
Objective: This study aims to describe participant engagement with "Where I Go", variation in novel parameters collected, and readiness for the data collection tool's use in population-based studies.
Methods: "Where I Go" has three components: (1) real-time data, (2) short look-back periods (3-4 h), and (3) event location (GPS recorded at each interaction). The sample size was 44 women. Recording of real-time toileting events and responding to look-back questions was measured over 2 days of data collection. The participant's self-entered location descriptions and the automatic GPS recordings were compared.
Results: A total of 44 women with an average age of 44 (range 21-85) years interacted with the app. Real-time reporting of at least 1 toileting event per day was high (38/44, 86%, on day 1 and 40/44, 91%, on day 2) with a median of 5 (IQR 3-7 on day 1 and IQR 3-8 on day 2) toileting events recorded each day. Toileting most commonly occurred at home (85/140, 61%, on day 1 and 129/171, 75%, on day 2) due to a need to go (114/140, 66%, on day 1 and 153/171, 74%, on day 2). The most common reasons for delaying toileting were "work duties" (33/140, 21%, on day 1 and 21/171, 11%, on day 2) and "errands or traveling" (19/140, 12%, on day 1 and 19/171, 10%, on day 2). Response to at least 1 look-back notification was similarly high (41/44, 93%, on day 1 and 42/44, 95%, on day 2), with number of responses higher on average on day 2 compared with day 1 (mean on day 1=3.2, 95% CI 3.0-3.5; mean on day 2=4.3, 95% CI 3.9-4.7; P<.001). Median additional toileting events reported on the look-back survey were 1 (IQR 1-2) and 2 (IQR 1-2) on days 1 and 2, respectively. Overall concordance between self-reported location recording and GPS was 76% (188/247). Participants reported lower urge ratings when at home versus away when reporting real-time toileting (median rating 61, IQR 41-84 vs 72, IQR 56-98), and daily fluid intake showed a small to medium positive correlation with toileting frequency (day 1 r=0.3, day 2 r=0.24). Toileting frequency reported in "Where I Go" showed a small positive correlation with the frequency item from the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire (r=0.31 with day 1 toileting frequency and r=0.21 with day 2 toileting frequency).
Conclusions: "Where I Go" has potential to increase the understanding of factors that affect women's toileting decisions and long-term bladder health. We anticipate its use as a data collection tool in population-based studies.